Now let's try to work this one out

Published: March 10, 2010 at 11:48am
Oh dear God, I thought you were Robert because you're both wearing white shirts.

Oh dear God, I thought you were Robert because you're both wearing white shirts.

What could have possessed Magistrate Herrera to say under oath that one of the ‘sleazy policemen’ I described as having sent her drinks and who then joined our table, after which she proceeded to flirt with them, was Michael Cassar?

Oh by the way – because I don’t have the time or patience to go back to the original blog-post – had I told you that she also left with them, after first telling us that her husband had won a good appointment, and here, she’s going to ring him and pass the phone around the table so that we can all tell him ‘Congratulations, Lawrence’?

I wondered why she did that at the time.

I had barely spoken to the good doctor twice in my life, and there I was, bum-rushed into telling him ‘Prosit’ over his wife’s phone. Now I realise what a good alibi it was for somebody who planned to spend the rest of the afternoon with a couple of people in plain clothes.

But back to her testimony, and what in heaven’s name she might have been thinking of.

1. She thought I don’t know Michael Cassar and would have been unable to contradict her in court.

2. She thought Michael Cassar would knuckle down and bear her out – the powers ganging up on that bitch Daphne and protecting their interests – because that’s the only kind of behavioural code she seems to understand, a network of people with ulterior motives who do each other favours and scratch each other’s backs.

3. She thought I didn’t know the identity of the policemen, because I kept that bit up my sleeve knowing full well that she would walk straight into the trap and pretend it was somebody else (she may not know me, but boy, do I know her). I don’t know the identity of one of them, that’s true, but I sure as hell know the identity of the other one.

4. She might have thought fingering Michael Cassar was a calculated risk, that the benefits of naming a respected and high-ranking police officer would outweigh what she might have seen as the tiny risk of his denial. Consuelo Herrera has always been cunning rather than intelligent or bright, and her great error has been to confuse the two attributes, seeing herself as an intelligent person, rather than as merely a cunning and conniving one.

5. Because her standards of behaviour are so hopelessly corrupted (this is not a reference to money or bribery) and incorrect, she missed the essential point of my argument: that she accepted drinks from policemen in a restaurant, invited them to our table, and flirted with them. That these policemen were sleazy makes the situation worse, but it would have been completely unacceptable even if they were not sleazy.

Michael Cassar understands this, which is why he is so angry. Consuelo Herrera does not. “The policeman from whom I accepted drinks in a restaurant and who I called over to our table – let me conveniently fail to bring up the matter of flirting with him and possibly also leaving with him – was Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar, Sur Magistrat.” Oh, so that’s all right then.

6. Consuelo didn’t suddenly remember that it wasn’t Michael Cassar after all. That’s hardly credible. She’s had weeks to think about this, so only a fool would believe that she had false memory syndrome for six weeks and then suddenly got a brainstorm while lying in bed at night after swearing to the ‘truth’ under oath earlier that day.

No – she would have read my blog-post late on Monday night, in which I categorically denied that it was Michael Cassar and said that it was police inspector Patrick Spiteri, who was later thrown off the force and prosecuted for taking protection money and stealing a firearm from police headquarters. At that point she realised that I have perfect recall of the situation, know the identity of one of the policemen, don’t know the identity of the other but can swear that it wasn’t Michael Cassar, and her plan was about to blow up in her face. That’s when she panicked, and waited until morning to ring Assistant Commissioner Cassar.

7. Should she have rung him directly herself? No. This was completely out of order. But Consuelo Herrera doesn’t understand this because she is totally inured to the idea that there are correct standards of behaviour. Look at the way she was raised, for heaven’s sake, and by whom. What do you expect? The apple never falls far from the tree. And over all these years that she’s been a magistrate, nobody has tried to bring her into line, so she’s been pushing the boundaries further and further. Michael Cassar didn’t ring her himself and give her a bollocking for lying about him under oath. He followed correct procedure, wrote a formal letter to the Chief Justice, rang his office for an appointment, and delivered it. That’s what Magistrate Herrera should have done. But in her world, what you do is ring the person and try to get him on your side because it would be ‘wortit’.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Tim Ripard says:

    Don’t think they’d have been in (plain) clothes for long…

    • Michael A. Vella says:


    • Claudia says:

      That’s the problem when somebody’s earned themself a reputation of the wrong kind – They end up with jokes of this sort being made about them.

