Robin Hood rewrites history

Published: April 14, 2010 at 9:48pm
No prizes for guessing where Robin Hood's shirt-sleeves have gone.

No prizes for guessing where Robin Hood's shirt-sleeves have gone.

Yesterday, on Super One’s Kalamita (remind me to tell you the story about Sandro Chetcuti and the magnet) Tony Abela invited viewers to send in photos and memories because the Labour Party is going to put together a Hajt tal-Memorja Kollettiv in October.

No prizes for guessing that the Hajt Tal-Memorja Kollettiv will not include any of the images that we best remember, those of sacking, looting, burning, breaking and stoning. Or shooting.

Perhaps they’ll have a section for the 21st century, with Facebook photographs and inane wall comments sent in by Labour aficionados and politicians. Now’s your chance, Cons.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Camillo Bento says:

    Hu pacenzja Daph…….ghax jew jien qed nispissja jew…….Hajt Kollettiv x’inhu?

  2. freefalling says:

    sacking, looting, burning, breaking, stoning and name tarnishing!

  3. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    It would more likely be a Hajt Tal-Memorja Selettiva!

  4. freefalling says:

    Taf sejjer naghmel – sejjer infittex xi ritratt ta’ Mussolini halli nibghatulhom ghax jiena sgur li Toni Abela jiehu pjacir bih! Nispera li z-ziemel ghadu hemm.

  5. carmel says:

    Tafu minn kienu l-hbieb ta’ Mussolini jew ma tafux l-istorja..
    Din l-informazzjoni tinsab ghand il-Partit Nazzjonalista.

  6. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    I forgot to tell you the story about Sandro Chetcuti and the magnet.

    Well, I had a post called Real Estate Magnate Sandro Chetcuti parties with Consuelo – or similar – showing a photograph of Sandro doing his Saturday Night Fever thing at the magistrate’s 45th birthday party.

    At the next GRTU meeting, Sandro was gently teased about it and he flew into a rage because he thought I had called him a magnet (kalamita).

    And then somebody had to explain to him what it meant.

  7. tat TWO NEWS says:

    Carmel, jahasra x’ghandek kontra in-Nazzjonalisti.

    Forsi ghax dahhluk fl-EU u allura ma stajtx tkompli thawwad fejn kont dejjem thawwad?

  8. TROY says:

    Mela, u ghandhom website apposta ghalieh:

  9. jomar says:

    Dak il-hajt huwa monument ghal dawk li jbghatu bl-Alzheimer’s jew bid-dimentia u m’ghadhomx jiftakru is-sebghejnijiet u t-tmeninijiet!

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Ah, tajjeb. Meta jlestu l-hajt inkun nista’ mmur inbul mieghu.

    Sorry imma kelli nghidha.

  11. Alan says:

    ” Perhaps they’ll have a section for the 21st century ”

    Now’s your chance to bury the hatchet, help out, and show them you’re a good sport after all. Print all your ‘New Labour’ blog-posts and send them in to start off their 21st century section. A personalised accompanying ‘With Compliments’ slip would go a long way too.

  12. Augustus says:

    No prizes for guessing that the Hajt Tal-Memorja Kollettiv will not include any of the images that we best remember, those of sacking, looting, burning, breaking and stoning. Or shooting.

    If they don’t include the above mentioned images, what will they have left to hang on that wall?

  13. TROY says:

    Is Himmler’s nephew imitating the statue behind him?

    • rubber puppet says:

      Apparently, someone is asking Ray Azzopardi to join him in that “scarch my back and I scarch yours” posture in the statue.

  14. TonyM says:

    Hajt tal-Memorja Kollettiv? I think you must have misunderstood something, Daphne! I just can’t believe it.

  15. red-nose says:

    Perhaps a photo of the Magic Kiosk will be fine to remind people of the “GOOD OLD DAYS” with an inset of Lorry Sant (r.i.p.)

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