Il-karozza ta' Vince hdejn id-dar ta' Cons u Musumeci

Published: March 5, 2010 at 10:30am

From policeman to close friend of a magistrate and architect - boy, have I come up in the....island

Is Siggiewi now the fulcrum of the demimonde? Vince Micallef’s car was parked just a few metres away from Cons and Musumeci’s house yesterday evening.

Perhaps he was at a ‘salon’ (no, not the kind where you get your hair done).

Vince Micallef is one of the policemen-turned-lawyers (the other is Andy Ellul, Sharon Ellul Bonici’s brother) who asked the police to investigate me for ‘slandering’ Charlon Gouder tas-Super One.

And all because I asked him whether it’s true that he was robbed by a prostitute in Albert Town and filed a police report afterward. Apparently, the only journalists who are allowed to ask questions are those from Super One.

When I do it, it’s harassment and slander.

So here’s another question, and this time it’s for Consie’s friend the policeman-turned-lawyer, shown here at her 45th birthday party: ‘Vince Micallef, why was your car parked outside Magistrate Herrera’s and Robert Musumeci’s house yesterday evening?’

16 Comments Comment

  1. Banquo says:

    Labour’s deputy leader Toni Abela has written an article to defend the magistrate and attack you.

    [Daphne – The Labour Party is INSANE to tie its flag to Consuelo Herrera’s mast. The fall-out from fighting her battles in public and private will be enormous. The Nationalist Party has detached itself completely from Robert Musumeci, and he is (was?) one of its politicians. Consuelo Herrera is not a Labour politician, merely the sister of one, and yet still the Labour Party rushes to her defence without even having the full information at its fingertips. Or worse, it knows what I know and still defends her. Not only is the Labour Party failing to do the magistrate any favours – because it is furnishing more grist to the mill and publicising its close association with her when magistrates are supposed to be politically impartial – but when the truth comes out the Labour Party will be damaged for trying to defend the indefensible while attacking the individual/s who wish to expose the truth of all this sleaziness. From a public affairs point of view, what Labour is doing is disastrous to its ends. It has nothing to gain by going into battle for Consuelo Herrera, and a whole lot to lose. It is being tarred with the same brush already. When further details emerge, what is the party going to do? Drop her like a hot potato at that stage? Carry on defending her? It’s incidences like this one that serve to remind me how strategically unschooled the Labour Party is. Perhaps by now Toni Abela has discovered that Marisa Micallef should be transferred to the Labour Party’s social housing policy advice desk – if it has one.]

    • Banquo says:

      But why do you consider it insane, if you yourself have said elsewhere that Joseph Muscat is an habitue, a denizen of the magistrate’s parties?

      The PL is not insane – rather, it would seem they are indirectly defending their leader… don’t you think so?

      [Daphne – Not at all. There are no friends in real politics. It’s not a drinking-club or a Freemasonry lodge. You do what has to be done. If one of your ‘friends’ is about to cause you some major political damage through his/her own ill-advised actions, you cut him/her loose and back off. Political parties are not there to defend the friends of their leader or MPs. They are there to serve the interests of their electors.]

      • Banquo says:


      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Wrong assessment of the situation, Daphne. Labour is merely following the principle of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”. You are their enemy (arch-nemesis more like), Scerri Herrera is your enemy, therefore they are standing by her. She also happens to be the sister of a Labour MP and the éminence grise behind a Nationalist backbencher’s mutiny, so the loop closes, and the whole thing has a satisfying symmetry.

        [Daphne – Not quite, Baxxter. The real reason they are sticking by her is that if she goes down, she takes several people with her. Labour and Consuelo are playing a zero-sum game here. Instead of lowering the stakes, they’ve raised them, having shortsightedly reasoned that if they manage to squash me then they can maintain the status quo with side benefits of having me out of the way. The better strategy would have been to stay out of it.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Let’s put it this way, then: You’re the unifying figure which brings together the disparate anti-PN factions. Sort of like Attila who brought together Romans and Visigoths and Burgundians in an attempt to defeat him. The lady everyone loves to hate. And because you’re perceived as “tal-pépé li ma temminx u favur l-abort”, you’re fair game across the whole political spectrum. Not many liberals in this country, I’m afraid.

        P.S. Why did Wann Njuz insist on “l-opinjonista etc etc, TA’ HAMSA U ERBGHIN SENA”?

        [Daphne – Because they think that I try to look younger than I am, like all the women they’re accustomed to, not realising that it’s genetic, that the black hair doesn’t come out of a bottle, that the skin tone is my own because I’ve never worn foundation make-up, and that it runs in the family because the sisters who were with me are 44 and a few months shy of 40. Oh, and the only reason they know how old I am is because I say so myself – all the time. Let’s put it this way, I have a son who’s 24 today, which would make it a little difficult to run about town claiming to be, say, 36. Another reason – 45-year-old women in the media are supposed to do television morning shows about mejkupp and curtains, not interfere with current affairs and politics. That’s the realm of men and of young women in swimsuits collecting money for the Labour Party on Comino, after which they turn 35 and are put out to grass. Another reason: they know that I have a huge audience in the 16-24 bracket: their much-desired ‘new electors’ and it frazzles them. Maybe they should work out what I’m doing right, and what they’re doing wrong.]

    • Alan says:

      They are a bunch of lemmings.

    • Alan says:

      “When further details emerge, what is the party going to do?”

      … they will look in the mirror and wonder why on earth those feathers are sticking to them.

    • erskinemay says:

      I thought the truth was out already…

      [Daphne – Kemm hemm izjed, jahasra.]

  2. Adrian says:

    This is just the start of Labour’s election campaign, which appears to be named ‘Let’s see if we manage to lose again’.

  3. mark v. says:

    Does anyone have a clue what might happen to this country if Labour, with its present administration, comes to power? I just have Spain in mind. We all know Joseph just loves Zapatero, and that place isn’t in good shape.

  4. In a way you’ve disappointed me Daphne. I belong to the generation that had faith in the judiciary, high-ranked police, politicians, union officials, media executives, top journalists.

    We admitted that one or two might have a discreet affair but that was all. You’ve sure brought me down to earth with a bang.

    • Hot Mama says:

      You should be grateful not disappointed Marika Mifsud for Daphne’s sheer guts in exposing such filth…and at her expense!

    • Adela says:

      I had faith that free tertiary education for all would rid the next generations of the likes of Ronnie and Jason within the PL. But it seems not to be. ALthough the young ones have picked up that a university degree would make you look more acceptable so they’ve all joined the law course (are the stakes so low these days for reading law?)
      The lines of distinction between party allegiance/so-called journalism/law are seriously blurred maybe even non-existent at this point.

  5. Flossy says:

    Agree, Adela, that is what one would hope for – but unfortunately providing free education does not raise the intelligence bar.

    Our university is just providing certificates that are worthless in all areas not just law, churning out students who can barely understand a concept or communicate it with proper terminology or basic spelling. Many of them (unlike my two-year-old) don’t even know that the word ‘atrocious’ exists….really sad.

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