The latest 'devastating broadside' from Joseph Muscat's A-team of screwed-up morons
![alex-saliba-in-stripes-on-the-right The Bumble Bees Convention: 'Leader, I have a cunning plan. Let's tell the functionaries that her father has a second family in Sicily and let them spread the rumour for us.'](
The Bumble Bees Convention: 'Leader, I have a cunning plan. Let's tell the functionaries that her father has a second family in Sicily and let them spread the rumour for us.'
Over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed nudge-nudge innuendos about Mount Etna made in my regard by exponents of the Labour Party.
Norman Hamilton, that relic from Xandir Malta, now languishing at the age of 70 on Super One, was the first to do it.
I remember thinking: what in God’s name is the washed-up fat bastard going on about?
Throughout the general election campaign, the Etna references cropped up everywhere, and always with that nudge-nudge, I don’t dare say more tone about them.
I haven’t been to Mount Etna since I was 12, so I thought – well, they’ve got the wrong person, as usual. Let them tie themselves up in low-IQ knots.
Ah, but now in their keenness to defend ‘their’ magistrate, they can resist no longer, and so they have begun to deliver their devastating broadside:
My father has a second family in Sicily and I don’t know about it, so they’re going to put me straight. He goes there to visit them, and they know this because he is often seen on the catamaran and driving about IN HIS OWN CAR all over Sicily and in the company of….a woman.
Allow me to draw a deep breath here because my patience is wearing really thin. There is only so much moronic behaviour I can take from adults.
Yes, you twats. My father does have family in Sicily: his cousins. And yes, you ridiculous morons, he does go to Sicily very often and always in the company of a woman. The woman is…..wait for it, chicken-heads, and concentrate hard because this is a really tough one…..MY MOTHER. Occasionally, there will also be one or two of my assorted sisters, to confuse you further.
One of the most assiduous promoters of this story is Ronnie Pellegrini – of course. It goes without saying.
The functionaries and peasant revolutionaries who are busy turning their party into the country’s laughing-stock are convinced that Ronnie Pellegrini’s story is gospel truth.
Go to and see for yourself how Christopher Agius (he spells it Aguis), Pia Micallef of Maltastar and Alex Saliba of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti think they are about to unleash the family skeleton from its cupboard.
They think I’m going to be frightened and angry, that I’m going to cower down and start writing about dog-shows and flower arranging.
Instead, we are all laughing – because really, you lot are just so puerile and idiotic. Puerile idiots trying to convince us that you’re the alternative government, thinking that you can just invent things about people and put them out there and the people you lie about won’t come straight out and expose you for the tossers and liars that you are.
I honestly cannot believe that this is what the Labour Party has come to under Joseph Muscat – worse than what it was under Alfred Sant.
Guess what, boys? After your f**k-up in mistaking my husband’s cousin’s son for my son and thinking you were going to ‘out’ him – very progressive – you have made complete and utter fools of yourselves once more. Carry on like this, and you’ll have yourselves your own version of Little Britain without even being aware of it.
The only people you have exposed are yourselves: as backwoods bunnies b’ mentalita tar-rahal, who are completely cut off socially and in every other way from the people you talk about, discussing us as though you’re talking about the people you see in the pages of Hello magazine, and making up stories as you go along.
This is the new Labour Party – and guess what? It’s no different to the old one.
And by the way, suckers: none of my sisters needs the introduction of divorce legislation to be able to get married. So that’s yet another one you’ve f**ked up. Nice going for Joseph Muscat’s crack team of ace investigators.
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Dumb and dumber….
Can you comment on the BBQ topic posted on
Did they have info of what you were going to upload or they are just presuming?
[Daphne – They’re morons, Mr Cassar. I wrote about Joseph Muscat’s burger barbecue on the Helsien monument on 31 March LAST YEAR. They went through the archives here, found what I wrote about last year, and are presenting it as something I planned to write about for tomorrow. Il-vera bla brains, jahasra. I suppose they think ‘archive’ is where I store all the articles I write well in advance. Oh and look, now they’ve removed the barbecue story. Lies don’t embarrass them but being found out as incompetent with the internet and the meaning of ‘archive’ does.]
“Oh and look, now they’ve removed the barbecue story.”
Did you expect anything less from a bunch of low-life cowards?
