Denis Catania of New York demands government action against the prostitutes of Gzira

Published: April 28, 2010 at 10:24pm
Denis Catania - or, as he is described in a Facebook group set up by Americans he has rubbed the wrong way, Penis Catania or The Maltese Penis.

Denis Catania - or, as he is described in a Facebook group set up by Americans he has rubbed the wrong way, Penis Catania or The Maltese Penis.

Sometimes the voice of dry commonsense breaks in among the wacko VoICeS!!!!????!!!!……!! on’s comments board. See below.

Denis Catania

When is this government or matter of fact any government is going to clean Gzira up from hookers and pimps ? When will a police officer replace the hookers hanging onTestaferrata St?
When When When When When When When When ??????????????
In no way I’m trying to protect this couple but when there is drugs in a area there is a higher chance of producing drug dealers and users. Same goes in this case if you have prostitution there is a higher chance of producing pimps and prostitutes. This girl is not just a victim of her parents but the victim of the government not just the current government but all administrations that governed Malta. IT’S TIME TO HELP GZIRA. THE RESIDENTS OF GZIRA HAD ENOUGH. WE WANT POLICE PRESENCE. WE DEMAND POLICE PRESENCE. WE DESERVE POLICE PRESENCE. SOS SOS SOS.

John Lauri
@ Mr Catania…

Shouting that you residents of Gzira have had enough and demanding police presence strikes me as a bit odd. If my memory serves me right, you live in New York City. Perhaps you might concern yourself more about the high prostitution rates and drug-related problems in NYC and shout loud enough for the NYPD to do something about it.

39 Comments Comment

  1. Sigra ta' Guda says:

    How funny!

  2. Andrew Borg-Cardona says:

    Catania is more than one fry short of a Happy Meal. Note his point: “if you have prostitution there is a higher chance of producing pimps and prostitutes”. And this means what, precisely? Or are we simply meant to quote Simpson, Homer of that ilk and intone “duh”, while shaking our heads in awe at the man’s inanity.

    • jomar says:

      I read that quote three times and apparently our ‘star’ got it ass backwards. One cannot have prostitution if prostitutes and pimps didn’t come first. Is it not them who produce prostitution? Or am I getting all confused by Denis’ deep analysis? He must live in the shade all the time, probably close to that huge statue donated to them by the French. Had it been an American idea, instead of a huge statue of lady Liberty, it would have been an Edsel.

  3. Gahan says:

    “When will a police officer replace the hookers hanging onTestaferrata St?”

    I don’t think Charlon would prefer a police officer instead of a hooker. No?

  4. Jellybaby88 says:

    Sadly there’s no reasoning with an idiot. And then there’s this newfangled freedom-of-speech thing. Oh well, keep the comedy rolling…

  5. Dem-ON says:

    A Maltese penis complaining about prostitutes in Gzira?

  6. says:

    Does Denis Catania of NY really mean this?

    When will a police officer replace the hookers hanging onTestaferrata St?


    Imagine a police inspector ordering a constable to replace a hooker – roflmao.

  7. pippo says:

    Dan irid li minnflok il-prostituti go Testaferrata Street imorru il-pulizija?

    Dak jonqsu il-korp tal-pulizija – jaghmluha ta’ qhab issa wkoll, ghax mhux bizzejjed qieghdin kif Alla jridhom.

  8. Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

    Andrew Borg Cardona one thing I can say you are definitely not short any fries or any saturated fat.

    [Daphne – Judging by your photograph, Denis, you haven’t been short of fries, either, which is one of the reasons one of your American ‘fans’ compared you to an extra from The Sopranos.]

    • Denis Catania says:

      Those are my Scottish fans. Your research team is slipping. My home state is not in New York. My weekend home is in New York.

      • Christian says:

        Yeah, you’re right about that. Your home state is New Jersey. Do you really want us to publish statistics about NJ? By your weekend home being NY, do you mean you take the train down there, have a coffee and then go back to cheap NJ?

        Denis, at first I did take you seriously, but after a few weeks I realized you were annoying, and all you were looking was some attention, which you got, but unfortunately in the wrong way.

        I can’t understand why Daphne actually wastes her precious time on some obnoxious person like you; the less publicity you’re given by blogs like this, and stupid groups like the Facebook one, the earlier you’re forgotten about.

