There's a lovely libel suit heading your way, Astrid – gird your loins

Published: March 28, 2010 at 10:24am
The pixxikalda from hell - and a whacking great liar to boot

The pixxikalda from hell - and a whacking great liar to boot

Astrid Vella, in a letter in The Malta Independent on Sunday today, describes me as the official publicist for the Renzo Piano project, the St John’s Cathedral museum project and for a host of private development initiatives, and says that I hid my interest.

There’s a whacking great libel suit heading your way, you squeaky little prat.

We all know by now that you have not evolved beyond the typical Tigne Beach middle-aged housewife mentality of being unable to distinguish between ‘what you heard’ and fact, but in your public role, you should know better and do better than that.

A cheap corner-shop gossip, running Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar? Oh surely not. Surely FAA’s leader is somebody who checks her facts, verifies statistics and lets us know the source of the ‘studies’ she quotes on Super One.

Oh but I forget. Astrid belongs to that class of people who are cunning, not clever (I know a magistrate rather like that). And cunning people, unlike clever ones, invariably end up painting themselves into a very tight corner at some point, because they can’t think ahead of the rest.

And believe me, Astrid, you won’t be receiving any large tomes with the word ‘pixxikalda’ underlined, because I’ve been in this business a very long time.

The accusation that I took money to defend these projects and that I hid the fact is a very serious one indeed. You had better reactivate that libel fund of yours.

42 Comments Comment

  1. john says:

    reactivate (in the last sentence)

  2. Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

    Yeah. You have rubbished Barry and favoured Piano at every turn, but I don’t see how that makes you the project’s publicist.

  3. Twanny says:

    It IS a very effective letter, isn’t it?

    [Daphne – At the risk of upsetting you yet again, Twanny, you would think that lies are an effective way of achieving your ends. You did, after all, vote Labour in 1976, 1981, 1987, 1992, 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2008, and you also voted No in the EU referendum. When people resort to lying, it means they are 1. completely unscrupulous, 2. have no real arguments.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Astrid Vella underestimates the harm she does to her own cause. The best way to discredit her arguments is to let her speak, not to silence her.

      This was symbolically shown during the MEPA hearing when Astrid’s ‘opponents’ (for want of a better word) wanted her voice to be heard in absentia while her friends insisted that it be silenced.

    • freefalling says:

      Twanny – What’s effective about the letter? Astrid bemoaning the realisation that she is just a voice in the wilderness?
      Well, she can console herself as she has one fan – you.

    • Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

      Dan Twanny awtolezjonist bla sabar. Jigi hawn biex jaqla d-daqqiet ta’ ponn.

      Iktar ma jaqla, iktar jibqa jigi lura. X’menagramo.

    • Joseph Micallef says:

      Effective?! As a template to land oneself in trouble it’s a masterpiece!

  4. Rover says:

    Oh dear, that was an almighty slip-up, Astrid. Let’s see you squeak your way out of this one.

  5. Alan says:

    Excellent Daphne. Libel suits bis-sense, mhux fuq cuccati.

  6. Brian says:

    Astrid and Maltastar:

    Pull your lips over your heads and swallow. Astrd, mhux ahjar tara kif tghamel sabiex tigbor giehek u tara kif tghamel u twaqqa dik il monstrozita ta’ binja f’bieb il-Belt? Jew forsi dawk il-flats tqishom bhala stil ‘Baroque’?

    Tal-Maltastar: tafu li hawn Malta ghanda bzonn Opozzijoni serja, bis sens u kritika konstrutiva? Kull ma qedghin tghamlu huwa kollu bla sens, u hlief hdura w tghawwig tal-fatti ma narax minn ghandkom. Ikbru naqra jahasra….kif ha tirrispondu ghall-fatt li l-mexxej taghkom ghadu kemm waqa ghan nejk BIG TIME (b’dispjacir qieghed nghid dan) meta assigura u kellu bil miktub li s-Socjalisti Ewropej kienu se jaghtu l-appogg taghhom ghal kwistjoni Frontex?

  7. Pravilno says:

    What Astrid Vella wrote is a formal statement and not a slip of the tongue. Let her prove it in court, if she can, and face the consequences.

