The political, spiritual and genetic descendants of Labour thugs tend to turn out the same way

It's not the suit that matters, but what's inside that suit.
The blessing of this government’s drive to ensure that everyone has an internet connection and a computer is full exposure of the malignant malice, envy, resentment, spite, and frightening stupidity, ignorance and cracked thinking of so many in our midst.
And the really scary thing – for the Labour Party, that is – is that they all vote Labour.
All of them. Without exception. I work on the internet and regularly trawl through reams of comments and ‘opinions’.
With only the rare exception, the nut-jobs, the vicious, the completely irrational, those who are clearly cracked, and the ones whose logic defies all description manifest support for Labour.
You would think at first that this is of concern only to rational people who can order their thoughts, and who every five years must contend with the risk that the administration of the country will fall into the hands of incompetent nutters who are the direct spiritual and political descendants of the mob who ransacked ‘id-djar tas-sinjuri’, sacked a newspaper building and burned all the mills but one to the ground during the Sette Giugno riots, a day on which we now perversely celebrate the mob rather than the real victims.
They are the direct spiritual and political descendants of that other mob who burned The Times 60 years later, attacked Eddie Fenech Adami’s home and family, ransacked the law courts and the archbishop’s Curia, and violated every principle of democracy and decency.
The truly terrible thing is that they are too stupid – yes, stupid, for this is all the result of a low IQ which perpetrates itself in families down the generations as do all other genetic factors – to see that what they are doing today is the contemporary ‘internet’ version of what their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents did with physical violence.
The forebears of these violent, ignorant cretins – the genetic products of dullards breeding with dullards over many generations, and no amount of university education open to all can alter a person’s intelligence quotient – broke into the homes of those they considered their enemies and violated them with violence and thuggery.
Their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren cannot do the same in a situation where the rule of law is enforced and democracy has been strengthened – though some of them made an attempt to burn my family alive in our beds four years ago, and we currently have police protection during the night as a result of the number of threats made towards me.
Today’s ignorant and stupid Labour thugs – the Maltese equivalent of Chairman Mao’s peasant functionaries in his Cultural Revolution – cannot do what their parents and grandparents did. It is more difficult for them to burn down buildings. It is impossible for them to break into the homes of those they consider their political enemies and ransack them.
So what do they do instead? They use the internet to do the equivalent of what their violent and stupid parents and grandparents did with their fists and their feet. They use the internet to ransack the lives – or so they think – of those they consider their political enemies, to spread lies, to target family members, to attack sons, daughters, parents and siblings, to threaten, violate and blackmail until – and they are not ashamed to say it – these ‘enemies of the Labour Party’ cease and desist in their criticism or opposition – or, in my case, mockery.
Mockery – yes, it’s the one thing the Labour Party can’t handle or stomach. They know it’s effective, but they have no idea how to do it themselves. Let’s just say it requires intelligence, humour and the ability to draw on a completely different cultural background to anything in a peasant revolutionary’s experience of life in a household raised by people who violated the homes and businesses of their political enemies.
And that is why any attempt at mockery directed by the Labour Party and its cohorts against its enemies invariably comes across as crass, vicious, ugly, mad…..and stupid.
As an example of irrational thought and political ignorance that defies all description, I bring you this, hot from the internet:
I am sorry if Dr Gonzi cannot keep Daphne in place im afraid he will not get my vote .
Hear hear! It is a well-known fact that in a democracy a competent Prime Minister will take steps to gag anybody whose writings are unpalatable. It is only incompetent disctators who step back and let the law take its due course. I for one will not vote for GonziPN ever again – I will now vote for Jospeh Muscat since I am confident he will ensure that people only write what they ought to write.
That’s right. In a democracy – and apparently, this is a well-known fact – competent prime ministers gag people whose ‘writings are unpalatable’. And it is only incompetent ‘disc’tators who step back and let the law take its ‘due’ course.
Joseph Muscat should be proud to have this person’s vote.
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Charles J Buttigieg, a self-declared Labour Party supporter, made this emotional plea on his Facebook wall:
“The PL, our natural party, needs to ascertain that none of its officials, holding a minor or high position, is in anyway associated with the tasteofyourmedicine blog. Two wrongs don’t make a right. My heartfelt appeal is for honest PL supporters to go public and condemn those contributors who in any way shape or form tarnish our good reputation.”
