The bunny-boilers are now REALLY confused

Published: April 9, 2010 at 12:13pm
I think I've screwed up again.

I think I've screwed up again.

I was in fits of laughter when I read this morning’s offering from Labour’s bunny-boilers:

Minjaf xi jhoss go fih Austin Sammut – dak li kixef ta’ Crawford u t-tgerfix mal-Korp Diplomatiku u l-istrategija ta’ GonziPN – meta jaqra lil Deffni bint l-ilsiera. Ghal zewg ragunijiet. Ghax Austin Sammut jigi minn ta’ Rutter (li jigu mhux biss minn Rutter Giappone) imma anki minn ta’ Galizia!

Min jaf xi jhossu go fihom il-bunny-boilers when I tell them that Austin Sammut is descended from precisely the same 17th-century slave because his grandmother was a Vella, just like me.

Min jaf xi jhossu go fihom il-bunny-boilers when they find out that it is precisely because his grandmother was a Vella that he is related to ‘ta’ Galizia’, just like me.

Austin Sammut, my husband and I are descended from three Vella siblings, one of whom was married to Emmanuel Luigi Galizia (my husband), the other to Giulia Casolani Isouard (me), and the other – well, I’ll let them work it out for themselves, but…..cue sinister violins…..Albert Mizzi is involved (his mother was a Vella).

28 Comments Comment

  1. SSA says:

    Now they’re going to think that Emmanuel Luigi Galizia’s your husband, just like they think Edward Caruana Dingli’s your uncle.

  2. Joseph A Borg says:

    Do they perhaps have the soap-opera mentality, where the biggest plot point is finding that the love of your life is in fact your long lost brother?

  3. Aristocrat says:

    Is it true that Gavin Gulia is a relative of yours, as they are claiming?

    [Daphne – They’re actually claiming he’s a relation of my husband. I must ask.]

  4. Anna says:

    No, SSA, they’re going to think that Daphne and her husband are first cousins.

    [Daphne – That’s right. Perhaps I should spell it out. He’s my third cousin once removed.]

    • freefalling says:

      May the Caruana Galizias and Vellas increase and multiply as, from what I can gather, they have always been in the forefront of the arts, the legal system and, more importantly a pain in the Labour Party’s backside!

    • Macduff says:

      Who will explain to them what “third cousin once removed” means?

  5. rita says:

    U le jahasra! X’website tal-qamel. Minghalihom ha jsibu xi haga kbira fuqek. Iktar int taghti kashom!

  6. Corinne Vella says:

    Their fascination is fascinating. And it turns out that they’re petty snobs, classing themselves as ‘workers’ but looking down on a 17th century slave. Maybe it’s because that slave’s descendants haven’t done too badly for themselves, whereas their lot are still grasping at straws to prop themselves up.

  7. Miss Micallef says:

    As far as can be discerned from the photo, it looks like Jason Micallef “Sab Kappell jigih.”

  8. red-nose says:

    They had better tell us about Labour’s policies because the majority of voters don’t care about Daphne’s ancestry. What is certain is that she is a thorn in Labour’s side, and a good, clear exponent of things that matter.

  9. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    You know what?

    These nincompoops are actually distracting the public from the real issue: whether Consuelo Scerri Herrera will tenure her office.

  10. Leonard says:

    It all works back to Adam and Eve so this ancestry business is just a load of crap.

  11. snoopy says:

    Some might be descendants of slaves, but most are descendants of sailors/masons and Valletta whores. So these people had better be careful lest somebody peek into their own family trees.

  12. Does something here (as below) refer to me?

    Anyone happy to translate into English for me? Thanks!


    Minjaf xi jhoss go fih Austin Sammut – dak li kixef ta’ Crawford u t-tgerfix mal-Korp Diplomatiku u l-istrategija ta’ GonziPN – meta jaqra lil Deffni bint l-ilsiera. Ghal zewg ragunijiet. Ghax Austin Sammut jigi minn ta’ Rutter (li jigu mhux biss minn Rutter Giappone) imma anki minn ta’ Galizia!

