What one Labour councillor does for kicks on Christmas Eve
Here’s Labour councillor Keith Darmanin at the Mellieha Holiday Complex last Christmas Eve, getting a nice big fun-time injection (or is it a large suppository) in the bottom from a jolly man who’s dressed up in one of those sex-shop doctor’s outfits.
Shame the same shop didn’t have a nurse’s get-up to wrap round our Keith. Isn’t there the equivalent of Evans for naughty outfits?
And before you ask – no, this photograph wasn’t taken by somebody using a mobile telephone and hiding behind the hotel-room curtain in the equivalent of the now infamous tal-haxix scam.
Now here’s Keith again, with his hands hanging dangerously close to The Leader’s ‘kuzakk’.
And here’s one with Jason Micallef, from the days when Jason wore stripey jumpers.
And then the rest of the Labour Party caught up with Jason’s hot trend (naqa slow, jahasra).
And here’s a ritratt ta’ Keith liebes fensy – on Christmas Eve he plays doctors and nurses and on Good Friday he dresses up as a Roman centurion.
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Is that a St. Edward’s tie on the man with Jason?
No Ian, it isn’t, thank you very much!
m ghamel xejn hazin mhux kulhadd ghandu dritt jiddeverti jew nahseb int ir ritratti li tihu kolla libsa ta soru tkun .
u hallina m ghandekx x taghmel int tilhaq salib in nies qisek xi wahda min dawk li kinu joqodu wara il persjana janalizzaw kull bassa li ghadejja
Sejjer zmerc, R. Ritratt ta’ Daphne liebsa ta’ soru ikollu valur ta’ gold dust ghal certu nies li jahdmu ma’ Kurt Farrugia tal- Mltatsarts.
Wara l-perzjana xejn! Dak rappresentant tal-Leader taghkom, u jekk irid il-Leader, dan ir-ritratt jista jarah anke mic-Cina.
Wara kollox dan mhux kaz ta’ naqra divertiment bejn il-hbieb, ghax jekk Keith Darmanin rid hekk ir-ritratt kien izzommu privat u mhux iwahhlu ma’ Facebook.
@ R. Mela Daphne qalet li hemm xi haga hazina? Dan int qed tghidu habib. Daphne gabet dawn ir-ritratti fuq il-blog taghha u int dhalt u rajthom.
Bil-kummenti tieghek nahseb li int deherlek li hemm xi haga hazina mhux Daphne. U rigward li tilhaq salib hadd iehor, hawn ukoll qed tizbalja, ghax Daphne hija gurnalista investigativa u dan hu ezatt li qeda tghamel. Dan ezatt bhal meta tikxef xi magistrata jew xi ufficjal tal-pulizija li jkunu qedin jabbuzaw mil-poter.
Dan hazin ukoll, dan tkun qeda terfa salib hadd iehor? Jew tkun qeda tiftah ghajnejn il-poplu. Issa min dawn l’affarijiet ma jiehux pjacir bihom sinjal li jkun qied ipappi minn fuq dawn l-irregolaritajiet. R, mela aqra li tikteb Daphne fuq il-blog TAGHHA u izen sewwa li tkun qeda tghid ghax il-poplu Malti jixraqlu li jkun jaf x’inhu jsir wara il-kwinti.
R – re: what has Keith Darmanin done that is wrong? The question you should be asking is: does Keith Darmanin have what it takes to be a Labour Party counciller?
I am afraid it goes beyond the photos in caption as it shows a mentality issue inherent to many Labour supporters and, as such, to the structure of the party itself.
Your reaction is typical – have a good look once again and hopefully you will decipher what he is all about – as they say, the devil is in the detail.
Darmanin kiser il-ligi ta’ Malta, li ghamel Mintoff, fejn ma jistax ikollna indhil barrani u Malta hija newtrali u dan libess unformi ta’ suldat Ruman.
The devil is in the detail. Can someone explain whose thighs appear between the doctor and the councillor?
