The homophobic crackpots have done it again

Alex Saliba of Forum Zghazagh Laburisti: ha nilhaq avukat biex imbaghad tibda tistiedinni l-parties il-magistrata
There is nothing quite as dangerous – to themselves, that is – as nutters with an internet connection and a low IQ.
Over at the ‘Daphne is a trans-sexual called it’ site, they have announced that yesterday they got 115,000 hits. First it was 115,000 hits since the site was set up, but by the end of the post it had become 115,000 hits on Jum il-Helsien.
They must think that everyone is as internet-stupid as they are.
With that level of views, their site would be showing up in the top 100 for Malta.
They can’t argue it’s too soon, either.
Within days of being set up in the run-up to the 2008 general election, this blog had hit 75th place in the Malta top 100.
I have a suggestion for the elves in the Labour grotto: chain yourselves to your desks on 12-hour shifts going 24/7 and open up your site repeatedly.
You pathetic twerps, honestly.
It’s not just the sheer ignorance which amuses. It’s the transparently childish lying and the belief that everyone is as brain-dead (and homophobic) as they are.
I thought I’d seen that figure of 115,000 somewhere before. So I looked it up, and there it was: my blog-post of 9 March 2008, the date the votes were being counted in the general election, and the day this blog got the highest number of views ever until the start of the ‘Consuelo and Robert’ saga two years later.
Sunday, 9 March 2008 2020hrs
This site has had 115,000 views today. The situation is beyond belief. I am sitting here with memories of how it used to be in the 1980s, hanging around watching people count votes on Xandir Malta for 24 hours. Is this the democratic progress people were thinking of when they said they wanted change?
If these people are really adults, then they have the minds of children, and think that everybody else does too.
Quite frankly, I am not surprised when I see some of the people involved. One of them is a 1960s Soho barmaid from some Yorkshire gutter, called Eve, married to an ex Malti ta’ Londra – with all that is implied in that term – called Lolly Bajada. She had some kind of mental breakdown after a family tragedy and now spends all her time on the internet seeking catharsis through malice in the same way that others might seek it through voluntary work among the needy.
I have refrained from mentioning her earlier as she is clearly cuckoo. She has a website which is dedicated entirely to speaking to her dead grand-daughter via the internet, in public, for a start, and her pain at that loss is so palpable that I can’t even begin to touch it. There are times when that sort of pain tips somebody over the edge into hatred and resentment, cynicism and nihilism. And then, of course, there is the fact that she is married to a very unpleasant character who has broken the law on at least one occasion that I can recall, and both these specimens live up the road from me in Zebbiegh.
Those are the sort of people we are dealing with here, and these are the sort of supporters that Magistrate Scerri Herrera has. Eve Bajada only ever posted one comment on this blog: in support of the magistrate. It was so coarse and vulgar that I deleted it.
Now that the people who are involved in the site have been exposed as vicious homophobes (I actually think the men there are repressed homosexuals who have been raised to think of homosexuality as a perversion and so loathe themselves, but anyway) for mocking my husband/son/s as ‘gej’ and confusing him with another member of the very extended family, they have switched to Plan B.
My husband is having an affair. And guess what? They know who with, too. ‘It’s X.’ ‘No, ta, it’s Y.’ ‘Le, ta, jien nahseb li Z.’
My sons won places on prestigious postgraduate programmes – an incontrovertible fact – therefore it must be because I pulled strings for them. Yes, right. I rang the London School of Economics and said ‘Listen, ta, I’m Vladimir the Trans-sexual spindoctor of GonziPN from Malta, and I want my son to get on the postgraduate programme with two O-levels and a diploma in gel fingernails. You will? Oh yes, that’s great. Thank you.’
So sad, so cracked, and such utter losers: Labour – not fit for purpose.
Bring on the Easter bunnies, and may God save their shrivelled little souls.
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Believe me our beloved Daphne, that there are days when I just want to get under the duvet.
Even if your husband were having an affair – who cares? You are not a magistrate! But still they are so stupid to try and stain the honour of your family! That’s what they are experts at – only that!
I was in your son’s class at school and I remember that he was a year younger than the rest of us. I think it is amazing that he won a postgraduate place at the London School of Economics when he was only 20, the age at which many students are just starting out as freshmen.