Typical – if found out, deny, deny, lie, lie, or in this case, delete, delete the evidence.
Hilarious – the BBQ thingy is back up now ….. with the same cry of how much they know you and can predict the future, by looking into the archives.
They live in the past, and what you wrote last year is their future.
I vaguely remember Marie Benoit mentioning Corinne ( li ghandha handbag akbar minn cameraman) suggesting or asking if she was on Mount Etna, which was totally irrelevant to the usual rubbish she was writing about.
Marie Benoit and Frans Sammut used that Mount Etna reference too. One would’ve have thought intellectuals would be above spreading lies.
[Daphne – Marie Benoit is consumed by rage and envy, and seeks out the company of other ugly people so that she does not have to be confronted on a regular basis by the reality of her hopeless existence and absolute dearth of physical attraction. She is fixated by me and anything to do with me and whenever we are in the same room I can feel her eyes boring into my back. I don’t know why I attract obsessives, but I do. Thank heavens that before long I shall never have to set eyes on her again.]
Is this the Frans Sammut you mention.
This comment was posted in 2008
Frans Sammut says:
@ Moderator
I see you are intent on allowing your groupies to mob anyone who does not toe your line. OK. I’ll give you some more before I let you enjoy my absence. Their behaviour really reminds me of those spoilt brats (tal-pepe`) with whom I attended the Jesuit’s college. I would also salute Fr Edwin Camilleri (Austin Gatt’s uncle) who devoted his time to caring for these kids whose fathers were often away from the Island for long periods (some of them ostensibly to watch Etna, but also looking after their siblings in the Provincia di Enna surroundings). Unfortunately, from deprived twits they developed into depraved members of the club currently engaged in verbally molesting people while seeking police protection like the cowards they are. Good luck to them and to theirs.
[Moderator – Oh, so that’s where you picked up the chip on your shoulder. What is this ‘watching Etna’ thing, anyway – some kind of a code to identify fellow Labourites?]
[Daphne – Oh my god, what a loser. There speaks the man who produced two nut-jobs, one of whom tried to board a plane with a gun and the other who is president or whatever of the Malta-North Korea Friendship Society. No wonder he can’t understand that some families are just plain normal.]
Frans Sammut – another Labour coconut who gets his facts wrong. Austin Gatt never had an uncle called Fr. Edwin Camilleri.
[Daphne – That’s right. He was Mrs Gatt’s uncle. And that illustrates my point that they operate in such a completely different ‘world’ that they have no idea who is who or what is what. Hence, when one of them sees my father in Sicily with my sister and her two young daughters, the Chinese whispers system of the Labour injoranti turns it into his secret second family on the neighbouring island, which he keeps hidden from the first family in Malta. The story is immediately ridiculous to anyone who knows the people involved, and by thinking it could possibly be true, these wannabes only reveal just how completely cut off they are from those strata of Maltese society – such as it is – to which they aspire.]
Actually it’s worse. Neither did Mrs. Gatt have an uncle called Fr. Edwin Camilleri. She did, though, have an uncle called Edward, who was a priest. She also had an uncle called Edwin, but he was not a man of the cloth.
Fr. Eddie Camilleri
Fr. Eddie died last year. We called him Il-Fridge: a great man, may the Lord bless his soul.
“I can feel her eyes boring into my back.” Make that the backs of your knees.
Or as my better half says when she spots her: she’s knee high to a grasshopper.
Did Standard Publications fire her or is she retiring (finally)? That would be good news for First Magazine, which needs to be revamped.
Marie Benoit is 70 years old – just like Norman Hamilton.
Isard, is she also Bla Agenda, like Norman?
Daphne, that comment was absolutely fantastic. This ‘bun lady’ and her ‘scribblings’ have always ‘enriched’ my Sundays. I have always wondered how such a screwball is not embarrassed when she re-reads her ramblings.
I have been to Sicily at least 20 times with our parents over the last few years, and they have been there countless more times with none of their daughters (or grand-daughters) in tow.
It’s hilarious, but I think what’s happened here is that one of the Labour ‘grass-roots’ spotted my father several times in Sicily with me and my two daughters, while my mother was off shopping somewhere with another sister, and decided that we were his secret Sicilian family.
You have to laugh or cry at their ignorance and credulity.
