Note to MLATASART Cease: the Blowsy Bidnija Blogger isn't standing for election

Published: April 3, 2010 at 4:41pm
Kemm ahna sbieh min jaf jarana - get a load of that Glenn Dangerfield

Kemm ahna sbieh min jaf jarana - get a load of that Glenn Dangerfield

Here’s Maltastar’s leading article today, which as usual appears to have been written by somebody with the mental age of 12:

Malta, twenty first century Malta really is a disaster. Blackouts on a regular basis? But Lou Bondi didn’t have a programme about blackouts did he? Not in the national interest he thinks? Perhaps he was scared he would be jinxed? He interviewed Joseph Muscat and asked him about’s title, Blackout Monday which brought memories of stock market crashes, but he tried, copying the blowsy blogger to bring in other incidents? Does Blackout Friday offend him less?

But at least there was one funny moment on Bondi. When Bondi lost argument after argument, he then told Joseph Muscat that the latter needed him. The Bidnija blogger says the same too. Vanity and arrogance is certainly as much the hallmark of Bondi and the blowsy Bidnija blogger, as it is the hallmark of this administration.

So according to this Giant Labour Brain, Maltastar was criticised for using the term Blackout Monday because “it brought memories of stock market crashes”.

That’s convenient. I guess it’s too hard to say the truth: that Maltastar was criticised for belittling the events of Black Monday, 1979, by comparing a series of violent attacks on democracy (the burning down of a newspaper building, the ransacking of the opposition leader’s home while his wife and small children were in it, and more) with a power-cut.

As for the rest, will Maltastar please note – as clearly, Marisa Micallef is just another chicken to add to the rest of that ruddy coop (not that we didn’t know it already, but they clearly thought she was another Giant Brain) – THE BLOWSY BIDNIJA BLOGGER IS NOT STANDING FOR ELECTION. YOU ARE BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE AND TARGETING THE WRONG PERSON.

If the Nationalist Party were using me as a decoy to get the Maltastar/Super One gormless hounds off its back, it couldn’t possibly have been more successful. These bird-brains are so easy to lead into the bushes, that it’s just unbelievable.

No wonder they end up having to cheat in their exams – well, come on, Charlon Gouder really doesn’t come across as the type of person who would understand an abstract concept or the fundamentals that underpin legislation, while that JONTIN looks like he spends most of the day shaping his eyebrows.

And they really should do something about their fetish for interrogation marks. It doesn’t say much about the strength of their convictions if they have to qualify each statement by the doubt that a question mark indicates.

46 Comments Comment

  1. dudu says:

    RAY AZZOPARDI VALLETTA COUNCILLER(2 hours, 43 minutes ago)

    tlifna ir ruh socjali ? imbghad tmur u issib persuna barranija tahdem go fija. possibli ma sibniex malti kapaci jaghmel l-istess xoghol ?

    Inkredibli kemm haw kunsilliera tal-PL minn ta’ wara l-muntanji. Dawn minn fejn inqalghu!

    [Daphne – ‘Naghmel toilet’: a typically mittilkless expression, alongside ‘ghandek naqa toilet?’. Le, ta, hi, ghandi bicca toilet biss.]

    • Karl Flores says:

      Għandek zball, dudu: ghandek bżonn ta’ plamer biex t’ghamel tojlit.

      • Karl Flores says:

        I’d like to add that I happen to know Ray Azzopardi and, also, that he’s a true gentleman. One of those few remaining we usually refer to as a, ”Il-veru good boy”.

    • A Camilleri says:

      the Mayor’s reply:
      Alexiei Dingli(3 hours, 36 minutes ago)
      Its funny Ray because all the council agreed that the toilets would be at a small charge. Mela insejt?

      • Karl Flores says:

        @ A. Camilleri: There’s hardly any difference between what Alexei Dingli said and that said by Ray Azzopardi.

        Alexei says, ”the toilets would be at a small charge”, instead of making use of the …
        Ray says, ”biex taghmel toilet trid thallas”, instead of biex taghmel uzu……

        Both grammatically mistaken, no?

  2. C Falzon says:

    You must forgive them for that error though. In their history books The Times was allegedly burned down by someone, and it isn’t referred to as Black Moday.

  3. l-istudent says:

    ”…while that JONTIN looks like he spends most of the day shaping his eyebrows.” – hillarious, I couldn’t stop laughing D. Well done!

  4. Alan says:

    Daphne Mlatasart insult cease now ! You kill me laugh to don’t cease if not !

