Has Labour gone bananas?

Published: April 5, 2010 at 8:42pm
Labour: the future is yellow

Labour: the future is yellow

This morning we were told that The Leader has popped off to China with AST (well, at least it wasn’t with Jose Herrera’s sister on some low-key magisterial inquiry into a death on a ship in the sea of Japan).

Now here’s the secretary-general of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti, born in 1988, describing Lorry Sant as a glorious part of his political group’s history…on Facebook.

Alex Saliba 50 Sena mindu inghata l-Interdett lil ex-Segretarju ta l-Ghaqda Zaghzagh Socjalisti Lorry Sant … Storja Glorjuza tal-Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti… Storja li lil kull membru fi hdan din l-ghaqda taghmlilna gieh u gghelna nharsu l quddiem b’kuragg u determinazzjoni… Grazzi lil kull min ta shemu f’ din l-ghaqda li minn …dejjem kienet l-ixprun tal-progress fi hdan il-Partit Laburista.

65 Comments Comment

  1. Vendetta del Disco says:

    Jahasra kemm hawn cwiec fid-dinja.

    • B says:

      …and cwiec would be a massive understatement. LAGHQI!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Laghqi kemm trid imma mhux cuc. He’s playing his cards right: Militant in the youth section of the party, election candidate, MEP (plus perks), or government official/consultant (plus perks), perhaps to end his triumphant career as minister.

        Hell, if I could find a political party that would accept me I’d jump on that gravy train in a flash.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Sometimes I wonder whether they lie to satisfy the higher echelons of the party.

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      I think they are focused on feeding hocus to the befuddled tea-party and tombla masses. I’m sure their pecking order sorts itself out on how much they can deceive the party faithful. They act like unscrupulous marketeers out for a quick buck whilst producing nothing of value.

      No wonder Labour is losing the loyal faithful who can actually think and reason things out.

  3. Claude Sciberras says:

    If Lorry Sant makes them proud there is not much you can say, is there?

    • Grezz says:

      Well, two years ago, in a newspaper interview, Marlene Pullicino Orlando said that at the age of four, her hero was none other than Dom Mintoff. It just goes to show what sort of environment some people are brought up in. It’s totally alien to someone like myself.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Lorry Sant, a pure brutal arrogant thug who beat up anyone who uttered a single word against him.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    I can’t believe that this person managed to get enough A levels to enter university.

  5. Ganona says:

    Why is it that they seem so proud of their past?

    If these people are going back to their roots, instead of looking forward and making genuine proposals for the good of this country, then I think that floating voters won’t think twice about voting PN again in the next general election.

    For sure nobody in the right state of mind would want to go back to those fearful days!

    • red-nose says:

      Whether you like it or not, with Anglu Farrugia, Toni Abela, Alex Sceberras Trigona, Joe Debono Grech, Joe Grima you will not be getting much change in the PL mentality; these mentioned will not allow any change to their warped way of thinking and the policies they will lay down on which to rule Malta will not change. So all, those who tell you that they will vote Labour because they are fed up (I do not know why) with the PN, tell them what they are in for.

      • nobody says:

        Since when is Joe Grima considered part of the PL? Was he part of PN when he had a TV programme on Net?

        Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there is room for Joe Grima in our politics … but the fact that he was OK for the PN supporters when he presented a programme on Net TV whilst presenting himself to be the converted Nationalist and suddenly becomes a criminal because he’s presenting a programme on One is beyond me!

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Nobody, for the record, Joe Grima never said he ‘converted’ to the PN, and PN supporters never considered him to be a Nationalist. He always remained an MLP man, though highly critical of KMB and Sant.

  6. Pat Zahra says:

    Oh my Lord! It’s a nightmare – now we’re going to be ruled by oiks who were brought up thinking that Lorry Sant et al were working class heroes. Aaaargh. . .

    • Isard du Pont says:

      Joseph Muscat ma kienx imur il-mess meetinks ta’ Mintoff ma’ dik in-nanna li ghandu? Allura tajjeb – in-nanna tieghi kienet tehodni fuq is-swings u nixtri xi gelat, u n-nanna ta’ Joseph kienet tiehdu bil-prajvat ixejjer il-maktur tat-torca u jwerzaq ‘Mintoff is-Salvatur.’