After all, I am the only one of ‘Daphne’s sisters’ who the Labour ‘grass-roots’ hasn’t been able to identify or put a face to – though Toni Abela, that awful twat – or perhaps I should say ‘twit’ lest he sue me for calling him an gh*xx as he did with my sister, knows full well what I look like.
Perhaps he should show them a photograph so that Maltastar can run a clarification: SECRET FEMILI OF FATHER OF DAPHANE IS HIS DAUGHTER AND NEICES CEASE.
I said this before, but I see it’s time to say it again, using a style and language they can understand:
aND goD saveYOU from YOurslevs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rodnick Abdilla (and no, I did not misspell his name – you can imagine what his parents are like to call him Rodnick) wrote this on his Facebook wall:
Rodnick Abdilla: Daphne Caruana Galizia . min flokk toqod tinhela tivinta
u taqla imbarazz fuq Consuello scerri herrera, mhux ahjar tikteb ghall
tista tkun int forsi isibulek il hutek li hallilek misierek sqallija .
hahahhahah !!!
February 1 at 10:26am
As you can see, he said what he did in support of …….. brace yourselves because I’m going to use his spelling…. Consuello scerri herrera.
Rodnick Abdilla is an activist of the Labour Party. He refers to Joseph Muscat as his ‘il-Leader’.
Are these the type of followers that Joseph Muscat wants?
Rodnick dak li minn Bormla spicca tas-Sliema.
Consuelo kienet tiga telqet minn tas-Sliema meta wassal Rodnick, zgur ma jafhiex minn hemm.
L-uniku konnessjoni li ghandu ma’ Consuelo huma dawk li tghidulhom l-elves. U l-elves ghal minn jahdmu? Tghid ghall-mexxej, skuzi l-Leader?
Affaxxinanti b’xiex joqoghdu jikkunslaw dawn tal-imhuh niexfa.
Kif forsi jghiduha huma – mur ghidilhom li xi haga bhal-din taghtini ‘gud laf’ ghax iridu jattakaw u, jahasra, lanqas biss jafu jaslu kif jibdew.
They measure everyone by their own yardstick, that’s the trouble. Common as muck and too darn thick to realise it.
And if the ‘English friend Eve’ who Chris AgUIs is currently boasting about is the one I know, married to that Malti ta’ Londra Bajada who was prosecuted for taking his Mercedes out of Malta with one engine and bringing it back with another, then that says everything about the level of society in which he operates.
Ex-tarts, ex-pimps, people called ‘Rodnick’ – haj sosajti, hej.
… don’t forget the one named ‘Byon’.
But the important thing is that yesterday they were all lined up hearing their ‘leader’ pontificating about unity.
Joseph Muscat can dream on but his wishes will not come true as long as his followers do not change their mentality (fat chance). They gave him their answer while he was still on that podium.
He mentioned George Borg Olivier and gave him credit for our country’s independence. Silence. He mentioned Mintoff and gave him credit for Il-Helsien. Frenzy of applause.
I see most of the people in the photo got the Memo: A Skunk Does Not Change Its Stripes Day
If Joseph Muscat is serious about becoming Prime Minister one day, the first thing he should do right now is to close down this moronic “” shambles of a website and rid himself and Labour of the endless list of imbeciles, some of which he has inherited and some of which he has attracted himself.
If he does not get his act together, he will follow in Alfred Sant’s footsteps and this is a path which will lead him to nowhere but oblivion.
“…and rid himself and Labour of the endless list of imbeciles…” Then what? Get fewer votes than AD?
That tastemedicine blog is terrible, but if I were you I would totally ignore it. The way its written is enough to void it of any credibility. Honestly, it really sounds like stuff written by mad, venomous and dangerous people.
Ah and by the way actually Vladimir Luxuria is one of the few no-frills politicians (ex) Italy has, also very streetwise and intelligent – so don’t take that as an insult.
Or was it meant to be insulting just because she is a transgender?
[Daphne – I don’t take it as an insult. I’m not from some rahli family brought up on Tal-Muzew suspicion of ‘nisa-irgiel’ and ‘pufti’. The point to be made here is that THEY see it as an insult and call trans-sexuals ‘it’. So much for LGBT Labour. Il-vera ta’ wara l-muntanji.]
