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Published: April 4, 2010 at 10:03am
The Leader has asked me to convey the message that if you don't pull your socks up, we're going to lose the floating vote.

The Leader has asked me to convey the message that if you don't pull your socks up, we're going to lose the floating vote.

I thought I should bring this comment to wider attention because you might miss it otherwise.

Now here’s an interesting statistic from Facebook

Joseph Muscat – 4919 fans over a large number of years

Boiler nru 7 – 3081 fans in under two weeks

14 Comments Comment

  1. vaux says:

    Where was John Attard Montalto during the Frontex MEP vote? The Sunday Times 4th April 2010
    When asked to explain his absence during the vote, Dr Attard Montalto’s office ignored the questions sent by e-mail while the MEP failed to respond to calls or text messages.
    The Sunday Times encountered another similar brick wall when it approached Labour’s head of delegation in Brussels, Louis Grech, for a response.
    He ignored questions sent by e-mail and when contacted by phone Mr Grech said he was unable to talk as he was “busy in a meeting”. He never returned the call.

    Morale: We are right f***k you jacks.

  2. Nikki says:


    Please forward this link to your wife, Sharon Ellul Bonici.

  3. Alan says:

    The race is heating up. Today’s count

    Joseph Muscat – 4924

    Boiler nru 7 – 3205

    Memo from the Coconuts

    Lil elves kolla ta l’ghar : Bl’akbar urgenza

    Iktbu u cemplu lil hbieb, kugini, zijjiet, nanniet u qraba kolla li ghandkom, biex isiru fans ta Joseph Muscat minnufieh.

    Irridu niksbu 5000 frjiend ghall lider qabel bojler nru 7.

  4. Nikki says:

    Sharon Ellul Bonici went to watch Manchester United lose to Chelsea.

    I think I just might go into Valletta this summer, to see her brother Andy Ellul, Charlon Gouder’s lawyer, and fan of Consuelo Scerri Herrera, wearing his Burberry summer scarf.

    Andy Ellul: Chaving around hux? :)
    Fri at 3:09pm

    Sharon Ellul Bonici: Iva Bro we’re chaving around, went to see the new Burberry spring collection :0) was surprised to see they left same colours and designs. Nahseb ghadhom ma sehmux b’ Daphne. Got each one of you a summer scarf hehe…
    Fri at 4:58pm

  5. Boiler ONE says:

    Jesus, what was boiler 7 up to on Good Friday (errm, sorry, Blackout Friday)?

  6. ciccio2010 says:

    “The leader has asked me to convey…”
    Marlene, should that not have been “It is the Will of the Leader that I convey to you…”?

  7. Matt says:

    Muscat 4927 – Boiler Nru 7 3316

    I give the Boiler two more weeks to surpass Joseph.

  8. TROY says:

    Joseph Muscat should ask Boiler No 7 to be a Labour candidate in the next general election. He’ll be needing all the steam he can get.

  9. Grezz says:

    Those 3081 fans are most likely all part of the 4919. Same mentality, after all.

  10. Alan says:

    That Boiler sure is gaining ground. Today’s count :

    Joseph Muscat – 4936

    Boiler nru 7 – 3783

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