  7. Ta' Ninu says:

    Bir-rispett kollu, can’t they get even ONE thing right? What a bunch of losers. And 40% of the population back them. Not very encouraging, is it?

    • jomar says:

      Doesn’t say much about the 40%, does it?

    • Chicken Little says:

      Maybe that 40% are purely illiterate. The only source of truth they have is from ONE, and they have thrown away their remote control.

    • nobody says:

      I thought it was more than 40% … but anyway, if it helps making your argument stronger ….

      • More Leader says:

        nobody, In the last MEP elections, there was a turnout of 78.81%. Of which, 54.77% voted Labour. Hence, the true Labour vote in the whole population of voters was about 43%.
        Watch it! No one (as opposed to nobody) is contesting that Labour got 55% of the votes cast.
        By the way, your name says so much about you. Are you seriously not Someone?

  8. tat TWO NEWS says:

    “Grazzi lil kull min ta shemu f’ din l-ghaqda li minn… dejjem kienet l-ixprun tal-progress fi hdan il-Partit Laburista.”

    Ara hemm, hej! Mhux ta’ xejn mela li l-PL mhux tali ma mexhiex il-quddiem, izda sejjer lura gas down u qed jerga jigbor mieghu il-laqx kollu li kien wasal biex qered Malta kwazi ghal-kollox, u jara dak bhala progress.

  9. s.winwood says:

    Ara tithajrux tfakkruh b’xi monument iehor. Din id-darba ghamluh b’idejh miftuha qed jitlob il-karita. Forsi R. Pellegrini ghandu xi ideja ahjar.

    • Isard du Pont says:

      Naghmlux xi monument ghall-imhallef Herrera bil-wieqfa hdejh, u nhallu post ghal xi statwa ta’ Ronnie – imma mhux fin-nofs, ghax imbaghad in-nies jaghmluha li kien xi go-between.

  10. Alan says:

    I have actually seen Lorry Sant’s picture next to one of Jesus, with his own candle too. Well, some people in Chile worship Pinochet.


    • La Redoute says:

      And many in China worship Mao. Maybe Muscat will pick up some tips.

      • Charlie Bates says:

        Nancy Mitford once wrote a book, in the early 1930s, called “Everybody Loves a Dictator” and talks about her family’s love and admiration for Hitler and Mussolini.

      • La Redoute says:

        Her sister married Oswald Mosley, the fascist.

  11. Anthony says:

    I have run out of words on this.

  12. La Redoute says:

    Jahasra ghalina, kemm hawn cwiec Malta.

  13. PhiliP says:

    Ara veru jrid ikollok mohh ta’ tigiega biex tiddeskrivi iz-zmien ta’ Lorry Sant bhala “Storja Glorjuza tal-Forum Zaghzagh Laburisti”.

    Kemm jiflah ikun tuba.

  14. Qabbiztuhieli says:

    Oh my God, hallina Alex. Mur ahra u ghaffgu b`idek, ja gidra.

  15. Mandy Mallia says:

    If someone as young as this Alex Saliba is glorifying Lorry Sant, then it just goes to show that Labour is still the same, blinkers and all.

    Here’s some bedtime reading for the members of FZL, to give you a rough idea of what the man was like:


  16. TROY says:

    Dawk in-nies li xtraw artijiet Selmun minghand sieheb Lorry Sant ghax qalilhom li se johorgu ghal bini, issa ha jibnulhu monument ghax red….hom sal-Easter eggs. Ara veru Nazi week. Secretary – General FZL int fejn iz-ziemel tifhem.

  17. Alan says:


    The blackmail website has finally figured it out:


    #55 ace 2010-04-05 15:44

    Alan says:
    Monday, 5 April at 1505hrs

    “Coercion is the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner by use of threats, intimidation, trickery, or some other form of pressure or force. Such actions are used as leverage, to force the victim to act in the desired way.”


    So they consider revealing proven facts about the warped public and ‘private’ life of magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera, to be coercion.

    Coercion to make her do what exactly ?

