Marisa Micallef – sidelined already

Published: March 25, 2010 at 6:47pm
No, actually that's a coconut - Saviour Balzan made off with my wedding tackle because he'd mislaid his

No, actually that's a coconut - Saviour Balzan made off with my wedding tackle because he'd mislaid his

What did I tell you, dear readers?

That it wouldn’t be long before Labour found out that its hot public affairs contract with Marisa Micallef was actually a bit of a bummer.

Five months in and, as Kurt Farrugia’s email told the nation, she’s been sidelined to ‘housing’ already. It’s the one thing she knows about. But it’s not worth the money they’re spending.

Interesting, isn’t it? The Labour Party has ended up with a housing consultant it doesn’t need, and paying her more than the chairman of the Housing Authority.

What a bunch of idiots, honestly.

35 Comments Comment

  1. The Bus Conductor says:

    Where does the Labour Party get the money to pay Marisa? Minn dawk li jaghtu d-donation u lanqas ghandhom biex?

  2. minn_mars says:

    Maybe from an outing in Comino.

  3. minn_mars says:

    BTW – outing IN Comino is Maltastar grammar.

  4. E.Muscat says:

    @The Bus Conductor : x’tahseb li huwa id-‘deal’ mal-MEPs tal-mpl?

  5. Samantha says:

    Ma niflahx ma nghidiex imma jekk dik il-medjokrita ta’ reporters tal-One TV u l-istazzjon jigi ivvutat “l-istazzjon tas-sena “, mela l-istazzjonijeit l-ohra x’inhuma?

    Il-vera m’ghandniex biex niftahru hawn Malta!

  6. Camillo Bento says:

    Flus? Ghalfejn flus. Jew b’xejn jew xejn. La ftit mill-hafna la hafna mill-ftit…….xejn. Mhux hekk Marisa? U issa ha naqleb ghal Red Touch ghax qalu li b’xejn. Issa daqshekk.

  7. jomar says:

    U dawn ghanhom ekonomisti bhal Prof. Scicluna, Joseph Muscat u Charlie Mangion u hadd minnhom ma jaqla daqs Marisa kieku mhux ghax jaqilghu hobzom jew mill prattika professjonali taghhom, jew fil kas ta Joseph minn fuq dahar il-partitarji.
    Mur gibhom kiehdu hsieb il-finanzi ta Malta kemm il-falza stikka jiehdu u wara jwahhlu fil-hofor li sabu!

  8. Louis Xerri says:

    More than being sidelined on housing issues, I think that the fact – as it transpires from the email – that ‘the leader’ does not communicate with her directly, when she is supposed to be his advisor says a lot. A leader’s personal adviser is further up the line than the party’s communication’s director, so something must be very wrong.

  9. Andre says:

    I wonder if Daphne would be interested in exposing a far worse scandal on this website on this other sorry excuse for a woman…

  10. Riya says:

    Ghandkom zball hbieb.

    Il-flus mis-sistema tal-‘bulk buying’ igibuhom ghax dik ideja tal-profeta li ghadhom kif lahqu. Jew forsi ideja ta’ xi anglu li waqa’ mis-sema.

  11. pat says:

    Daphne, tahtafniex please ok? Lesta nammetti li jien injoranta avolja niddejjaq. Jien ma nafx what Red Touch is uff. What is it ghid?

    [Daphne – Red Touch is the mobile phone subscriptions sold by the Labour Party. It’s one of their attempts at going into business and failing miserably.]

    • John Schembri says:

      Daqs dawk riklami!

      • Hmmm says:

        No. Just an uncompetitive MVNO service. They expected to hook all the traffic through Labour Party supporters phones. Now they’re asking those supporters to hook up with them as an act of charity.

  12. ciccio2010 says:

    Is that Kurt Farrugia, the one who sent an internal email to All? I think the photo explains why he sent a subsequent email with a lot of CYA tactics…

  13. Pat Zahra says:

    How we use language reveals so much about our mindset. Calling Muscat ‘il-Leader’ is a chilling revelation. It shows that Kurt Farrugia, at least, has lost sight of who and what Muscat really is, and has elevated him to the rank of He Who Must Be Obeyed. Farrugia has forgotten, or has never learned, that our elected leaders are there to be scrutinised and judged by us at all times. This moist-eyed adoration does not become any one with pretensions to intelligence.

    • Vanni says:

      Spot on Pat. When I read the post the same thoughts crossed my mind. Furthermore if one had to translate the title ‘il-Leader’ to German, one gets ‘Der Führer’, and we all know what a marvelous, exemplary chap old Adolf was. That ‘il-Leader’ actually allows others to refer to him so is, apart from being a major cringe, also a pointer to how weak his personality is.

  14. Albert Farrugia says:

    Regarding the “Leader” appellation may I just chip in to say that, contrary to what happens in the LP, within PN HQ among PN officials, party leader Dr Lawrence Gonzi is NEVER referred to as “il-Kap”. Absolutely never, not in speech, not in emails, not in speeches, never. This is important to know so that the absolutist and totalitarian nature of the LP might be better recognised.

    • Sigra ta' Guda says:

      The fact that Muscat himself never publicly objects to being referred to as “il-leader” simply goes to show his acceptance of the reference and all that it represents. Most importantly, it is probably his “I’ve arrived and am untouchable” feeling, and that it is “all about him”.

  15. michael carabott says:

    Load of cods… Albert, sorry mate, you are very wrong. Working in the media, I have lost count of the times I have heard (and read in emails and press releases) the phrase il-Kap tal Partit Nazzjonalista. Just as much as the deputy PM is known as the Vici Kap. To be frank, I don’t see anything wrong with a simple title. It is when a title is abused that the worry sets in.

  16. Rita Camilleri says:

    The Leader – horrible images of China and Korea. U il-flus gejjin mill-coffee mornings u il-bingo.

  17. Il-Cop says:

    That is the picture he sent with his ‘resimay’ to Mossad. Dirett minn Kemmuna.

  18. Norma Borg says:

    Jixtieq ghandu dak il-gisem Mr Kurt Farrugia.

  19. Albert Farrugia says:

    @michael carabott
    I rest my case.

  20. michael carabott says:

    That makes no sense whatsoever…

  21. Michael says:

    Forsi minn ghand xi kuntrattur li ha xi kuntratt pubbliku.

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