U hallina, Joe Grima
It looks like the ritornati in the Labour Party have discovered a product which will make their fortune in religiously conservative societies: Miracle Hymen Reconstituting Cream.
And that’s why they’ve all become virgins again.
Here’s Joe Grima, preaching and proselytizing on timesofmalta.com’s comments-board.
Joseph (Joe) Grima
Many contributors in these columns have expressed their disgust at the way PN apoligists have been linking Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party to the incident involving Vince Farrugia. Those comments show the state of utter political despair of those who write them. It was revolting to see comments like ” dawn ma jinbidlux” “back to the past” as if Labour had anything to do with this unfortunate incident.
Like most of us, Joseph Muscat knows Vince Farrugia. Unlike his predecessor, who did not bother to pick up the ohone and express his solidarity with my family and I, when my property was burned down by political arsonists, Joseph called Vince to express his support. In a way, I don’t blame the Nationalists that much for flying off the handle in their remarks. They keep looking for ways of diverting public attention from a disatsrous government they have installed, a lame duck PM who lost control of his government and of his parliamentary group years ago and a bunch of ministers most of whom are nothing to write home about.To that I add the frustration of reading so many SMSs ion my weekly INKONTRI signed -exPN. Tearjerking for any GonziPN.
He’s disgusted at comments which link violence in Labour’s present to violence in Labour’s past because he was part of that past, and a minister no less.
Iva, nahseb li mar jitlob lil Madonna meta kissru l-Curia u l-Qorti u sawtu n-nies kemm il-darba. L-aqwa li jista’ jinqeda bl-internet tal-PN ha joqghod jippriedkalna. Would I ever have thought I’d see the day.
Fantozzi squared.
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i think now you are being too closed minded daphne ….. my humble opinion.ma jistax ikun li f dal pajjiz jibqa jkollna kummenti qisna xi zwiemel b par ghajnejn mottiha.
“Joseph called Vince to express his support”.
That sounds a bit like the people who make a donation to a charitable cause and then try to get free advertising from it by publicising their “good deed”.
Thankfully, he didn’t do a Consuelo, mistake the number, and ring Sandro with a show of solidarity instead of Vince.
If my memory serves me correctly Joe Grima had turned against Alfred Sant sometime during the 1990s.
[Daphne – Yes, he turned against him because he was told he wasn’t wanted any more.]
Apparently at the time he didn’t have the same opinion of PN he has today. Perhaps his opinion swayed because he hosted programmes on NET TV.
Alfred Sant never forgot the incident when the late Tony Mallia was attacked by none other than Joe Grima. Imma kemm jahsbu dawn ic-cwiec li ahna n-nies ninsew malajr. Darba Anton Buttigieg kien qal il-poplu wara tlett xhur jinsa. Ghaddew 23 sena, Anton, minn meta kontu fil-poter u sal-lum ghadni qatt ma nsejt minn xhiex ghaddew in-Nazzjonalisti taht il-hakma faxxista tal-lejber. U l-inqas ser ninsa.
Not wanted any more? The feeling was mutual: Joe Grima left Alfed Sant’s Labour Party because Alfred Sant’s Labour party no longer represented Joe Grima’s ideologies…facts please, not sensationalism.
“dawn ma’ jinbidlux”: l-ewwel harqu t-Times u imbaghad harqulu l-istazzjon tar-radju tieghu, u Fredu “did not bother to pick up the phone and express his solidarity”.
Hafna loghob bil-psajlu dan nghidlu jien. Ghidilna li kienu shabek il-laburisti li harqulek l-istazzjon mhux tinheba wara l-kliem: ‘political arsonists’.
Dawn bhal kunserva tat-tlett gholjiet “some things never change”.
Naqbel mieghek, ghaziza Rita. it’s about bloody time li int u dawk bhalek jifthu ghajnejhom….and hurry up because 2013 is nearly here.
“Political arsonists” – a convenient euphemism for organised ‘old Labour’ criminals.
Did Joe Grima forget that in the past he used to refer to Eddie Fenech Adami as “Bodbod”.
U imbghad mar jigri jipprezenta l-programmi fuq NET TV ghax il-Labour ma riduhx.
Izjed in-Nazzjonalisti cwiec accettawh.
U minn kien dak li kien dahal fl-ufficju tal-Malta Broadcasting Authority u ta daqqa ta’ ponn f’wicc Tony Mallia u faqalu mniehru? Dik kienet il-murtal tal-bidu ghal 16-il sena ta’ vjolenza fizika u politika fuq kull min ma kienx jaqbel mal-Partit Laburista.
