Roderick Galdes tries to stop Astrid video at MEPA hearing

Published: March 25, 2010 at 6:25pm

34 Comments Comment

  1. The Bus Conductor says:

    Drat, with hindsight I should have taken a morning off and filled one of those many empty chairs. Just for my personal amusement, that is.

  2. John Dimech says:

    Maybe Astrid was not there …. but someone with the same IQ and accent was representing her.

  3. maryanne says:

    “Il-MEPA hija awtonoma” – Roderick Galdes. Imma fejn jaqbillu jehel Lawrence Gonzi.

    • FAA-R OUT says:

      U fejn jivvota kontra xi permess ta’ xi progett nazzjonali, ikun pront ifakkarna li hu ir-rapprezentant tal-Partit Laburista.

  4. The Bus Conductor says:

    Seriously though, Astrid’s handful of supporters have a right to know why she was not present (in person that is – not on the big screen) at the MEPA hearing this morning. Come on, Astrid, put them out of their misery. After all you begged and pleaded with them to come to your Legality Now Saturday morning protest.

    • jomar says:

      “Seriously though, Astrid’s handful of supporters have a right to know why she was not present …”

      Have what right? Not if she hires them by the hour just to make it look like she has a crowd when in fact they are not her followers at all and you could fit them all in Gambrinu’s snack bar!

    • Silverbug says:

      I have a sneaking suspicion…perhaps, as Daphne says, she is not abroad and, given that she is spreading the word that she wants to be on the MEPA Board, avoided attending so that she would not have to irritate the government – so Miriam Cremona is doing the dirty work for her instead.

  5. embor says:

    Prof Ian Refalo spoke during the MEPA meeting about the use of policies relating to legality. Someone told me that at one point Miriam Cremona actually said that Prof Refalo does not know what he is talking about.

    Is there any one reading this who can confirm? If it is, it is really a case of these people thinking they are experts on everything under the sun.

    • Silverbug says:

      confirmed. Actually she said that everyone was linguistically challenged in the room.

    • Whoa, there! says:

      Embor: Professor Ian Refalo is one of Malta’s foremost commercial law experts. He is probably the most respected in this field and his authority on the subject is undisputed and his track-record in the field is a shining example to whoever engages in this particular branch of the law.

      Despite this – and this can be said of most lawyers – this does not make him necessarily an expert in the various intricate planning and heritage legislation AND the complex maze of EU directives on the matter.

      On the other hand, I know of many public officers who are experts in certain branches of the law – for example, taxation – and who are consulted by lawyers.

      Likewise, people like Miriam Cremona of FAA is well versed in her field of heritage conservation and planning legislation. It has to be noted – if memory serves me right – that the lady has also served on government-appointed bodies like the Valletta Rehabilitation Project.

      So, really, I would not be surprised that in certain instances, people like Miriam Cremona – who unlike lawyers – concentrates on very specific aspects of the law – can indeed know more about the topic than even the most qualified of lawyers if these lawyers do not live and breathe the complex maze of specialised branches of the law.

      • embor says:

        @Whoa, there!

        Your comment makes me weep. It is the apex of stupidity. It is this mentality which makes people think that people like Ms. Cremona and Ms. Vella are experts when in fact they have no idea what they are talking about.

        If you know how to ride a bicycle, it doesn’t mean you can fly a jumbo jet.

        It is also ridiculous to suggest that Ms. Cremona is knowledgeable in planning and in law because she was a member of a government board.

        If you do not believe a professor of law, you can take it from me: the way Ms. Cremona uses and interprets policy is wrong both from a legal and a planning point of view.

  6. tat TWO NEWS says:

    Astrid’s handful of supporters have a right to know why she was not present (in person that is – not on the big screen)

    Ghaliex xi hadd pespsila min qabel li sejra tkun ‘featured’ fuq l-iskrin?

    Imma b’dana kollu, xorta wahda l-membri tal-FAA ghandhom dritt ghal-spjegazzjoni – anzi kif ukoll tal-Birdlife, tal-faxxisti, ukull minn idendel mal-FAA fil-protesta li saret il-belt ftit granet ilu. Kieku kienet tassew ‘Leader’ tajba kienet taraf li tkum hemm fost niesa fil-jum tal-battalja.

    Man, Boadicea she certainly ain’t.

  7. ciccio2010 says:

    Yet another attempt by those of the Labour camp on the freedom of expression. Shouldn’t Astrid’s voice be heard in her absence? What was wrong with MEPA listening to what she had to say on tape?

  8. Mazokista says:

    Typical of the PL they don’t want to listen to the truth – because the truth hurts.

  9. john says:

    Well – it’s all over bar the screeching (or is that scraching?) of the FAA ladies.

  10. Antoine Vella says:

    Roderick Galdes “xtaq iqajjem rimarka” (wished to raise a remark) and wanted an official explanation of how “the government” had inserted a video clip into MEPA’s computer system. This was a sign of orchestration he thundered, while MEPA should be independent.

    This “system” consisted of a projector that could be plugged into any laptop. As someone from the Board explained, the same “system” had previously been used by three other entities during the same hearing, i.e. the projector had been plugged into three different laptops and Roderick Galdes had not even noticed.

