Blast from the past: Joseph Muscat goes to China with AST

Published: April 5, 2010 at 12:44pm
I never thought that if I stayed on the roundabout long enough, I would swing right back to where I left off.

I never thought that if I stayed on the roundabout long enough, I would swing right back to where I left off., this morning
Joseph Muscat leaves for China

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat is on his way to China for a visit as guest of the Chinese government.

The PL said he would have talks with Chinese government officials and trade leaders.

Dr Muscat is accompanied by Opposition foreign affairs spokesman George Vella and PL international secretary Alex Sceberras Trigona.

111 Comments Comment

  1. pietru says:

    Mohhok fin-nies u kulhadd jidhak bik wara li jkunu huma stess li baghtu l-kummenti taghhom fil-blog tieghek biex jitmellhu bik! Tpaxxa!

    [Daphne – Ha nghidilek bl-Ingliz, gbin, u ghid lil Kurt Farrugia tal-mittilkless ha jaqlibilek ghal Malti biex tkun tista tifhem zgur: I didn’t crawl out of the gutter yesterday and only thanks to the policies of this government. Hence, I don’t give a flying f**k what people think. It doesn’t make a blind bit of difference to what I am.]

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    I wonder what bombastic press releases have already been prepared about this visit.

  3. edgar gatt says:

    I wonder whether while in that part of the world, Alex Sceberras Trigona will pop over to North Korea and introduce young Joseph to his friends, the ones AST had made a secret agreement with.

  4. Marie-Louise says:

    Hooray! Let’s go back to our roots. Naturally, one has to interpret the terms “government officials” and “trade leaders” as civil servants being forced to shake hands with this silly European.

    He really should be reading more books and focusing on more policy work.

  5. Fleur says:

    Pruzuntuz! He wants to give the impression that he’s a prime minister in waiting when he’s not even capable of chairing a village committee.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      Fleur, of course he is “capable of chairing a village committee”, though only when it is composed of elves at his Christmas village.

  6. Agostino Mangion says:

    History repeats itself.

  7. Riya says:

    Mhux hemm tajjeb ghalijhom ha jieklu xeba’ ‘humbergers’ jew ahjar kartun imsajjar. Alex Sceberras Trigona u George Vella. Dawk moderni u progressivi. Vera tad-dahq dawn in-nies.

  8. Noggy123 says:

    I have a feeling they [the MLP hanky heads] are opening Chinese Take Aways in all their clubs. Eat your hearts out KFC, Pizza Hut & Burger King.

  9. Peter says:

    I am not sure that I see the problem. There is no probably no Maltese person alive or dead that has been to China and met with the country’s officials as often as Sceberras Trigona. This was probably one of the few (only?) success stories in the Labour Party’s eastward geopolitical realignment.
    Muscat’s visit comes just on the heels of a trip to Beijing by Tonio Borg last month. Malta is apparently going to boost its training and language education activities in China’s tourism sector, which should be amusing.
    Granted, if Sceberras Trigona is taken on a trip to Pyongyang and appointed head of a newly formed Malta Labour Party Juche Appreciation Society, there might be some grounds for concern.

  10. Rover says:

    Who would have thought the dinosaurs would reappear. Never mind that he’s holding on to Joseph’s back as if there’s no tomorrow. One last gasp in the hope of glory as his past history (Foreign Interference) is nothing but shameful.

  11. l-istudent says:

    Xi ohra bhal ta’ Franza gejja din?

  12. E Gatt says:

    Oh Mighty Leader, how about a secret skappatura to North Korea once we’re in the neighbourhood?

  13. Mark Bonello says:

    Sellulna ghal-Mao ta, hi.

  14. rita says:

    if i m not mistaken even PN members have recently gone to China.

    [Daphne – So have I. But I didn’t take AST – or Sharon Ellul Bonici’s brother.]

  15. Alan says:

    I’ve had it up to here with that blackmail site. The people running it are nothing but malicious mindless criminals.

    As I know their ‘followers’ read Daphne’s blog, I would please like to ask that this also be posted here.

    It’s a comment I sent in over there, and my last one of a very few. It’s like spitting against the wind.


    This is my last post on this blackmail website, because that’s what your cow told me to do (in your dreams, but anyway).

    I would have much to say, but will limit myself to this :

    Mentioning David Agius was ‘acceptable’.