U qed naraw issa, jidher li l-imgieba u il-mentalita li jhaddnu dawk li jappogaw il-Labour ghadha ma nbiddlitx minn dawk iz-zmienijiet ta’ sahta fuq pajjizna.
This was in the early seventies when the Broadcasting Authority was still above the car showroom in Blata L-Bajda. So Joseph (Joe) Grima is also suffering from providential amnesia.
Some more about Joe Grima. According to this he’s more the Sandro Chetcuti type……
Nahseb li Joe Grima nesa’ zmienu. All you have to do is watch very closely from 4.00 to roughly 4.20 on this video to see what I mean. His shape is unmistakable, so you can’t miss him.
U tajjeb li KULLHADD mhux biss ma jinsiex dak kollu li kien gara, imma li JIBQA JZOMM QUDDIEM GHAJNEJH li hafna minn dawk hatja ta’ dawk l-abbuzi ghad ghandhom certu seta gewwa il-Partit Laburista illum, u li ohrajn ghadhom lesti wara il-kwinti biex malli jaraw il-mument jerghu jkomplu fejn hallew.
Exactly, Mandy.
The man filmed in the 47th second+ in the film http://www.youtube.com/user/biexmatinsiex#p/a/f/0/cI2BxaYmNyA was my father, beaten up just for attending a meeting. He was hospitalized with a fractured skull and had 28 stitches on his head, 5 of them internal. He suffered from headaches for the rest of his life thanks to those animals. And we are expected to forgive them or believe they have changed. Never.
Will Mr Joe Grima kindly tell us whether he called Dr Fenech Adami in solidarity when his house was ransacked and his family assaulted? Did he ring Mabel Strickland when The Times was burned down? Did he phone the archbishop when the Curia was ransacked, or the Chief Justice when the law courts were pillaged?
Just wondering.
I don’t remember Joe Grima calling the MUT to express his solidarity when after a GWU meeting (kumbinazzjoni?) some thugs broke into the MUT building and ransacked the place.
As you go by the Teachers’ Institute you can still see the strong iron inner door built on purpose to guard the people working there and the building from any future attack.
Most of us cannot ever forget what we went through when you formed part of the worst governments we ever had.
“when my property was burned down by political arsonists”
Oh, so now those arsonists were political, right? This when the PN was in government and he was out of the Labour Party. Why doesn’t he go the whole hog and tell us their names?
10q babe, u r a star
‘whole hog’ so apt me thinks
What was the purpose of this post by Big Joe? To promote his TV programme? He lost his credibility a long time ago when he uttered his famous words “the PN will get into Castille over my dead body”.
That would be one hell of a hill to climb.
This is one of Daphne’s posts last October.
This is from a report carried in The Sunday Times today, marking the 30th anniversary of Black Monday.
With an office at Castille, Mr Grima recalled vividly the black smoke and burning smell when The Times building was gutted.
“Without doubt it was an ugly day, but responsibility for those events lies solely with the individuals who perpetrated them,” he insisted, describing the thugs as “loose cannons”.
He condemns the violence but argues Labour was as big a victim of the event as those who got hurt.
“Those people went haywire. They are the ones responsible and nobody else. Unfortunately, history only recalls the political spin, which chastised the Labour Party, when nobody in the party ever gave orders for The Times to be burnt down or Dr Fenech Adami’s house to be ransacked,” he said.
I am more than a little tired of mealy-mouthed excuses of this nature, particularly when they come from a man who I vividly remember on Mintoff’s and KMB’s lorries, banging his fists, shouting and laughing vulgarly at Mintoff’s coarse jokes. The Labour Party didn’t give instructions for the burning of a newspaper building, the ransacking of a party leader’s home, and all of the rest of the violence and corruption that made me believe – because I knew nothing else – that this was what normal life was like.
But the Labour Party and the government it formed sure as hell created the climate in which that violence and corruption were not just possible but inevitable. They led by example, and then when things got really bad, it was far, far too late to slam the lid shut on the Pandora’s box of horror they had opened.
To use an expression more famously used elsewhere: Joe Grima would say that, wouldn’t he?
The one that said it first, of course, being far easier on the eye.
They keep looking for ways of diverting public attention from a disastrous government they have installed, a lame duck PM who lost control of his government and of his parliamentary group years ago and a bunch of ministers most of whom are nothing to write home about.
Was not he one of those who installed this government as well?
‘when my property was burned down by political arsonists’.
