L-gherf tal-Maltastar: Renzo Piano has promised the prime minister a cut
March 27, 2010 at 6:04pm
“Does the prime minister Gonzi have any commission for the project of Renzo Piano? If so, this explains all.”
-the Labour Party’s news portal, Maltastar, today
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Surely that’s a comment from the public. If we were to judge the Times of Malta by the comments many of its readers express online, it would not be for any skip.
The comment is more articulate than the editorial content, but the outlook’s the same.
“Leader” and “More leader” aren’t any more coherent than that comment.
I thought that Renzo Piano was the one commissioned by the Prime Minister to do this project, not the other way round.
Smart thinking. They’re asking Maltastar for an answer, so that means they’ll get the one they want.
This takes the biscuit though. Possibly the whole confectionery.
the night rider 1979 – 27 March 2010 08:07
How the system needs to be arrainged in the near future and about those workers and other emplyoees whom are on duty after the closing time they cannot vote if they want to send a lesson of angry to government and looks as its partisan in favour ruling government- shame pn and the election heads
Under http://www.maltastar.com/pages/r1/ms10dart.asp?a=7997
They don’t understand the wisdom of that ancient Maltese saying “If you don’t understand, is better to don’t try”.
“..send a lesson of angry..”
This takes the whole of Consolidated Biscuits…I mean, consolidated really.
Memo lil functionaries :
Suggett: Ajv got e laverli bunc of kowkownazz
Hija r-rieda tal- Leader illi naghmlu ‘outreach’ ghall dawk l-imgienen kollha li m’humiex qeghdin ta’ Frankuni u noffrulhom impjieg fl-ufficini tal-Matlastar.
A very valid question indeed, especially since they know first hand how their ministers operated in the 70s and 80s. So they expect everyone else to do the same, under the table deals, in order to justify the widespread corruption during their sixteen years from hell.
They are so deep in raw sewage.
Sharon Ellul Bonici assumes she has a stalker, and assumes he is a man.
Kevin, please tell Sharon that my parents named me Valerie because I am female, and things just pop up on my Facebook wall.
Louis Busuttil:
DCG likes to think of herself as a serious political commentator, when – in reality – she is a muck-raking, small-minded bully. To target public figures and mock their dress-sense is pathetic. To compare them to muppets and to resort to name-calling is childish and undignified of her.
February 19 at 12:05pm
Dear Louis, what do you think of the undignified behaviour of Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera?
Way back her contemporaries knew her as Miss Piggy, hence Kermit.
Since when are Zurrieq and Bubaqra Nationalist strongholds, as reported by Maltastar?
Mhux li kien insiru fortizza Nazzjonalista! Ghal min ma jafx, hawnhekk hawn xi 70% Labour.
Daniel Genovese:
I found a good qoute for our friend Daphnie:
“It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.”
Mark Twain
February 18 at 4:55pm
Dear Daniel, your qUOte is better suited to you. Daphne is certainly not stupid.
Maltastar hija ezempju perfett ta’ dak li Joseph Muscat isejjah “medjokrita.” How embarrassing! It is definitely not an example of “L-aqwa fl-Ewropa.”
I think it’s time for Maltastar cease.
The Prime Minister has a commission. It is called the Commission for the Administration of Justice. And we hope he puts it to work. “This explains all.”
Lovely orangutan – an endangered species, like honesty in the Labour Party.
Marlene tisthajjila tal-Born Free.
Lovely primate.
“Shame” int, night rider, ghax lanqas kelma ma fhimt. Jien m’ iniex xi “Daphne” bl-Ingliz, imma int orrur. Nahseb li dan ghadu zghir, ghax , tiskanta, tmur fejn tmur fuq l-internet, meta jiktbu iz-zghar(mhux qed nghid KULHADD ta, imma kwazi) il “punctuation marks” donnhom m’ ghadhomx jezistu iktar.
Jibdew sentenza u jibqghu sejrin, ma jahlux hin. Mhux kwistjoni ta “spelling mistakes” biss issa. Jien, veru, irrid naqra xi haga hekk, mill inqas tlett darbiet biex nifhem.
Daw nahseb jahsbu li Renzo Piano m’ ghandux x jaghmel. U mn`Alla konna ahna il Maltin tajnieh BICCA XOGHOL, ghax kieku mejjet bil-guh. Ghandna xorti accetta dan, ghax skoss xoghol ma kullimkien ghandhu.
Hasbuh xi “bum” jaghti il-commissions u id-discounts. Lilna qed jistenna. X’ mentalita baxxa, imma kif qatt ma nitghallmu?
Kullhadd ighid ic-cucati.
Din titghannaq ma’ xadinu. L-ohra ma tridx tirrizenja. L-ohra ma tmurx ghall-laqgha tal-MEPA.
Forsi ahjar jekk in-nisa joqghodu d-dar? Jaqtaw figura ahjar.
What zobic mentality.
I pity these people – for f**k’s sake, it is the year 2010 and we are churning out people who write like this? Our TCN workers in Saudi are better at articulating a sentence than they are, and English is not one of the their official languages.
The reason why these people are in opposition is their sick way of thinking. Does Gonzi get a commission from Renzo Piano? Mela Gonzi Laburist?
You must be very thick-skinned to have such things published before having it vetted by someone who at least had been to school at kindergarten level.
True, but what is really worrying is that no traffic or environmental impact assessments were required for this project by MEPA.
Now everybody can say that they are not required for their projects.
Of course Renzo Piano promised the PM a cut. He needs this job badly to pay the utility bills and make both ends meet. What a bunch of coconuts! But then, this is their way of thinking and acting both past and future. And this is what they crave for without a shadow of a doubt. ‘Em xi televixin sinjur’? ‘U mela le hi, hamsin lira biss’.
The Prime Minister is definitely clean. Ministers might require some control, but it’s unfair to accuse PM
While Maltastar’s comment takes the biscuit, Joseph Muscat’s this morning comes a close second – that Gonzi should call a general election if satisfied with the hamlet election results.
Mela l-elezzjonijiet issa jibdew isiru meta joghgob lil Joseph Muscat? Mhux kull hames snin isiru u meta jasal iz-zmien taghhom? Ma jidhirx li hu ghattxan ghall-poter il-boy?
Maltastar, Sunday 28 March 2010, quotes Rev. Peter Serracino Inglott, which the paper describes as a “highly erudite professor, as “he said that on the part of the government things were not set out in the way that such matters are normally carried out.”
I can’t believe the reverend professor would have said that.
But it also said that: “Professor Serracino Inglott said that the ideal solution would have been a roofed theatre. His exact words: “I think that this solution is better than nothing, but, is it the right solution? I believe that it is not an ideal solution. If the plans included a proper roof, the plans would have been good enough”.”
At this point, does the Reverend want a solution, a right solution, an ideal solution, or a good enough solution?
I am starting to believe he truly said all the rest, as reported by Maltastar.
[Daphne – Who cares what he said? I mean, really.]
Re the Piano plans – have Labour detailed their plans for City Gate? They only shot down Piano’s. Let’s have them, Muscat.