Il-Black Shirts ta' Malta ma' Astrid Vella

Published: March 13, 2010 at 9:41pm
Oh my god, I thought it was Astrid Vella - now wait for the court usher at my gate

Oh my god, I thought it was Astrid Vella - now wait for the court usher at my gate

From Astrid Vella’s Facebook wall:

Astrid Vella
Join us at Valletta @10am for the ‘Legality Now!’ Rally against all environmental abuse including aiir pollution, water theft, destruction of heritage, the lack of public consultation on the Valletta Rehabilitation Project and the violation of Malta’s legally-binding Structure Plan. We will be meeting at Valletta City Gate. This is the time to STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. Uphold Legality! Join the Rally!
Yesterday at 5:25pm

Jo Meli
Last time I took part in such activity I was KICKED, PUNCHED and BEATEN UP by Lorry Sant’s minions way back November 23rd, 1985 !! Saviour Balzan, Natalino Fenech, what was ONCE Joe Azzopardi tan Numri, Sandro Bugeja and I were kept UNDER INVESTIGATION at the Police Headquaters and let off around 22:30 – as a punishment ! Just HOPE such violence will not happen again.

I shall be there no worry Bright Star of Maltese Enviorment Movement !
Yesterday at 5:30pm

Jo Meli
A Black-shirt is obligatory for me tomorrow ;)
Yesterday at 5:31pm

29 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Wow. Graffitti marching side by side with members of Imperium Europa.

  2. Leonard says:


  3. Alan says:

    Ave Astrid. Morituri te salutant.

    Xi hbieb ghandek Mrs. Vella. Prosit.

  4. Avatar says:

    La parola d’ordine è una sola, categorica e imperativa per tutti, essa già trasvola e accende i cuori dalle Alpi all’oceano Indiano: vincere. E vinceremo!

    (Well perhaps from City Gate to … City Gate?)

  5. Gahan says:

    “STAND UP AND BE COUNTED” . I counted 267 protesters, and that was near Wembley’s.

    By the time they were near Saint Francis Church around fifty had gone into McDonalds, and my thought was that things were getting out of hand for poor Astrid. By the time they reached Pjazza Regina the crowd dispersed to the coffee shops.
    No one dared reach Pjazza San Gorg, the walk-through fountain was dancing to Camilleri’s music.

  6. Grezz says:

    She must really have been pleased with Jo Meli’s “Bright Star” bit (his capitals, not mine).

  7. john says:

    Joe DVX Meli marched with Astrid to protect our heritage. NO to the destruction of our FASCIST gate. VIVA IL DUCE. F’ghoxx Piano.

  8. FAA-R OUT says:

    Those who stood up this morning have been counted. They were not more than 200 (and would not have filled Piano’s open air theatre which is opening in 2013). Will it be long before Astrid understands that it’s all over?

  9. Rover says:

    What a collection of weirdos. What is a fascist doing in a supposedly environmental rally? And what were the Ramblers moaning about? I cannot see the connection unless they were all out for a walk to make up the numbers.

  10. pippo says:

    Water theft?? Din taf ghaliex kontra taghha? Ghax dawn huma il-gabilotti li jiehdu dan l-ilma biex isaqqu il-haxix, fosthom il-gdur, u ghalhekk ma tridx li jkun hawn gdur ghajr hliefa.

  11. pat says:

    Jien rajt lin-news u malli dehru dawk l-erba purcinelli u dik il-belha ta’ Astrid bdejt nidhaq, ghax ghidt f’ qalbi, “Mur ara x’ se taghmlilha illejla fuq il-blog dik l-ohra!”

    Imma, skuzi ta, mhux huma jistiednuha? Zewg tuzzani nies f’dak il-maltemp li kien, bil-lasti ta’ xkupi f’ idejhom? Mhux bil-fors twaqqahhom ghaz-zufjett? U biex taghqad ghandha accent wisq tad-dahq meta titkellem bil-Malti. Poor soul.

  12. Brian says:

    Just the crowd I would have wished for back in the 80s. I bet they would have formed a phalanx to face the SMU and its cronies. Oh what short memories!

  13. Ciano says:

    Joe, grow up – or is it to late now? The 1985 events should have taught you a lesson. There is no difference between red shirts or black shirts. They use the same methods to suppress freedom of speech. That’s why you felt at home when you contested on behalf of Labour.

  14. A.Charles says:

    Ms. Daphne,
    Your blogs are sheer entertainment and eye-openers.

  15. gugu says:

    Jekk Astrid trid ambjent ahjar tmur tinqafel Ghawdex u ma tersaqx quddiem nies. Thallina bi kwietna.

  16. Mark says:

    Mario Philip Azzopardi (was he in drag at yesterday’s protest? – I thought I recognised him) wants a theatre that mirrors our national soul – and he’s actually surprised that Norman Lowell agrees? Of course he does, it’s ‘spot on’ (as Lowell put it) far right gibberish.

  17. M Borg says:

    Gugu…..what are you implying?? That we Gozitans are a lower class? By no way, my dear friend!

    • Isard du Pont says:

      No, he means that Astrid, who has a house in Gozo, should lock herself up there and leave the rest of us alone.

      But yes, you’re right in that he wasn’t thinking of you who live there. You probably don’t want her either, whining her way round Marsalforn and Oleander.

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