After trying so hard to picture him as a rude thug just because they hate his mother (the way Super One attacked him repeatedly was one of the reasons I was first in the queue to vote against Labour because I just couldn’t stand it) this information must really have come as a blow to them, particularly as they seem to have such a hard time using a dictionary, writing simple sentences and passing their first-year law course examinations.
A reverse salute is too good for them.
Q. What is the difference between the lies on the Labour Party’s blackmail website and the lies told by Consuelo Scerri Herrera?
A. Scerri Herrera’s lies were told under oath in court – but not all of them.
I am speechless and so are many others. This is pure harassment and nothing less.
These individuals have nothing better to do than spread malicious lies in the hope of counter-balancing the on-going positive results being achieved on this blog.
Shame on them and shame on those who preach for a united Malta yet allow these morons to spread these venomous inventions.
Thank you for the laugh, Daphne. Though people with a diploma in gel fingernails are probably earning much more (and declare less) than most graduates.
“…people with a diploma in gel fingernails are probably earning much more (and declare less) than most graduates.”?
Not if they are working for Maltastar or Super One.
Site Information for Alexa Traffic Rank: 12,021,723 Traffic Rank in MT: 2,768
Daily page view 65 as of two days ago. So that’s quite a leap yesterday guys! Prosit u kijp-it-app! Ja qabda kretini!
Actually I imagine that all the people who visited your site, also visited theirs because you actually provided their web address yourself (can’t understand why you did that).
[Daphne – Because it is important for people to see what is going on, and to know just how gormless, malicious, conservative and homophobic the true nature of Labour really is, despite all the posturing in pink ties by their increasingly ineffectual and pointless ‘leader’. It is also the reason I know they cannot have had that many hits. In a situation where one blog leads a viewer to another blog, the other blog will have far, far fewer hits than the ‘starting-point’. This is because not everyone bothers.]
I, for one, would never have visited the site if not out of curiosity, reading your blog. I have not returned to the site because I believe the blog is in really poor taste, reading that sort of thing just makes me nervous that people can still stoop so low in Malta. I don’t just mean the personal attack bit, but the way it is conveyed. Had they done something on this level but giving the opposite view by countering arguments they would surely have been more effective and successful.
[Daphne – They are incapable of that. They are French revolution peasants minus the pitchforks. Evolution has extended to the mittilkless sjuts and the law course, but no further.]
Nipreferi noqghod naqra dan il-blog, milli nahli l-hin naqra l-hmieg li qed jiktbu fuqek dawk il-qatta kretini. Xtaqt nuza kelma ohra imma ahjar le.
[Daphne – They are incapable of that. They are French revolution peasants minus the pitchforks. Evolution has extended to the mittilkless sjuts and the law course, but no further.]
That’s insulting for the French revolutionaries and praise for the former.
Yes, Mark A – these are “sans balles” and “sans cerveau” as opposed to “sans culottes”, who fought for a cause with the only means they had available – the pitchforks. Daphne, you’re insulting French revolutionaries by comparing them to those people.
“balles”? Bullets? Nahseb ridt tghid “couilles”.
And don’t perpetuate certain myths about the French revolution. It was never driven or led by the peasants, but by the usual bourgeois “intellectuals” who are responsible for all revolutions in history.
You might want to view “Duck, you sucker!” and listen to Rod Steiger’s monologue on revolutions and revolutionaries.
They must be the descendants of the Sette Giugno thugs. Bet they feel they are heroes of our democracy, too.
They’ve got the same mentality.
@HP Baxxter: balles are not bullets but balls – same as Italian, both senza palle and senza coglioni can be used to convey the same meaning.
Yes the Steiger film is a Fistful of Dynamite, and it is hardly a history book – it’s a spaghetti western. It was Edmund Burke who first stated that the French Revolution was instigated by radicals, who used the peasants to conquer France and the rest of Europe.
Oh Daphne, I adore your comment:’ Labour: Not fit for purpose’. F**ken hilarious and spot on!
[Daphne – Now they’ll have to work out what it means.]
I bet they’ll send their men to the gym now. U hallina ha nidhku.
Possibli dawn tal-Labour m’humiex kapaci jghidu il fatti kif inhuma? Dejjem iridu jigdbu. Dejjem hekk kienu u hekk jibqghu.