The latest hate-Daphne site’s creator is Christopher Aguis and his Facebook friends are…
1. Alex Saliba, FZL’s secretary, who has publicly denied any association with the site even though he promoted it on Facebook
2. Charles J Buttigieg, Labour Party supporter
3. Marie Louis Preca Coleiro, Labour Party MP
4. Jose Herrera – Labour Party MP and Shadow Minister for Justice
5. James Piscopo – the Labour Party’s CEO, on leave from Air Malta
6. Daniel Jose Micallef – FZL President
7. Evarist Bartolo – Labour Party MP and a one time candidate for the party leadership
8. Gavin Gulia – Labour Party MP, and a one time candidate for the deputy leadership of the PL
9. Joe Mizzi – Labour Party MP
10. Leo Brincat – Labour Party MP
11. Luciano Busuttil – Labour Party MP
12. Marlene Mizzi – Labour Party Business Forum, and who, in her status update, invites us to avoid malice, hatred and envy like the plague.
13. Joseph Cuschieri – the PL sacrificial lamb, sporting a photograph of himself looking adoringly at the man the party calls il-Leader
14. Owen Bonnici – Labour Party MP
15. Silvio Parnis – Labour Party MP
16. Joseph Sammut – Labour Party MP
17. Wenzu Mintoff – editor of Kull Hadd and Labour Party appointee at Malta Enterprise
18. Simon Micallef Stafrace – a one time candidate for the deputy leadership of the PL
19. Sharon Ellul Bonici – an unsuccessful Labour Party MEP candidate
20. Ronnie Pellegrini, Lorry Sant’s henchman
21. Aaron Farrugia, a Labour Party activist and the originator of the term “Elve”
22. Kaden Spiteri, who uses the MLP logo as a profile picture
23. Jonathan Galea – an employee of One Productions who says his political views are “Laburist u kburi
24. Charmaine Schiavone – a Labour Party supporter who clicked “likes this” on practically every link to the hate site that was posted on Facebook, including the one she posted herself
25. Eve Bajada – a Labour Party supporter, named as a personal friend by Christopher Agius on the hate site
MLP Msida
26. PL Fgura – sporting a photo of Joseph Muscat as a profile picture
27. PL Mosta
28. PL San Pawl il-Bahar
29. PL Santa Venera
30. Centru Laburista Zabbar, who are still promoting the hate site on Facebook
31. B Cool B Labour
Oh, and
32. Robert Musumeci
33. Astrid Vella.
Nice going, eh? So much for PL supporters going public and condemning action that tarnishes their ‘good’ reputation.
32. Robert Musumeci : “PL supporter?”
Is this some April Fool’s joke?
Please tell me you’ve made that one up! No-one can be that moronic.
[Daphne – No, of course I didn’t make it up. It’s hot from the ‘Daphne is a trans-sexual and we are going to expose her as such if she doesn’t shut up’ site. You mean you didn’t know that morons have a vote?]
This one had me in fits this morning! Made my day…
“You mean you didn’t know that morons have a vote?”
That’s a necessary evil of democracy.
“I am confident he(Joseph) will ensure that people only write what they ought to write.”
And they are against censorship.
Correction: They are against censureship, a cousin to intollerant.
“I will now vote for Jospeh Muscat since I am confident he will ensure that people only write what they ought to write.”
I am sure what they wanted to say was:
“I will now vote for Joseph Muscat since I am confident he will ensure that people only write what he wants them to write.”
Bir-Rieda tal-Leader…
I think (hope?) the comment you quoted was meant to be sarcastic.
You see? You can’t be sure it isn’t.
Daph, you hurt me when you refer to the morons as ‘tar-rahal’.. I’m a ‘rahlija’ and proud – and I can actually write and read properly and will never stoop to the tasteyourownmedicine kind of vulgarity.. Can we call them something else?
[Daphne – Yes, I agree and I am sorry if I caused you and others offence. I should have worded it otherwise and it was wrong to generalise. What I meant is that it is only in a tar-rahal environment that all the required factors come into play to produce people like this, and not just a tar-rahal environment, either, but even among the urban working-class and other sectors of Maltese society where arch-conservatism combines with deep ignorance and generations of resentment.]