So you got 12 O Levels without ever studying or paying attention to lessons, eh? Did you copy or what? How can you pass biology or chemistry or history without studying? Or are your O Levels in home economics and such “subjects”?
[Daphne – No, twat (and I’m calling you twat, others may wish to know, because you have posted threats on this site which have been the subject of a police report). I have an IQ which is far above average, an incredible memory and have been able to write well since primary school. In fact, one of my strongest primary school memories is of a teacher yelling at me in front of the entire class and accusing me of cheating and copying the story I’d written for homework because, in her words, I couldn’t possibly have written it myself. I had. I was nine years old. No, I did not study for my O-levels. My mother will confirm that any attempt to get me to do so failed. My school-leaving O-levels for which I was awarded the school prize were: biology, chemistry, physics, physics with chemistry, human biology, Italian, Maltese, French, English, English literature, maths and – wait for it – religious knowledge. And I sat for them at 15, not 16. A year later I got myself another two: economics and accounts.]
And what about your A Levels? Have you got an A Level?
[Daphne – Yes. I was one of the hundred or so external applicants, of the several hundreds who apply to St Aloysius Sixth Form, to be selected (so were all my three sisters, incidentally). I have A-levels in English, economics and accounts.]
Why did you enrol at University as a mature student? Because you got pregnant aged 20 and had to marry quickly to cover the dishonour?
[Daphne – No. I sat for my A-levels at 17 in 1982. In 1982, entrance to the university was closed to all except those with the required 20 points who passed a student selection board interview run by the Labour Party. The only courses available at the university were law, dentistry, medicine, teacher training, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, architecture, pharmacy and public policy, none of which held the remotest attraction for me. There was no Bachelor of Arts programme because the Labour government had decided it was a waste of time. The total number of university students was just a few hundred in all courses at all levels, and everyone else went to work in poor jobs on the minimum wage.
Yes, I was pregnant at 20 – no sh*t, Sherlock, given that I am 45 and have a son of 24 – but I did not ‘marry quickly’ and in my family pregnancy is not considered a matter of dishonour as it clearly is in ‘rahli’ families like those of Saviour Balzan, but a cause of great joy as are the children which follow. My husband and I have been married for 25 years, have surmounted incalculable odds, have raised three beautiful and high-achieving sons of whom we are inordinately proud and justifiably so, and all this despite having to contend on a near-daily basis with the ill-wishing and resentment of people such as you.
I enrolled at the university as a mature student – at the grand old age of 29, very mature indeed – because that is when my youngest son started school and the Nationalist government had reformed the university and reintroduced the BA programme. I was able to work, raise three young children and complete a four-year honours programme full time because I am able and competent. I was one of five or six students – out of many hundreds – who were on the Dean’s List for my year, and I left with an upper second honours degree despite – and here I’ll have to rub your nose in it again – barely studying because I had three small children and worked too. But I’m glad I did it because I believe I set them the right example, especially since they often had to come with me to university after school hours when they were little.]
Grow up! You’re no longer a 15-year old who gets a kick out of outwitting some slow-witted teacher. You’re 45 years old. Life should have taught you by now that respecting other people’s feelings is the only honourable way to live your life.
[Daphne – The people who need to grow up are you and your spiteful, half-witted Labour cohorts. It’s extraordinary, but one of the lessons that life has taught me is that lack of intelligence and spite usually go hand in hand. I have rarely met truly intelligent people who are spiteful, but have encountered countless individuals who have just enough wits about them to understand that they are not as smart as they would like to be and who, as a consequence, are supremely and utterly malicious. You are one of them. You are not smart enough to know that ‘respecting people’s feelings’ does not come into it when discussing matters of legitimate public interest about those who hold public office or who seek to hold public office or political positions. On the other hand, there is no legitimate public interest in discussing members of my family, particularly not when the best you can come up with is lies so outrageous they topple over into the realm of ludicrous, laughable and utterly pathetic.]
This subject, and particularly this post/response has had me laughing out loud, agog at the comments, and utterly amazed, Mrs. Caruana Galizia!
They just keep on coming, don’t they? HOW can they fail to realise how absolutely far off the mark their attacks consistently are? How many such interventions will it take? By what stretch of human imagination can they think that they are ‘getting one over on you’ by submitting such total shite, based solely on lies, hearsay and malicious gossip, thinking that they will ultimately achieve the ‘downfall’ of the ‘SAHHARA HAZINA’, etc, etc, etc?
