Sandro gives money to Labour "to strengthen democracy" – u le, jahasra
From an article in Malta Today (2007), in which property developers were asked whether they gave money to political parties, and if so, to which:
Sandro Chetcuti, who owns and manages Sandro Estates, also openly admits to donating money to political parties.
“In the past I helped the PN with reasonable figures,” he explains. “Sometimes I used to give them Lm100, and at the time I felt it was always appreciated.”
However, the contractor hints that times have since changed: “However, my impression today is that they no longer seem to appreciate this kind of contribution.”
Perhaps surprisingly, Chetcuti claims that his contributions go towards Opposition parties. “I prefer giving money to a party in Opposition, because I believe democracy must be strengthened.”
Asked which parties he means, Chetcuti claims that he has financed more than one Opposition party, but declined to specify which.
Ghatihom mitt lira il-PN, hej – u ha ghalih ghax ma qaluluhx ‘tenkju il-men’. U mar jigri ghand My Dear Joseph (and thank God for that).
‘He has financed more than one Opposition party, but declined to specify which’. This wahda ghal Einstein, nahseb.
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It would be interesting if he “financed” AD …. “Property developer, very well known in the business for his dodgy way of acquiring property and permits alike, finances green party”.
This guy is the ultimate chav. Seriously. Supposedly married with kids, he goes around flaunting his Ferrari and acting as though he has become some guru in politics, finance and economics.
And reality is that he is still the same low-life who can’t hold a decent conversation.
Heqq…. He could have financed the Imperium, Alpha or Alternattiva, Daphne….
After all, considering he’s a developer, he may have been drawn to the Imperium’s claims towards the demolishing of all of Malta and the construction of arcologies or a pyramid in the centre of Malta!
[Daphne – There has only been one party in Opposition since 1987, except for that brief 22 months in 1996 to 1998. Or didn’t you know that the Opposition is defined by the Constitution?]
I remember hearing Sandro Chetcuti speak at a conference on Mepa and sustainable development a few years ago. He said that when a development is going on and there are protected trees in the vicinity, Mepa should pay the developer to protect those trees because otherwise they might be accidentally “touched” by a bulldozer and . . . well, then one might as well continue building over them as they would be dead and there wouldn’t be anything to protect.
He is desperate for attention, fame and endorsement by ‘society’. He even got himself a part in Eileen Montesin’s show Becky, in which he got to flaunt his Ferrari and act out his Miami Vice dream.
Sure has attention now.
Iggieled ghall-liberta, Sandro. Ghandna bzonn id-demokrazija!
Democracy has nothing to do with donations to political parties.
Donations are a means to an end and, more often than not, a means of getting places without having to sweat it out.
Developer or whatever he did to make all this money I do not care, but sometimes or perhaps many times I just wonder how people like Sandro make all this money – I would rather investigate people like him.
He expects the government (the taxpayer) to intervene (fork out money) in the falling price of property.
In Britain they have Lord Ashcroft, in Malta we have Sandro Chetcuti financing political parties and supporting democracy. Sandro goes one step further by screeching his wheels outside the Junior College to endorse his love of democracy.
This afternoon he has allegedly expressed his everlasting love of democracy by beating up Vince Farrugia. Sandro and the magistrate know each other well and they meet up at birthday parties. Sandro is also a stalwart of the Labour Party business forum and a facilitator of dinners with Joseph Muscat where more intense love of democracy is expressed.
I was under the impression that he is single.
And why would that be?
No he is not single; he is married with kids.
If you are or were married Grez would you go to night clubs in Paceville? So one assumes that he is single. That’s what I heard anyway.
Daphne. What a week! Lying, half-truths, perjury, obstruction of justice, blaspheming the P. M. in parliament, and now thuggery. You have exposed a sick and sickening bunch of Neanderthals. The ‘alternative government’?
I have more than one brain, but I decline to specify which.
Is this the same Sandro Chetcuti who managed to obtain a permit for a block of apartments in a bungalow zone of Santa Maria Estate? And when he can’t sell enough to finance his debts, expects the government to give him financial perks and preferential tax treatment?
