A Facebook conversation of astonishing brilliance
Here’s some more intelligent debate.
This time it’s from the Facebook group called CERTI LI SE NSIBU 5,000 RUH LESTI LI JIVVUTAW LABOUR.
You’ll need a lot more than 5,000 votes to get into government, honeys.
Marelli, they can’t even spell and write in Maltese.
One of them thinks I ‘attacked’ the Leader’s children because I don’t have any of my own.
He calls me ‘is-sahhara tal-Madliena’ (he knew it was an expensive sort of country place where some posh people live, but u ejja, mhux xorta). And another one addresses his readers as ‘people’ as in ‘hey people’, or rather ppl – qisna tas-SevENties.
And this is the new generation. I despair.
James Grech
DCG’s blog is yet another example of how low PN supporters could stoop, with the approval of the PM himself, to create gossip and sensationalism. Boycott it!! Believe me you’ll feel much better.
James Grech
GPN preaches unity and values, on the wake of the Pope’s visit. However he approves DCG to continue to spit hatred towards anything that is remotely associated to the PL. Then curia claims that the Pope’s visit should not be about keeping up appearances. My friends for GPN it is just that!! Actually it has been just that from when that party was born. GPN is all about keeping up appearances. On the inside it is all rotten and putrified.
Gilbert Jones
Nixtieq nejd lil daphne li l aqwa nies ta malta hargu mill iskejjel tal gvern alfejn qed iddahhal lit tfal fin nofs dan ax m andekx tfal inti. Inti tista tidhol fil hajja personali tan nies imma meta dahhlu fil hajja tieghek mal ewwel edt dik il hajja tieghi personali alfejn qed tiktbu fuqi. Min m andux htija jitfa l e…wwel gebla. Jien alija personali lil daphne jekk hemm bzonn nezilja minn malta u kull m’ andu x jaqsam mal hajja personali taghha nohorgu fil pubbliku. Hallina kwieti mela m andekx fuq min tikteb daphne. Trid tara ma xix tiggranfa biex tnessi in nies mill problemi.
IvAn Delia
ikumpatija miskina ma ghandiex x taghmel ghajr li tajjar u tinsolenta lin-nies !!!!! daphne get a life !!!!
Jesmond Zammit
gilbert l isptarijiet mentali mimlijin ghalek qeda barra dik
Jesmond Zammit
x misthijja anka t tfal tiaw trid twaqqa ghac cajt minghalija .x jaqq ta mara
Gilbert Jones
ara veru sewwa jejdula is sahhara tal madliena ta. Pastaza mill kbar u injoranta. Nixtieq nistaqsija fejn kienet tmur skola daphne? Tal gvern jew kella lil min jimbuta u dahhluwa go xi skola privata??
IvAn Delia
ma nafx u qas irird ikun naf … zgur li ma kelliex edukazjon sura qas mill genituri pastaza arroganti ta dik il-kwalita pffff imnalla bhalha awn wahda jaqqqqqq
Rennie Mercieca
Hbieb, hudu pacenzja u taghtux importanza lil certu nies li qed jaghmlu minn kollox biex jaljenaw lil poplu fuq giossip irhis u ma jhallluniex niffukaw fuq problemi serji fil-pajjiz.
Power station
Kontijiet tada-dawl u ilma… See More
Il-vroma ta’ bieb il-belt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IvAn Delia
prosit rennie !!!!!!
Jesmond Zammit
rennie importanza ahna ma naghtu l hadd imma tisma b xi hnizrija bhal dik tesponija
James Grech
Ppl, DCG’s blog is a pervert attempt to discredit everything that is remotely close to PL. Irrespective of who it is. It’s mearly a hate group which the PN is using to instil hate towards ppl. DCG is all the time boasting that this blog is being visited by many ppl. My suggestion is to boycott this blog. Why should ppl visit it unless they want to … See Moresee how low PN supporters could stoop to create gossip and sensationalism? Do like yourstruly, do not visit this blog and f*** DCG and all its viperous sentiment towards ppl and life at large.