    Mentioning Mario Debono was ‘acceptable’

    Mentioning Vivienne Bajada was not. The choice of her as a ‘target’ (irrespective of her political beliefs) was way below the belt. She is a nobody, an immature idiot who cheated in her exams. Hardly prime pickings. It seems the only reason you chose to target her was to get her to speak to Giovanna Debono to speak to whoever, to speak to DCG, to tell her to stop. If these words are not the purest form of pre-emptive blackmail, through coercion, while using a nobody (which makes it even more pathetic), then your dictionary is not an English one.

    Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner by use of threats, intimidation, trickery, or some other form of pressure or force. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way.

    You can protest all you like, but this is indeed a blackmail site plastered with coercion. These are crimes by the way.

    Issa kollok il-bajd and post this, unlike the other ones you didn’t.


    • Alan says:

      And just to clarify, the reference to his “cow” was in reference to this :


      #17 Daisy the cow 2010-04-04 14:46
      To the guy Alan …Alan you must be either dumb or just plain stupid … So either be rational or do us a favour and just shut up.


      …. in your dreams, ja qabda kriminali.

      • Grezz says:

        Look on the bright side, Alan – at least your name was simple enough for them to fake without mishap on their blog. Take La Redoute, on the other hand:

        La Roudotte
        Le Redoute
        Le Roudette
        La Rudotte
        La Rudoute

        Anyway, you get the gist of it.

      • Alan says:

        Yep, four-letter words seem to be their forte.

      • Thaddeus says:

        Just out of curiousity, who is running the anti-daphne site?

  16. ciccio2010 says:

    Sounds like another one of those state invitations on an exchange visit to meet some low-key public officials, like the one in Paris.
    Is this a case of Mr. Hu meeting Mr. Who?

    Remember this one about Mr. Hu?

  17. Ganona says:

    Of course! Alex is an expert on China. Who knows, maybe they want to open another drydocks when they are in government.

  18. More Leader says:

    Let us hope it is not the case that they are stopping over in China on their way to North Korea, to sign yet another one of those secret treaties.

  19. Charlie Bates says:

    Whilst Joseph and George are in China, they should ask AST to take them to Alex’s favourite country, that is North Korea, and reminisce about the secret treaty that he signed when he was Minister of Foreign Affairs under Mintoff.

  20. in-Nazzarenu says:

    Min jaf Reno Calleja kemm ser jinharaq li ma hadux mieghu.

    • PhiliP says:

      U inti x’garanzija ghandek li marru ic-Cina? Kieku marru c-Cina, ibqa’ zgur li Reno mar. Din kummiedja ohra ta’ AST.

  21. facebook says:

    His earthquake promise ended up as a liquidised homogenous mixture of MLP past and present, now labelled PL. Will AST be taking him to Korea too?

  22. Ta' Ninu says:

    I stand to be corrected but I do not think we ever got a rundown of HRH’s visit to Paris ?
    Any goss from the palace ?

  23. TROY says:

    George Vella u Alex Sceberras Ttigona (ex-bahri HMS Brazen): is this your new team Joseph Muscat? Two has-beens from the dark Labour past. Sewwa qalet RIYA li ma tafx x’laqtek.

    • Zaren ic-cinnu says:

      Qed jinghad go Zejtun li George Vella mhux hiereg ghall-elezjoni li jmiss. Forsi jixtieq issir president ta’ Malta meta George Abela jirtira.

  24. John F. says:

    Back to square one. Some things NEVER change.

  25. gugu says:

    Forsi jigi lura b’xi good deal fin-noodles.

  26. Vendetta del Disco says:

    Viva t-Tartarughe Ninja!

  27. eros says:

    I wonder if AST might suggest a small detour to meet his friends in North Korea? He could get a few free tips on how to succeed in blinding ‘the people’ with lots of words which ultimately mean nothing to no one, but which serve to fill a nice (that’s just an expression) daily slot in the oh-so-predictable One News.

  28. ConsTipAzzjoni says:

    Looks straight out of a parish-hall Good Friday pageant . . . but who is playing Judas?

  29. The Bus Conductor says:

    Warning: Do not watch this just after you have eaten (Saviour and Alex, you’ll need a couple of Rennies).

    Alex Sceberras Trigona opened up with the words “Nirringrazjak talli fakkart dawk iz-zmienijiet.”

    Dr Sceberras Trigona should not be thankful that people remember those years.

    Those were the years when he did nothing to stop people getting beaten up, even at a protest mainly attended by housewives who were protesting to have running water in their taps.