    • Alan says:

      From the Vladimir site


      #8 Chris 2010-04-03 13:04
      Alan says:
      Saturday, 3 April at 1657hrs
      Daphne Mlatasart insult cease now ! You kill me laugh to don’t cease if not !

      Well one can hope !


      Now I’m going to ‘cuse Mr. Asuig to the police for attempted telepathic murder.

      And if Mlatasart don’t stop, Daphne will be ‘cused by my family, for actual murder by laughter.

      So there.

  5. dudu says:

    ‘Rega ikkontesta fl-2008 u gab l-aktar ammont ta voti min fost il-kandidati laburisti min kemm ilu jikkontesta il-Partit Laburista fil-belt Valletta, infatti illum jokkupa il-kariga ta Minority Leader fuq il-kunsilliera laburisti shabu.’

    He seems to be a star labour councilor in Valletta. A minority leader, no less.

  6. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    “Their fetish for interrogation marks!” Hilarious! How are these people not embarrassed?

    Is that Father Colin in the picture? His attempt below at whitewashing over the cracks of the Magistrate Herrera affair is pretty useless as far as I am concerned.

    • Father Christmas says:

      Seta jonqos illi Father Colin ma jdeffisx saqajh (biex ma nghidx gismu kollu) f’din l-istorja, u li ma jtihiex xehta socjalista. Jidher ta’ l-inqas darba fil-gimgha fuq programm televiziv tal-PBS, li jixxandar xi hames minuti wara nofsinhar. Dejjem jara kif ideffes xi argument politiku, u allajbierek, dejjem jirnexxilu jtih “slant” laburista.

      Meta taqra dak li kiteb fuq il-kaz tal-magistrat, tinduna illi minn fuq s’isfel, kull ma jaghmel hu li jevita illi jitkellem fuq dak li ghamlet il-magistrat, u jdawwar dejjem l-argument kontra DCG.

      U kieku ma kienx hekk, kienu se jhalluh ixandar dan l-artiklu dawk tal-Junjin PressSSSsSSSs?

      Ma nafx kif qatt ma hareg jiddefendi lil-PrimMinistru Gonzi ta’ xi zbalji li jkun ghamel, wara li dawk tat-Torca dejjem jghidu fuqu.
      U issa ma jigux jghidulna biex ma nikkritikawx lil dan il-qassis politiku.

    • The Bus Conductor says:

      Father Colin: “L-unika triq li għandha l-Maġistrat hija li titlob lill-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija jin-vestiga – bħalma għamlet. ”

      Incidentally, I wonder what his views are about the Magistrate bearing false witness, under oath, after kissing the crucifix in court.

      • Grezz says:

        I’m even more curious to know what he thinks of the magistrate going to the Our Lady of Sorrows procession last week, and – assuming that she went too – to that on l-Gholja tas-Salib this week, the latter one most probably with her lover.

  7. TROY says:

    Is this photo from a PL version of the Phantom of the Opera? The phantom has put on a bit of weight.

  8. Anthony says:

    Black Monday in Maltese History is the day when all Maltese of good will and all those with more than a nanogram of grey matter took stock of what had befallen their country and proceeded to boot the party of hooligans out of office for thirty years. No amount of spin will ever change this fact. Plus ca change.

  9. Lorna Saliba says:

    In all fairness daphne, yesterday’s powercut was just short of 2 weeks from the previous one. With the summer season round the corner, this is shooting ourselves in the foot. Some criticism is to be expected.

    When Labour don’t say anything, we complain about a deadbeat opposition and when they do, we complain about their arrogance. Democracy is built on constructive criticism and regrettably what journalism has been reduced to in this day and age is a barrage of cross party insults which does not demand public respect.

    It is true that the Labour Party is not in a position to criticise, but we can hardly go on with this crass incompetence while we are paying the highest utility bills in the EU.

  10. il-Ginger says:

    Dawn n-nies imgienen.

  11. freefalling says:

    These people have very short memories so allow me to remind them of some serious facts:

    a foreign policy fraught with communist ideals

    divide and rule strategies aimed at keeping Labour in government

    the highest levels of unemployment ever

    rampant violence and brutality with the perpetrators never brought to justice

    corruption in the police force

    and the most serious of all, Malta close to becoming a dictatorship

  12. Alan says:

    Now here’s an interesting statistic from Facebook

    Joseph Muscat – 4919 fans over a large number of years

    Boiler nru 7 – 3081 fans in under 2 weeks

  13. mario farrugia says:

    Some PN supporters said ‘ reading your blog is a waste of time’ I think they are right. I have deleted you from favouites becouse in the long run I noted that you are a very stupid woman. You can do very little harm to the PL but, you are also doing some harm to the PN – keep it up!

