Tony Zarb and John Bencini: if you're not from Super One, they aren't talking

Published: March 1, 2010 at 6:31pm
Give me a doughnut and I'll speak.

Give me a doughnut and I'll speak.

John Bencini has refused to speak to The Times because its leading article had the nerve to call yesterday’s Grand Day Out ‘not a national protest’.

Now he and and his friend Tony ‘Let’s Scoff Some More Pies’ Zarb have slammed the door on BondiPlus too. The producers have just circulated this press release.

Il-GWU u l-MUT jiddiskriminaw kontra Bondiplus
Press Release

L-edizzjoni ta’ Bonidplus tal-lejla se tittratta z-zewg protesti li ghamlu l-GWU, l-MUT u unjons ohrajn dwar il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma.

Ghal dan il-programm, stedinna fl-situdjo lil Tony Zarb (GWU) u lil John Bencini (MUT) bhala l-organizzaturi tal-protesta. Dawn qalulna li ma’ jistghux jigu ghaliex se jkunu l-parlament isegwu d-dibattitu.

Stedinnihom jigu fil-programm wara l-vot kif izda qalulna li ma setghux ghaliex se jindirizzaw konferenza stampa. Fic-cirkustanzi, tlabnihom li jibghatu zewg ufficjali gholja ohra tal-unions rispettivi taghhom.

Huma qalulna li ebda wiehed mill-ufficjali ta’ 12 il-union ma jista’ jitkellem dwar din il-kwistjoni u m’accettawx lanqas din l-istedina.

In vista ta’ dan, tlabna li ssir intervista pre-recorded ma’ Tony Zarb li irrifjuta. Tlabna intervista simili ma John Bencini li accetta. Wara li John Bencini accetta, biddel il-fehma Tony Zarb u t-tnejn accettaw li nintervistawhom dalghodu.

Fil-fatt, fuq talba ta’ Tony Zarb stess, l-intervista kienet skedata ghal dalghodu fl-10.30 il-Corinthia Attard. Ma’ John Bencini l-intervista kellha ssir wara.

Il-bierah filghaxija ircievejna SMS minghand John Bencini, tghidilna li kienu qed jikkancellaw iz-zewg intervisti. Riedu biss li nibghatulhom il-mistoqsijiet bl-email.

Ghalina dan mhux accettabbli ghal zewg ragunijiet (a) ahna programm televiziv u mhux gazzetta (b) il-gurnalizmu veru jsir permezz ta’ mistoqsijiet supplimentari.

In vista ta’ dan kollu:

• Huwa car li l-GWU u l-MUT ma’ jridux jirrispondu l-mistoqsijiet ta’ Bondiplus, la live u lanqas irrekordjati.

• Dawn il-unjons qed jiddiskriminaw kontra Bondiplus. Dan ghaliex fi 12 il-siegha, bejn il-Gimgha u s-Sibt li ghaddew, ufficjali ta’ dawn iz-zewg unions, inkluzi John Bencini u Tony Zarb, marru fuq One Radio jitkellmu fuq dan is-suggett.

39 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    I have just watched the video on – nothing has changed – chants of assassin tal-Maltin by the moderati and progressivi present.

  2. Chris Ripard says:

    When Dr Joseph Muscat and his motley crew of hangers-on have to take tough decisions and Humpty Dumpty and the Perpetual Moaner Bencini do SFA in the workers’ defence, don’t come running to me, coz all I’ll say is “told ya”.

    • Chris Ripard says:

      When Dr Joseph Muscat and his motley crew of hangers-on have to take tough decisions and Humpty Dumpty and the Perpetual Moaner Bencini do SFA in the workers’ defence, don’t come running to me, coz all I’ll say is “told ya”.

      Injorant kbir

  3. Antoine Vella says:

    They cannot accuse Lou Bondi of ignoring an anti-goverment protest. It might be a good idea to produce the programme anyway, inviting the unions which did not take part in the protest and letting them say what they think of the GWU and the MUT.

  4. Premium says:

    Insults were hurled by the demonstrators at Nationalist MPs, with the chanting of ‘mafia mafia’ and Gonzi purcinell.

    These are the moderati and progressivi.

    [Daphne – Look on the bright side. It might serve to remind some PN backbenchers whose side they’re really on.]

