Istja, kemm huma hajkless tal-FZL
Here’s Forum Zghazagh Laburisti’s secretary-general on his Facebook wall this morning (and what are the odds that it’s only a matter of time before Aleks (that’s how he spells it) Farrugia, editor of It-Torca, decides it should be spelled Fejsbuk):
Alex Saliba: Halija tiremetti l-hdura qed turi kemm hi mara baxxa u njuranta
Nice one, Alex. You’re showing real promise there, straight from the mould which made party deputy leader Toni Abela and the rest of the freak show.
Now all you need is a wajt sjut.
And will somebody please explain to me what that Ronnie Pellegrini is doing, hanging about the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti walls on Facebook like some dirty old man in the playground, popping up with his ‘Hi Alex’ and his ‘Hi Nikita’.
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Nikita Alamango has a blog on
Her last blog was on 19th March.
That is almost a month ago.
She must be suffering from writer’s block or reeling at the fact that her beloved capital city is not really the baroque city that she believed it was or worse still she must be researching Wikipedia to feed the other elves.
I very much doubt it that Nikita writes those blogs. She’s as thick as two short plans – but then of course, judging by the lightweight content of those blog-posts, she must write them herself…Miss Resits.
Beat you maltastar.
The pig population has increased despite il-Qahbu having relinquished the fortress in Delimara where he used to breed them. He was for a long time the president of the Pig Breeders Co-operative.
Thanks, Leonard. Miss Piggy will surely find that link interesting.
How can one tell that the Leader in is partly or wholly plagiarised?
To mention just one clue, the fetish for the interrogation marks disappears.
The more I read those Leaders the more I get the impression that they’re written by someone fixated with Australian soap-operas. I have heard many returning migrants speaking in a ‘high rising terminal’ but I’ve never actually seen it *written* down.
Jien nahseb int, Alex Saliba, qisek il-munument ta’ Hal Luqa mqaccat. Ha nghidlek min hu baxx u jirremetti il hdura. Dawk il-cowards Laburisti li marru jsawtu lil mara u tfal ta’ Eddie, dawk li harqu it-Times, dawk li kissru il-kurja, dawk li sparaw fuqnha tal-Barrani, dawk li sparaw fuqnha fir-Rabat, dawk li sawtu liz-Zwieten Nazzjonalisti ghax marru jivvutaw ghal PN, dawk li ghamlu il-frame up lil Pietru Pawl Busuttil, dawk li kienu jaharqu il-voti ta’ L-Imgiered, Dawn jirremettu il-hdura, Sur Alex. LEST YOU FORGET.
Well said, Troy. We have to keep telling them of their filthy past – something which is still with them – look at the “lost sheep” that have returned to the sty.
Alex Saliba cannot ‘FORGET’ anything his party refuses to teach him about.
He was not even born yet when the atrocities you mentioned took place and since the LP critricizes NP supporters when they bring up the Socialist government’s past, it is highly unlikely that it would educate trolls like Alex Saliba about their past.
Veru miskin, injurant, bahnan u cuc.
That’s what I’m afraid of, that we are going back to those times if the present Labour men are in government after the next election.
To think that Alfred Sant’s efforts to clean the party have been brought to nil by Muscat when he brought all the rubbish and filth back.
Dak raqad ezatt wara li spicca l-programm ta’ Joe Grima u holom bil-hdura. Ghalhekk semma l-hdura dalghodu.
You forget Cardona, found dead at Ta’ Qali; Alex Manfre, found dead at St. Luke’s hospital; the accountant Linoe Cauchi whose remains were found in a well. There might be more but at the moment I cannot remember.
The sign above AST reads out, PLACE AND ROLE OF YOUTH. So is AST actually receiving an award for his role as a Mintoff thug, from days past? What the BRAZEN hell are you up to, Alex?
u dawk li kienu jaghtu t-transfers politici min Malta ghal Ghawdex u vici versa.
Well said – Add dismissal of doctors from St Luke’s, importation of Palestinian doctors, who had no idea what medicine was all about.
Alex Saliba (the one who looks like an anteater) needs a complete refit – his English is obnoxious, his Maltese is terrible (injuranta should read injoranta) and as he states that Daphne is low class and stupid then it’s very obvious that his brain has been fried beyond repair.
Alex Saliba writes phonetically. He actually says “injuranta”.
Aj tink ju ment Aleks. Or woz det enader Aleks?
Now why is it that every time I read or hear the word ‘pig’ it reminds me of a bus?
@Alex Saliba. Pacenzja li bl-Ingliz int vroma. Imma li l-anqas taf tikteb b’ilsienek u trid tippoza li int xi stilla tal-Muviment Progressist – jekk dik mhix injuranza (ghax ghalik l-o u l-u l-istess) ahjar tmur ftit skola tan-nuna halli almenu l-ewwel titghallem tikteb.
Meta titghallem, iftah halqek kemm trid u tkellem.
U ibda isma’ lilek innifsek halli tara id-differenza bejn injurant u injOrant. OK hi?
Daphne ghandha l-hdura! Tara u tisma lil Anglu Farrugia jitkellem qisu jrid jiekol in-nies.
Anglu farrugia mdorri fl-atrocitajiet li twettqu meta hu kien fil-Korp tal-Pulizija fi zminijiet koroh.
