The latest from Mlatasatr: Scotland is part of England

Published: April 16, 2010 at 12:13pm
I'll ram this up Kurt Farrugia's.....coconut.

I'll ram this up Kurt Farrugia's.....coconut.

According to Maltastar’s report on the airport situation in the United Kingdom, all airports in England are now closed: Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow (no mention of Heathrow).

17 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    They filched the information from Heathrow’s website. Maybe they think it’s in Scotland.

  2. lino says:

    U ejja Daphne, ftit l’hawn u ftit l’hemm; hemm ghalfejn wiehed ikun preciz?!!!

    • Scerri S says:

      Would you let it pass if you were say in the UK and some news reporter included Malta within the list of third world countries, mistook it for an Italian/Greek island, or assumed that the main religion practised was Islam? Ajma x’jinqala kieku!

      News reports have to be precise. And with the availability of info on the Internet nowadays there’s really no excuse…

    • Rover says:

      I for one would not be too impressed if I were to land at Glasgow airport when I wanted to go to Heathrow. But then for what’s in a 500 mile trip.

    • Alan says:

      It’s also junior school geography, Lino.

    • Dem-ON says:

      Lino, din tieghek tinstema ftit jew wisq bhal ta’ Alfred Sant:
      “inbazwru ftit ‘l hawn u inbazwru ftit ‘l hemm.”

    • jomar says:

      Ghadhom jghixu fi zmien Sant meta fuq it-televixin qal dawn il-kelmiet, ” U iva, inbazwru ftit l’hawn u nbazwru ftit l’hemm – iva inbazwru kif ikun hemm bzonn”.

  3. freefalling says:

    I can bet my bottom dollar that Maltastar will today announce that the “sahhara l-kerha tal-Bidnija” has, together with GonziPN, hired Mel Gibson to infiltrate the Labour party headquarters.

    [Daphne – Lucky for them I moved to Bidnija at 26. Is-Sahhara ta’ Tas-Sliema has a better alliterative ring to it, but they wouldn’t want to go upsetting dawk il-qabda hodor tan-NIMBY who nearly lumped us with Alfred Sant as prime minister two years ago.]

  4. tat TWO NEWS says:

    Dawn mhux dixendenti ta’ dawk l-ghorrief li kienu jghaqqdu id-distretti tal-elezzjonijiet meta il-lejber kien fil-gvern – x’tistenna?

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    The photo reminds me that an MLP Valletta councillor once wrote an article comparing Alfred Sant to Braveheart.

  6. Dem-ON says:

    Hekk messu jghidlu Kurt Farrugia lil dak l-iskocciz Gordon Brown. Jghidlu fejn ipoggih il-programm tal-Labour li kkupjalu ghal fuq il-Facebook wall, kieku…

  7. eros says:

    Why are you so surprised when our myriad radio and tv stations keep referring to Ingriterra or Ingilterra when the news item clearly refers to Great Britain. Example – ir-Regina Elizabetta ta’ l-Ingilterra. Also recently that Celtic are one of the best teams in England! But let’s not get started on the discussion about the low standard of Maltese on our sound and tv media.

  8. TonyM says:

    HA…HA…HA…following the PL gets more hilarious by the day! You do a great job, Daphne! HA…HA….HA…wonder if they know which the EU member states are.

  9. SDS says:


    They also have their own parliament.

  10. lino says:

    Can somebody please explain to Alan, Dem-on and the rest the sarcasm implied by the words ‘ftit l’hawn u ftit l’hemm’ and ‘preciz’ in my comment.

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