  8. minn_mars says:

    Daphne is Dieci e lode.

  9. Paul Bonnici says:

    Look at this Daphne:

    someone has hacked into the BBC website

  10. s fenech says:

    This must be TWANNY’s week: self flagellation, and he keeps coming back for more.

  11. M.Bonello says:

    Must you put up that photo on a Sunday?

  12. Charlie Bates says:

    When Astrid is throwing muck around and hoping that some of it might stick, it means that she is on the losing side and panicking that she will not be the hero she believes that she is.

  13. Hot Mama says:

    Capcaphielha Daph, the smug little pipsqueak

    • Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

      I think she has an impacted colon, talking the way she does.

      One colonic irrigation, coming right up!

  14. joseph p says:

    Astrid Vella said “FAA, have declared themselves in favour of the project but object to the location of Parliament, the restoration of the Old Theatre site….”

    Is it just plain stupidity or a puerile attempt at being clever? How can FAA be in favour of the project and then object to its main proposals?

    Astrid Vella has this extraordinary ability of contradicting herself in the same sentence.

  15. lino says:

    Twanny, of course it’s a very effective letter; especially when it is cashed.

  16. That you received money is your invention. Nowhere did Ms A.Vella(nothing to do with the Vellas). We know that you are in a position to work for free.Then how do you earn your living is another matter. Might be you receive gratuitous hand outs from friends who appreciate your writings and would like to help a friend in need.

    [Daphne – I am not in a position to work for free and I don’t work for free. The term ‘official publicist’ is clear and slanderous. The trouble with the not-particularly-bright like you and Astrid Vella is that you are completely unable to understand that some people are able and willing to put forward a sensible, clear and logical argument and above all, without being paid for it or receiving favours in return. Astrid’s obsession with the idea that I am paid to argue in favour of those projects leads me to suspect that she is paid to object to them. If she is not paid to object to them, then why does she think I am paid to back them up? It works both ways, you see. As for the Labour Party and its supporters, like you – let’s put it this way, corruption is endemic to your way of thinking, so I’m not surprised that somebody like me – who says what she thinks and without getting anything in return – is absolutely beyond your hapless, hopeless comprehension.]

    • Lo Chiamavano Trinita' says:

      Prince Eugene, the infirmary is out back and to the right.

    • You don’t work for free, is that an admission that whatever you write is sponsored and paid by second person.

      [Daphne – Yes, by Standard Publications Ltd, owners of The Malta Independent and The Malta Independent on Sunday. They pay me to write a newspaper column. They do not pay me to write in favour or this or against that. You have a very small brain indeed if you cannot work out the difference.]

      If that is true your statement will be brought against you; either you are paid or not, it cannot be both. And what’s wrong to be paid for what you write. Just don’t show hate and write what you want.Is that something to be ashamed of and treat it as an offence so much that you are ready to take legal action.

      And you omitted-censored- the main part of my contribution. It was suggested to you to go and receive HOLY-COMMUNION on Easter Sunday.
      To take the advise given you by a certain Father.
      Not to touch art because it is not your forte.
      To desist from writing hate and making ennemies. Write in support of the weak of those in need.
      Read the Gospel and follow Jesus words.
      Why is your mouth full of hate. You are unable to write anything without expressing hate and that’s works against you.
      Enjoy life by doing good and not by doing wrong.
      Why imply that I support a political party. That shows that you too support a political party so much so that you hate in general anyone criticising you and call him Labour.
      Both main political parties are Maltese so if you persist in your antipathy for everyone that according to your feeling is a Labour supporter then your hae is limitless over half the population is in your black book.
      Either you publish all or nothing. don’t censor that would mean you are not democratic but rather appreciate Nazism.

      [Daphne – I’m publishing your comment in full as you requested, but then you only have yourself to blame for coming across as truly antediluvian.]

      • gorg says:

        Is this guy for real? Sounds to me like someone taking the p………………..

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Prince Eugene l-alleat ta’ Marlborough? Ejja ghallinqas xi hadd kolt.