Imisshom jisthu dawk li jghidu li haraqha hu stess ghall-insurance.
Imisshom jisthu dawk li jghidu li kien qal ‘over my dead body’ issir elezzjoni ohra immedjatament wara r-rizultat pervers tal-1981 u hu ma jibqax ministru.
Imisshom jisthu dawk li jghidu li kien dejjem igorr mieghu ggajta nies vjolenti kull fejn imur.
Jghidu li mnalla Malta zghira u jghaddi hafna rih.
Anyone still remember when the late Tony Mallia was beaten up at the Broadcasting Authority offices, and by whom?
Apparently, Saviour Balzan of MaltaToday does: http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/2003/10/27/opinion.html
Joe ‘over my dead body’ Grima was a minister in the most violent cabinets this country has ever seen. He is now disgusted that we should look back in horror and dare to link the present violence with that which happened during the time when he had every opportunity to resign his ministerial brief in protest.
Joe, nobody believes you any more. The “state of utter political despair” was when you and your ilk treated the rest of us to your brand of socialist suppression.
The PL yes has changed its name but certainly not managed to camouflage its tactics and abominable style.
@ j bellia
Is it maybe someone who in 1987 said that he would rather die than see the majority clause entrenched in our constitution?
Joe Grima, opinjonsit skadut, xejn kredibbli, irrid jippatronizzana. Il-passat jibqa parti min hajtu. Appologija? Ikun jaqbillu jekk jirtira, jaghmel dieta u jghix hajja trankwilla.
Inqas paroli, Joe, ghax fakartni li darba kien hemm xi hadd li ghamel listes hmerija lil mibki Tony Mallia.
If Mr Grima thinks he is helping the PL, then let him think so, but for many, his face on the TV screen only brings back memories of incidents as bad as the one we witnessed this week. He reminds many of the types who used to surround him such as ‘il-balla’……
Joe Grima should retire and write his memories of the Labour governments of which he was a part. I am sure it will be a best selling fairy tale.
If it’s fairy tales you want, why don’t you write them?… you’re under a nom-de-plume anyway!
Joe Grima is back with his old tactics.
And here are some more moderate progressives: Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Debono Grech, Anglu Farrugia, Toni Abela…
Joe, in-Nazzjonalisti ma jahmlukx ghax int ex-ministru Laburista taz-zmien il-pastazati, u l-Laburisti ma jahmlukx ghax pinnur. Mur indifen trid, ha tistrieh u sserrahna.
Keep it up, My Dear Joseph. Moviment gdid, u taccetta klinker bhal dan.
Klinker x’ikun?
PM who lost control? Who are the Labourites trying to kid? Don’t they have eyes to see for themselves? It’s true that Gonzi has been plagued with problems of all sorts. But he didn’t collapse and crumble like Alfred Sant did. The results speak for themselves. If anything, the problems that Gonzi had to manage show his ability and strategic imperative. The good of the country comes first.
Windbag meets Joseph.
‘Like most of us, Joseph Muscat knows Vince Farrugia…. Joseph called Vince to express his support’
Reminds me of the mafia, where the biggest wreaths are sent by the perpetraters.
Will Joe Grima do the decent thing and tell us for which party he voted in 2003 and 2008?
Did he vote for Sant, did he abstain, did he vote AD or did he vote PN?
If he didn’t help ‘install’ this government, then he tried to install Sant, either by voting for him directly, abstaining or voting AD.
There is only one noun that describes Joe Grima – PINNUR.
and a few other words, opportunist, vulgar and a peasant at the best of times. Jaqq.
Nesa Joe Grima li darba ftahar li vvotta lil-P.N.
Of course he knows him. He even said he’s not saying the truth.
Halli nfakkrek, Joe Grima: meta kont l-isptar hdejn missierek u kien jghidlek biex tmur tixtrilu in-Nazzjon Taghna imma int kont tghidlu biex ma jajjaghatx ghax inkella Mintoff ma kien ilahqek fir-Rediffusion; meta jien ma stajtx nixtri video camera u alla jbierek int kellek fil-Mercedes wahda; meta int kissirt il-forti Sant Anglu biex it-tifel tieghek jaghmel disco; meta hadt propjeta biex sar ir-Raffles disco.
Issa mort mal-Labour ergajt. Jaqaw ghadek mintiex kuntent b’dak li hadt min fuq dar il-poplu?
Joe, ftakar li min jafek ghadu haj.
Zball kbir kien meta Net Television accetta lill Joe Grima ex-ministru Laburist taz-zmien it-TERRUR jidhol id-Dar Centrali u jistrieh billi jattakka lill Alfred Sant fil-programm li kien imexxi.