      • Corinne Vella says:

        …which makes you wonder what kind of reputation they’re trying to protect when they get the police to prosecute for defamation.

  2. Alan says:

    All nails on the head as usual Daphne. There is no way in hell that Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera could have had a case of mistaken identity.

  3. Geoff says:

    “Delusive lying: This type of lying is of worst nature because it is harmful to others. It is highly deceptive in consequences with utmost bad intention of cheating others and avoiding punishment.”

    • Delusive Liar says:

      So now she wouldn’t be just a liar but a delusive liar.

      Delusive lying: This type of lying is of worst nature because it is harmful to others. It is highly deceptive in consequences with utmost bad intention of cheating others and avoiding punishment.

  4. Alan says:

    ” ……and saying that it was inspector Patrick Spiteri, who was later thrown off the force and prosecuted for taking protection money and stealing a firearm from police headquarters.”

    You forgot to add that she is also the Magistrate before who he was arraigned. Shock shock horror horror. M’gharfitux lanqas lil dan.

  5. Chelly says:

    The woman is effing unbelievable, and no, I am NOT referring to Daphne.

  6. Roberto says:

    Is Patrick Spiteri, the same one who was Superintendent of Valletta (before his removal)?

    [Daphne – No idea, but there can’t be two of them.]

  7. La Redoute says:

    Point 4 – Maybe it should be pointed out that it’s not the sort of fingering one is likely to suspect whenever she and a policeman enter the same conversation.

  8. Alan says:

    Skuzawni nies, imma issa ha ninfaqa. Ilni naqra gimghat shah, ilni inzomm lura, imma din il gidba fahxijja kbira wisq.

    Kief il madonna tista thawwad il bniedem bhall Michael Cassar, ma ragel illi accetajt drinks minghandu, izzufjetajt mighu fuq il mejda, tlaqt mighu, unbghad gie mixli quddiemhek.

    Mur saqqi il hass tal Masra Consie, u ipprova bellahha lil xi hadd iehor jekk jghogbok.

    There. I feel better.

  9. Joe Vleggeg says:

    Do we know whether Cons has been suspended from her duties. That is the least we expect pending verification of all that is and has been going on both in her private as well as in the carrying out of her duties.

  10. Genoveffa says:

    I am stunned. If she wasn’t 100 percent sure that it was Michael Cassar – why on earth would she have mentioned his name? Imisshom jaghmlu hekk all the people testifying before her, where they’re not sure or don’t remember they just implicate innocent people. DIN QED TIGGENNEN -AND YET SHE DOES NOT RESIGN! DISGRACEFUL!

  11. taxpayer says:


    • John Schembri says:

      Taxpayer, it’s useless pointing your finger at Dr Carmelo – he cannot do anything. God forbid if he had the power to fire a magistrate!

  12. vonmises says:

    She didn’t only lie, but she played around with the facts with malicious intent.

  13. Progressiv Moderat bil-Pedigree says:

    I am expecting Joseph Muscat, now that he is back from Porque-rolles, to roll up his sleeves, and bring a motion to Parliament to suspend the magistrate and remove her from office, not demanding a free vote. He should then send out several invitations to the parties, MaltaToday, Super One, IGM, GWU, Graffiti, MUT et al, to have one national protest in Valletta, walking from the Tritons (pay attention to the back of those buses) to the Courts, to demand the resignation of the magistrate, with everyone singing “Power to the people” between one bite of a maqrut and another.

  14. Marku says:

    So because the magistrate claims that you insulted her outside of court you end up interrogated by the police. But when the magistrate’s testimony in court is immediately shown to be a lie nothing happens. Is this the way things should be?