      • Hmmm says:

        Since you’re so hot on moral imperatives, write to your favourite magistrate and remind her of these rules:

        You shall not commit adultery.

        You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

        You shall not cover your neighbour’s husband.

      • il-Ginger says:

        “To take the advise given you by a certain Father.”
        Is that what Father Murphy told you?

    • Alan says:

      I think Prince Eugene may be in need of some basic explanations.

      A publicist is a person whose job involves getting publicity for people, events, or things such as films or books etc. It entails receiving remuneration, ie money, denaro, argent, flus, dinheiro.

      Astrid Vella said :

      ” ….as are the basic journalistic ethics of declaring her personal interest as publicist for the Piano project, just as she was the publicist for the Hondoq project, MIDI, Fort Cambridge and the St John’s Cathedral Museum extension.”

      ie, that Daphne was receiving remuneration for anything she said about these projects, and, therefore, Daphne was even breaking journalistic ethics for declaring her personal interest as publicist for these projects.

      Not only did she put her foot in it by saying Daphne was the publicist (sic) for these projects, but decided to go further and say there was a beach of journalistic ethics (sic) when declaring (sic) these interests (sic).

      Fhimta issa princep ? Issa ejja, igri l’hemm u mur itfha hames ewro fil basket tal-kolletta tal-libbelli ta Astrid, ghax haj kolla bzonnom.

      • La Redoute says:

        Correction: “…breach of journalistic ethics for NOT declaring her interest.”

        In other words, Daphne doesn’t believe what she’s saying, she’s just paid to say it, but she doesn’t say so, so everyone will think it’s really her opinion when it isn’t.

      • La Redoute says:

        Note: That is Astrid Vella’s opinion, not mine.

      • Michael A. Vella says:

        “You shall not cover your neighbour’s husband” – ‘Coveting’, yes, but methinks ‘covering’ the neighbor’s husband would have been the last thing on that certain magistrate’s mind.

        [Daphne – ‘Cover’ is actually quite apt. It’s the term used by farmers when mating cattle and sheep.]

  17. david s says:

    Astrid has well and truly been sucked into the Labour propaganda strategy: throw mud till some of it sticks.
    Ma’ minn taghmilha ….

    • mc says:

      Astrid Vella has been slinging mud since FAA’s beginnings with the Ghar il-Lenbi case. I put the blame on journalists, especially those of The Times, who gave prominence to whatever she said without bothering to check the veracity of her statements.

  18. Whoa, there! says:

    Daphne: For clarity’s sake, could you kindly reproduce the letter from TMIS and indicate the parts which you find libelous?

    [Daphne – I shall be doing that with my lawyer this week. You appear to think it is not libellous to suggest that I am paid to write what I do. It is, and very much so.]

  19. Antoine Vella says:

    Astrid Vella is showing the same kind of mentality of those who suggest (and believe) that the Prime Minister is being paid by Renzo Piano to push his project forward. She has finally reached Maltastar level.

  20. Tony Pace mhux Tony says:

    L-ahwa, dawn kolla pezza wahda. Astrid joined their club and got sucked in a long time ago. Now it’s payback time, ghax let’s face it, she’s really in the schiesen housen.

    On a different note, Georg said it all today, and although it’s what Daphne has been telling us all along, he said it in a more delicate tone.

    Frankly, like her style or not, Daphne was the only one with enough courage to expose what I seriously think is one of the two biggest scandals within our judiciary in the last 50 years.

    • Alan says:

      People take an active interest today in reading about this affair when other people write about it, simply because Daphne ‘exploded’ the matter into the public domain, and has not let go since.

      Not that other people who write don’t know how to, but they do not ‘grab’ your attention and fire-brand what they are saying into your memory.

      Daphne’s style achieves just that, and she does not cross the line irrespective of what she writes.

      A lot of people have to look up the meaning of fair comment. If someone like Astrid Vella cannot stand to be called a pixxikalda, then she should just not go public in the first place.

      Nobody wants public figures or politicians who can’t stand a little heat. That shows a weak character, and they are therefore not fit to govern or be spokespersons for an issue.

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