Ghandhom mitt ragun, jekk mhux miljun, Pippo u Philip jghidu li kien zball ohxon aktar min Joe’s belly li tan-NET hallewh jisserva b’ghodda tal-partit li hallasna ghaliha ahna li konna vittmi tal-vjolenza rampanti tal-gvern li fih kien jimmilita.
Niftakar qisu l-bierah ir-rabja li kelli meta smajt li ser jaghmel “Protagonisti” ghalkemm minn persuna bhal Joe tistenna kollox.
Id-dirigenti tal-partit ghandhom jiehdu ezempju min dawk tal-Labour li qatt ma jafdaw u jagevolaw in-nies tal-PN. Per ezempju anke l-PIN jippublika bosta kotba t’awturi li jimmiltiw (anke jekk bil-mohbi) fl-MLP, bhal m’hu fil-kaz ta’ sensiela shiha partikolari.
[Daphne – Tghidli xejn: ghalhekk mela ghandhom lil Marisa Micallef u John Bundy.]
Ghandek ragun dwar dan, jien ukoll narha stramba kif kultant jaghmlu dawn il-manuvri. Pero ibqa certa li din il-mossa saret bl-akbar hsieb ta. Il-kaz ta’ certi prezentaturi li jibdlu posthom nahseb li kultant isir b’mottiv kummercjali. Il-kaz ta’ Grima, pero hu xi haga ferm aktar pezanti.
Joe Grima … what a laugh. What about the frustration us voters had to endure in 1981 when he was part of an ‘illegimate” government
Iva il-passat ta’ Joe Grima huwa mahmug daqs dak tal-Labour. Fil-fatt huwa kien percimes u qatt ma ikkundana l-agir ta’ dik il-marmalja Laburista. Dwar il-hruq tal-propjeta tieghu hawn hafna versjonijiet fosthom li kien hemm xi insurance involuta. Ma ninsewx li it-tfal ta’ Joe fiz-zmien il-Labour ta’ Mintoff u Karmenu kienu jaghmlu li jridu u jakkwistaw li jridu. Forsi ghalhekk Sant keccieh. Insomma Joe missu jisthi jidher fuq it-TV, ahseb u ara jigi jippriedkalna x-inhu sewwa jew hazin.
Jiena kont mort nipprotesta mal-PN ghax taw il-programm lil Joe Grima fuq Net TV u haduha kontrija. Izda illum iz-zmien tani ragun. Jien m’ghadniex mal-PN u mil l-ahhar elezzjoni ivvotajt Labour. Ghalhekk nappella lil mahbub mexxej taghna Dr.Joseph Muscat biex iwwaqqfu min fuq One TV. Michael Woods
Michael, meta il-jeans tieghek jibda jigi lis-sur Grima, jitlaq mil-PL.
L-ewwel kien hemm int, u gie hu. Int kont ta’ gewwa u hu kien il-barrani.
Issa ghadek kif dhalt, u rega’ gie hu. Int u hu ma’ tistghux tghixu taht l-istess saqaf.
Illum il-vangelu kien fuq il-Missier hanin. Il-bieb dejjem miftuh, xogholok ma’ ntesiex. U hallik mill-mexxej mahbub, u l-kult tal-personalita. Taghmel lil hadd alla tieghek.
If I remember rightly, ex-Labour Minister Joe Grima, now back with the “progressives”, said in Parliament after The Times was burned that he was so sorry it hadn’t been gutted to its foundations.
So much for progress.
Il-hanzir taqtaghlu denbu hanzir jibqa – imma Joe Grima mhux hanzir, pero ghamel u ghadu jaghmel ghar mil-hniezer.
@ PhiliP: sewwa qed tghid. Joe Grima issa qed juri xturu.
jidispjacini najdilkom li intom ukoll kolla ipokrti ax meta sur joe grima kien jifforma parti mill-skeda ta net TV kontu tiftahru bil kwalita tal programm. ara veru l-ispizjar milli jkollu jtik.
Kif urejt qabel, jien kont wiehed mill-hafna li b’modi differenti pprotestajna ma nies fil-partit ghal programm li taw lil Grima fuq NET TV. Kif gara f’kazi ohra, l-istrategija li ninqdew b’certu nies halli jibqaw mansi u ma jigdmuniex reget rebhet. Pero hafna Nazzjonalisti ghadhom iddispjacuti ghal din id-decizjoni u kull decizjoni simili.