Dak rajt? The guy in the Father Christmas hat looks like he’s .. well, what Tyrrell does with goats, but with a sheep.
No, that’s one of those fleeces from Nancy tal-World Marketing. All the mittilkless have them. His mother must have packed it in his suitcase for his nice weekend with his friends the Labour councillor and the doctor, ma jmurx jiehu rih.
meqqqeqeq http://bit.ly/15XmOy
Alan, I did not think that was a detail. But I saw exactly what you saw there.
What is the purpose of this headline? I think everyone has the right to have some fun with his friends especially if you are in a young age. I think you have made a mistake in this story. What is wrong about the pageant? He has the right to take part in it, and that part of the ”kuzakk” , that just makes you dirty.
[Daphne – Keith Darmanin is not ‘in a young age’. He is old enough to be a Labour councillor, which means that he is too old to play doctors and nurses, which is something children usually grow out of by the age of eight, unless it’s a habit they intend on keeping for life, in which case specialist shops are necessarily involved. There is nothing wrong at all with the pageant, but there is a great deal that is ridiculous about Keith Darmanin in that outfit. Kuzakks don’t make people ‘dirty’, sweetheart.]
There is a time and place for everything in life. In this case the time was 20 years ago.
Loved your movies, Linda.
What’s wriong about the pageant? Nothing, except that it appears to be the wrong one because that Roman centurion looks like he should be at Gay Pride in Sydney and not touring the streets of Tarxien on Good Friday.
what about fighting with your hubby looool? is it childish at your age loool
[Daphne – Honey, all spouses argue. But you have to be married to know that.]
“Looool”? How inane.
Wasn’t Keith Darmanin a member of that We Hate Gonzi group on Facebook, the one with the pic showing the prime minister strapped into an electric chair?
The date in the photo is actually christmas eve. After his injection, did the Labour councillor put on his sjut and go the midnight mass?
Mid-dehra ma’ kollox ilahqu wkoll – anke jiehdu hsieb in-naghag mitlufa. Wahda minnhom tider fir-ritratt – libsuha ta’ krismisfader – probabilment kienet lesta jibghatuha rigal tal-milied lil-fan akkanit tal-PL Irlandiz/Ghawdxi James Tyrrell.
Mid-dehra wkoll Keith Darmanin jhobb jippoppa il-warrani tieghu, araw il-qaghdha tieghu fir-ritratt ta’ mal-Leader. Tassew pantomima is-sena kollha dawn, kif jighdu l-Inglizi: never a dull moment.
Il- Partit Laburista infarinat bit-trinkaturi milli jidher. Dar- rikkjuni kollha minn fejn hargu?
X’affarijiet dawn, marelli.
Kumment sessist Giramondo….is-sesswalita tiegħu irrilevanti. Bniedem għandek tqisu fuq il-kontenut tiegħu mhux mill-orjentazzjoni sesswali tiegħu. Jiena x’ghandu u ma għandux il-partit laburista ma jinteressanix biss ma nahsibx li ghandek tivvaluta persuna u partit f’dan il-kaz minħabba li hemm “ir-rikkjuni” kif sejjaħtilhom int.
In Keith Darmanin’s own words and punctuation on Facebook:
“kunsillier fil lokalita ta hal tarxien. ufficjal taz zghazagh
tal kumitat lokali laburista tarxien u delegat tal partit. “
“u supporter ta ejja nixwu lil Gonzi fuq is-siggu elettriku”.
He and other LP officials actually had to be ordered by their leader to dissociate themselves from that Facebook site.
