Roderick Galdes votes against the Valletta project
March 25, 2010 at 2:34pm
The Labour Party’s representative on the MEPA board has voted against the Valletta project. This is the same man who voted FOR a block of flats in Balzan’s historic village core.
Roderick Galdes also kicked up a stink when the public affairs people from Austin Gatt’s office tried to show a video clip from a year ago, in which Astrid Vella spoke IN FAVOUR OF the Renzo Piano project qabel ma bidlet id-diska biex issir daqxejn famous.
I’ll get hold of the clip and upload it later.
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Good for him.
That’s right, Twan – the makings of a Labour hero.
I thought he only voted no for ODZ buildings.
Iva Twanny, good for him, imbasta kontra. Gloom and doom.
The same Roderick Galdes that in the past week voted against a project for resons it being outside ODZ; and yet the previous week voted for the Seabank expansion.
“Kontra”? Not at all. IN FAVOUR of good sense, in fact.
So much for individuality!
Skond ir-rieda tal-Leader!
You are right – all the Gonzi appointees voted in favour of the project.
It’s too much to expect consistency from someone appointed by the PL.
Didn’t one of the triad say that the PL do not have a leader but a “mexxej”? I think it was Toni.
Ivvota kontra ‘tal-Hudra’ hej! That’s the family nickname by the way. It also makes a good anagram does it not.
If I am not mistaken John Attard Montalto and Jose Herrera wrote or expressed themselves publiclly that they were in favour of the City Gate project. Is it true?
[Daphne – John, yes, but I don’t know about Jose. Perhaps shouting ‘F’gh*xx Gonzi’ on stilts is a tempting experience.]
Jista’ Rodrick Galdes jiddikjara l-lejalta’ tieghu lejn min hi, jekk hux lejn l-employer tieghu jew il-parti li jhaddan?