Bow and scrape
April 9, 2010 at 5:18pm
Just get a load of the body language in this photograph. It comes from a Chinese news agency which felt the need to specify that Xi Jinping, China’s vice president, is the man on the right.
It’s a classic. Xi Jinping keeps his body stiff as a ramrod while extending his arm rigidly. Muscat leans forward and bows his head, grasping Xi’s hand with a flaccid arm.
And another thing – why did I have to resort to a Chinese news agency to find out that the Malta Labour Party has signed an ‘agreement of understanding’ with the Chinese Communist Party?
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“why did I have to resort to a Chinese news agency to find out that the Malta Labour Party has signed an ‘agreement of understanding’ with the Chinese Communist Party?”
Because Mlatasrat are still trying to translate it.
They could publish it in Chinese. Given the usual level of Maltastar’s English, nobody would notice the difference.
Translate it into gibberish!
Remember North Korea?
Deja vu all over again.
Jien qed nitghalem ic-Ciniz, halli meta nitilghu fil-gvern insib gopp Beijing (ahjar minn Brussel) niekol l-ispringrol u l-pakinkdak.
Daphne, why did you think Joseph Muscat took AST along with him? After all, AST is the master of secret agreements with Communist regimes.
Hi, I’m Joseph Muscat from Malta and I come in peace, so please ensure that all nuclear weapons are immobilised. On a private note, kindly take it easy on me as I have no political experience but lots and lots of pretensions.
Xi Jinping “Da x’minghalih jahseb li hu b’sieq fuq sieq jipponta l-qiegh taz-zarbun lejja?”
Fic-Cina u dawk l-inhawi tidra’ issellem billi titbaxxa minn qaddek l-isfel.
Dan ir-ritratt mit-TOM
I travel extensively in Asia, sitting like Dr Muscat on The Times photos is very bad manners in Asia. I am sure the Chinese were not pleased.
I can’t believe that this man is possibly going to be the next PM. God forbid.
Can someone spell out clearly, and in plain language that they can understand, the meaning of the word PROTOCOL?
No, in China you bow from your shoulders by tilting your neck slightly. It is in Japan that you bow from your waist. Regarding the issue of showing the soles to your host being considered rude, well that’s true.
What what what?! An agreement of understanding about what, who, where and how? And the Chinese Communist Party = the Chinese government. So this is serious business. But as usual, a rise of 5c in electricity bills makes headline news, but secret treaties and agreements are business as usual.
“an ‘agreement of understanding’”
They can’t even understand plain English – I don’t think they’re going to excel in Chinese!
What else could we expect with Alex Sciberras Trigona in tow. What about investment opportunities?
“Look Malta is very small…like this”
Let me guess China is going to help Muscat “liberate” us.
“The CPC and Malta Labor Party signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation during Muscat’s visit, which runs from April 5 to 12.”-
“The Memorandums of Understanding on Labour Cooperation between The People’s Republic of China, Singapore and New Zealand on 2008, in parallel with their respective free trade agreements.” MOU -wiki
NZ and Singapore signed them (if its that), so it shouldn’t be bad.
New Zealand and Singapore are states. The Malta Labor Party or Partit Laburista (take your pick – they haven’t) is not.
I forgot to add that next stop will be North Korea. A dear leader to meet another dear leader.
Immorru nilghaqu lic-Cinizi, nies li la ghandhom human rights u wisq inqas animal rights. The way Muscat is bowing to the Chinese vice-president just gives me the creeps.,26174,1976092,00.html
This is what the Turkish foreign minister had to say when the EU offered his country a “privileged partnership” rather than membership.
“I feel insulted for being offered something which does not exist.”
If Joseph Muscat and his “lider” at the time had their way this is what Malta would have chosen, a nonexistent “partnership”. How stupid can you be to trust these people?
Dear Leader,
Congratulations on your performance in China. You slayed them! Next on the itinerary: Japan. Here we blow our nose at table. It shows you are a man of the people and an all round okay guy with whom it will be a pleasure to do business.
Your room may have a deep bath full of hot water. Make sure to lie in it and soap yourself all over. The more dirty you leave it the cleaner they think you are. Buy and wear the kimono that reaches your knees. The long one is for the women.
Try not to gag on the sushi and the sashimi. I know it’s raw fish imma pacenzja. Drench it in soy sauce and stab through with your chopsticks. Also, to show how well you handle the chopsticks gesticulate wildly with them as you talk and use them to point at your host. Remember one chopstick in each hand. Holding both in one hand is for show offs.