    • La Redoute says:


    • Alex says:

      That’s Malta for you, infested with bloody bureaucrats. Tajba, allura in the civilised world, if a doctor makes a pass at or sleeps with one of his patients, he is struck off the medical registrer. Then in Malta you get slime like this who cannot be impreached. Can you imagine what the court would have been like had Noel Arrigo/Patrick Vella not been pressured into resigning?

      • La Redoute says:

        She can be impeached, but that means her brother’s party would have to vote for impeachment too.

        And that would happen only once there’s a motion for impeachment.

  15. Jo says:

    Il-forka ghall-isvinturat, jghid il-Malti. Mela magistrat taghmel dan kollu u mill-awtoritajiet “qiesu” (forsi qed isir xi haga u ma nafux) ma gara xejn – vergni pura – u titthalla tahdem bhas soltu.

    Imma jekk xi haddiem jirraporta tard ghal xi drabi tonqoslu l-paga – kif suppost. Mid-dehra Malta hawn zewg tikjil.

    • rayBOND says:

      Jien ilni nsegwi l-kitba ta’ Daphne snin u ghalkemm il-komportament taghha bosta drabi ma jinzillix, pero nammira kemm hi cara u diretta fl-opinjonijiet taghha, xi haga li fin-nisa Maltin b’immagini pubblika hi assenti ghal kollox.

      Rigward dan l-argument vis-a-vis il-magistrat Consuelo Maria Goretti, rrid nifrah u ninkoraggixxi lil Daphne tal-kuragg li qed turi biex tikxef il-hafna ipokrezija u redikolagni ta’ bosta nies u prattici pubblici f’pajjizna.

      Nistaghgeb jien mhux bl-agir ta’ dawn il-bravi fil-makkakkerija, ghax min dawn dan biss nistenna, pero bl-arci bravi li poggewhom f’pozizjonijiet daqsekk sensittivi, min jaf ghall-liema raguni. Lil Joe nghidlu li mhux il-forka ghal izvinturat, pero aktar kustjoni ta’ MIN HEXA MEXA U MIN MA HEXIEX INHEXA!!

      • N.L says:

        Min ma hexiex jibqa moralment b`sahtu u jimxi b`wiccu l-fuq hajtu kollha u ma jiddejjaq minn hadd.

  16. gugu says:

    The more Her Honour tries to clear her name, the more she makes mistakes.

  17. r.borg says:

    Artiklu vera investigattiv u miktub b’mod analitiku immens. Prosit!
    J’alla jitwarrbu dawn in-nies li jahsbu illi lahqu s-sema u m’hemm hadd li jista jwaqqafhom. J’alla l-politici jiehdu lezzjoni minn din il-kummiedja!

  18. Mario says:

    Il-Pulizija kienet pronta tibghat ghalik fuq allegazjoni li ghajjartha giddieba imma xhieda falza ikkonfermata minn ufficjal fil-korp stess ma gara xejn! Dan kaz ta “Two weights two measures’?

  19. Kekka says:

    Miskin il-lover boy. X’kanna bela’. Fiha l-hobz! Allura nghid jien, din ha tibqa magistrat u suppost min jidher quddiema jirrispettaha?

  20. Pip says:

    Michael Cassar, by his own admission, is a family man who doesn’t socialise . Hasn’t even heard of Pippo.So it is highly unlikely that magistrate Herrera mixed up the occasion.The man just doesn’t get around. Additionally the magistrate is too well acquainted with Michael Cassar professionally to plead mistaken identity.No lapsus here. Just a malicious lie by any count.I don’t know how she is going to wriggle out of this one. As Daphne said lying has become second nature to her. Her xenata is just a case of la verita offende.

  21. pippo says:

    jien taf xnghid. wake up gudikatura, wake up prim imhallef, wake up commision for justce, and last but not least wake up sur presiden ta republica u haffef laqqa dik il kummisjoni u hudu azzjoni ftakkru issa hemm il provi li hadet zball u xehedet falz,ghax ser ingibu ir republika ta malta, republika tal banana
    f`gieh is sewwa

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