I’m asking in all earnestness because I really don’t get it. Flabbergasted!
To quote: ludicrous, laughable and utterly pathetic.
[Daphne – They actually believe it’s true, that’s why. You know how it is: tal-pepe people are glamorous, alluring and mysterious creatures leading corrupt and decadent lives, who are capable of anything. The reality is that the last part of that sentence describes the people who make up and believe these lies, while the first part certainly doesn’t describe anyone I know. There is nobody glamorous, alluring and mysterious in Malta, not when you know them, though I can imagine that’s how certain people might seem to them in a tiny island devoid of stars on whom to fixate.]
Why is it that these sort of Labour supporters measure everyone by their own yardstick?
Hudha ma saqajk, Year of the Tiger. Gabitek zbiba. Il-veru intom salt socjalisti tal-imbarazz u xewwiexa kif dejjem kontu. Taghmlu l-hsara u twahhlu f’haddiehor. Kieku tistghu tiktbu l-istorja ta’ Malta mill-gdid imma n-nies hajjin ghadhom u mhemmx cans li dan isehh, la llum u lanqas qatt ghax kollox dokumentat.
Year of the Tiger? Dan zgur wiehed minn dawk li Daphne tghidilhom “Ta’ Mao.”
What a pathetic bunch of losers and hypocrites!
Is it possible that the Opposition has so little to offer? Imagine having these guys run the country! Thank you, Daphne, for helping us remember what Labour truly is.
For some, time and fancy speeches in pink ties might mean that things have changed, but unfortunately Labour’s DNA does not change.
This is a party of inconsistencies. First they want integration then they swap to independence. Then they work for ‘partnership’ but swap to the EU when they see they have no choice. They want divorce but don’t have the balls to insert it in the electoral programme like any serious party would.
They open an LGBT ‘section’ but are deeply homophobic. They hate university students but now they want a second university. They talk about ‘information democracy’ and yet they are biased liars with no respect for individual private citizens or the truth and the facts.
They say they are progressive, but throughout my life I have always known Labour to be against everything except North Korea and Gaddafi. Way to go, my friends!
“They need to calm down.The fight at the GRTU may not have happened if we had a live and let live attitude to each other and different political beliefs. Why don’t these three appear to want that? Why do they always want to take Malta back?”
Maltastar 29 March 2010 12:00
Do you believe this! They are blaming Sandro Chetcuti’s attempt on the life of Vince Farrugia on Loui Bondi, I M Beck and Daphne. And they are saying that Georg Sapiano wants to join in with ‘dividing the Maltese’ since he wrote an excellent opinion piece last Sunday.
And all this on Labour’s official media portal. Tista tpeclaq, Guz, bl-ingravata rosa ghax il-paroli sabih ma nemnuhx.
Labour’s official media portal aimed at the ‘mittlekless’ and set up by Joseph Muscat himself.
Il-Labour Party dejjem partit tat-tixwix kien u tal-firda. Qatt ma jitghallmu f’20 sena opposizzjoni u salt rapporti ta’ wara t-telfa tal-elezzjonijiet kollha fuq l-ixkaffa baqghu ghax huma biss tajbin.
Iz-zmien jghaddi u ma jistenna lil hadd l-inqas lilhom u dawn qed jistriehu li hafna Nazzjonalisti mhux ser jivvutaw. Nirringrazzjawhom talli qed jergghu ibabqulna d-demm.
This might be where the comments about your sister originated from…
#13 ovaltine 2010-03-30 19:18
Corinne kienet gharusa wiehed twil gustuz ghandu green van. kienu jintefghu il-Maestro il-Belt meta kont barman hemm. Nahseb jilghab il basketball daqs kemm hu twil. Gieli offrejtilom karawett mal-bar. Gharafta mill- video tal-handbag. X’inhu l-email ha nghidilkom storja bomba?