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U jien kont nistghageb b’Toni ta’ Stokkolma.
Dak lussu hdejn dawn. Kieku jien il-Ministru ta’ l-Edukazzjoni nigborhom ftit lil dawn in-nies. Inkredibbli. Imsieken. Nispera li ma ghandhomx ulied. Mhux ghax irrid inkun krudili, imma nies bhal dawn x’jistghu jaghtuhom lil uliedhom?
L-anqas ma jiktbu jafu, ahseb u ara kemm jafu jahsbu. U Dwardu Debono jistaghna bil-hsieb laterali.
Gravi. Veru gravi.
Forsi issa veru m’ahniex tajbin wisq issa, imma b’nies bhal dawn imexxu l-pajjiz……..
Ma nafx jiktbux l-aghar bil-Malti jew bl-ingliz. Tal-biki t-tnejn.
X’wicc irid ikollok biex tghajjar ‘l xi hadd injorant meta m’intix kapaci tikteb car bl-ebda lingwa. Imma ilna nafu li dawn m’ghandhomx zejt f’wicchom.
[Daphne – The one I find most irritating is ‘tejt’ for ‘tghid’, which incidentally also reveals their pronunciation. Mhumiex puliti zgur, ghax dawk jghidu ‘tajt’ u ‘jajdu’.]
Mr Baxxter
Who said I was expecting anyone to be balanced? After all, this is a satirical site where objectivity is irrelevant.
Yes, it’s a bunch of illiterates using politics as a short cut. Politics in Malta is fertile ground for the mediocre who have no other way of getting ahead in life.
The accent doesn’t come into this. Go to a lecture by a Scotsman, listen to a Sicilian judge talking, a Provençal or a Manchurian politician converse.
Nahseb omm Rennie Mercieca hadet zball ikrah meta semmietu hekk.
Ir-Rennies li naf jien huma biex iserhulek l-istonku, u mhux biex iqallawk.
Min jaf George Abela kemm qed jghid li l-Bambin refghu min xaghru. Ghax veru tal-misthija biex tkun leader ta’ l-injoranza ta’ dan it-tip. Difficli tiddeskriviha.
Sur Camillo Bento, kemm int bravu, wiehed hawn bhalek f’Malta.
Il-kitba tajba fil-blogs trid issiba, kemm int bravu.
“is sahhara tal madliena ?
Nispera li ma hemm hadd Caruana Dingli joqghod hemm, ghax imbaghad zgur ihawduha il-borma il-brillanzi tal-lejber.
Il-Leader ma kienx qal il “qalbu tokorbu” biex jara poplu maghqud u hena u paci u sliem etc etc? Dawn mhux jobdu d-direttivi tieghu.
Ghaziz H.P. Baxxter – tinsiex li tal-Labour idumu biex jingranaw. Hu ftit pacenzja hu b’garanzija li bhal merhla wara li jinaj ir-raj sgur li jobduh.
Insomma. Fuq l-EU malajr ingranaw u rikbu dik il-gravy train. Choo choo!
Hawnhekk l-issue centrali hija li Daphne Caruana Galizia hija indipendenti mill-PN. Imma ghall-MLP, kull kritika diretta lejhom = gejja mill-PN. Ghax in-narcissizmu taghhom huwa bla limitu. Allura mhux kapaci jammettu li xi hadd jista’, minghajr ma jibda minn pozizzjoni f’xi partit, isibhom ripunjanti.
Arma effettiva. Ghax kull min jikkritikahom jittimbrawh bit-tikketta ta’ “Nazzjonalist”. Ghax fil-worldview bipolari, kull opinjoni trid tohrog mill-fonti tal-partit, u mhemmx hsieb indipendenti.
Malta, narak u nibkik.
Mr Baxxter
Daphne might be independent, but she is also extremely biased. She is in all her rights to be so.
So bloody what? Or perhaps, like most of Malta, you equate “having a strong opinion” with “being biased”?