Thank you! Personally I think lycanthropes would be more apt.
[Daphne – That was a tough one: I had to look it up. No, I think they can best be described as gormless – the classic thick henchmen, straight out of central casting.]
“Tar-rahal” is not a sweeping statement that describes all people raised in villages. It is the equivalent of the English ‘peasants’.
It comes from the days when people raised in those circumstances had no access to education or literacy. The behaviour of some people today remains deserving of that description: when some act as though they are completely unschooled, the traditional terms ‘rahli’, ‘ta wara l-muntanji’ or ‘peasant’ are inevitable.
One would wish that the English (and Maltese) language would have a proper adjective which describes these same elves in other terms rather than ‘tar-rahal’ or ‘peasants’.
We have to make do with language limitations as much as we have to make do with this trash we have to put up with around us.
Alternative adjectives a notch lower than ‘tar-rahal’ or ‘peasants’ would not be acceptable for publication or prudent, as one would risk going down to the level of these elves.
Oh holy Mary, pray for them – Joseph Muscat needs a guiding angel to lead him away from these losers.
Isn’t Joseph supposed to be ‘the guiding angel’ of the Labour Party?
It worries me that people like this exist. It’s worse than a Jerry Springer show.
Yes, I agree that it’s worse than Jerry Springer. Jerry Springer and the people on his show aren’t standing in line to become Malta’s government.
The Labour Party is fast being hijacked by collection of desperadoes, with a leader trying to convince the electorate that everything is under control, that party reform is smoothly moving according to plan and then the political prize, the 2013 election victory, is within reach.
I would not even dare to contemplate that possibility, because it only generates fear for me at this moment.
Don’t be too sure, Daphne, that physical violence is a thing of the past. Jealousy breeds contempt, contempt breeds anger, anger blinds the mind, and then when the mind ceases to function normally, primitive instincts take over.
When has Labour’s collective mind EVER functioned normally?
Yes Vaux, very true. The fact that physical violence is not a thing of the past was eloquently displayed by Sandro Chetcuti who arranged dinners for Joseph Muscat.
Despite his apparent financial success and his property deals, he reverted to type when things did not go his way.
Kif gara l-GRTU?
“I am sorry if Dr.Gonzi cannot keep Daphne……..”
INCREDIBLE! I do not consider myself an intellectual but the logic in this paragraph is absurd.
What the hell has Dr.Gonzi to do with putting “Daphne in Place”? Just as Clown Joseph has with putting all the idiots contributing to Daphne’s hate campaign in place.
[Daphne – Not quite an apt comparison. I don’t form part of the PN Youth or write for MaltaRightNow.]
“in a democracy a competent Prime Minister will take steps to gag anybody whose writings are unpalatable”
What about the Leader of the opposition, should he silence those individuals whose writings are destructive, unfounded and venomous?
Since time immemorial these idiots have persisted in making fools of themselves.
What utter nonsense.
Are they serious when they say they want a dictatorship?
Naturally, they’re serious. It’s what dicks want. That’s why it’s called a dictatorship.
You mean ‘dick-tatorship’, surely?
It seems to be part of the PL culture, past history and present. Once a PL supporter and university student close to Alfred Sant told me that I really should meet Alfred Sant face to face. I told him that, although sometimes we may have crossed paths physically, I didn’t need to talk with him to know him. I told him, “There was so much evidence available that there was no need.” However, as part of the student’s praise of Sant, the student then answered me by including reference to his (and the party’s) desire for “a strong leader.”
It seems to me, from the MLP past and the present, that the typical PL supporter makes no distinction between “strong” and “democratic,” so that a dictatorship would be democratic, if elected, both within the party for its leadership and on a national level if the party wins a national election.
The irony is that within the party real democrats for leadership were defeated, and the present leader is not strong, or perhaps I should say does not display effective leadership. But it is an election victory that they seek as justification for their leadership.
The quality of the PL followers does not make the task of leadership of the PL an easy one. The nightmare still appears to be this lose-lose scenario: the potential explosive rage displaced outwards at political enemies (if not directed properly within the party, where those “in control” have a vested interest to remain in power) if the PL loses nationally, versus a PL national victory for a Party that has certainly lost its compass and is now seen more as a PR enterprise, or social movement, whose purpose is to “sell” us into giving them our vote. It appears to have no capacity for leading a band club, let alone running a country with effective policy and a rational vision.
