Note to Eliks, KuRRRRRt, Pia and the rest of the Maltastar/FZL shambles
Our house has police protection at night not at my insistence with the Commissioner of Police, but at the Commissioner of Police’s insistence with me.
If you don’t believe me, ring him and ask him. He’ll tell you.
But whatever you do, don’t ring Michael Cassar. He might think you’re Consuelo Herrera.
If you think I enjoy having a police officer plastered to my house (remember that my name isn’t Consuelo) because of the nut-cases who vote for your party and the bile and hatred you stir up against me, to say nothing of your constant incitement of the rabble and your calls for ‘somebody’ to ‘stop me’ and ‘shut me up’, then you are mistaken.
Unlike you, I do not need police protection to make me feel important.
Because clearly, that is how you see it.
You would love to have police protection yourselves, as a sort of accessory to your Alfas and your maisonettes with your ghamara stil modern.
The police do not give protection to those who want it. They give protection to those who they think need it.
Perhaps you should ask yourselves, bright stars of the Labour firmament, about the bitter irony of a situation in which, while the magistrate was busy trying to use the police and the courts to protect herself against the Evil Witch Who Denied Her Facebook, the police decided that they had better protect me.
So as my youngest son famously told you two years ago at that university debate, Kurt Farrugia, why don’t you just f**k off? There’s a nice monument on a Luqa roundabout which you could use to this end.
I have to say, though, that for somebody of your extraordinarily challenged height, a dildo from the Little Mouse Shop of Sex would be more appropriate.
As for that phallic symbol which your friend Silvio Schembri’s father – the Labour mayor of Luqa – is trying to have removed, perhaps you could have a word with Jason’s friend Consuelo.
She could stick it in her garden (and no, that isn’t a metaphor) and turn it into a lovely fountain, and then impale Kermit on it when she’s finished with him. Or him with her.
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Looks like the people who operate the Vladimir is a Transsexual site have given up struggling to write in English and have relapsed with an audible sigh of relief into Maltese – but they can’t even get that right.
And for some reason, they’re suddenly really, really angry. Write about Alex Saliba, Pia Micallef and Kurt Farrugia and they go nuts. I wonder why.
I must say they make really bad undercover agents.
Because they are that website’s masterminds, that’s why. You don’t need to be a Master of the Arts to work that out.
Some people really need to get a grip on themselves.
They do get a grip on themselves. What do you think Eliks and all the other single elves do at night?
Why, were they not uploading posts and comments on TYOM all night long?
How things change with time!
Having a policeman at your door to protect you?
I know the time when policemen protected thugs, not innocent citizens.
How easily some people forget!
“the Evil Witch Who Denied Her Facebook” (love it)
I kid you not when I say that out of all you have exposed about her and so forth, THIS is what has infuriated her the most deep down.
She ‘lost’ her most treasured ‘PR’ tool for showing off how ‘cool, hip, popular and well-connected’ she is.
As the story unfolds, she is more likely to resign so that she can have access to Facebook again, than because of all those unethical actions she has not denied in her case against Daphne.
I thought that the stopping of Consuelo’s Facebook was an “order” from above and Daphne had absolutely nothing todo with the stoppage – I might be wrong, therefore open to correction.
[Daphne – She’s talking about her daughter’s Facebook, and the fact that she banned her daughter from uploading photos of her (Consuelo).]
But she still can upload photos of a bus maybe passing by the Luqa monument.
If this sawn-off Muppet (yes, Kurt) thinks he can stop Daphne or any of us that write on this blog, just because he can’t stand us revealing dirt and laughing at Labour, then the little no-brain has no idea who he’s dealing with.
Kurt, you forget that under your Labour government for 16 years we went to hell and back, so nothing a little fart like you tries to do will stop us – lest you forget.
Trying to stop this blog or indeed Daphne is as useless as useless is (thank you, Blackadder). The fields of combat have moved into cyberworld and whether Daphne stays or goes another will take her place.
So whoever has dreams of shutting Daph up .. forget it. There are 000s more Daphs ready to continue the ‘fight’ – not with her perfect English perhaps but by heaven continue the fight it is. The sooner some people get over this reality the sooner we can move on, preferably with the truth and solid debatable comment rather than crude innuendoes and downright lies.
Sexy l-Boy! You made my day. I just couldn’t stop laughing. Did you know that the wife of the Mayor of Luqa is the sister of Labour M.P. Charles Mangion? He works at the law courts and so it will not be that difficult to make arrangements to shift the monument to her garden!