Is Astrid Vella really away?

Published: March 25, 2010 at 5:15pm


She wasn’t at the MEPA hearing, but she’s busy posting comments on

Her most recent comment was posted there five hours ago, when the people she’s been egging on were actually sitting at the hearing raising objections on her behalf.

And where was she?

Surely not in Singapore with a couple of chopsticks.

43 Comments Comment

  1. Mark C says:
    Catch it if you can!
    With the on-growing multiculturalism and ever increasing mobility across countries, we couldn’t think of something better than to put you on a plane and send you off to face a lifetime opportunity!

    U Vera Pajjiz tal catch me if you can! Tidhqu bin-nies. Ippostjaha hero jew viva censura attaparsi demokrazija bhat times

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Mark C,

      I knew you were a pathetic loser the way you expect to be handed everything without working for it, but this takes the cake!

      Traitors to whom may I ask?

      You are a pathetic, racist, ignorant excuse for a human being like all racists!

      Sejjer tarah il-Papa? I’m sure all the other racists will be there too to show how Catholic you all are.

    • required says:

      How is it treachery to try and help immigrants settle in?

      Malta made commitments to help asylum seekers, and while they are here, I’m sure that they could do very well without comments like yours.

      It’s people like you and Malta’s sweetheart Igalea who are the real problem in this country.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Mark C

      What do you know? Any time now, blacks will be wanting to ride in the same buses as whites. We can’t have that can we?

      Actually the integration project is a good idea which is long overdue. I support it wholeheartedly and hope it will be the first step towards a change in mentality among people like you.

      For the record, the Kirkop Local Council, which is participating in the project, is led by a PL majority so your scream of “tradituri PN” is a good example of prejudice and misplaced hostility.

    • Marku says:

      Xil-qahba qed tipprova tghid Mark C?

      • Mark C says:

        Pn couldn’t thing of something better than to send a plane to african immigrants during an economic recession to replace Maltese citizens. If that’s not betrayal apart fom the fact tat Pn is always trying to hide and distort facts, I don’t know what is. Now you can even build a Golden Pyramid for all I care I will never vote Pn. And so will anyone who loves this nation and wants to preserve the maltese race. But I guess you all hate your own race so much you’de rather make it a tomato soup of races. Or is for economic convenience.

      • required says:

        Mark C

        Had you looked beyond the website’s homepage, you would have realised that the company actually works within the context of the European Union’s Leonardo Da Vinci program.

        Scroll down to page 10

      • Corinne Vella says:

        ‘Maltese’ denotes a nationality, not a race. No doubt, you’ll be disappointed to find out that many members of the races you despise are Maltese.

      • Grezz says:

        Maltese is not a race. Maltese people are caucasian.

    • Snoopy says:

      MarkC – another coconut!

      This EU-funded project is made up of three partners:

      1. The Malta European Mobility (MEMo) – is a privately owned Limited liability company
      2. Fondazzjoni Sir Temi Zammit – as the names implies a Foundation – NGO
      3. Kirkop Local Council – LP run local council

      Can you tell me where the PN comes into this – even though as a PN-leaning person, I would have expected a PN-run council to have taken the initiative?

      But you have to be a large, empty, rotten coconut not even to realise that the project is about social integration of regular (and thus as you would most probably describe – legal) immigrants.

  2. dudu says:

    lgalea(1 hour, 28 minutes ago)

    • required says:

      I know, Iposted a comment on the board calling him a bitter old man, but The Times didn’t publish it.

      I really don’t understand why publishes his comments – they aren’t opinions; they are just abuse.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      BECAUSE IGALEA SAID SO, OK????????!!?!?!?!??

      Igalea is working hard on integrating with the human race.

      • Marku says:

        Two people in one day giving him advice on how to vent his obvious frustration.

        lgalea(3 hours, 14 minutes ago)

        J. Farrugia(2 hours, 51 minutes ago)
        My what a pleasant personality you must have to be writing such obnoxious comments like this! May I suggest a few days at a spa to calm yourself down?

        Ron Saliba(1 hour, 43 minutes ago)
        This is integration of REGULAR migrants. READ PROPERLY before making such stupid comments, and why use CAPS? If you are so frustrated go out for a walk or something.

      • Matt says:

        That IGalea needs to go shag something, and fast.

      • Andre says:

        Not doing a very good job of it, it seems…

    • ciccio2010 says:

      I do not see how The Times publishes his comments, when his name is not written like a proper name, and I understand this is a requirement for The Times. Then, he is there, everyday, answering every other comment on each article, letter, post.

  3. david g says:

    Mark C , could you or anyone from the Labour camp tell us how you are going to solve the present and future challenges facing Malta, being deficit,water and electricity tariffs, irregular immigration etc?

    Also, do you think that once you start addressing these challenges you will be able to please everyone, because till now we only get assurances that all Maltese will be in heaven once Labour is elected.

  4. Il-Cop says:

    Mark C, I ‘thing’ you are confused. What a 24 carat plonker!

    • Karl Flores says:

      Mark C. could do with a couple of anti-depressants to raise his serotonin levels, now especially, that he has the POYC at his disposal thanks to GonziPN.