    • Premium says:

      I agree…it will serve also to remind other voters who are thinking of not voting PN next time that they will get Tony, the ghiduli zaghzugh and the old chanters at Eurosong singing new songs like purcinell purcinell.

  5. Ciccio2010 says:

    Ma shabhom tal-MCESD ma jridux jitkellmu… Daqt jispiccaw jitkellmu wehidhom.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Rejoice! I’m having a dejà vu of the run up to the 2003 elections.

  7. Emanuel Borg says:

    The behaviour of the GWU is a disgrace. It prostitutes itself for the PL without shame.

  8. Anthony Cassar says:

    MUT pupa tal-GWU waqt li GWU pupa tal-PL. Fhiex gabha l-MUT J.Bencini.

  9. Mario De Bono says:

    Tih sangwicc forsi jkellima s-Sur Zarb, hej. Jew xi bicca coklejt forsi jidhaq ftit. U hallina, Sur Zarb. Qahba tal-lejber ergajt gibta il-unjin. Messkom tisthu. Messhom ikeccu lil haddiema min ihaddimhom! Ma keccejniex nies. Messek ghedtilhom lin-nies biex jaghmlu ftit sagrificcju. Haga hemm bzonn. Ejja naraw kemm hemm haddiema tal-gvern u tal-parastatali ma jaghmlu xejn gurnata shiha, u nkeccuhom. Wasal iz-zmien li l-gvern jidba policy tal-hire and fire halli taraw kif imurilkom in-nejk kollu.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Iktar semplici minn hekk, Mario: Ejja nistaqsu lis-Sur Zarb jekk hux lest joffri l-paga tieghu ta’ Segretarju Generali ghall-haddiema, x’inhi l-kelma, “imweggghin”.

    • P Shaw says:

      Ma nistax nifhem kif il-Gvern ma jqaccatx nofs l-Enemalta u l-WSC.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Nesa dan kemm galna nissikaw ic cintorin Mintoff? Ma harigg ifettaq Tony Zarb dak iz zmien.

    • marina says:

      miskom tisthu intom ja ghedewwa tal haddiema,mela qed jimpalalkom il flus gonzi? qeridha malta,

      • Ciccio2010 says:

        Aw marina, jaqaw qed tibza mill-privatizzazzjoni tal-yacht marinas? Smajt li ser jaghtik b’concession ghal xi 30 sena. Ara kif se jeqirdek.

  10. dg says:

    Fija x’tifhem b’Joseph jghidilhom lil kapijiet tal-unions – narakhom u grazzi. Issoltu nuzaw l-kelma narawkhom biex nireciprokaw pjacir ma pjacir iehor.

  11. NGT says:

    Just heard the speeches – what absolutely revolting human beings.

  12. Philip says:

    Daphne il-folla kollha mittelklass kienet? Vera wicchom u l-warrani xorta.

  13. Snoopy says:

    I just say two words in respect of Bencini and leave it to that: Alfred Buhagiar

  14. Snoopy says:

    Is anyone following what is happening in the UK? The Conservative Party is losing its advantage in the polls – in fact it is below 2% and if the election had to be held today, the Labour Party would win.

    With the shows that we had today in front of parliament and the antics of Cow ‘n’ Gate baby and his lackey, I think that people should start thinking – if these individuals are acting this way just with the possibility of being in power, what will happen if they actually are in government?

  15. eros says:

    All this futile waste of hot air proved nothing except the clear agenda of the leftist forces of Malta working together
    to try to destabilise the country, hoping to pave the way for the Labour Party to Castile. We expect nothing better of Toni Zarb
    but Bencini and Pace should be ashamed of themselves in prostituting their members for the satisfaction of the PL-GWU
    tandem. Right-thinking teachers and nurses can see through this charade and should form their own independent union.
    Is this the new Labour? There is nothing new in rowdy protests by the ‘marmalja’ and harsh attacks against those who do not see eye to eye with the left. The more they change, the more they stay the same.

  16. J.Aquilina says:

    What a shame! Every time I manage to convince myself there’s no point in voting come the general election, watching such antics quickly changes my mind.

  17. S.Winwood says:

    I’m looking forward to the third episode of the PL/GWU/MUT comedy.

  18. eros says:

    Just finished watching Bondi + which really exposed the disarray the PL-GWU tandem is in. First Tony Zarb doesn’t want to come, then Bencini accepts and as soon as Tony finds out, puts pressure on Bencini not to attend.