    Alex Sceberas Trigona will always be associated with ‘old Labour’.

    If Joseph Muscat wants to promote ‘new Labour’ he should do away with the brutes. But then again, who would be left?

    • Charlie Bates says:

      AST never impressed anybody at University (called Royal University of Malta at that time) when we were students, but we all gathered around him because he had a notebook full of dirty jokes which he collected and noted down. He used to become livid red if somebody wrote down or called him Sciberras. He was very proud of his “noble” heritage.

  30. The Bus Conductor says:

    This is from the website which was promoted on Facebook by Centru Laburtista, Alex Saliba and by other Herrera supporters.

    Again, it is in defence of Consuelo Scerri Herrera.

    Are the not intelligent enough to put their political views aside, and see the serious problem, for what it actually is?

    They are so brainless. They cannot even make an informed decision, and by informed I don’t mean from the projectile vomit on the blog which was set up as a means of blackmail to stop Mrs Caruana Galzia from reporting the truth.

    “I sincerely hope that the member’s of the judicial are reading these blog’s .
    After hearing all Vladi’s lie’s .How can they believe one single word he says .
    90% of Malta will have a hangover the day after ” The Magistrate ” walk’s away from this with her head held high”

  31. c frendo says:

    Very bad memories.

    • Grezz says:

      Joseph Muscat wouldn’t remember, and his nanna – the one who took him to screech at meetings ta’ Mintoff – will have told him that AST was fantASTic. Also, he probably thinks that having a pulit minn Tas-Sliema in his fold will have the middle-class (not the mittilkless) flocking in droves to Labour. But it didn’t work last time, did it? Wara kollox, diga ghandhom il-John Attard Montalto.

  32. Gahan says:

    U Reno Calleja ta’ l-ghaqda tal-hbiberija bejn Malta u c-Cina twarrab?

  33. Mark says:

    a poker of aces

  34. ciccio2010 says:

    You know what? Since the last time Labour was in government, China changed dramatically. Labour hasn’t.

  35. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @ More Leader

    If you are so much against secrecy, why do you hide your identity under a pseudo name?

    If AST signed a secret pact with N.Korea how come you got to know about it? Perhaps you may enlighten us of its content. If you have difficulties to answer my questions you would probably resort to insults, I’ll have no problem with that, the problem will be entirely yours.

    • More Leader says:

      When recounting Labour’s story, it is best to rely on pro-Labour sources, like Saviour Balzan’s Malta Today. For details of the secret pact with N. Korea, go to Malta Today, 10 August 2008: The Return of AST – Hara Kiri at Mile End. It tells of the secret treaty, but not its content, sadly. Failing that, you could always ask AST himself. He doesn’t think North Korea is anything to be ashamed of.

    • red-nose says:

      The secret pact was for North Koreans to train our then dirty police force in crowd-control.

  36. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    They’re on a fact-finding mission to discover how China tackles the problem of dissident bloggers and the internet.

  37. DCG has just a B.A. in archeology that she doesn’t even use. AST has a Dr of all Universities OXON. The misses from Bidnija cannot even untie his slippers. Jealousy. She looks at herself as if she invented the English language, with the dictionary all the time opened on her desk. She is even seen from behind the window looking for difficult words.
    She cannot write simple English, she is after bombastic expressions. Not being able to write very simple English denotes inability to comprehend the language. The best authors are those that write simple sentences that every one comprehends and not one who delves into thick volumes in search of unusual vocabulary. She is just a worthless scribbler and begs for alms to produce her usual useless Publicity trick.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Prince Eugene, after this comment, Victor Laiviera will soon be writing again to tell us that you are a “put-up job”.

      • Chicken Little says:

        Unless this is the replacement of Victor’s Twanny character, of course.

    • Scerri S says:

      I’m lost for words.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      And this coming from somebody going by the name Prince Eugene. Go figure!

    • Not Tonight says:

      I didn’t think slippers had laces to tie or untie. But perhaps you meant those horrible, unisex, blue Chinese plimsolls with white soles and eyelets (the smelly ones we used to have to buy because nothing else was readily available).

      But bring back the old guard by all means. Your opponents will thank you no end for reminding all those who have kept you out of office for so long, exactly WHY they’ve kept you on the opposition benches for so long.