    Ah yes, to stop presiding over her lover’s brothers’ criminal case, to stop consorting with politicians and journalists, to stop socialising with parties whose cases in court are before her, to stop consorting with policemen who offer her drinks, to stop using the police like her toys at her whim and fancy, to stop being a hypocrite towards the Catholic faith while marching in the duluri procession while having abandoned her husband for another man, to stop acting like a teenage prima-donna seeking publicity and act her age together with the dignity and respect that is supposed to be an integral part of what she represents, to stop …. well, I’m sure they get the point.

  18. pippo says:

    Dejjem kien l-ixprun tal-progress……….dan il-progress wassal ghal tlett telfiet tal-Labour. Alex mhux ahjar tghalaq halqek forsi ma tafx kif 2013 tiehdu il-gvern, ghax b’ dawn il-hmerijiet tieghek nahseb qed issammru partita imsiemer fuq it-tebut tal-partit.

  19. Antoine Vella says:

    They have spent 20 years trying to persuade us – without success – that they have changed. This now seems to be their new policy: a party with two faces. On one hand they present themselves as a new phenomenon, no longer PL but a movement of moderates and progressives, on the other they exalt the villains of the past. Far from apologising for past abuses, they are now openly glorifying them.

  20. Bagdan Abjad says:

    Hallikhom mic-cwiec! These people should be taken seriously, not be underestimated. They are the ones who were brainwashed as children, being shown holy pictures and then pictures of villains like Lorry and Duminku and told that only the latter would give them candy.

    Don’t underestimate the determination of these people because it does not stem from a rationalisation process but rather from a contorted and twisted paranoid inferiority complex embedded in their psyche from infancy. Why else would anyone talk this way?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Brainwashing is a form of abuse so Alex Saliba can be considered a victim of child abuse, and I’m not being sarcastic. What we are seeing now is the consequence of years of such abuse that have resulted not only in a totally artificial view of the past but, as he amply shows, in stunted thought processes.

      This makes you wonder whether other vicious young Elves like Chris Agius and Nikita Alamango are also victims of their own parents’ violence.

  21. Riya says:

    Issa ma Laurence Puliccino (l-ex Kummissarju) u Joseph Mangion (PC 710) jonqsu jitghannaq Dr. Joseph Muscat.

  22. pippo says:

    Jekk Saliba isir jafhom il-dawn it-tnejn, zgur li jibda jigglorifikhom bhal Lorry Sant ukoll.

  23. Dont worry Vote Lorry says:

    I was a kid during the 80s and my own experiences related with Lorry Sant who was then responsible for the sports portfolio are actually positive ones.

    In our village (Santa Lucija) we used to have a sports centre including a football ground (still there), a tennis court, a basketball court, a volleyball court and a bocci club. They used to frequently organise sports days for the families living there and Lorry Sant would come personally to award medals to the winners. The bad bit is that I never won anything. *sad face*

    This is not meant to be a counter-argument against any opinion which one may have on Lorry Sant. On the contrary I feel very sorry for the people who suffered in those days. From the contributions I read so far it is clear that some are still traumatised to this day and may even be in need of professional help to overcome their paranoia.

    On the other hand, as relatively younger voter I have to point out that these constant reminders, resemblances and rise-of-evil predictions from the veterans are getting a bit irritating now. I am quite confident that PL have learned the hard way that tolerating violence or falling to provocation leads you nowhere. Besides we are in the EU now so such a scenario won’t be let to happen easily. Its a totally different game now.

    I’m curious to see if someone here manages to describe how bad those days were and how cruel the Labour regime was in a way I never heard before.

    • Knight says:

      You must really be coconuts to talk this way. The sufferings of people at the hands of thugs the likes of Lorry Sant and his henchmen one of them being Ronnie Pellegrini and those corrupt people known as tal-hawsla with leather whips in their hands beating people for daring to protest in favour of the environment will never go away. It will haunt Labour for many years to come. That’s why Labour has been non electable since 1987, save for that short-lived Sant government.

    • red-nose says:

      Don’t worry vote Lorry: I envy your young age.There are people who are old enough to write volumes – yes volumes – about the negative side of the then Minister Lorry Sant. I will not write a word because I think it is not right to write negatively about a dead person. However, there could be somebody (e.g. Mr. Pace of the ex-Magic Kiosk) who could tell you quite a lot of “positive” things about Lorry Sant.

      • La Redoute says:

        By the same token, we should not speak ill of Mussolini or Hitler. They, too, are dead.