    Then Tony changes his mind and barges into the show unannounced and blabbers a load of nonsense to Bondi’s sharp questions. His disappointment that no PN member voted in favour of the PL’s motion to prepare the road for the new Socialist revolution was too obvious.

    He was so abysmally pathetic that Charles Mangion tried to shield him from himself. What a bunch of clowns!

    • P Shaw says:

      The programme has not been uploaded on di-ve. I guess it’s too embarrassing for Labour, and Albert Marshall is not too keen on that.

  19. john doe says:

    Being a nationalist I also participated in these protests. I cannot agree with my party in government about thee high electrical bills. I don’t have any air conditions and I don’t use my grillioso anymore. I didn’t shout disparaging words against the PM or any member of parliament. However what is wrong is wrong. There should be other solutions for this situation. Thanks.

    • John Schembri says:

      John Doe, with your childish attitude you could have voted Labour in the last election. They promised to cut your bills by half. It seems they had solutions for this situation. While protesting in Valletta did someone come up with some feasible solution for our woes?

      I hope you installed the light-bulbs you got from the government, and that you are considering installing a solar water heater. I hope you are using a microwave oven instead of your Grilioso.

      As a Nationalist you should urge the government to install smart meters so that we might start having off-peak tariffs; that’s the win-win long term solution which we need.

    • Snoopy says:

      We have to pay for what we use, there is no other way. The fact that these “leaders” are only comparing the percentage increase and not the increase itself, should have made you question what are other countries paying?

      Before you protested, did you find your 2009 bill and check what you would be paying in 2010 including the eco incentives in the bill?

      Did you look around you and check what you could reduce or change? I did that and succeeded in reducing around 7 units per day – just by changing my fridge/freezer, washing machine, installing power-reducing software on my computers, limiting the time on the same computers (no overnight downloading of videos/music etc) installed “standby switching off” equipment and a timer to my water-heater.

      Come May or June, I shall reduce this further by an average 7 units per day, through the installation of a photovoltaic system.

      So why don’t you be pro-active instead of protesting and expecting me to pay for your bills and at the same time, thank God that you have still a job (this weekend there was a report that most employers in Malta have kept their workers even when they should have discharged them).

  20. H.P. Baxxter says:

    P.S. Il-Moviment Graffitti xiz-**** kien qed jaghmel hemm? Imisshom jipprotestaw kontra kull prezz gholi li jezisti. Che Guevara jghid: iPhones b’xejn ghal kullhadd!

  21. taxpayer says:

    Waqt il-protesta tal-bierah il-mittelklass bdew ikantaw “Le le le lil Gonzi ma rriduhx – assassin tal-Maltin”. Morna lura fi zmein Dr Paul Boffa. Jistghu John Bencini u Paul Pace, tnejn mil-organizzaturi, jghidu jaqblux ma’ dak id-diskors u hammallagni? Jistghu jghidu li ma kienitx dimostrazzjoni politika?

  22. taxpayer says:

    Ghandu xi hadd dritt jghajjar lil membri tal-parlament tradituri u Guda ghax ghamlu dmirhom u ivvotaw? Jien fl-opinjoni tieghi huwa kas ta’ ksur ta’ privilegg u l-iSpeaker ghandu jiehu passi.

  23. Magrin says:

    No wonder we’ll never win the Eurovision song festival if protesters in Malta are still favouring the tired old refrain Le, Le, Le, lil Gonzi/Eddie/Mintoff ma rriduhx…blah,blah,blah.

    People around the world used to go out to protest about ‘meaty’ issues not subsidised electricity tariffs. Remember the civil rights protests in the US and the Solidarosc movement in Poland? Get real, you people! You have nothing to whinge about.

  24. Harry Purdie says:

    Daphne. I love the Maltese, but don’t understand the lanquage. Looks like your originally ‘English’ blog is being overwhelmed with ‘Maltese’. No problem, just makes your ideas, and the ensuing comments, a little less entertaining.

    [Daphne – Yes, I’d noticed it was a problem.]

  25. Gordon says:

    There is no problem with us middle class paying for what we consume. The problem is for the middle class and co. to pay higher prices than necessary just to help in cancelling bad governance. But as Minister Fenech said “Irridu nidrawhom” Bravo.

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