      And how can you possibly find Daphne’s language difficult to follow? Well, if you’ve learnt your English off Maltastar, no wonder you can’t understand the language when it’s written correctly, coherently. Daphne’s writing style is witty and a little caustic at times, but most importantly it is the truth; but I suggest you look this last word up in a dictionary because I have a hunch you’re not in the habit of deciding with certainty the difference between lies and the truth.

      And NO ONE in his or her right mind can POSSIBLY be jealous of AST.

    • La Redoute says:

      And not being able to write properly in English denotes incompetence, ‘Prince Eugene’.

      For the record, publicity is not a proper noun.

    • tat TWO NEWS says:

      Princep, nahseb li min jaf bl-Ingliz jaf jiggudika. Inti forsi tikteb b’mod semplici, imma ovvjament l-ewwel tiktiba bil-Malti u mbaghad taqliba ghal-Ingliz. Since when do ‘slippers’ have shoelaces to be untied? Ghaliex ghalik ‘slipper’ hija dik li bl-Ingliz hija ‘tennis-shoe’. ‘Looks at herself..’ tara lila nifisa. ‘Seen from behind the window..’ Jarawa wara it-tieqa.

      Il-verita hija li Daphne tikteb b’mod car u effettiv u li ma tuzax xi kliem ‘bombastic’ – dawk inti w minn hu bhalek li tarahom hekk ghaliex tridu tmexxu subajkom kelma kelma meta taqraw bl-Ingliz. U ghall-istess raguni li timpressjonaw ruhkom meta xi hadd jghid li huwa Dokter.

      Ghalhekk tuza il-laqam ‘Prince’ biex thossok li inti xi haga?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Le. Ghax closet Nazi. Prinz Eugen kien battleship. Inkella anti-Franciz u qed jirreferi ghal Prince Eugene of Savoy, li jinghad li kien genju daqs Marlborough, ghalkemm l-istorja nsietu xi ftit.

        [Daphne – It’s the battleship. S/he uses it as a false email address.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Aw, dik battuta kienet tal-closet Nazi, ma jmurx xi hadd jiehu ghalih. Jien ma nafx x’veduti politici ghandu H.P. Baxxter wara kollox.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Slippers, as the name suggests, do not have laces.

    • john says:

      you are liar. is not true AST has DR in university OXON.

    • guza says:

      @ Daphne: Thanks for uploading these comments – they are absofrigginlutely hilarious! Your blog makes a very interesting read, but it is comments like these that make it so entertaining. Keep up the good work.

  38. qualsupp says:

    Lill dak il hmieg li qallek li ahna nibghatu il-kummenti biex nitnejku bik ghidlu li ahna mhux dopja faccja bhal qabda injoranti li l-unika raguni li ghandhom partit u biex isibu job li mhumiex kapaci ghalieh.

  39. Not Tonight says:

    And yet again, Joseph is photographed hugging someone. Has hand-shaking lost its appeal?

  40. Riya says:

    Min gabhom il-pulizija Koreani esperti kontra l-irvellijiet biex jittrenjaw il-pulizija Maltin mazulin tal-SMU? Dawn gew immharga sew kif jattakkaw u jharbtu l-folol.

  41. Riya says:

    @ Prince Eugene.

    ‘AST has Dr. in all Univesities of OXON’. Tajba din. Anke Alfred Sant kien Harvard imma tajtx kemm ghamel cucati u waqa ghaz-zufjett.

  42. red-nose says:

    L-aqwa li ghandhom hafna “DOKTORS”.

  43. red-nose says:

    They cannot stand Daphne because she writes things which they cannot possibly deny.

  44. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @ More Leader

    Here’s the excerpt from Malta Today (10-08-2008) “Nationalist media is reminding us of his (AST) euro sceptic views and the secret treaty signed with North Korea when he was foreign minister” A load of weasel speak and a repetition of unsubstantiated PN propagandistic nonsense, ‘Pravda’ style.

    There is nothing wrong with secret treaties between states; secrecy is an essential element to protect national security. Democratic countries like Britain make their National Secrets a public domain after a prescribed period, normally 30 years. Had there really been a detrimental secret treaty with N. Korea in the 70s the subsequent PN Government would have leaked its content to substantiate their claim. Furthermore the treaty was allegedly signed in the early seventies and therefore it exceeded the 30 years period of secrecy.

    The infamous (Sic) secret treaty was no secret at all. The big issue was about N. Korea sending over to Malta two military experts to train our SMU personnel within the Police Force in Marshal Arts. That, Mr. More Leader was the scandalous military defence treaty between N.Korea and Malta. Nothing more nothing less.