  14. Dem-ON says:

    Daphne, talking of “loads”, is it only my computer that compresses the pictures horizontally, and consequently Glenn Dangerfield suddenly loses half of his weight?
    Is there a remedy for this?

    • Alan says:

      Here’s how to restore Mr. Dangerfield’s weight – on your browser, click Tools, then Compatibility View Settings, and Add this website. Photos in the blog-post should then appear as they do on the front page.

      • Dem-ON says:

        Alan, thanks, just done what you suggested and it works brilliantly. Now I can see the full weight of Mr. Dangerfield.

  15. Michael A. Vella says:

    Extract from DCG Notebook: “Is that Father Colin in the picture? His attempt below at whitewashing over the cracks of the Magistrate Herrera affair is pretty useless as far as I am concerned.”

    And as would typically be reported in

    Father Colin : “washing over the cracks of the Magistrate Herrera is pretty useless as far as I am concerned”.

    • Frank Bowers says:

      Imagine a country where a liar can freeze your bank account; seize your possessions and have a writ of summons issued against you entirely on the basis of perjured testimony.

      No it’s not Zimbabwe!

      Imagine a country where the court hearings proceed for more than seven years because a ‘leading’ local attorney was either grossly negligent and/or incompetent and/or deliberately pursued a strategy to maximize his billings.

      No it’s not Guyana!

      Imagine a country where the judge prevents the defendant from presenting to the Court irrefutable evidence of perjury and fraud.

      Imagine the same judge overruling the impeachment of witnesses during cross examination in strict accordance with the law.

      No it’s not Nigeria!

      Here’s an extract from my written presentation to the court:

      “…….. there is a matter that causes me grave concern that I must bring to the attention of the Court since it has a profound bearing on future hearings. In all Courts of Law, it is imperative that witnesses provide true testimony otherwise judgments will be made in favor of the most compelling liar. This clearly isn’t in the best interest of justice.”

      This motion to impeach the witness was denied despite me citing the specific Articles relating to the impeachment of witnesses.

  16. tony says:


  17. Dem-ON says:

    According to Maltastart-cease: “But at least there was one funny moment on Bondi. When Bondi lost argument after argument, he then told Joseph Muscat that the latter needed him.”

    I thought the funniest moment was when Joseph Muscat said he had Marisa Micallef, and Lou told him “Tajjeb, tajjeb, zommha.” Even Joseph Muscat was stunned.

  18. Camillo Bento says:

    Were it not an insult to Ugo, one would simple classify them as a group of moronic Fantozzi’s, especially the Dangerfield thingy. It always suprised me how the Labour Party ever got more than a 100 votes

  19. Riya says:

    Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-Labour ilu zmien twil ma’ jirbah elezzjoni. Idhqu ghax dejjem titilfu ja qatta cwiec. Tirbah bis-sewwa u s-sincerita’. Mela bil-gideb.

  20. Michael A. Vella says:

    And now that the ONE crowd has power again – even if not the ‘Castille’ sort that they are gagging for – they all join up for a great, big, party:

  21. Michael A. Vella says:

    ONE rehearses its act for the 2013 PL election victory concert to be held at the ‘partial roofless theatre:

    Gonzo conducting –

  22. Michael A. Vella says:

    il-LEADER rehearses for his EU Presidential role:

    • Chicken says:

      Ara kemm se jiddandan bil-bini tal-Parlament il-gdid u bit-Tejatru ta’ Piano meta jilqa’ lill-kbarat tal-Ewropa go Malta fl-2017 fil-Presidenza Maltija tal-UE.

  23. Michael A. Vella says:


    Serious rift at ONE.
    Charlon and Kurt set up new break-away TV channel:

  24. Michael A. Vella says:

    FLUSH NEWS – Serious rift at ONE [More Leader]

    Charlon/Kurt TV Channel –

    Leader retaliates. Puts his side of the story in special edition of Bondi+

  25. red-nose says:

    Unfortunately for MALTA, people who were more than pleased that The Times was burnt down, are back in the sty.

  26. Camillo Bento says:

    @Toni. Aw hi Toni mela rxuxtajt? Taghmilx hekk ghax aqta’ kemm tinkwetani. Naf li int imhabbat hafna gej u sejjer Stokkolma. Imma almenu avzana halli ma ninkwetawx irwiehna. Sellili dejjem ghall-mahbub kbir lider u fenominu tal-millenji kollha Joe il-Muscat, ix-xemx tal-bierah, tallum u ta’ dejjem hekk ikun.

  27. Riya says:


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