The comment quoted by Daphne is supposed to come from a disgruntled Nationalist but the “Dr Gonzi” gives them away as it is mostly Labour supporters who insist on using such titles.
I agree fully with this sharp observation.
Mercifully, most of our ancestors were not “thugs”. They were not afraid to fight, however, for a democratic society which we now enjoy. (Yes, for sure, we live in a dictatorship because we were not consulted on the opera house project! Kenneth Zammit Tabona)
Over these last few decades we have also worked to build a more widely educated population. This is what democracy requires! Education for all!
So, I say, let “the political, spiritual and genetic descendants of political thugs” make use of the new technologies that our society has made available. Allow them free rein. We willingly embrace Voltaire’s belief: “I may not agree with what you say but I am prepared to die so that you can say it.” And definitely, believe, Chaucer’s conviction that “truth, will out!”
Given that we do the above, we have to work harder to expose anything and everything that does not stand up to the rigours demanded by rationality.
We must expose anything that betrays double standards in public life and condemn attitudes and behaviours that demonstrate obvious and/ or latent personal or social phobias.
But above all we must expose hypocrisy, lies and blackmail!
This task is by no mean easy or for the faint-hearted. It demands of us not only a radical commitment to truth, but also a stalwart fearlessness that will not flinch when confronted with the onslaught of the amoral and the “thugs”.
I’m still trying to get my head round this comment on TYOM:
#10 Daisy the cow 2010-03-30 17:26
I guess she does live on another planet, the political peace we now enjoy is all thanks to Dr Alfred Sant, he wanted a Malta that had no colours, it was working and Malta tasted political peace for the first time in Maltese history.”
And for the sake of context (if you like) it continues:
“Instead of turning high postion jobs upside down he left the PN to occupy the jobs they enjoyed. Dr Joseph Muscat is a peaceful leader and will continue to govern in peace come 2013. DCG thinks that she is harming the PL by picturing US as tugs and violent people, well she has nothing else to say and that record has worn out long ago, it won’t work again this time.”
Give me strength and enlightenment.!/photo.php?pid=711495&op=3&o=global&view=global&subj=292313064247&id=1630242663&fbid=1290996888255
Keith Pavia
jekk mhux ha issir bhal sette gunio mhux ha naghmlu xejn malta.
Ghaziza Mrs. Caruana Galizia,
Qieghed niktiblek ufficjalment u bl-akbar awtorita bhala Prim Ministru. Ghandek tkun taf li minhabba il-blog tieghek is-sala tal-emergenza gewwa Mater Dei qeda ‘choc-a-bloc’ b’kazijiet ta’ attaki tal-qalb kawza ta’ dahk sfrenat qawwi bil-biki, kollu kagun tieghek peress li qeda tikxef kemm huma cwieg il-funzjonarji tal-partit tal-mittelkless.
Sejjaht laqa b’urgenza minhabba il-fatt li int ha toqtolli kwart ta’ nies ta’ Malta meta int qeda tikxef il-qohob kollha ta’ dawn ic-cwiec, bil-fatti w verita.
Il-Prim Ministru
Ghaziz Prim Ministru,
Qieghed niktiblek ufficjalment u bl-akbar awtorità bhala President tal-Istati Uniti u rebbieh tal-Premju Nobel. Jekk tmut kwart mill-popolazzjoni ta’ Malta tehislu ftit mill-overcrowding, li jkun ta’ gid ghalikom. Nixtieq inzid ukoll li ma nafx min hu Dear Joseph.
Il-Pres. Obama
When I lived in Spain (early 1980s), my father, who has always been a staunch PN supporter, used to send me comments and cuttings from Maltese newspapers. I used to think that he was exaggerating a little bit. But since I’m back in Malta (now for many years), I have learned what Daphne and her family and other families went through. I realize how right my father was then. And seeing the way things are going now, thanks to Daphne’s blog and the other, crazy blog, it will be a very long time before I would dream of voting Labour, if ever.
@Jane. The problem is not preaching to the converted but to the unconverted. The pen is indeed much mightier than the sword.
The comment you included in your article is not from an ‘ex-PN’ supporter. It just doesn’t work this way. Just an other person who thinks s/he can damage the Government.