[Daphne – Yes, we were laughing about that last night, having decided that tasteyourownmedicine is a forum for repressed homosexuals from ‘pufti hating’ rahli backgrounds, who have been so brainwashed into believing that homosexuality is a perversion that they are unable to come out even to themselves let alone their mothers. Chris Aguis who runs the blog can’t decide what he is. He’s 40 years old, has never had a discernible relationship, is best friends with a former Soho tart from the 1960s called Eve, who is married to a former Malti ta’ Londra from the same period (il-Lolly), says on Hi5 and Facebook that he’s looking for a relationship, posts pictures on Hi5 of half-naked girls kissing other half-naked girls and tags them as My Love, says that he goes to Kloset for a drink before moving on to other bars for the rest of the evening, and then manifests deep-rooted homophobia and contempt for trans-sexuals on his blog, where those who have had a sex change are referred to as ‘it’. Then we have this former barman at Maestro, who posted this comment you’ve quoted. A strikingly good-looking couple walk in, both of them much taller than average (my sister is taller than I am at 5’9″) and the one the barman notices and describes as ‘twil u gustuz’ is the man, not the woman. And he makes such an impression on him that years later he still remembers even though, as a barman, he sees so many people passing through that most would become faceless.]
What losers, jahasra.
May all these buffoons rot in Satan’s lair. May I have the opportunity to transport them.
What a sorry excuse for a political party. Brings to mind how nature in its extravagance can be thrifty. Imagine with a couple of bales of wool and some borrowed limbs from other creatures what a flock of sheep they would make up.
Li niskanta b’dawn in-nies hi li huma stupidi u li minghalihom ser igibu kollox zewg mieghek, Daphne – izda jien nghidlek kompli, ghax wara kollox tajjeb li ikollna daqxejn umorizmu bihom dawn il-kretini. Possibli ma jafux li qed jaqaw ghan n**k?
Daphne, I have a feeling that these people do not understand what you write. Even if you were to write in Maltese, I think they would have to ask an “interpreter” to tell them what your writing is all about.
Id-dottorat ta’ Joseph Muscat, minn fejn gie?
Minn Bristol. Iktar redbrick minn hekk…
Ejja ma nkunx kattiv. Jien gibt l-ewwel degree mill-UOM. U dik hajt tas-sejjieh, mhux redbrick.
Norman Hamilton ma jistax igerger min-Nazzjonalisti ghax ghamluh sinjur.
But doesn’t he love it when his prime minister (Dr Gonzi) attends one of his functions. All bowing and scraping…issa naraw x’se jigri meta jitilghu tal-Labour.
“issa naraw x’se jigri meta jitilghu tal-Labour.”
OVVJA. High Commissioner f’Londra.
Norman Hamilton has a nerve speculating with lies about other people’s families, when his own family background was such an utter mess and his mother Doris scandalised post-war Sliema before running off with a sailor and abandoning him to be raised by his father. And those are facts, not lies.
@ year of the tiger: what a loser. Minghalikom qatta Sherlock Holmes. Isa, mur fuq l-website ghidilhom “jekk toqodu bravi nghidilkom li skoprejt kemm ghanda O levels Daphne”. Bloody comedians.
Jiena thalluni bla kliem. L-ewwel haga rrid nifrah lil Daphne ghal mod kif izzejjen il-kliem, vera prosit! Rari qrajt Ingliz sabih bhalma tikteb int, vera tal-genn.
U t-tieni prosit lix-Sherlock Holmes Laburisti ghal mod preciz kif jirnexxilhom isiru jafu l-affarijiet, kollox bl-ezatt isiru jafu – misshom jifthu kumpanija tad-detectives. Vera direzzjoni success.
Direzzjoni success? The Labour Party had better adopt this as their new emblem, because it would sum them up perfectly.
Fejn hu t-‘Twanny’?
Twanny bis-silenzju tieghu qed jghid, Daphne ghandek ragun.
Twanny’s cowering in some hole reflecting on his great errors of judgement.
Or maybe he is re-inventing himself. Surely not as Victor Laiviera…
@Year of the Tiger
The issue is fundamental it has to be brought out again and again: Consuela’s conduct. She is member of the judiciary.
Feelings? Thousands of people are flabbergasted and furious at her behaviour. It has been simply too much to stomach, after the previous judiciary scandals.
Have the police done anything to stop that terrible site Daphne?
I sure hope they have.