    • Corinne Vella says:

      I can translate the words in seconds. The intended meaning is a bit more complicated, given the poverty of the mindset that produced it. Briefly, the writer feels that being the descendant of a slave is a source of shame and that it is essential to throw in the name ‘Charles Crawford’ to spice up the (non)story.

      Here you are. Don’t waste too much time over it. Apparently it all means we should vote Labour in the next election. Why and how is anyone’s guess.

      “Who knows how Austin Sammut feels – he’s the one who exposed Crawford and the machinations with the diplomatic corps and the strategy of GonziPN – when he reads that Daphne is the descendant of a slave. That’s for two reasons. Austin Sammut is related to the Rutters (who are not only related to the Rutter Giappones) but also to the Galizias.”

      • La Redoute says:

        Oh, right. So that was really ‘lil’ and not a spelling mistake.

        It’s even worse than I thought.

      • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

        Actually, “when he reads Daphne daughter of the slaves.”

        The point is that they consider it demeaning that one might have a manumitted slave as one’s ancestor, and they think Austin Sammut will be vexed because his ancestry (same as Daphne’s) has been exposed.


    • The Bus Conductor says:

      Dear Mr Crawford.

      Since I am sure they are still convinced we are one in the same person, I will take the liberty of translating it for you.

      I urge you not to try and make sense of it, because like the rest of us here, you probably will not. It is as incomprehensible in English as it is in Maltese.

      Please keep in mind that this is a literal translation with the original astounding punctuation or lack of it.

      “Who knows what Austin Sammut is feeling inside – he is the one who exposed Crawford and the mess with the Diplomatic Core and the strategies of GonziPN – when he reads Deffni (Daphne) daughter of the slaves. For two reasons. Because Austin Sammut is related to the Rutter family ( who are not only related to the Rutter Giappone family) but also to the Galizia family!”

      The Bus Conductor

    • Bla Vot says:

      We could—but it still wouldn’t make much sense!

    • La Redoute says:

      The mystery is not what they said about Charles Crawford – it’s what they meant to say. I haven’t understood. Have you?

  13. Ta' Ninu says:

    For God’s sake guys, give up on these monkeys. They have become a bad joke, certainly not worth bothering about. Just think how proud they will be making us when they are elected to government. U Gis u Gis. (The g’s are meant to have a tikka.)

  14. Lomax says:

    I cannot stomach this any longer. These people are trying to debase you because you have a “humble” background. I mean, how insulting is that to the humble people who have been voting for them for years, for generations?

    Even if you were the direct descendant of ‘slaves’, it doesn’t make you less intelligent, less articulate or, indeed, less of a human being. This is what astounds me. For all their running about and claiming that they are “tal-haddiema” they try to debase you on the basis of who you descended from. Isn’t this a contradiction in terms? Isn’t this a party which is supposed to promote the cause of the poor and the “lowly”?

    Now, if one descended from thugs, that’s different – because being humble in origin has its own merits but being thuggish, being violent and being, generally, the equivalent of a mine even in times of peace, is downright dangerous.

    Still, I am totally flabbergasted: they treat even their own voters with contempt.

  15. Riya says:

    Jien ma’ nistax nifhem fejn iridu jaslu dawn in-nies? Qishom qatta boloh. Jien ma’ nafx ghalfejn noqghodu naghtu widhen ghall-hmerijiet li qed jghidu. Jien affarijiet bis-sens irrid naqra ha nkun nista’ niddiskuti u nitghallem, u nsir naf il-korruzzjoni ta’ nies b’certu poteri. Bhal Magistrat Consuelo Scerri Herrera u ohrajn!

  16. TROY says:

    @ Riya, jien bhalek nahsiba imma dawn ma jafux ahjar. Il-web site gdida tal PL: Ghalgolhajt .com

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