Jin ghalijja ma fija xejn hazin billi tara kunsillier zaghzugh jidhaq u jihu pjacir ma shabu lejliet il milied…. Min jikkummenta kontra, sinjal li bniedem l ghandu dwejjaq u mandux ma xiex jaqbad!!!! Xi tridu kunsilliera xjuh u bxeba dwejjaq fuqom?? Mohhom fil coffee mornings u attivitajiet bla sens?!! Andna xorti li aw min jaqa al livell taghna!!! Bekk bqajna lura ahna l-maltin ghax nitkazaw bkollox u bkullhadd….Tal- misthijja!!!! Anzi naraw programmi taljani ahna u kullhadd jaf xi jkun hemm fuqom!! IBQA KIF DEJJEM KONT KEITH!!! ZAGHZUGH TWAJJEB, TEJN LIL PROXXMU, CAJTIER, LEJALI, SERJU FXOGHOLOK U L-AQWA HAGA LI INTI RAGEL FUQ L-IRGIEL.
Ghaliex hawn hafna nies li jiktbu bil-Malti qishom qeghdin jiktbu messag tal-SMS?
Maybe they don’t want James Tyrrell to understand.
“Xi tridu kunsilliera xjuh u bxeba dwejjaq fuqom?? Mohhom fil coffee mornings u attivitajiet bla sens?!! Andna xorti li aw min jaqa al livell taghna!!! ”
1. “…..attivitajiet bla sens….” Hares sew lejn l-ewwel ritratt u ighdli kemm hi bis-sens din l-attivita’.
2. “Andna xorti li aw min jaqa al livell taghna!!! “. Siehbi, ma nafx int f’liema livell tinsab imma dan in-nofs gost ghandu bzonn JITLA’ mhux jinzel ghall-livel ta’ hafna minna.
3. Ghax bniedem ikun serju u dinjituz (kif suppost ikunu dawk ta’ xi kariga fis-socjeta) ma jfissirx li ghandu xebgha dwejjaq. Hemm differenza bejn li tkun bniedem cajtier u dhuli ghal li tkun bniedem frivolu u redikolu.
Is this another Sandro Schembri Adami?
I woke up today with a very disturbing thought. I miss Alfred Sant. Not being either a Nationalist or a Labourite, I have used my vote in the past simply to keep the LP out of the government because of the EU issue.
I was on the way to voting LP in the next election when I saw that Joseph Muscat was elected head of the party. After what I have seen since, what with no concrete policies being uttered till this very day, the slime of the past coming out of the woodwork, and the inept brain-washed and ‘hodor’ people he has surrounded himself with, all of which he has no control over, I am not inclined to vote LP at this rate.
Some of Sant’s ideas were rather potty (VAT, Partnership, etc), but I think he was a man who at least was capable of sitting in the premier’s chair, and he demonstrated that he was in full control over those around and following him.
To be honest, despite the shortfalls, I was comfortable when the LP were in power during those 2-odd years. The electorate had chosen, so so be it.
Malta’s main railway track is today bound to the EU. What is left are not earth-shattering policy decisions that could potentially throw us into the dark-ages. What is left are what I call “administrative” decisions.
Joseph Muscat has, to date, not even shown us a single concrete LP “administrative” policy if they are elected to government.
If the LP are elected in 2013, the meal’s main course is already cooked. They can only change the garnish and the dessert so to speak. Should Alfred Sant have ever found himself in this position, I think he would have managed the country just fine.
If Joseph Muscat is elected in 2013, I am sure he will have lots of fun administering the country, while all those slime of the past coming out of the woodwork, and the inept brain-washed and ‘hodor’ he has surrounded himself with, all of which he has no control over, are going to explode their frustration that has been building up for the past 20 years or so.
Oh yes, I do miss Alfred Sant.
Well said, Alan
Kultant Alan tinduna kemm konna ahjar meta konna aghar! I never thought I would say this but I agree with you. I had vouched that as long as Alfred Sant was leader of the MLP, I would never give them the privilege of getting my vote. I repeat what I said in other posts: Joseph kien ferha bla temma.
I longed for a real leader for the PL because on many many occasions I fail to understand some policies and decisions taken by the PN government. At times it seems they are purposely hurting the Maltese so not to get elected. The irony is that the LP is doing the same from the frikking opposition benches! God save Malta.