        I do agree with most of your arguments in principle, but that’s where it stops. Things need to be sorted diplomatically and not by taking Comanches to the streets and creating chaos.

        Have you ever tried sitting round a table and discussing things with those in authority? If you haven’t, don’t try it now, they won’t take you seriously. But I do recommend you delegate someone of your trust to do this for you.

    • Denis Catania says:

      It’s not the fries it’s the Pastizzi’s half dozen cheese half dozen peas at a time with a cup of tea and a Cohiba. You’re up pretty late can I hang with you when I come to Malta. Please.

      [Daphne – Yes, I know. I don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to clock in at some factory or office or to feed the chickens. As to your question: No.]

    • Alan says:

      And to Jabba the Hutt. It’s their Facebook profile picture for him.

  9. Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

    Daphne you know what they say when a girl picks on a boy. Xoxo

    [Daphne – I’m not a girl, Denis, and you’re not a boy. So don’t get your hopes up.]

  10. jomar says:

    As if there are no prostitutes in NYC, Denis had better worry about what Obama will do with the inmates of Guantanamo Bay he inherited from Bush number two.

    He had better worry about what it will cost him, his children (if he has any) and grand children who will be paying the trillions it’s costing them to shore up their banking system.

    [Daphne – The only way that Denis might have children is if he has spent the last few years selling his sperm to banks for the extra cash, and if there were any women out there who specified ‘Soprano look-alike, low IQ’.]

    He forgets that this world recession we are working ourselves out of is the direct result of the ‘American dream’ which in their own mind is to screw everyone else as long as they can make a buck.

    Unfortunately their ‘buck’ is worth less than half of what it used to be worth only a few years ago.

    Way to go, Denis – I suppose you are also supervising the progress of the building on ground zero!

    Denis is like a bird with a dilemma – not knowing in which of two Bushes to make its nest.

    • Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

      Don’t worry about America. Worry about the EU GREECE next is Spain. When the dollar is down, we spend it in the U.S.A when the dollar is right we come and bully the Europeans. We are getting our money back. While European banks are still losing from investments in the U.S.A. This week we cashed in $45 Billion in profit from Citigroup.Only in America. China reports first trade deficit since 2004. America will tear you up faster than they will build you. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OBAMA, Malta too.

      • Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

        Jomar, Some more news for you. I guess your children will be paying for it in the very near future. American children can afford a little bump in the road with all the natural resources and big businesses. But can we say the same for Maltese children. 27,000,000 Euros going to Greece with more EU countries to follow in Greece’s footsteps .

      • jomar says:

        So, you have been taken for a ride by Citigroup? 45 billion profit? Who are you kidding? BTW, what’s 45 billion compared to over one trillion?

        I agree totally with you, however, that when things are good for America, America’s bullies thrive.

        Close all your munitions and armaments plants and you become a nation of ‘have-nots’.

      • kev says:

        You’d better start worrying about your dollars, Catania. I would have invested my dollars in real gold (not COMEX) by at least the summer of 2008. Not that the euro is faring any better, but the bets on a dollar collapse are much higher.

        Get back to us when the dollar is replaced by the new world currency. You’re going to love it. All suckers will.

      • kev says:

        “This week we cashed in $45 Billion in profit from Citigroup. Only in America.”

        We? Who owns Citigroup, Catania? You really have no idea of what’s going on, do you? Obama is a corporatist shill selling off ‘your’ country to the globalist cartel, but you are won over by his social-democratic discourse.

  11. Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

    Please join the facebook group Save Gzira from Prostitutes and Andrew Borg Tal Busy Bee Cardona.

  12. red nose says:

    I think that this Denis is being given more importance than he deserves – perhaps he is home-sick out there in far away New York.

    [Daphne – He serves the useful role of unwitting jester.]

  13. Rita Camilleri says:

    Xi kultant jistenbah dan u johrog b’ xi cucati.

  14. Iro says:

    Prostitution, as anyone with sense knows, is like any other service, legal or otherwise, a question of supply and demand. This ‘business’ has existed since prehistory and it seems unlikely to disappear in the foreseeable future.