    Maybe there was more to the arrangement that we are aware of in which case we would all welcome some enlightenment with substantiated facts, cheap propaganda rhetoric would not suffice.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Moron. Of course it was scandalous. Why not bring over two experts from any NATO country? Le, x’wahda din, ghax ahna newtRRRaaaaRi. That was the scandal, Mr. Buttigieg. Dissing Europe but sucking up to a dictatorship on the other side of the world. Viva l-qamel u viva l-pal tal-bajtar.

    • More Leader says:

      Mr. Buttigieg, why not write to Malta Today and tell them that what they publish is “cheap propaganda rhetoric” that “would not suffice.” Remember, you asked me “If AST signed a secret pact with N.Korea how come you got to know about it?” and I replied.

      But I see you are fairly selective in your quotes. You missed out this part for instance: “People are more prone to remember Sceberras Trigona’s term as foreign minister between 1981 and 1987 for his government’s dealings with murderous regimes like the Stalinist monarchy in North Korea, and Ceausescu’s Romania…”.

      I have a suspicion that you were not happy with what you read on Malta Today of 10 August 2008.

  45. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @ John

    AST Studied: Law at Malta University and also attended Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar

  46. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @ Riya

    “ Min gabhom il-pulizija Koreani esperti kontra l-irvellijiet biex jittrenjaw il-pulizija Maltin mazulin tal-SMU?”

    Answer. Labour Administration (1981-87). They sent over a platoon of 2,000 men lol The Koreans totalled two in number and they were martial arts experts\instructors. Riya martial art is the art of unarmed combat.

    “Dawn gew immharga sew kif jattakkaw u jharbtu l-folol.”

    Answer. Riya you have a good sense of humour,he he he . If AST needed able bodied manpower ,biex jattakkaw u jharbtu l-folol, he wouldn’t have gone to N.Korea he would have gone to Gozo. Plenty of Monsinjuri,priests,tal Muzew and Sorijiet remnants of the 60s there.

    • Hmmm says:

      Two north Koreans was two too many.

    • TROY says:

      Yes, they were martial arts experts. They come from an elite unit based in the north and they trained on political prisoners in a camp in the Cho Min Loo district. They were brought here by your ex Leader Mintoff to teach the elite SMU how to control the massive crowds that used to assemble on the Floriana granaries to listen to Eddie Fenech Adami. To Labour, this was a threat to national security.

  47. me says:

    It is being overlooked that the tyrant in power in North Korea was a guest of the Maltese socialist government as a university student.

  48. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @ me

    And the tyrants of the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 as well as one of the N.Africa countries’ dictators, kissed and hugged Fenech Adami and Laurence Gonzi.

    Don’t speak to soon; it wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see a State visit to Malta by Kim Jong before the year is out.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      And I will be the first to protest, as I will when that despot Ghaddafi decides to drop by. Tibdiex bil-bipolar logic ta’ “Ghax ma tarax il-PN kemm hadu b’idejn dittaturi.” Li kien ghalija la niehdu b’idejn dittaturi Cinizi u lanqas Libjani u lanqas Nord Koreani. U ara ma nismax xi kelma dwar “Bla bla bla imma ha b’idejn bla bla Tony Blair responsabbli ta’ massakru bla bla bla.” Wahda demokrazija parlamentari, u l-ohra stat dittatorjali.

      Kisses and hugs indeed.

    • La Redoute says:

      And your point is….?

    • TROY says:

      Charles, you are truly a blast from the past.

  49. carmel says:

    Ara veru bla sens, possibli ma tafux li l-gvern Nazzjonalista qieghed jigri wara c-Cina ghall-investiment f’Malta. Imma kif tintilfu meta taraw lil tal-Partit Laburista jaghmlu xi haga. Possibli ma tafux x’qed jigri f’Malta? Ma tindunawx li qieghdin tiktbu hafna kliem bla sens u taghmlu hafna hsara lill-Partit taghkhom.

    • La Redoute says:

      Carmel, hawn min ma jaghtix importanza lil partit politiku iktar minn kull haga ohra. Dik karatteristika ta’ min jivvota Labour jew Alternattiva.

  50. Riya says:

    @ Charles J.Buttigieg

    Are you saying that the SMU used to attack crowds unarmed? That must be the joke of the year my friend. Int Malta tghix jew?