    • Macduff says:

      Oh, I see… So I presume you think it’s better to have Lorry Sant than today’s cabinet ministers, because you don’t have your sports complex anymore, right?

      Go and have a look at Mandy Mallia’s link above. Then go through the other Malta Today special reports. That will give you a clearer idea of who the real Lorry Sant was. Thing is, those reports are only the tip of the ice-berg.

      And read some books, too. May I suggest Lino Spiter’s autobiography. I hope you don’t miss the part where he relates how Lorry Sant threatened him physically during a cabinet meeting.

      • Mandy Mallia says:

        And here’s another link for him to take a look at,


        If he looks close enough, he’ll see Lorry Sant (not to mention Joe Grima and others) in full swing during a parliamentary session.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        No need to go that far back.

        Here’s Joseph Muscat just six short years ago:


        Whatever happened to those funky specs at 0:45?

      • red-nose says:

        My point is that there should be ALWAYS respect for a dead person – irrespective of his earthly deeds. I am no Lorry Sant fan – anzi – but I am a Christian first.

      • La Redoute says:

        When ‘respect’ for the dead is in conflict with respect for the living, I’d opt for the latter, and so would you.

        It is not possible to discuss Malta’s recent political history without mentioning Lorry Sant’s misdeeds.

    • Joseph A Borg says:

      People like Lorry Sant ingratiate themselves with everybody until they get to power. When they are in a position of absolute power, they relish it and will do ANYTHING to keep the status quo. They are there to be served, not to serve.

      These people act like the petulant boy who makes himself indispensable by bringing the ball to the game, then force everybody to play by his own rules. He must favour some with privileges to keep the others in line. You happened to be one of them, blinded by some trinkets whilst his party was robbing you of your future.

      In contrast, a great statesman knows what the rules of the game are, what a democracy involves, and plays by those rules for the common good.

  24. Marie-Louise says:

    These die-hards know that once Labour are in government (oh god) they will all be political appointees in some ministry, corporation or even worse, EU institutions.

    Individuals like Tander (Alex Saliba’s nickname) may seem stupid but they are slowly guaranteeing a healthy pay check in a year or two.

  25. Leonard says:

    And what did the PN do about Lorry Sant after it was voted into power in 1987? Not much. But it did name a street in his memory. And a public garden. Alex Saliba couldn’t have done better.

  26. B Galea says:

    Unrelated to the article itself, but referring to China/Chinese as “yellow” (as in the photo caption) is gauche and un-PC at best, racist and xenophobic at worst. Just thought I’d point out the faux pas.

    [Daphne – It’s a reference to bananas.]

  27. taxpayer says:

    Perhaps Alex Saliba could inform us why his hero LORRY SANT was expelled from the MLP .

  28. Riya says:

    @ Don’t worry Vote Lorry.

    After the 1987 election Lorry Sant was arraigned in court charged with corruption the court found him guilty but due to the fact that many years had passed since he committed the crimes he was not fined or sent to jail.

    To understand exactly what the Maltese people went through when Labour was in power between 1971 and 1987 I suggest you read ‘Liberta Mhedda’ by Dione Borg. as the stories are too long to be explained here. If you are interested in Maltese politics this is good reading.

  29. Cwiec or not, remember their vote counts as much as that of any body else.

  30. Riya says:

    Expelled from the MLP not only Lorry Sant but also Toni Abela and Wenzu Mintoff. Toni Abela and Wenzu Mintoff together with Saviour Balzan of Malta today set up the Alternattiva Demokratika. Are these three politicians or clowns of our political system?

  31. RF says:

    Have you seen the Leader with Chinese VP in online The Times? So relaxed and with bottom of foot pointing at his host.

  32. Cammillo Bento says:

    @Don’t Worry Just a few appetisers: Lino Cauchi, Raymond Caruana, Karen Grech, Nardu Debono. If you are a young boy, look up when these people were murdered and most importantly, try to figure out why. If politically motivated murder, routine torture and frameups are not cruelty enough for you, then you are just being a hypocrite claiming to be curious. Do read ALL the newspapers from that periods and form your own opinion. That is how far politics affects our lives.

  33. CHARLES says:

    All that is owed the dead is “THE TRUTH”

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