U kif ma kienux hemm mal-friends, Consie u Robert?

Published: March 1, 2010 at 4:42pm


The molester of rubber puppets, the former police inspector and Maid Marian (liebes cool bil-ginns biex hadd ma jinduna li fartas) soak up the adulation of the non-political masses at the apolitical national protest in Valletta yesterday.

Meanwhile, Lil Din (her beige jacket is just about visible) is squashed up behind and struggling to keep up by clutching at the puppet molester’s arm because her husband appears to have forgotten that she’s with him.

Who’s missing in this picture? That’s right: Consie and Robert. Lydia Abela was there, but she’s in a separate photograph.

Charlon Gouder, meanwhile, was busy making sure that no whores picked his pockets. There must have been a few there. Kif jistghu llahqu ma’ l-oghli tal-hajja? Se jkollhom jibdew jahdmu fid-dlam.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Louis Xerri says:

    Lydia Abela is right behind Lil Din.

    [Daphne – That’s right! Clever of you to spot her. Issa Consie jonqos.]

    • Giga says:

      U Stefan Buontempo wara the cool one (with what appears to be a red sausage sticking out above his head), liebes l-ahmar, bhalma jhobb jaghmel ghal dawn l-okkazzjonijiet tant specjali.

  2. Louis Xerri says:

    Jista jkun li nqabdet fuq bicca xoghol mal-perit u ma lahhqitx waslet.

  3. Isard du Pont says:

    The Times tells us that The People carried placards which accused the utilities tariffs of being “inhuman”.

    Bit difficult for tariffs to be inhuman given that they were never human to start with.

    I suppose the unions’ slogan-writers meant ‘inhumane’, but Maltese either doesn’t allow for these distinctions or the slogan-writers are too poorly educated to understand that there is a distinction at all.

    • Ciccio2010 says:

      Expect the GWU to make a petition to the Court of Human Rights, signed by Dr. Toni Abela, Dr. Anglu Farrugia and Dr. Lydia Abela.

  4. Hotob il-Gemel says:

    That’s nothing. In the comments beneath the on-line story, there are people accusing the government of having ‘faqqaw il-kaxxa ta’ Malta’. They’re still thinking in literal terms of Mintoff’s infamous cash-box.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Kemm hemm facial hair fit-Team Rebbieh II.

  6. SPTT says:

    Kemm minghalija kien fi Frar il-karnival!

  7. Rita Camilleri says:

    What was that red sausage behind? Miskina “lil din” kif gabuha.

  8. Denis says:

    A propos of nothing ….. just a morsel from The Times for your delectation


  9. Al Capone says:

    Everybody is free to do what she/he likes. If these people should protest, let them do so, they are free to do it………oh I was about to forget – no tear gas, no armed thugs, no face covered police beating demonstrators, and of course nothing similar to TAL-BARRANI 1986 scenes

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