  51. red-nose says:

    I suppose if you are to ask Anglu Farrugia who was an officer in the police force at the time he can tell you exactly – that is if he tells the truth.

  52. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    @ red-nose
    Anglu Farrugia prosecuted his former Commissioner and sent him to prison.

    @ Riya

    The SMU used to be armed to create a balance. The head of SMU gave the order to open fire on PN Supporters at Rabat and two months later he was promoted to Superintendent by the newly elected PN Government. And that is a fact old chap.

    [Daphne – He wasn’t promoted by the newly elected PN government. He was promoted by Guido de Marco, an important distinction since one never knew quite where De Marco stood or which foot was in which camp at any given time, overtly or covertly.]

    • TROY says:

      Spot on, Daphne. And kaspetina wasn’t the only tyrant promoted by Guido – scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. A Nationalist Benedict Arnold.

  53. me says:

    @Charles J Buttigieg
    The big difference between me and you is that you made a whole lot of fuss because you were left doing nothing and getting normal pay and I lived those years in Zejtun being insulted for just passing through the main square. You have no idea my friend, I would not wish on you one hundredth of what me and my family went through.

  54. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne you sound like Tonio Fenech blaming Boiler number 7. Kaspitina was just one of the fifth columnists, a scheme engineered by Miss Pepsi, EFA and his PN were the main beneficiaries. Kaspitina sold Labour down the river and got caught because he was too bombastic with his covert operations, others got away with it because they were smart.

    [Daphne – Miss Pepsi did not engineer schemes for the PN. He engineered them for himself. He never got over the fact that Fenech Adami beat him to the party leadership, and spent the next 25 years undermining him with a public smile on his face. It was a precursor to the John Dalli/Lawrence Gonzi scenario, but Fenech Adami had nowhere to kick De Marco until the president’s chair became vacant. De Marco’s links with criminals and the police had nothing to do with his status as deputy leader of the Nationalist Party and everything to do with his profession as a leading criminal lawyer, something which people like you tend to forget and overlook. If you were not a rank outsider, you would know that Guido De Marco was an entity unto himself within the Nationalist Party, fenced off and treated with suspicion. Fortunately, his son could not be more different in every respect, which is why he is genuinely liked and trusted.]

  55. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne, as you said I am only a rank outsider and since it appears that you are a well informed insider of the PN it would be silly of me to challenge your attestation.

    However after having said that, I still think that Guido De Marco’s Machiavellian manoeuvrings, ably assisted by Louis Galea, were the catalysts, together with EFA, to transform GBO’s poor excuse for a political party to a PN to be reckoned with. Look at the situation in the PN today, exit EFA, De Marco and Louis Galea and enter a fragmented party.

    You would not admit this but the splintered Gonzipn of today looks very much like the former Alfred Sant’s disgruntled MLP.

    [Daphne – It wasn’t Machiavellian manoeuvrings which transformed the Nationalist Party into the party that transformed Malta, Charles – still less Guido De Marco’s Machiavellian manoeuvrings, which led him nowhere but into a corner in his own party until he was finally edged out once and for all. No, it wasn’t that. It was brains, policies and a determined vision. The trouble with you is that you persist in believing it was all about form and no substance, when the reality is that there was plenty of substance and actually very little form. This mistaken and persistent belief about the reasons for the Nationalist Party’s success is what keeps Labour on the wrong track of believing that they don’t need policies or people if they’ve got the PR. Fat chance of that. ]

  56. Riya says:

    Grazzi Charles J Buttigieg talli irreferejt ghalija bhala ‘old chap’ ghax veru hekk hu. Lilek ghammirajtek my friend, ghax int genwin. Jien ma’ nafx min hareg l-ordni bies l-SMU jisparaw ir-Rabat imma jien rajthom b’ghajnejja ghax jien xoft hafna mill-vjolenza Laburista u nista nitkellem hafna.

    Jien ta’ l-anqas kont f’ seba’ okkazjonijiet fejn Laburisti jew il-Pulizija sparaw ghal fuqna. Darba anke kont qed inwahhal il-posters ta’ meta miet Dr. George Borg Olivier u saqu ghal fuqi u ghal fuq shabi bil-karozza u tawna xeba ukoll. Jien ma’ tantx jinzilli Demarco pero f’hajti ma’ naghti tort lill-hadd. La lilu la lil Fenech Adami u lill-hadd. Kaspitina ma kienx l-unika bniedem li meta ra l-affarijiet gejjin kontra mar izieghel b’Demarco.