I’m fed up to the gills with “balanced” articles and statements. We deplore this BUT. I agree BUT. I think that given that the issue is still under discussion my personal opinion would, in this case, take into account both sides of the BLA BLOODY BLA.
No wonder nothing ever gets done in this bloody place. Interview replies go on for ten frigging minutes, and by the end you’re left scratching your head. So-called “experts” construct abstruse metaphors within metaphors within parables, and carefully sidestep the words “yes” and “no”.
As for Maltese “columnists”-cum-consultants/board members/chairpersons of assorted bum-fluff committees, their only concern is with ingratiating themselves with everyone.
This isn’t some disquisition on the Nature of the Vacuum. This is politics in 2010.
Who said I was expecting anyone to be balanced? After all, this is a satirical site where objectivity is irrelevant.
“Satirical site”? You, sir, have understood nothing.
Enlighten me Mr Baxxter.
GPN is all about keeping up appearances.
Sa fejn naf jien, GPN mhiex haga tad-dandin, imma hija biex twasslek fejn ghandek tasal, bl-iqsar triq, u minghajr ma tintilef.
…bhal dik li ghandhi fil-karozza.
X’inhuma helwin jahasra. Inghaqdu jimmasturbaw lil xulxin b’ insinwazzjonijet bizzantini u safliena, go forum li jippermetti l-injoranza invincibbli taghhom takkumula qisa ordu go maqjel.
Ghala dawn l-iskjeramenti xxellerrati? Huwa minnu li Daphne Caruana Galizia hadet posizzjoni anti-PL, izda dan qatt minghajr ragunijiet u provi sodi.
Meta taghmel argument partiggjan, ghallinqas dejjem tibni kas ghalih, u inzid nghid, wiehed nieqes minn divaggazjonijiet u semanticizmi politici. Dak li ghandha xi tghid, tghidu car u tond halli kulhadd jifhmu minnufih.
Forsi ghaldaqshekk hafna ma jistghux ghaliha.
Ma ninsewx illi dan huwa pajjiz Kristjan fejn bosta huma dawk li tghallmu jinvestu fil-gideb a skaptu tal-verita’, u allura meta jiltaqaw ma xi hadd li jwettaq vjolenza fuq dan il-principju tant fundamentali ghall-hajjithom, ihossuhom mhedda u oltraggati.
Daphne Caruana Galizia hija is-seru ghal-velenu tal-propaganda politika li qed idajjifna. Prosit Daphne.
Pardon my grammar, Daphne, but which part of the galaxy do these arseholes come from? They can’t even communicate between themselves. Numb-Nuts, the only votes you might find are the ones you tossed overboard from the Gozo ferry in the early 80s.
Mamma mia, x’wahx!
Dawn fejn marru skola? Mur gibhom jiktbu xi faxx ligijiet!
IvAn Delia
“ma nafx u qas irird ikun naf … zgur li ma kelliex edukazjon sura qas mill genituri pastaza arroganti ta dik il-kwalita pffff imnalla bhalha awn wahda jaqqqqqq”
Can anyone tell me what “qas” is? I know the word “qasqas”, but “qas” for crying out loud, is that baby talk?
short for ‘lanqas’
Qas is used for “l-inqas”
gilbert jones, jien nahseb li Dun Karm Psaila kieku ghadu haj u jara il-kitba tieghek, kieku jispara ghal rasu. Nista insaqsik mistoqsija? Mintiex jewilla qed tiehu xi kors l-universita hux ma’ Alex? Veru niskanta bikhom kif l-anqas ghandkhom qoxra f’ wicckom tiddefsu biex imbaghad tiktbu dik il-manjiera (ma narax lili).
I suppose the most important thing to consider, is the FACT that these people (apart from their inability to write properly) are attacking Daphne because she uncovered the unbecoming behaviour of Consuelo Herrera who happens to be a Labour creation. That’s all. I think they are doing a disservice to their party because I do not think that officially the PL approves of the magistrate’s conduct, but in the circumstances they are forced to defend her.
Why are they ‘forced’ to defend her? They don’t think her behaviour is unbecoming at all.