In the Miami Herald today:
Broward judge faces trial over misconduct claim
Broward Judge Ana Gardiner now faces a noncriminal trial over allegations that she maintained an unprofessional relationship with a prosecutor during a death-penalty case.
Sun Sentinel
A Broward Circuit Court judge will go on trial herself this fall in proceedings that could cost her her job, a state judicial watchdog panel decided Tuesday.
The Judicial Qualifications Commission brushed aside objections from Circuit Judge Ana Gardiner that the misconduct complaint against her had been improperly arrived at, and scheduled the trial for three days in September, with the dates to be decided later. It is likely to be held at the Broward County Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale.
Gardiner, 48, is accused of exhibiting “a lack of candor” toward the commission for failing to disclose that she engaged in a close, personal relationship with then-prosecutor Howard Scheinberg during a death-penalty trial.
Gardiner’s attorney, David Bogenschutz, said in an interview Tuesday that his client has been wrongly accused because of the commission’s “imperfect questioning.”
When the panel quizzed Gardiner in 2008 about her relationship with Scheinberg, 49, she said they had a social relationship.
But over a 155-day period during Omar Loureiro’s first-degree murder trial in 2007, Gardiner and Scheinberg exchanged 949 telephone calls and 471 text messages, averaging 9.35 communications a day, the commission said it discovered.
Had the panel gone further in its questioning, Bogenschutz said, Gardiner would have provided more details, including the fact that she and Scheinberg spoke by phone and texted one another. She had telephone records in hand at the time, he said.
“She’s been lambasted about this for no real reason,” Bogenschutz said. The reason, he said, was the Judicial Qualifications Commission’s “failure to be specific and direct in their questioning.”
“That she didn’t for some reason anticipate something that was never asked and volunteer, it hardly qualifies as a lack of candor or any misleading of the JQC,” he said.
The case at issue in the allegations against Gardiner involves Omar Loureiro, 47, whom jurors found guilty of first-degree murder for nearly decapitating a Lighthouse Point man he had accompanied home from a bar. On Aug. 24, 2007, Gardiner sentenced Loureiro to death.
Gardiner has 15 days from Tuesday to file a formal response to the Judicial Qualification Commission’s allegations. Her judgeship could be at stake.
Gardiner, a former divorce attorney, became Broward’s first female Hispanic judge when she was appointed to the bench in 1998 by then-Gov. Lawton Chiles. She now handles civil cases.
The JQC investigates allegations of misconduct by state judges. Accused judges are entitled to a trial before a six-member hearing panel — two judges, two lawyers and two ordinary citizens — during which evidence and witnesses are presented. Must judges resolve such cases in a negotiated agreement with the commission prior to trial.
The Florida Supreme Court must approve any disciplinary outcome, which can range from a scolding to dismissal.
The last Broward judge to go on trial before the commission was Circuit Judge Cheryl Alemán in December 2007.
Alemán’s trial resulted in a public reprimand by the Florida Supreme Court for failing to uphold a judge’s highest calling of maintaining fairness, courteousness and impartiality during a death-penalty case.
Alemán remains a judge but would be up for reelection this year.
Lack of candor (candour) by the American judge and she is dragged in front of the Commission. Lack of openness and honesty.
This seems like a minor offence compared with our magistrate’s behaviour but then in some countries these occurrences are taken seriously.
Stats are non-existent. What a bunch of losers.
Joseph Muscat qisu is-surmast tal-banda ta’ Indri.
Maybe someone from the health authorities should check the elves’ cave for stray magnetic fields.
Rodnick Abdilla: Daphne Caruana Galizia . min flokk toqod tinhela tivinta
u taqla imbarazz fuq Consuello scerri herrera, mhux ahjar tikteb ghall
tista tkun int forsi isibulek il hutek li hallilek misierek sqallija .
hahahhahah !!!
February 1 at 10:26am
Rodnick, mhux ahjar targumenta fuq fatti li Daphne kixfet fuq Scerri Herrera u Musumeci, milli tipprova taljena lill-qarrejja b’hafna gideb? Zomm mas-suggett. Meri jew giddeb dak li qed tghid Daphne forsi wara tkun kredibbli.
@Rodnick 1. Mhux ahjar taghmel kawza biex tbiddel ismek?. 2. Mhux ahjar tmur titghallem tikteb qabel ma tizzattat tuza kibord?
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