Alan, trusting the PL with just “administrative” decisions could easily end us up with a ‘hofra’ bigger than Greece’s.
“Malta’s main railway track is today bound to the EU”
Malta can leave the EU without any hassle, so I would be so sure about using the word “bound”
Very funny indeed, playing doctor with Mater Dei disposables. Bravi, tal-Labour.
Is that guy shagging a sheep?
No. The sheep is shagging him. This is Labour. They do things differently there.
You didn’t mention Omar Post Office Fraudster Caruana, who’s in the photo with Jason.
However, you forget that the PN had Bruno among its councillors. Par condicio.
Bruno! Are you referring to Hector or Sacha Cohen? Or both?
hahahhaah —- good laugh during my coffee break – I didn’t understand the bit about “tal haxix”… but loved the striped top mania
tenks tal entertejnment
The man in this report was a vegetable vendor. It was his idea that the woman should repay her bills in kind.
Tell us you are not Sandro Schembri Adami!
I am not Sandro Schembri Adami.
Oh, Praise the Lord…what am I saying…
Jesus help them if they are elected. Can you imagine the ammunition they’ll be providing you D. The more they loathe being mocked, the more qassatat they keep getting into.
And the cherry on the cake will be seeing Joey waving from his Castille balcony. Shivers !
jien il keith nafu sew trabejna flimkien xamel hazin . mhux b keith misek titkaza daphne ima b dak il pastas ta ibnek meta gi jitkelem hazin fuq one tv hemm misek tkazajt fox il partit tijak
Hafna nies kazaw, imma bis-Super One u mhux bit-tifel li gie uzat mill-partit taghkom sabiex tattakaw lill-ommu. U baqa f’wicckhom.
They can’t even write swear words correctly.
@adrian p:
“No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humour.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
“No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humour.”
Do you really think that adrian p understood this quote?
Jaqaw int xi wiehed min dawk li jtuh l-injettaturi fil warrani peress li qed tghid li tafu sew?
Insomma, x’tistenna minghand min l-anqas jaf ikteb bil-Malti.
u jekk trid tipublikom li ktibtlek no problem ima jekk minalik hatamel il hsara il keith jaralek u nerga nejdlek daphne fox il partit tijak u fox kemghndek
Ikkalma adrian, ghax mhux tajjeb ghalik titbaqbaq, ruhi. Tibzax, il Keith hadd mu ser jiehudulek.
Alla jbierek kemm taf tikteb bil-Malti, Adrian P/Adrian Psaila. Ghidli fejn mort skola ha nibaghat it-tfal tieghi.
Ma tarax kemm qed taqa ghan-nejk?
Bravu Adrian, kemm taf titkellem – nimxu il-quddiem b’nies bhalek. Kemm int baxx.
Adrian Psaila – Halli ntik lezzjoni b’xejn bil-Malti:
“U jekk trid tippubblikhom li ktibtlek, ma’ nsibx problemi. Imma jekk minghalik ha’ taghmel il-hsara lill-Keith, jarralek, u nerga’ nghidlek, Joseph, “f’oxx il-partit tieghek u f’oxx kemm ghandhek”.” Orrajt issa, hi?
Ank’int ghandek bzonn lezzjoni tal-Malti.
Slimiza, jekk ha taghti lezzjoni, ara li ma taghmilx zbalji int stess.
ntik – naghti lilek … naghtik
lill-Keith – lil Keith
ghandhek – ghandek
If you can’t understand what’s wrong with 1. this kind of banal behaviour in an adult, and 2. the exhibitionism involved in photographing it and uploading it on Fscebook, then no wonder you vote Labour.
I guess we would have found no problem if he was being injected by a sexy female nurse.
