Il-biznizsjuts inhallihom ghal tal-Labour

Published: March 4, 2010 at 12:28am
My famous court jacket

My famous court jacket

Everyone wants to know about my jacket.

OK, style mavens – you guessed right (not that it was difficult). It’s by Desigual.

The tal-wara l-muntanji people at Maltastar and Malta Today (same difference) think it’s a cheap carnival jacket bought from the kind of shop that has a large sign outside saying ‘New Arrivals’.

I imagine they don’t get out much.

I plan to wear a different Desigual coat or jacket to every court sitting between now and the onset of really hot weather, to give the Super One camera’peRRRRsin’ and Charlon Gouder a bit of a thrill in their otherwise boring lives, in which the only highlight appears to be one of Consuelo Herrera’s declasse parties full of trashy rejects and the demimonde.

I thought of wearing this one on Monday.


And maybe I’ll take this other one along too, packed away in my sister’s handbag, so that they can film me wearing one on the way in and another one on the way out. You know how easily confused those Labour parrots are.


44 Comments Comment

  1. Mario De Bono says:

    Desigual eh. Ghanda taste Daphne taghna! Thought they didn’t exist in Malta.

    [Daphne – They don’t. Exit in Merchant Street sells a few – very few – pieces. I bought mine in Amsterdam, London and – of all places – Bruges.]

    Of course the MLP would think it’s something out of Pawlu Curmi’s warehouse! They’d think Picasso was just another doodler.

    [Daphne – And that ‘Enzo Piano’ is just another architect.]

    Sadly, I’m too much of a rotund person to wear their shirts, but I just love their kids’ clothes.

  2. Carolina Herrera mil Venezuela(no relation) says:

    Isma hi, stop taking the p_ss. Minn iz-zikk hi Desigual? Ahna tal-Lejber minghand Polly and Esther nixtruhom il-miniskirts, you know, u d-dress consultant taghna hi Marleeen Mizzi.

    Daphne, you’ve got me in stitches. How do you manage to be one up on these idiots ALL the time. Did I say one-up? Make that a hundred up.

    • JF says:

      Carolina, dear
      Methinks that you’ve been in Venezuela for too long, or that your eyes are in stitches along with the rest of you.

      • Carolina Herrera mil Venezuela(no relation) says:

        JF, I suggest you google my name, Carolina Herrera, so at least YOU would know who I am and why I decided to back la senorita Galizia. But then I would not expect you to do something so basic. Very obvious you’re backing the wrong horse muchacho.

    • JF says:

      I don’t need to Google to know who Carolina Herrera is, thank you very much. In fact, I can tell you all about her work without even looking at Google – so don’t talk to me about basic. And this is not about backing horses. This is about you making stupid statements like that childish Polly and Esther one you made this morning, which quite frankly, is as basic as you can get.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    And the third picture (×300.jpg), I presume, is an illustration of your signature move for an “aggressjoni fizika”?

  4. Marku says:

    Dammit you’re having a grand old time, aren’t you?

  5. Mario says:

    Tibdili l-gurnata bit-tajjeb, Daphne. Kont naqtak antipatika imma nahseb li ma kontx nifhmek dak iż-żmien. Ta’ dan irrid inpattilhek billi bhal medicina intiek ftit informazzjoni kul tant.Tal-lum lesta. Haga ohra,tafdax il-mezzi tat-telekommunikazzjonijiet (kemm hi tqila din) ta dan il-pajjiz.

  6. Gahan says:

    Dressed to kill!
    Jien Bulldozer nilbes, minn fuq il-Monti, dak li jarma quddiem is-Suq , tghidx kemm hu orrajt.

  7. david s says:

    Is it true li aggredejt lil Gejtu Mercieca last night, because he was wearing a businessjut? No news abot this incident on Maltastar.

  8. About Desigual says:

    For those who do not know (and for those who cannot understand get someone to translate it)

    About Desigual
    Desigual is already something of a household name in Europe and its logo is a familiar sight. Positive attitude, happiness, unconventional, lack of inhibitions, emotion and involvement are the key brand values.

  9. Helene Asciak says:

    That jacket brings back as many good memories of the fun and fabulous time we had shopping in Regent Street as do our many private photographs.

  10. Ciccio2010 says:

    Daphne, I would advise you not to change your jacket before leaving, as Charlon Gouder will tell us that you purposely disguised yourself on the way out to escape his attention.