Ma nahsibx li Sandro kien qed jghin lill-AD ghax kieku b’mitt lira kienu jirduppjaw il-voti.
Isn’t this Sandro the guy who used to take part in Eileen Montesin’s play of ‘Becky’ some 4 years ago?
The reasoning of these people rings a few bells, doesn’t it?
godfrey grima(13 hours, 53 minutes ago)All men who treasure Vince’s great asset- the ability to make his point, win loose or draw, on the national stage- condemn this shocking act of violence.I wish him a speedy recovery- if for no other reason he still owes me lunch. I too know Sando Chetchuti and can’t imagine what drove him to loose his temper in this manner.
Joseph ( Joe) Grima(14 hours, 30 minutes ago)This story makes me doubly sad and sorry because I know both the individuals involved. Vince may be controversial but he is a man of argument not violence. I have known Sandro for several years. Never have I seen him in a moment of anger let alone violence. As far as I know Sandro Chetcuti is still the Chairperson of the Construction section of the GRTU. I am just wondering what must have triggered off such unnatural behaviour.
[Daphne – I can’t believe that Godfrey doesn’t know how to spell ‘lose’. Or Chetcuti.]
Does Sandro drive a Ferrari?
So the GRTU punch up was not motivated by allegations of political espionage and the Labour Party had nothing to do with it.
Right. And my name is Richard.
Charles J. Buttigieg(1 hour, 11 minutes ago)
Can anybody with a grain of brain power put the violence which was exercise recently on the GWU’S high official at the PN’s doorsteps? I don’t. Why then are people with more brain power associating the dastard physical attack on the Labour Party if it were not for cheap and dangerous propaganda? This sad incident had absolutely nothing to do with Politics,its all about internalal politics with a small ‘p’.
I am a known strong Labour supporter and hates violence; if I were a violent person and commits a physical crime does it make it political ? In a reverse situation,if I were a prominent Political Party official and gets physically abused by a neighbour or in a bar,would I be correct to claim political violence unless I am a rabble rouser or a cheap propagandist?
Is this guy moderate, progressive or just plain aggressive?
“Sometimes I used to give them Lm100”
Because that really was going to make or break the party.
Charles if you really hate violence how are you a labour supporter? Labour in Govt has always always been associated with violence. If you are too young to remember pls refer to past papers or books or ask Daphne
Charles J Buttigieg is not too young to remember. He proudly voted Labour even in 1987.
Aktar ma titħawwar il-borma b’ maref imburgati t’omerta mħallta m’ anarkija minn naħa tal-partiti politiċi, aktar nikkonvinċi ruħi biex id-dokument tal-vot jitpoġġa fil-qieħ tal-kexxun fid-dlam. L-ebda politiku ma jixraqlu l-vot tieghi. U kellmti qatt ma mort lura minnha.
Kieku min ma jivvutax nimmultah €500. Kull min jitla’ fil-gvern jitla’ ghal kulhadd. Jekk irid, pero’, wiehed jista’ jmur jivvota u jikkancella l-vot. Imma trid tmur tivvota. Ghalhekk carcru demmhom l-antenati tieghek biex tivvota u mhux thalli l-vot fil-qiegh tal-kexxun.
Il-vot ghandu jservi biex wiehed itella’ biss nies integri u jhalli barra lil dawk korrotti huma min huma. Wara hames snin wiehed ghandu cans jinduna min huma dawn. Ghax anke fl-oppozzizzjoni wiehed jista jkun korrott, u mhux min naha tal-gvern biss.
Dawn il-korrotti li qraw is-silta tieghek ghadhom joghrku jdejhom bis-sodisfazzjon tal-kontenut tieghek. “Vot iehor favur taghna” qed jghidu.
Tghid mhux vergni INT?
[Daphne – Ovvja li miniex, ghax ghandi tletti tfal. Labour: they really know how to argue their case.]
haha – look at this: they never mention him by name…as if no one knows.
It would be interesting to tell us the contribution towards the country he has made through the payments of taxes throughout the years.
Alla jbierek ta l-Orrizont ma giethomx l-informazzjoni mis-sorsi taghhom min hu l-aggressur ghax ma semmewx ismu.