    This explanation apparently made no impression because Galdes once again repeated his accusation in an interview on Maltastar. He complained that this “tixhed l-imparzialità tal-bord” (bears witness to the impartiality of the MEPA board) and was, of course, an intolerable situation. He also said that the Labour Party “ma kellniex ċirkostanza ħlief li nivvutaw kontra” (we had no circumstance but to vote against).

    And the FAA representative at the hearing had the imagination to call Professor Refalo linguistically-challenged

  11. Silverbug says:

    Bloody drama queen…qisu kien jaf x’kien fih id-DVD ghax milli fhimt jien ic-chairman ta ruling li ma setghax jintwera…allura ghala qomos daqshekk Coconut Galdes? Sar knight in shining armour ta’ STD issa ukoll!

  12. James A. Tyrrell says:

    I see all the usual suspects are here talking the usual rubbish. Apart from sticking up for Daphne who never does anything wrong have you anything else in your sad lives? By the way Daffy did your sister get over that hair lice infection? Oh and I have to say I was surprised to see that topless photograph of you on the Internet. Well not surprising in the fact that there wasn’t actually anything to put a top on so to speak but considering the way you are always attacking the morals of others it was a bit of a shock! Can’t wait to hear your comments once you’ve seen it.

    [Daphne – If there is a topless photograph of me on the internet, James Tyrell, then it’s not my body. But then you should have guessed that if, as you say, there isn’t much to put a top on. Oh, but I forget that you’ve never seen me in real life. I realise that somebody your age might not understand how Photoshop works, which is probably why you think Kurt Farrugia wears a lime green thong and has a great body (or a monkey’s). What I don’t understand is why an Irishman who is so bored in Gozo that he spends all his time bitching and interfering in local issues on the internet doesn’t just pack up and go back home to County Antrim. Life in Northern Ireland is SO much more exciting, with all those people killing each other over religion and politics. For a retired – sacked? – policeman you have a rather odd attitude, a sort of mix of obsessed stalker and pervert with quite palpable suppressed sexual violence. The Gozitans had better lock up their chickens.]

    • Anna says:

      and their sheep

      • john says:

        How do Gozitans practise safe sex?
        They paint a red cross on the back of those sheep that kick.

      • Dolor says:

        Don’t lump “the Gozitans” with the likes of James Tyrrell. He is, after all, in a class of his own, though for all the wrong reasons.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      The Royal Ulster Constabulary wasn’t a real police force as we understand it. Instead of enforcing law and order RUC officers were often in collusion with Loyalist paramilitary gangs. Rather like our own police during the Socialist years, only worse.

      • Karm says:

        Perhaps James Tyrell finds it convenient to wipe away his history, hide out on Gozo and throw his weight around with the peasants and natives who haven’t a clue as to what he’s running away from.

    • Karm says:

      And their cows and their women and their sons.

      Oh, and seeing that he’s an ex-policeman, maybe there’s one particular woman who might find him appealing. Then again, he’s too old for her liking.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        I wouldn’t bother locking up the women. Close examination of everything he posts on the internet reveals that he has problems in that department. I’d think seriously about locking up those chickens, though – and just to be on the safe side, pre-pubescent boys, too. The holes in the walls can look after themselves.

      • La Redoute says:

        “I have always preferred older women to some giggling immature teenager even when I was a teenager myself!”

        quote, James A. Tyrell, County Antrim, Gozo

    • Malathion says:

      Hair lice infection? What sort of English do they speak in County Antrim? The word you’re looking for, Tyrell, is infestation.

      I suspect that Daphne’s sister (sorry about this, Helene, but I know you can never be described as tall) was just delighted to see somebody even smaller than she is: Super One cameraman Byon Jo Zammit. Blink and you’ll miss him. In fly-on-the-wall documentaries, he’s the fly.

    • Leonard says:

      James A. Tyrrell. Unusual name for someone from North Korea.

  13. Hmmm says:

    James Tyrrell has supporters:

    “I think you should stop bullying this gentleman, whoever he is. He is a guest in our country and as such is entitled to our courtesy. Whatever his opinion he has a right to express it just like all the people in this blog. Let us not lose our heads and criticise constructively please.”

    [Daphne – ‘Let us not lose our heads and criticise constuctively please’; and the panda eats, shoots and leaves.]

  14. James A. Tyrrell says:

    You people are so easy it’s a joke. All I have to do is wind you up and set you down and you run around Daffy’s little blog like headless chickens talking a lot of rubbish. I mean all this stuff about why was Astrid Vella not at the hearing. Why would it be necessary for her to be there? Astrid Vella is not FAA. As I understand it from what others have said Astrid Vella is on holidays with her family. Is she expected to drop everything and rush back to Malta in order to hear a decision, which has already been taken before the hearing started?

    Also wasn’t FAA represented at the hearing by Miriam Cremona who is more than qualified to speak on the subjects in question especially given the fact that she was involved in the Valletta Rehabilitation Project? Oh and yes I do have my supporters but then that’s hardly surprising is it given the fact that even Daffy has a few!

    [Daphne – ‘Headless chickens’: a porn snuff movie for James Tyrrell of County Antrim and Qala.]

  15. La Redoute says:

    James Tyrell is so easy, he’s a joke. We don’t even have to wind him up, and here he is running around like a headless chicken, leaping to Astrid Vella’s defence, even though he’s a tourist who lives in County Antrim, and not Gozo.

    Oh, and he has his supporters. My, my. Do they all wear one of these?

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