OMG! Aghmel hello l-men, kemm hu najs.

Published: April 18, 2010 at 10:01am
Darb' ohra ingibu t-tfal, Mich. Jahsbu li huwa l-hepibirdej ta' Anglu.

Darb' ohra ingibu t-tfal, Mich. Jahsbu li huwa l-hepibirdej ta' Anglu.

If you turn up the volume on your laptop and listen carefully to a video clip of the leader of the opposition and his wife carrying their children (who are old enough to walk) up to the pope and the president, you can hear Mrs Muscat say:

‘Say hello….hello….say hello……it’s the pope….say hello to the pope.’

Lie down and weep.

Next thing we know, her PR people (and we forget that for years she worked in PR herself) are going to tell us that this is all faux naif, a deliberate strategy to appeal to others who would have done the same.

But hang on, they vote Labour anyway.

18 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    Somewhere on Mastalar I read that the Leader appreciated the way the pope reacted to him bringing the children along (or something along those lines).

    I wonder if that means he actually knew he was doing a ‘pastazata’ and appreciates not getting a good telling off for it.

    [Daphne – People who have terrible manners never notice when others are just being polite. An example – they overstay their welcome and when they are asked by their hosts, ‘Won’t you join us for lunch?’ (which is code for ‘please leave now’), they take the invitation literally and say ‘OK, thanks.’]

  2. red-nose says:

    I am more than sure that the Pope was very well briefed on who he would be meeting.

  3. red-nose says:

    I deplore the fact that somewhere else, the president’s speech was criticised. It was a perfect exposition of the feelings of the great majority of the Maltese, who Dr. Abela represents – well done, Mr. President!

  4. Kolonna fallika says:

    Toni Abela qed jispjega l-monument falliku b’idejh.

  5. TROY says:

    How sweet the Labour Leading trio are wearing identcal shirts

  6. Y Xuereb says:

    Daphne can you please PLEASE reply to the article on TYOM about Gonzi having taken his children as well as his grandchildren.

    As far as I know, they weren’t introduced to the pope, but I’m not sure, and someone really needs to shut the TYOM crew up.

    [Daphne – I have done so already. I’ve also pointed out that it’s useless explaining the finer distinctions of protocol and good manners to people who need to have these things spelled out to them (and even then they get confused), because they just don’t understand the fundamental ‘philosophy’ which underpins them. If you have to stop to think about why you shouldn’t carry your three-year-old children up to the pope in a formal presentation ceremony (and if you must be so rude and stupid, why you should put them down before the exchange of greetings) then you are a lost cause. The people who congregate on that website are even more crass and vulgar than their leader, so just let them drown in their own hamallagni. It will be generations before their descendants can climb out of the gutter into which they were born, so leave them to it. They might get there eventually. A bunch of losers, the lot of them.]

  7. Iz-Zabbari says:

    Paedophilia does not only exist in the Catholic church, it also exists in other religions:

  8. kev says:

    Forcing the Curia to report such cases to the police solves nothing. It will simply mean that less victims will approach the church, which will therefore obtain less information about its ‘bad apples’. If victims choose not to report the crime to the police it cannot be claimed that the church acted maliciously.

  9. pippo says:

    Nirringrazzjaw lil alla li hadu it-tfal fuqhom, minflok dahlu bil pushchair tat-twins.

    • Il-Cop says:

      Maltastar – Breaking News
      Il-Leader gewwa l-palazz jitaqa mal-Papa u l-mara tieghu Michelle. F’puxcer ahmar kien hemm it-twins li qalu hello lil-Papa.

  10. xaxa says:

    imma x jidhollok u johroglok xi tghid lit tfal taghha michelle. won’t you mind your own business for a second daphne?

    [Daphne – How and in what way is this not my business, or yours, for that matter?]

  11. TROY says:

    Put your hands in the air, Simple Tony says.

  12. Robbie says:

    this article is just pathetic …. Daphne you really don’t need to steep so low …………… other than that you’re fine but this is just unnecessary.

  13. Joseph saidon says:

    kif ma tidejaqx tparla fil vojt dapne. dejaqtna kollha bdal paroli fil vojt tieghek,. mghandek xejn iktar xi tamel fil hajja? possibli ma ssib xejn iktar ta entuzjazmu xtamel fhajtek?

  14. Bendu says:

    Fenech Adami’s was a private visit.

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