    Any crackdown by the authorities will only push it underground, or rather even more underground than it is already, and more likely to result in an increase in the very same abuse the crackdown was aimed at eliminating

    Not all prostitutes are the result of an unfortunate upbringing and/or desperation. There is ‘high class’ prostitution where the woman (or man for that matter) despite other options chooses to follow a ‘career’ in prostitution – even if he or she ends up with only one long term client. And this form is probably much commoner than the more obvious ones on street corners or leaning out of street level windows.

    [Daphne – Not only is it more common, but it has been normalised through purely mercenary marriages and ‘partnerships’. When you have only one client and he effectively pays you to live with him, then nobody says ‘here comes X with his whore’ but ‘here comes X with his partner’. Lots of women in this situation know the reality but won’t admit it, or even make the connection between their privileges and allowance being withdrawn when they don’t behave as instructed or when they get paid more if they deliver up the sexual goods even when they don’t feel like it – not necessarily in hard cash but what do you call it when a new outfit for a party is traded for oral sex, even in the context of a marriage or ‘partnership’? It’s their pigeon, and not something anyone can regulate.]

    Rather than trying to eradicate prostitution it makes more sense to regulate it, thus bringing it out in the open and making it less attractive (read lucrative) to the criminal classes. It will also permit targeted health care and social support for those individuals who are in it because they know no better.

    • Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

      Iro, I agree with you.

    • WhoamI? says:

      “but what do you call it when a new outfit for a party is traded for oral sex, even in the context of a marriage or ‘partnership’?”

      A benefit-in-kind, Daphne, and that’s a fringe benefit, hence taxable.

  15. kev says:

    Hookers, pimps, drug dealers, mayhem, x’arukaza f’hiex wasalna… go get your penis fixed, Catania.

    But seriously now: have you ever heard of ‘displacement’? Or would you have a police officer at every street corner? Why not tell us, instead, how Rudy ‘zero-tolerance’ Giuliani solved the problem back home.

  16. Marku says:

    Why do you even bother with this white trash from NJ? He’s a loser and his views are of no consequence whatsoever.

  17. Claude Sciberras says:

    May I point out that whilst Mr Catania says he’s at home in NJ he proudly shows his passport in this image. I think he needs to decide.

    I think he has one valid point. It is hypocritical to have a law and then not enforce it for any reason. If the law is no good then it should be changed but as long as the law says no loitering or whatever it says then the police are duty-bound to act, even if it happens again the next day.

    What are the police paid for if not to ensure that the law is upheld? Today I got a ticket for parking wrongly. I think that pimping and prostitution are a bit worse than what I did today.

    Now I hear that there’s a flasher in Sliema. It should be easy in this little island to find out who this person is and slap him with a fine. Apparently not, as otherwise it would not have made it to the papers.

    [Daphne – There have always been flashers in Sliema. The Sliema seafront is where all of Malta’s flashers and public w**kers congregrate. Everyone who grew up there knows this.]

    Remember the gentlemen’s clubs saga? The Commissioner had no idea women were stripping in clubs – and yet all Malta knew. If something is illegal then action should be taken irrespective of whether today it has become more acceptable or not. If no action is taken then those who respect the law are being shortchanged.

    • Denis Tal-Bazuti Catania says:

      I happen to be one of the few Maltese who chose to also keep his Maltese passport as I always consider Malta my home. I also have a lot of family and friends in Gzira. Although prostitution in Gzira is not as bad as it use to be in the 70’s early 80’s there is still a lot of work to be done and it will only happen if we open our mouths. Yes, I have decide I have two home countries Malta and America.

  18. John Lauri says:

    As is his democratic right, ‘Penis’ Catania chose to respond to my comment to him on

    Now, nowhere in my earlier comment to him, did I endorse or condone prostitution. And yet he came to the conclusion that by simply being called John, I am in favour of prostitution.

    Clearly, Mr Catania, with his challenged intellectual ability, was unable to comprehend, that I was diplomatically telling him to mind his own business.

    So, I will tell you in the only language you are able to understand, Mr Catania.

    Mind your own business, concern yourself more on what happens on your own doorstep than somewhere 4000 miles away from you. U tkomplix tikxef in-nuqqas tal-kapacità intelletwali li ghandhek.

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