The reds are back under the bed

Published: March 15, 2010 at 11:00am
Ronnie P and Jason shouldn't get too excited - this is a communist symbol and not a suggestive gesture

Ronnie P and Jason shouldn't get too excited - this is a communist symbol and not a suggestive gesture

Round up your Black Shirts, Jo Meli: the Commies are back.

The Malta Communist Party, which we thought died in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, is back with a…..piffle. Party secretary-general (yes, they have one and Labour doesn’t) Victor Degiovanni announced the resurrection yesterday, claiming that the party wasn’t dead, but it had been ‘inactive’.

“We will slowly get going again,” he said, “but we don’t have plans to contest the next general election.”

Well, that’s a relief. There are too many ‘interesting characters’ already in this particular bin. I’m beginning to think that it’s not just a predisposition to asthma that too much inbreeding has given us.

It is the situation in Greece that prompted Malta Communist Party to rise from the dead, or rather “the struggles of the working people of Greece against the onslaught launched by the Social Democratic Administration of PASOK, supported by the other capitalist parties, the Liberal ND and the extreme right LAOS, which are imposing anti-social measures instigated by the big capitalist countries in the EU and International Monetary Fund.”

These are “a frontal attack at workers’ livelihood and serve only the interests of the ruling class that greedily looks only at profits, and would trample on worker’s rights to ensure it.”

Bore on. Meanwhile, “the working class in Greece has reacted courageously and is fighting back under the guidance of PAME and KKE which are in the frontline defending the worker’s rights and standard of living of the workers and their families”.

The Malta Communist Party says it is worried because there is “a similar situation in Malta under the present Centre Right government whereby the workers are facing anti-social policies and the dismantling of worker’s rights” and “the Maltese workers (…..) are being made to pay for the failure of neo- liberal policies” while “poverty in Malta is rearing its head again and around 2000 families had their electricity and water supply cut as they could not afford to pay the bills, while 17% of the population is at risk of falling below poverty line.”

Cue the Grim Reaper and the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.

Something tells me that the only people who’ll welcome the return of the Malta Communist Party are Astrid Vella and her FAAmous Five. Next time they hold a demo in Valletta, they can bring in the Commies as well as the Black Shirts, to bolster their numbers.

That should be fun.

19 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The Communist movement never really died in Malta. On the contrary, it flourished among the Graffitti types who inhabit our higher institutions and Valletta’s YMCA. And they’re not even the good sort of Communists who wear suits, impose daily sessions of chess and visits to the Bolshoi and build nuclear reactors.

  2. Alan says:

    What a jolly good idea. We need another like “tal-farfett” in an election or two’s time.

  3. La Redoute says:

    Another candidate for AD’s rainbow coalition.

  4. Paul Caruana says:

    Sadly this time round the late lamented Richard Sultana and Spiridione Sant won’t be there to trump them on the 1st and 7th electoral districts, as they did in the 1987 elections.

  5. red-nose says:

    Anything that robs lLbour of votes in the 2013 elections is welcome.

  6. Mark C says:

    These are “a frontal attack at workers’ livelihood and serve only the interests of the ruling class that greedily looks only at profits, and would trample on worker’s rights to ensure it.” An exact explanation of PN policies.

    [Daphne – And…..he’s back.]

  7. Anthony Briffa says:

    Mario Vella has to make a serious decision now. He has to choose between either continuing to rub shoulders with the Phd’s or officially rejoining the proletariat.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      He can’t. Still roaming around Peru leading his brave band of Shining Path guerillas.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Maybe even Evarist Bartolo: “Evarist Bartolo, Mario Vella, and Alfred Consiglio were amongst the early members.” – from the website of the Partiti Kommunista Malti.

  8. john says:

    Commies come in all shapes and forms. John Mortimer (who joined the Communist Party whilst at Harrow) once described the Italian Communist Party as being slightly to the right of the (British) Liberals.

    • Rover says:

      There was never such a thing as the Italian Communist Party. They went to their rallies in their shiny Lamborghinis smoking big Cubanos.

  9. albedo039 says:

    Will the commies under the PL flag cross the field now?

  10. KaRRRRRRl MarrrkkkSSSSS says:

    Communism never died. Recent references to The People, including in such cultural matters as the Valletta city gate project, are clear reminders of how some “people” still think that society is to be led by the dictatorship of the proletariat, as preached by Marx.

    [Daphne – A dictatorship of the proles led by a tal-pepe housewife from Sliema. I’m lovin’ it.]

    Using the words of a management guru (Thomas J. Peters) who was definitely not a communist, I find it amazing how communists “thrive on chaos” – like they are doing in Greece.

  11. FAA-R OUT says:

    “A dictatorship of the proles led by a tal-pepe housewife from Sliema. I’m lovin’ it.”
    Careful! It’s not exactly the recipe of a Big Mac, you know.

  12. H. Meilak says:

    Communism is not dead. It is in an irreversible coma.

    • ConsTipAzzjoni says:

      There will always be somebody who thinks his rear piggy feet are as good as or better than two legs . . .

  13. N.L says:

    Jaqaw hemm x`hadd qed jippompja xi ftit Euro ghal kawza komunista fl-ewropa. Ghax il-komunisti, min daqshekk kapcissimi biex jerdaw min fuq haddiehor.

  14. mario mifsud says:

    the usual provocation by daphne caruana galizia.

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