    Anke Joe Psaila u Anglu Farrugia hekk ghamlu ghax Anglu ried bilfors jilhaq kummissarju. U anke jien rajtu fejn l-istamperija meta rebhu in-Nazzjonalist fl-1987. Anglu bniedem hekk dejjem irid ikun ta’ quddiem.

    U nahseb anke Joseph Muscat ikollu problema bih fil-partit. Il-fatt li kien wiehed mill-prosekuturi fil-kaz ta’ Lawrence Pullicino kien jaghmel sens ghax zgur li xi hadd kien jghid li kien sar frame-up. Anke Joe Psaila ha promozzjoni fi zmien Demarco u dan ressaq lill-Pietru Pawl Busuttil fuq il-qtil ta’ Raymond Caruana li wara irrizulta li kien frame-up. Eddie u Demarco ma kellomx triq ohra hlief jistennew lill-xi hadd mill-pulizija ghal xi raguni jibda jikxef xi haga milli kienet issir id-Depot tal-Pulizija.

    Meta issemmi pulizija jew id-depot dak iz-zmien kien tal-wahx. Meta bdew isiru il-frame-ups il-poplu kien qisu ha xokk ghalkemm kien kwazi darha li nies anke jinqatlu mill-pulizija jew gewwa id-depot stess bhal Wifred Cardona, Nardu Debono u forsi ohrajn ukoll, barra is-swat krudili li kien isir.

    Fil-fatt Gejtu Pace li kien ha l-proklama fil-kaz ta’ Pullicino kien qal bil-gurament li Kaspitina kien responsabbli minn skwadra tas-swat flimkien ma Joseph Mangion (PC 710) u xi erbgha ohra. Jigifieri Kaspetina kellu min xiex jibza u wara kollox familja ghandu. Kien hu ukoll li spara l-gas tad-dmuh ghal gox-Xaghra tal-Floriana u kien jiftahar li sfratta l-meetings.

    Vera ghammirajtek li tghid il-verita ghax fil-kaz tar-Rabat KMB dak iz-zmien prim ministru kien qal li dawk li sparaw kienu tal-gakketta l-blu biex iwahhlu fil-pulizija.

    Ghara f’ xiex konna, habib! Lill-habib taghna taz-Zejtun nghidlu ghadkom tbaghtu bil-vjolenza sal-llum. U ma ninsa qatt l-istorja li ghamlu iz-Zwieten Laburisti meta Eddie kien mitlub joqghod xhud ta’ tieg.

    Dak inhar il-Laburisti sparaw ghall fuq kullhadd minn fuq il-bjut u tefghu 13 il-pulizija l-isptar. Dak pajjiz hux! Il-Prim Ministru u kap ta’ partit li rebah il-gvern b’maggorranza assoluta bin- ‘no go areas’.

    Trid tghix hekk, Sur Buttigieg? Dan biex ma’ nkomplix insemmi l-istejjer tal-ispetturi David Stubbings. Noel Schembri, Is-Supratendent Carmelo Bonello, u dak il-bravu l-ispettur Joe Pico li spicca interdettat u jekk minix sejjer zball issa qieghed is-segretarju tal-PL gewwa Hal Ghaxaq. Fejn jinbidlu dawn in-nies, Sur Buttigieg?

    Tistghu tibdlu kapijiet u leaders imma l-istess tibqghu. Issa flok dawn in-nies li semmejt hawn fuq lahqu Jigdbu fuq in-nies.

  57. Riya says:

    ‘others got away with it because they were smart’
    Din fiha x’tifhem Sur Buttigieg!

  58. Il-Cop says:

    Riya, issa flok dawn in-nies li semmejt hawn fuq lahqu Jigdbu fuq in-nies.

    This is nothing but Labour’s new, modern and progressive way of doing frame-ups. Everything will change when they get in power though. Power, the only thing they crave 24/7. I remember the shootings, the frame ups and the searches. Been there and done it. Had myself a very close shave with a frame up, and a murder one no less. Those same people are still there, in Labour’s camp, starring at us with a big smile on their faces waiting to run the country. They are not even capable of running a piss up in a brewery never mind the country. But they cannot care less as long as they get the ‘POWER’ and hand cushy jobs to the coconuts who cannot even spell. These people never change.

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