    Let them give Desigual some free advertising on one. I would wear the jacket with its price tag.

    In your sister’s handbag, I would instead carry something for armpit sweating, and I would block One’s camera with it, not with the handbag, next time.

  11. In case its cold says:

    This might also be a nice option.

    [Daphne – Yes, I have that one too, but I’m thinking I need something I can take off easily in front of the camera – not too many buttons – to reveal a specially made T-shirt with the slogan KULLHADD GHAL ALBERT TOWN MA’ CHARLON GOUDER and on the back UP YOURS, SUPER ONE.]

  12. Cameraperson says:

    I’d better be careful. This might be the next weapon and it’s bigger than me.

  13. Sexy Ho says:

    Let’s club together and give this magistrate a large gift voucher from Desigual. I’ve heard she likes nice presents, and boy, she certainly needs it.

    • jowsef says:

      Kieku dawk il-hwejjeg jafu jitkellmu, taf kemm joffenduha daqs kemm huma nkaxxati maghha. Halliethom bla nifs.

  14. Tim Ripard says:

    Bloody unfair! You wimmin get to wear glamorous clothes in court and we second-class citizens have to wear a sjut or a pale gold jacket and copper-coloured tie. And then you complain about inequality.

  15. G.Grech says:

    Lovely choice, I have been a great fan for about 3 years and wherever I find these clothes I buy them, the more colourful the better. Maybe Charlon is just jealous that he cannot wear them in public too.

  16. Frans Borg says:

    To be perfectly honest, I can see the connection between carnival, the Super One and the courts, just as they were one and the same.

  17. Frans Borg says:

    At first glance, I thought it was Custo.

  18. Frans Borg says:

    “And maybe I’ll take this other one along too, packed away in my sister’s handbag, so that they can film me wearing one on the way in and another one on the way out. You know how easily confused those Labour parrots are.”

    This blog puts many smiles on my face.

  19. pippo says:

    Imma l-isbah wahda tat- T shirt, Daphne. Ilni ma nidhaq wahda zmien u illum irnexxielek. Tista tghidli meta ser terga tkun il-qorti halli nigi nara ix-xalata li ser taghmel b’ Charlon ta’ Albert Town.

  20. Lou Bondi says:

    I came across Desigual in Barcelona this Christmas. As an unreconstructed retro guy, the whimsical nod to the late sixties – the best years ever in everything (ok, a slight exaggeration) – is irresistible. I bought Rachel the coat at the bottom above – black with those soooooo sixties circles.

  21. s fenech says:

    Ignore those criecer, Daphne. What do they know about clothes? Do you know whether Desigual has a line for middle-aged (well perhaps a bit more) accountants who would like to change their look?

    • Ciccio2010 says:

      S fenech, if you are above middle age, just stick to something simple – accountants are known to be prudent. As long as you avoid dressing up like Emanuel Mallia it should be ok.

  22. emanuel says:

    Daphne, jekk tilbes xkora ukoll tkun tixraqlek U mill-ghadd pozittiv u b’garanzija l-anqas jindunaw xi kwalita hi.

  23. Rover says:

    Daphne, you looked very elegant. Shame the lady in the miniskirt did not make an appearance, but with a backside the size of a continental shelf then perhaps she was advised to keep a very low profile.

  24. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Forget Desigual and go for conducted energy clothing. One News will get a nasty shock.

  25. Hot Mama says:

    You’re one stylish lady

  26. Borromini says:

    Your jacket is nice but we want to see your face also! You and your sisters looked stunning on Super One last Wednesday.

  27. Loredana says:

    The shop right beneath my office in Italy sells Desigual. I’ve got quite a few items, too. Sober wear for court, huh? Jekk trid xi summer top or skirt for summer court hearings, let me know your size.

  28. Guzeppi says:

    Il-mini skirt tal-facebook Desigual kien ukoll?

    [Daphne – Le. Desigual ma jaghmlux hwejjeg ta’ dak id-daqs. U l-hwejjeg taghhom ma jkunux hekk lanqas.]

  29. Jo Jo Xuereb says:

    Well done, Daphne. You’re not only an intelligent and outstanding woman, but you also have an extremly good taste.

  30. Simple Susan says:

    Fashion advice from these people is pretty rich considering some of the plastic fantastic things I’ve seen them wear!

  31. Maria says:

    You are a star!

  32. salvu says:

    hey Daphne you forgot your witches broom, it goes well with your fashionable outfits

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