I must thank you Daphne for reminding me what Labour and its supporters are exactly. I was not gonna vote next election, but I have changed my mind.
Prodotti tal-Brigata!
What worries me most is not them attacking you, I know you can handle them well, but the fact that they are actually defending Consuelo’s actions which are very unbecoming of a person holding such a position.
Yes, Herbie you are right. They correctly associate Consuelo with the Labour party, and fail to see the problems inherent in her behaviour, so this is the outcome:
Rodnick Abdilla:
Daphne Caruana Galizia . min flokk toqod tinhela tivinta
u taqla imbarazz fuq Consuello scerri herrera, mhux ahjar tikteb ghall tista tkun int forsi isibulek il hutek li hallilek misierek sqallija .
hahahhahah !!!
February 1 at 10:26am
[Daphne – Another peasant not fit to tie my father’s shoelaces. But what am I saying? The batman who tied his grandfather’s shoelaces was a decent man. What sort of people call their sons Rodnick, anyway? Imagine going through life crucified by a white-trash name like that.]
Batman, eh? Careful, Daph, or they’ll think your great-grandfather’s name was Robin and decide that he was gay too. I know what you meant, but I’d better help them out, msieken, ghax dawk ta’ wara l-muntanji.
” Imagine going through life crucified by a white-trash name like that”
You are so mistaken using ‘crucified’. He feels nothing of the sort. He loves it, doesn’t give a toss what others say, and thinks it’s the coolest thing around.
THAT’S the worst part of this sorry example.
As to who would call their sons that? Simple. Mother’s father was Roderick, and father’s father was Nicholas, and so they reached a compromise.
They meant to call him Redneck but got the spelling wrong.
Hallik minnhom trid? I’ve written before to congratulate you on your writing.. and your balls… imma qed tpaxxihom. Let them say whatever they want to say and you go on with your great work on exposing that monster Herrera and others involved in ACTUAL political scandals.
Hemmhekk McDonalds? Ilkoll insegwu l-gosti tal-Leader. U x’inhi dil-mania ghal tunnellata gel, xaghar qisu ski ramp u nuccali tax-xemx enormi, ane gewwa? Ja qabda proto-Lorry Sants.
Basta dhalna fl-EU. Imbaghad fil-politika nezaltaw il-hamallagni, in-narcissizmu u l-idjozija.
It looks more like a kids corner somewhere. Maybe he was looking for Mark Vella Gera?
Dak ir-ritratt mehud fil-games area f’Baystreet.
Go see a shrink.
Denis, this isn’t Woody Allen’s New York.
Well, folks, if you had any doubt that the hate-site attracts all the loons, here’s the evidence you need.
Denis Catania is the twit who thinks Le Redoutte, La Redoute and La Reedoutte are the same person.
It must be the inability to spell wot does it.
Denis, take their advice: ‘if you don’t understand is better to don’t try.’
Ara Denis. Wasal tal-basal.
@ A
I disagree with your stance! It is imperative that these people continue with their education. The pen that we have learned to use admirably reveals our thoughts, some of which are sadly hidden even from ourselves.
These thoughts need to be examined through the democratic process, the encounter of other ideas that throw light onto our own. Only then can we experience the joyful moment of discovery and change.
Through the expression of their cracked and primitive ideas, these individuals are showcasing themselves as roughly-hewn pieces of the old Malta Labour Party block.
They still need to be made conscious of their erroneously-held beliefs based, as they are, not on independently-thought-out ideas but on heavily prejudiced conceptions of loyalty, lies, threats and latent phobias.
Int il-vera kattiv u ahdar, Cannot Resist Anymore! It’ll take them two days to decipher that.
Point taken Alan! Given that they have perseverence they will get there.
We have been reared to hold on to our truths and people will generally rise up to it. I really hope they read us.
Remember the days when the socialists tried to reduce everyone to the level now expressed in that horrid environment of tasteyourown….?
“Point taken Alan!”
See, we have a sense of humour on this blog, and understand what tongue-in-cheek means.
Had I posted that on the other site, my father would instantly be a pufta, my mother a one-legged mangy whore, my children would be sons and daughters spawned by the devil incarnate himself and …. well, you get the point.
What’s a law student doing at a Jokers? Isn’t that a kid’s arcade?