      • Karl Flores says:

        And Mark C. . . . .
        the magic bullet to solve the immigrants issue is?
        the ———– do———– the water and electricity cost is?
        the ———–do———— to solve unemployment is?
        the ———–do ———– to solve the deficit is?

        Leave it to Beaver, maybe?

  5. jomar says:

    david g, don’t hold your breath. The Labour Party’s vision is very clear – ‘Elect us and then you’ll see’. How can one go wrong?

    Int qatt xtrajt hut fil-bahar? Zgur li mhux ha jghidulek x’ghandhom f’mohhom ghax kieku lanqas hafna minn taghhom stess ma jivvutawlhom.

    Jinqabdu f’mitt gidba w mbaghad iridu min jafdahom! U l-“Partit Inklussiv, Moderat u Progressiv” (PIMP) ihaddan lill uhud bhal Mark C, Twanny et al!

  6. Mark C says:

    @ALL. Thanks for all the insults just becuase my opinion differs from yours. Says a lot about you. I’m not so uncivilsed so I won’t bother replying.

    • Corinne Vella says:

      That was information, not insults. Maybe you find information insulting?

      • Mark C says:

        It was insults. Information? Hah! really rich coming from people who immediately prance on people calling them racists, trolls, pathetic losers and an ignorant excuse for a human being just because they can never understand their anti-immigrant sentiment. Don’t you feel like hypocrites? Corinne I don’t care any orchestrated information, I’m not hysterical, but I’m aware that it might seem hysteric to you. What’s next do I need therapy simply because I wish that my countrymen/women remain Maltese and not a hodge podge of afro-maltese. I don’t mind Europeans and I will tell you why, it has nothing to do with race. I voted for Eu so I was well aware of Europeans coming to Malta. I love Europe. But I nevr voted for an African Union and this is what you will all get. I hope you’re proud of yourselfs, you sacrificed this country (sold), our soldiers(war), and now you’re sacrificing the last thing you had, our people(promoting immigration from africa now). You couldn’t be more treacherous and deceitful.

      • David Buttigieg says:

        “What’s next do I need therapy simply because I wish that my countrymen/women remain Maltese and not a hodge podge of afro-maltese.”

        Yes, and fast!

      • Mark C says:

        That is your opinion David. Respect mine.It has nothing to do with race but socio-economic, is it the right time.
        Security wise. The Maltese Froga Way
        The anti-democratic attitude is growing. People can’t have opinions without being investigated, watched, harassed, probably hacked into and phone tapped (who knows really). The civil liberties, unconstitutional methods, privacy, anonimity they are all being sacrificed. Call me whatever you like then. My opinion will always be based on what I research. Have we come to a time where talking amongst 4 people and saying something the state doesn’t like you will risk prison. On the net we do the same thing we communicate, sometimes loosing ourselves into disattached personal opinion and feelings. Are we to crush that civil liberty to have an opinion about a politician, a policy, a law, a magistrate, a reporter, another person irrispective of who who is and let the state tap in our phones, our forum conversations, our youtube opinion, our ‘tseksika’ round the corner. To me it sounds like big brother taking over.

    • David Buttigieg says:

      Mark C,

      Racial hatred is not an opinion.

      An opinion I can tolerate but you crossed the line when you spewed such vitriol.

  7. david g says:

    Mark C I did not insult you, but only asked you a decent question. If you do not reply, am I to believe as Jomar outlined that there is no real solution or commitment from the labour camp to solve what they describe as catastrophe.

  8. joseph p says:

    She stayed away because she must have realised that Miriam Cremona would make a fool of herself. It has been all downhill for FAA following the miserly attendance to their protest.

  9. tat TWO NEWS says:

    Mark C

    Issa halli nara, tghid dik il ‘big C’ x’tindika li hu Mark, specjalment meta wiehed jara kif jirraguna.

  10. tat TWO NEWS says:

    Dawn il-kummenti kollha, u xorta wahda hadd ma qal fejn tassew kienet Astrid fil-hin tas-seduta tal-Mepa dwar – fost affarijiet ohra – it-teatru..

  11. Andre says:

    Ignorance is bliss, I guess… at least you’re his hero, Daphne.

  12. Riya says:

    Tinkwetawx dwar l-immigrazzjoni illegali. Issa jitla Joseph Cuschieri fl-EU u jsolvi kollox hu. Dak zgur ahjar min Simon Busuttil ghax Laburist.

  13. Riya says:

    Aqta kemm se jaghfas buttuni.

  14. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Mark C, u l-MLP x’se jaghmel ladarba jkun fil-gvern? Jiddeporta lill-immigranti kollha u jmur kontra l-kredenzjali socjalisti tieghu?

    • Charlie Bates says:

      Winston Churchill once said that socialism is the equal distribution of misery. How right he was and the comments by MLP followers on these blogs are very evidently the distribution of their inadequate situation.

  15. ciccio2010 says:

    Daphne, your Raid has worked.

  16. vaux says:

    @ Charlie Bates

    Just to be objective, at times, political passion blinds. We need to reflect. This does not mean we have to change our political convictions – en passant Churchill did slip at times as well; he called Mahatma Gandhi “a mad demagogue dressed in shreds”.

    • Charlie Bates says:

      Yes he said it, but his definition of socialism has been proven without doubt in history to be very true.

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