A Labour councillor gives us the finger (two, actually)

Published: April 8, 2010 at 1:06am
FOXX Daphne - a new film starring FOXXY BROWN

FOXX Daphne - a new film starring FOXXY BROWN

Labour councillor Keith Darmanin has his friends and canvassers writing in to salute me (foxx Daphne, foxx il-mejtin tijek, foxx il-partit tijek).

Now Keith has decided to step in himself with a double birdie.


Now here’s Keith Darmanin at a birthday bash thrown by FZL (Foxx Zop Liba, to use their preferred terminology) secretary-general Alex Saliba. Mhux ghal xi haga, but don’t these people know any girls? Their Facebook pages are loaded with photographs of groups of men. Forsi ghadhom jibzaw minn Eva, bhalma ghalmuhom ghand tal-Muzew.


But wait – Keith has got himself a really hot date at last. And he’s paid extra for the large syringe.


Ritratt storiku ta’ Keet mal-irjus kbar tal-partit: there’s our Keith, squashing up behind. For Inspector Gadget’s sake, we must hope he isn’t holding a big needle.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Isard du Pont says:

    What in god’s name is Toni Abela wearing?

  2. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    Was the first photo on his Facebook?

    [Daphne – Incredibly, they are ALL from his Facebook account.]

  3. Mini-Tiananmen square says:

    Some words might have been misspelled intentionally but ‘Foxx’ is a stage name like Jamie Foxx. The Maltese offence is written with an F’ while Zop ends with a Double B instead of a P.

    [Daphne – Er, I know that. Keith Darmanin’s fans at FZL don’t.]

  4. s.winwood says:

    I spotted a suit like that very recently in Petticoat Lane. If I’m not mistaken it was marked £7.99.

  5. Clive says:

    Toni reminds me of the little guy from Fantasy Island.

  6. Rover says:

    Is that Keet’s version of the backstroke? Someone send in his application for the London 2012 Olympics. He’s already practising his victory salute to the Maltese nation.

  7. Harry Purdie says:

    What are these turkeys doing posing in front of the Swiss flag? What an insult to Switzerland.

    • Mountain goatee says:

      Dreaming of Svizzera fil-Mediterran perhaps?
      They’re sitting in front of what looks like a banana tree – quite appropriate for this Labour bunch.

    • Leonard says:

      Lingering thoughts of Switzerland-in-the-Mediterranean?

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Perhaps that’s the Red Cross tent and they’re queuing to have their bottoms injected. Apparently, it’s what they do for kicks on special occasions.

  8. ciccio2010 says:

    “Their Facebook pages are loaded with photographs of groups of men. Forsi ghadhom jibzaw minn Eva…”
    Why should they be afraid of Eve Bajada, the one who runs a gay hotel, and who strongly supports Labour?

  9. TROY says:

    In the third photo Keith is getting the finger (two actually) from Jason (must be him, showing his teeth).

  10. pippo says:

    Keith Darmanin on Facebook:

    ABOUT ME:mela din ser namila bil malti biex iktar johrog ta go fija fir rejalta…. mela jien inqis ruhi bhala dhuli u outgoing hafna. Inhobb hafna lil pajjizi u jien zaghzugh attiv ferm. Filfatt nokkupa il kariga ta kunsillier fil lokal tieghi hal tarxien. Minbarra dan jien attiv ukoll fil partit laburista fejn nokkupa l kariga ta raprezentant taz zaghzagh fil kumitat lokali laburista ta hal tarxien u delegat tal partit apparti xoghol iehor volontarju li namel ghal partit (tista tghid kull bicca xoghol li tigi nidhlilha). Apparti dan ihobb xogholi ukoll fejn flimkien ma shabi il haddiema naqla il hobza ta kulljum. Inhobb nideverti ukoll fejn inhobb hafna l parties izda mhux biss kull tip ta
    muzika togobni barra l opri ovjament. Bhala hobbie naghzel il futbol fejn nisaportja lil malta u italja , u tarxien rainbows u milan. Kull min jixtieq ikellimni jista jamel dan fuq l msn, dar.manin@hotmail.com.

  11. SSA says:

    “u delegat tal partit”

    So Keith Darmanin is one of the 800 or so who thought Joseph Muscat would make a better PL leader than George Abela, and that Toni Abela and Anglu Farrugia are more desirable than Gavin Gulia and Simon Micallef Stafrace.

  12. red-nose says:

    Keith ma jhobbx l-opri “ovvjament” – forsi x’imkien jispjegalna ftit dik l-“ovvjament” xi tfisser.

  13. andre cachia says:

    keep it up kieth even your fingers .(viva keith)

  14. martin says:

    keep it up my friend she will enjoy those 2 fingers for sure viva kieth the best

  15. davidmifsud says:

    Amel kuragg keith u kompli bil hidma tijak fi hdan il partit
    min ma jkollux ma xiex jaqbad hek jamel.Ahna kburin bil-Partit Laburista u bik siehbi KEITH DARMANNIN

  16. SSA says:

    Dan iehor li jikteb bl-SMS.

  17. Riya says:

    Jiena ukoll nissapportja lil- Keith Darmanin ghax b’nies bhalu zgur li l-PN jibqa fil-Gvern u mohhi u mohh il-familja tieghi ikun mistrih u trankwil. Grazzi lil Keith u lil kull min hu bhalu.

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