Adrian – tijak does nit exist in Maltese and I think that D has not got a party so the f— il partit tiak does not find a place here
Turiex kemm int intelligenti Adrian P, ruhi …
Adrian P, ma kienx hemm bzonn tikteb kliem baxx imma issa nifhem ghalliex ghandek P wara ismek.Taghtilek il-mummy u biex ma tajjatlekx poxt jew pastizz, minflokk tajjatlek pupu.
Adrian P, jekk ma tafx tikteb bil-Malti, ghax ma tippruvax tikteb bic-Ciniz forsi nifhem xi trid tghid.
Jekk ma tafx tikteb bic-Ciniz, stenna lil-Leader tieghek jigi mic- Cina u ghidlu jiktiblek wahda hu.
Minn kliemek tidher f’liema partit int affiljat.
mister augustus ghalinqas jitkellem bil malti mhux noqodu nitkellmu b lingliz ghax jahsbuna hammali inkella. u xi haga fuq il partit li ma kienx il partit taghna forsi ma tafx ta ghalhekk ha nfakrek kieku ma kienx mintoff ghalik kieku qatt ma kellek edukazjoni BXEJN u nerga nghid BXEJN ghal kullhadd mhux tghalli hekk tghalli jekk tmur l universita ittuk l istipendju mhux tghalli ma thallasx imma jtuk incentiv biex tistudja ahjar flokk toqod tghajjar in nies ghawnekk tistahba wara nick ta gay tghamel xi haga kostrutiva fil pajjiz u tivvota labour fl elezjoni li gejja GRAZZI :) waiting for your reply :)
[Daphne – Oh look, here’s Sharon again.]
Steve, jiddispjacini nghidlek imma lanqas int ma taf tikteb bil-Malti.
Tista’ tghidli ghal liema Mintoff qed tirreferi jekk hux Mintoff is-salvatur jew Mintoff it-traditur?
L-AQWA HAGA LI INTI RAGEL FUQ L-IRGIEL. Keith’s best friend Roderick should be more careful with his choice of words.
My my my, Adrian P should change his nick to Kalepin – in a whole sentence he didn’t manage to get one spelling right.
This might be a great subject for this Sunday’s article.
Gozo parish priests in statement of support for Pope:
This post does not make any sense Daphne. Do you want everyone to be uptight all the time? This bloke, whoever he is, does not make any difference on how the running of this country goes, so why all this nonsense?
He represents the political party which is aiming to govern our country after the next election. Is it wrong to expect a degree of decorum? I think it is our right to expect it and it is the duty of such representatives to provide it.
Sewwa qalilkhom Adrian (apparti id-da’) nies baxxi u sendikajra bhal dawk li jharsu min wara l-persjani. Tiftahrux bil-malti ghax l-malti taghkhom orribli nsibilkhom mitt elf zball. Nies li thossukhom superjuri meta fil-fatt intom nies baxxi.
Daphne int mhux ahjar tixtri t-shirt ‘striped’ u titrenja playing prisoner. Nistennew herqana il gurnata li jitfghuk gewwa u attenta meta tinzel titbaxxa tigbor is-sapuna ghax tnzerta xi LGBT partner u taf int …..ahahahahahaha
Zballji ortografici taghkhom idjoti. Tajjatlek = tghajjatlek, minflokk = minflok
He who laughs last laughs best…u emminni noghxew qedghin narawk titfen hofra ghalik innifsek Daphne ghasel qeda tinzlilna ahhaaha
[Daphne – Strange how in these people’s minds, unquestioning support for the Labour Party and Consuelo Herrera go together. My dear, I think I’m going to be the one who laughs last, because I know something you don’t.]
Lesti għal ġewwa, naħseb aħjar tidħlu, la lesti, għax fl-ewwel żewġ sentenzi għandek sitt żbalji, u mhux qed ngħodd il-punteġġatura ineżistenti.
Don’t waste your time here. Your ‘leader’s photos have started arriving from China. And if you have some spare time, try checking the archives section of The Times or Maltastar and see if you can find those of his visit to France.