Jekk inhu veru dak li kiteb wiehed minn dawk ikkwotati – li l-aqwa nies f’Malta hargu mill-iskejjel tal-gvern – allura ghalfejn il-‘leader’ tal-MLP qed jaghmel minn kollox biex idahhal lit-tewmin fi skola tal-knisja jew fi skola privata?
Ammissjoni li l-leader mhux wiehed mil-aqwa nies ta’ Malta ghax sa fejn naf jien ma marx fi skola tal-gvern. Do they think before they write?
Fiz-zmien l-iskejjel tal gvern kienu TOPS u veru hafna irjus hargu mill iskejjel tal gvern – ghax il gvern qatt ma kien jindahal kif titmexxa skola – marru lura meta il politika deffset denba fi zmien il-Labour.
Gilbert Jones hu xempju ta’ kemm l-iskejjel Maltin huma tajbin! L-anqas bil-Malti ma jaf jikteb.
Yes, there are very few brilliant kids that came out of ‘a’ state school – the Handaq Junior Lyceum when it was under its first headmaster (a certain Mr Testa I think). Like every institution that centres round the brilliance of one person, the Handaq Junior Lyceum was destined for failure. Once the gentleman left, the crash followed.
What’s happening here? Why are nearly all posts in Maltese?
Good point, Shakespeare. Love Daphne’s blog, and consider her a friend, but since I am also ‘Maltese illiterate’, probably time to tune out. Sorry Daphne, keep up your good stuff, you’re one hell of a tough lady.
You criticized Joseph Muscat not his children, but it seems that no matter how clear you make your point these people always seem to miss it and interpret it as something completely different.
My observations about this is that they just see everything that comes out of your mouth as an attack on their leader as a person, rather then their leader being incapable of living up to the standards that he has set. Saying one thing today and doing another tomorrow. Its like a PL mantra, but they still don’t care or don’t see it.
I’m starting to think that all this criticism is getting to them, but in the wrong way. Instead of taking a step backwards and reading your message, they’re just getting more defensive and crazier (or rather more alienated from reality). Not to mention more immune by the day to your criticisms.
It’s come to the point where they skim through your posts, see “children, school , Muscat” and think you’re targeting his children.
So in the end, it seems the point of all of this is just entertainment for us (including you) and convincing us of what we already are convinced of, because they’ll never be convinced – not even if Muscat comes out and says “nhobbkhom I am incapable”..at least not after all this fighting and if they’re going to be convinced of it, it’s never going to be this way.
These are people whose brains are as thick as a rubble wall. No matter how much you try to explain, they just never get it.
being a facebook follower…thought i should let you know haha
a fictitious saint has more fans than your friend joseph muscat :P
It just goes to show what a banal lot most people are.
Joseph Muscat is wearing a jacket over a jacket. Possibbli m’ ghandux pullover, xi vijnek sabih? He goes from one extreme to another, from a tie-knot as big as the Grand Harbour to wearing two jackets hamburger style.
Kif James Grech ma jisthix isemmi x’qalet l-Kurja?. Mela nesa meta dahlu l-Kurja w kissru kull ma beda jigi ghal idejhom, inkluza li statwa tal Madonna?. Ipokriti bhal dawn in-nies qatt ma rajt.
Qed nikteb bil-Malti ghax ghalkemm ma jafux jiktbuh, ghall-inqas jafu jarawh.
Kif James Grech ma jisthix isemmi x’qalet l-Kurja?. Mela nesa meta dahlu l-Kurja w kissru kull ma beda jigi ghal idejhom, inkluza li statwa tal Madonna? Ipokriti bhal dawn in-nies qatt ma rajt.
Qed nikteb bil-Malti ghax ghalkemm ma jafux jiktbuh, ghall-inqas jafu jaqrawh.
Lil Gilbert Jones: Ma ghandekx kelma WAHDA miktuba bil-Malti tajjeb! Int f’liema skola mort?
Thank the heavens that we are governed by a representative democratic system of government.