In the Muslim nations present the leaders with a portrait of Mohammed hand-embroidered by Lil Din. This is a thing they will appreciate as it shows you respect and understand their religion. Always ask a man how many wives he has and whatever the number always exclaim “You dog!” in tones of admiration as from one stud to another.
Order the pork and shellfish balls in Israel – they are delicious and worth a try. In Italy take Lil Din with you and do a nudge nudge wink wink with Berlusconi. This will guarantee maximum coverage by the newspapers and also Berlusconi will think you are an okay guy.
Oh, and by the way, tell Lil Din that it is okay to put her Notebook on the table during official lunches and start tapping into it as she pushes food into her mouth and that she should continue doing it. It shows everyone that she is a fast, modern woman going places.
As a general rule make it a point to praise everything but always say that in Malta we have similar and better. Always find fault with the food because it makes you look fastidious and sophisticated.
With all respect and obeisance,
Your devoted functionary,
Denis Catania is worried. But he’s not talking about China or New Jersey, USA.
Denis Catania: We need more arrests like this. We also need to look into how many Chinese are over staying their visa and do something about it ASAP.
Jahasra meta se titghalmu, tafu xi tfisser ‘international bilateral relations’. Ma tafux li l-Gvern taghna Nazzjonalista qieghed jahdem biex ikabbar ir-relazzjonijiet mac-Cina. X’ghamel hazin il-Kap tal-opposizzjoni Joseph Muscat?
Iffirma ftehim ma’ partit u mhux ma’ stat, minkejja l-impressjoni li qeghdin jippruvaw jaghtu.
U hallieh jghid. Mela ser jifehem. Dak injorant li jaf jaqra l-kliem pero ma jafx jaghmel sens minnhom.
Jiddeffes fejn ma jesghux, id-dahla tal-Belt ukoll qedin nipprovaw intejbuha izda fejn jidhol hu jipprova ifixkel. Tippruvax tidher helu mal-garr meta ghandek id-dar imqalba (qawl Ciniz).
In UK, a Labour candidate sent nasty remarks on twitter, and he got sacked. In Malta Labour MPs join internet sites promoting a hate culture against the PM, and they are given thumbs up.
Just click and verify.
That person in the UK from what I understood, was ‘merely’ an advisor to a shadow minister and chairperson of the Young Socialists of Scotland.
We do better, ghax ahna Maltin, u kollox ahjar.
Besides joining hate groups on Facebook, our Labourite councellors give cameras two middle fingers, members of the party’s Executive Committee get their arses groped, MPs shout f**x Gonzi in parliament, and OUR chairperson of the Labour Youth also promotes hate sites on the internet.
So there. Eat your heart out Scottish Labour.
I demand to know what right has Joey got, to go and sign an ”agreement” with a communist country on behalf of the maltese, when, con tutto rispetto, he looks like he’s going to remain in opposition.
Clowns !
Apparently, it’s an agreement between the Labour Party and the Communist Party.
Isard, don’t you think the Malta Labour Party should have told the people about it? Super One and Maltastar have been quiet.
I do not think it was “on behalf of the Maltese” – it was on behalf of the Malta Labour Party.
Let us get some facts and analysis right about this case.
1. On 5 April 2010, the Partit Laburista issued a statement saying the Labour leader was on his way to China at the invitation of the “Chinese authorities.” It also said “Matul iz-zjara tieghu, Dr Muscat se jkollu laqghat kemm ma’ esponenti politici kif ukoll mat-tmexxija ta’ entitajiet kummercjali bl-iskop li jigu mhajjra relazzjonijiet ahjar bejn iz-zewg pajjizi.” There was no mention of the Communist Party in that statement. They also did not mention the duration of the visit.
2. On 7 April 2010, the PL issued another statement, saying, among other things: “Din il-laqgha, li saret f’ Beijing, kienet xhieda tar-rispett li l-awtoritajiet Cinizi ghandhom ghal Malta u ghal PL.” This one was accompanied by the photo of Joseph Muscat showing his shoes to the Chinese vice president. Again, no mention of the Communist Party in that statement. Nor of any agreements.
3. During a recent four-day visit to China, by the deputy prime minister in China, no mention was made of the Communist Party in a statement issued by ‘the People’. Link below.