Gerry Adams, prosit tal kumment fuq Gaget, pero wara li tela PN fil-gvern dan Gadget akwista hafna minghand Miss Pepsi. U ma lahaqx kummissarju ghax Eddie zamm sod.
Riya, Anglu is the Leader in waiting, so he has to show the coconuts how tough he is. Jason is his lieutenant, also in waiting. At Super One it’s “Ahna lil Anglu ghandna bzonn”.
I rarely post a commenthere, since most of the time I am reading what is written first and foremost by Daphne, and then by all those commenting.
What worries me as a citizen is the lack of genuine discussion going on in the media. Most media people and their followers argue about non-issues rather than discussing the improving Maltese economic situation, job creation or about the fact that oil prices are heading towards the USD 90/barrel mark before cruising past USD100 as global economy continues to improve.
Utility prices will once again be adjusted upwards not only because of oil prices but also because the euro is becoming weaker against the US greenback. What is Joseph Muscat and PL proposing in such situations? What is their strategy vis-a-vis energy production? These are the real issues that we all have to face whatever our political inclination is.
What is Joseph Muscat proposing about ANYTHING? Ah, yes. A freevowt on divorce.
@Frans C. To a certain extent you could be right. Your argument would hold if two children discussed ba ba black sheep. But how could you induce a discussion between two kids about sheep if one of them has never in his life seen a sheep?
How can you discuss with people like Eliks Saliba who can hardly spell his name? Go ahead……try and hold a civil discussion and come back when you manage.
Jekk tghidlu qargha jifhem xi hag’ ohra u jahseb li int xi wiehed li tiftah id-drenagg minnflok bidwi. Dak hu l-livell ta’ certu nies.
Tridu tkunu tafu il-hdura taghhom? Saqsu lil min hu imgarrab u kemm marru nies id-dinja l-ohra bl-ghemil taghhom. Xi darba nghid l-istorja tieghi.
@c agius. Tibzax….ghidha l-istorja tieghek ghax nassigurak li ma tkunx l-unika wahda. Halli n-nies temmen u tiftakar. Sfortunatament qed nghixu fil-“glorja” u hemm tmajna l-memorja. GHax biex dal-pajjiz ma gralux bhall-Izlanda mhux b’kumbinazzjoni u ghalhekk nghid “glorja”. Almenu taht gvern nazzjonalista – bid-difetti kollha – ghandna l-liberta, u dik l-ghezez. Di fatti meta bniedem jigi kkastigat, x’tittehidlu? mhux il-liberta? u ghalhekk biss ma nistghux inhallu li d-demm li nxtered ta’ Raymond Caruana, Nardu Debono u Karen Grech u ohrajn ikun inxtered ghal xejn kif jindika hafna mill-posts ta’ dawk li jhaddnu twemmin socjalist. Irridu nibqghu infakkruhom biex jisthu ghax QATT ma skuzaw rwiehhom mal-poplu Malti. QATT.
Well said, Camillo.
Troy, Alex Saliba ma jistax jiftakar, ghax dak iz-zmien kien ghadu l-anqas twieled. Mur ara kieku kien dak iz-zmien ta’ din l-eta x’kien ikun – forsi xi Qahbu II.
Joseph Muscat jaf li fiz-zmien il-Labour meta kont tara pulizija flok tghid mohhi mistrih kont tibza minnu ghax dejjem tahseb li se taqla xeba ghalxejn kif qalghu hafna nies kemm fit-triq kif ukoll gewwa id-depot fejn suppost tigi ipprotegut.
Riya, Inspectors Gadget and 007 both have a degree in Nazzjonalisti bashing. Gadget is now Leader in waiting, whilst 007 is a “spettur anzjan” stuck at the Qawra police station. 100 euros in an envelope please, shaken not stirred!
From the comment he made, Alex Saliba seems to be expressing his realisation that none of the efforts made by him and his fellow elves will stop DCG from continuing with this blog. Consequently, he resorts to insults.
Kieku dawn it-trollijiet ghexu z-zminijiet li ghexna ahna kieku llum dawn jew jinsabu l-habs jew inkella mirdumin f’xi travu bhal ma kienu jaghmlu l-mafja. Hekk konnha nghixu ahna. u meta jasal il-waqt nergghu infakkrulhom il-passat mahmug tal-labour. Ghadom sal gurnata tal-lum qatt ma talbu mahfra. U mela jsemmghu il-mizbla?
As a 2 year old child I was denied seeing my father because he was denied a promotion because he was Natioanlist and forced to work shifts.
As a 4 year old child I was denied the best chocolates and toothpaste
As a 6 year old child I was denied from attending my school classes.
As a 9 year old child I saw a person being shot down by the police right in front of my eyes from my grandmum’s balcony in Rabat.
As a 10 year old child (1987) I was given back my tanquility.
As a 16 year old youngster I could afford continuing my studies and received a stipend.
As an 18 year old citizen I entered University, chose the subjects I wanted and later graduated always receiving my stipend. For 22 months I was treathened of losing my stipend (1996-1998)
As a 27 year old man I became an EU citizen with all the benefits that brought.
As a 30 year old man I graduated with a Masters Degree.
And as a 33 year old man I cannot possibly imagine voting for the PL.