The Herrera-Ellul Wheels Within Wheels

Published: March 13, 2010 at 1:37am

30 Comments Comment

  1. free falling says:

    He does’nt seem convinced with his endorsement or, possibly, he was not prepared.

  2. Gahan says:

    Niddedika din il-poezija lil-protestanti ambjentalisti tal-lum. Naqa’ comic relief kif tghid Daphne.

    Ibda minn 14:30 .

  3. Paddy says:

    Looks like Herrera-Ellul Wheels within Wheels, has been removed, because it is not downloading.

    [Daphne – No, it’s fine. Try refreshing.]

  4. Riya says:

    Kemm qedin sew dawn in-nies. ‘Nahdmu biex nirbhu l-elezzjoni generali.’ Tridu tirbhu bla programm.

  5. Isa says:

    Important hafna li hi mara….

  6. TROY says:

    Din faccola ohra: l-ewwel kontra l-EU u issa Alla jbierek favur. Falza bhal lis-scarf.

  7. Riya says:

    Nemnuh lil Dr. Herrera jew bhal ohtu dan?

  8. kris says:

    “Timilita fil-Partit Laburista” ma stajtx nsib definizzjoni tahha dil-kelma imma nimmagina li tigi min “militant”.

    [Daphne – In English, ‘to militate in’]

    Tal-lejber jharsu lejhom infhushom bhala suldati tal-partit: qedin 2010 u dan hu tad-dahk jew tal biki skond kif thares lejha.

    Tal-biki iktar hi li dawn in-nies kienu kollha kontra l-Ewropa (u ghadhom, imma ma nidhlux fija alissa, dik, il-quddiem nisimaw iktar) u kollha mindu dhalna fl-Ewropa saru nies.

    Hallina Sharon u herrera (tajms 2), Toni u Angelo allahares titilaw fil-gvern ghax teqirduh pajjiz, Intom u dak il-pupazz li ghandkom (li jhobb il burgers) li qas ideja ta’ xinhu jaghmel m’ ghandu.

    Kif tista ma tivvotalomx il-dawn in-nies?

    Bongu, Daphne.

  9. Riya says:

    Dawn ghall-paga biss imorru fl-EU. Ghax qatt ma’ jaghmlu xejn hlief hsara lill-pajjiz.

  10. PSA says:

    My god, I think Jose Herrera fancies me. He winked at me several times.

  11. Riya says:

    Issa jkollna lil-dak il-bravu l-iehor Joseph Cuschieri. Dak image ghall-Maltin!

  12. Alan says:

    He must have set a blinking record while shouting in Parliament.

  13. Jamie says:

    First she defined Europe as the towering inferno u ilha tghid kontra l-EU mindu waqatilha zokritha, u imbaghad trid tmur tirraprenzentana fl-Ewropa.

    How can you work in an environment where you don’t belong because you made the choice not to belong there? Qisek qed tghid tkun Musulman u tmur abbati fil-knisja Kattolika.

    U zgur li importanti li tkun mara, Jose, halli fejn ma tasalx bil-paroli tasal bil-fatti. L-aqwa li kif kien qallilna ic-cajtier tas-seklu: Partnership rebah bil-kbir.

  14. Matt says:

    Loving the twitch in his right eye.

  15. salvatur says:

    Staqsi lill Marlene fuq Joseph Cuschieri – kemm qerdet li tela illetterat minfloka ghal Ewropa.

  16. Tal-Barrakka says:

    Herrera went as far as being the main guest speaker at Sharon’s “L-ahhar meeting ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni” —

    Following Herrera’s introduction you get Lino Farrugia speaking about the birds, Valerie Borg makes a comeback, and then Sharon gives a Mintoff-style speech to the cheering folla.

  17. K D says:

    I liked the last bit “Sharon hija wahda minn dawn in-nisa ta’ kalibru”.

  18. Mel Rose says:

    I think this is what her plan was –

  19. Alan says:

    Two things puzzle me. Unrelated, but relevant to this blog-post.

    1) How does Joseph Muscat keep someone like Jose Herrera “under control” ? Forget the swearing in Parliament, I mean about keeping him in check from doing other things this man seems to me to be capable of doing, that could further & more seriously undermine the image JM is trying to create.

    2) Why is it (and here I mean from both sides of the political divide) does the fact that some person in a “prominent” position is a woman, have to be underlined & pointed out constantly ? How utterly sexist. The more it is pointed out, the more a sexist attitude is shown to exist in my opinion.

  20. John Azzopardi says:

    X’marmalja! Kapaci ukoll NO2EU Sharon!

  21. Ammused says:

    Meta xi hadd ikun qed ikkellimni u joqghod jemisini, jien nohoda li dak li qed jaghad huwa kollhu bic-cajt

  22. lino says:

    Sharon is really formidable. So if she was elected to the EP, she would have had the power to set the agenda of the first parliamentary sitting. Really formidable! Imma kemm hawn nies jigilghu kollox. Din belghaha wkoll Lino Farrugia?

  23. red-nose says:

    I do not think that Joseph Muscat, with his “earthquake” tactics, has the capacity to get rid of the scum that has returned within the fold. His smile might be attractive; the NP mistakes (so long in government) might put off some Nationalists, but in the long run, I think that Labour will not be ready in 2013. – Think about it – there is still too much hatred in the Labour Party.

  24. Another John says:

    Is it my imagination or was the man winking at us when he said the Labour Party needs women?

  25. M Borg says:

    Consie, oht Jose, it-tnejn hbieb ta’ JPO, li hu habib ma Musumeci, ‘militant’ fil-PN, perit ta’ Victor Scerri u poggut ma’ Consie, habiba ta’ Anton Refalo ta’ Ghawdex, habib sew u sieheb fin-negozju mar-ragel ta’ Santa Giovanna, mdahhal ma’ avukat Galea fin-negozju – r-roti jibqghu iduru.

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