Meeting with the government of China is not exactly the same as meeting the Communist Party. They still have a distinct government, even if it is communist.
4. Now we learn from the Chinese that the Labour leader met and signed exchanges with the Communist Party, and that he is in China for seven or eight days.
5. Contrast that with a recent visit, in March, by a delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to the PN at the invitation of the PN. This was clearly published by the Nationalist media – link below.…Malta...
What I can conclude from the above is that Labour was very wary of mentioning the Chinese Communist Party despite the fact that Joseph Muscat was effectively meeting with them, and instead, they disguised this as “Chinese authorities.”
Moreover, for a visit of that length, as opposed to the deputy prime minister’s four days, I really hope he comes back with something more tangible than a secret memorandum of understanding with the Communist Party of China, and some talk about friendship and long relationships.
It seems that the Chinese government, which is often accused of concealing the truths, is somewhat more liberal and truthful than the Partit Laburista.
Yes Xandru, you’re right. It was all over the British media yesterday.
But here, hey, that’s another story.
@ Anthony Briffa’
Dak mhux Sciberras Trigona imma ScEberras Trigona ghax nobbli. Sciberras tal-hamalli.
Who on earth is hisimage consultant? Those two gaffes heu made may seem frivolous to him and many others…but they do say a lot. Hasn’t he heard on the importance of body language in the political scene?
I see nothing wrong with the photo. Muscat’s bowing is just his way of imitating the Asian custom. If anything the Chinese man looks odd.
Shows how much you know – that is a Japanese greeting and not ‘the Asian’ custom, nor even the ‘oriental’ one, which I assume you meant, Asian covering anything from Russia to Japan.
Muscat’s stance shows somebody meeting an idol, I suspect because he really admires the Chinese way of government. The vice president looks very condescending. like a king meeting an adoring peasant.
well said Dave
When in Rome…..
The Chinese bow their head. They don’t tilt from the waist.
Daphne an unrelated topic unrelated to this thread which I would like to share with you and your readers.
This is a BBC Radio 4 programme about the persecution and killing of Christians in Iraq.
Hi Daphne! What happened to Twanny?
He’s in China perhaps!
He’s sewing the celebration flags.
Since Victor Laviera’s cover was blown he doesn’t show his face any more, still can’t face us after the elections way back in 2008!
@Paul Bonnici
Whaw you have travelled Asia. thats really impressive. how patetic to focus on such trivial issue. so if opposition is active in foreign promotion, you stupid people get upset, if opposition oppose pn, you get annoyed etc etc. get used to opposition my friend, time if out. i am an ex pn and i am fed up of gonzi pn arrogance etc.
Wow! Another cogent remark from Labour’s intelligentsia.
and u r an Elve who is not aybil to spel wow let alone enyting else.
What is it with you people? Broadcasting your supposed former voting preference to the four winds is not going to turn the Labour Party into a viable alternative government. You need the right policies and people for that.
And if you think protocol and respect for cultural traditions are trivial matters, then you know even less about China than Joseph Muscat does.
Aw rspiteri, Just seeing the way you articulate your argument tells us a lot about you mate. And it ain’t nice.. Thank goodness you’re EX-pn.
ex-PN is Elvish for Elve.
Active as to what, Mr. Spiteri? Labour must really change (for the better) to be credible. I don’t want to hear fancy words. I want to hear facts and info on how Labour plans to solve problems, instead of putting a spanner into the works.
Well done r spiteri! You couldn’t have said it better; “get used to the opposition”. I can assure you that we did, I simply hope that someday YOU get used to the opposition. Keep it up .. you don’t even think before you write/talk and yet you claim to know best who should run the country.
Daphne, there is an E.E. Cummings quote: “To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are going to fight; but never stop fighting.” Truth and justice will prevail.
Joseph Muscat has fewer fans than boiler number seven on Facebook:
Joseph Muscat – 5023 fans in two years
Boiler nru 7 – 5084 fans in under a month
They have the same number of policies, however.
U jekk jilhaq Prim Ministru tahrab x’limkien ma tal bidnija.
birds of sme feather flok together.
Thobbhom it-tough knuts
That ‘ex-pn’ has now become a stale joke.
Kemm saru hawn esperti tal-manjeri Cnizi. Oqodu certi li jekk dawn jinsertaw ic-Cina lanqas ikunu jafu fejn iu kif l imoru ikku, ma jkollomx lil mara tal-bidnija turihom.