Intkom ilkom Lesti ghal Gewwa, bejn wiehed u iehor 20 sena. Ghad fadal tlett snin u wara ma nafx – haga zghira taghmlu hames snin ohra. Precizament kif jghid il-Malti, lesti ghal gewwa l-ixkora.
Taghkom. Not taghkhom.
@Lesti ghal gewwa
qalilkhom = qalilkom
da’ = dagha
sendikajra = sindikajra
min wara = minn wara
ghax l-malti = ghax il-Malti
taghkhom = taghkom
nsibilkhom = nsibilkom
thossukhom = thossukom
herqana il-gurnata = herqana l-gurnata
tnzerta = tinzerta
zballji = zbalji
taghkhom = taghkom
qedghin = qeghdin
titfen = tidfen
qeda = qeghda
u ma tghidx ‘tidfen hofra’ imma ‘thaffer hofra’
The only difference between you and Adrian is that you think you can spell.
Your comment leaves no doubt that you support Consuelo Scerri Herrera. Is that because you see nothing wrong with her unethical behavior, or merely because she comes from a staunch Labour family?
Probably both the reasons you mention are correct.
Mohh hazin affarijiet hzina jahseb, character assasinator.
‘Character assasinator’ – dan film ta’ Schwarzenegger?
[Daphne – I’m beginning to think that a sense of humour bypass is a prerequisite for voting Labour. Fantozzi humour (let’s play doctors and I’ll inject your arse and we’ll take a picture and upload it on Facebook) doesn’t count.]
Daphne, think they’ve had a sense had a sense of humour lobotomy.
The following is definitely an ‘arani ma’ moment!
ha nitfa naqra kumment bl ilsien taghna IL MALTI naf li gahndek daqxejn ta problema titkelmu miskina m hemmx tghamel wahda min dawk li jekk titkellem jew tuza il malti jahsbuk hammala inkella :) ma noqodux ninhlew fuq dawn ir ritratti poggejt li jaqbel lilek daphne is soltu dejjem thammeg in nies umbad ghax marru jghidu li sawwat ir ragel tighek intfajt qatgha bla habel kontra min mar jghid hekk insomma is soltu storia bhalma jghid norman lowell MORIAMO DI NOIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
[Daphne – I think readers might be interested to know that the person posting these comments under the name of Steve is using the same computer that somebody posting as ‘A. Huxley’ used last spring during the MEP campaign, to defend Sharon Ellul Bonici and her nut-job ideas. Here are some of the comments this person, who appears to be Sharon herself (her husband is literate – she married above her station, which is why she is so keen to ‘prove’ that I did), posted back then. They follow.]
How can you support a Government that sold all our assets, in ten years turned a 400million surplus into a Billion lira of ‘DEJN’ which now we are stuck with and struggling to pay the interest. We now have a crippled economy because of GROSS mismanagement, We have to pay for their mistakes from our own pockets! A National Bank was Sold for away with the price not even getting close to the value of the Bank’s Properties. As my favorite cynicist Ambrose Bierce says.. buying the Barrel of whiskey for the price of the Cow you cannot afford. So What are the roots of your Party? What did they actually do for this country? They Ruined Us! and its TRUE… Skond is-sigra il-Fergha! And you dont have to be Eve or Genealogist to figure it out
[Daphne – You’re cracked.]
Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. – The Hacker Manifesto
You wouldn’t see the light even if a searchlight was lit in your face! Wake up Daphne! If you think you are intelligent enough and believe you are right… you are wrong :) Listen to the Truth… For it will change the World and it Will!
[Daphne – Hello, Kevin. You appear to be a little sea-sick.]
It’s not Kevin :) but we happen to be on the same boat.
[Daphne – And sharing a brain as well as a bunk.]
its the perfect metaphor! the EU is in the middle of the sea its still developing and forming. And we are in a position to choose its DESTINATION. We cannot tell people to get of it, because at this point not only it would be undemocratic, but it would be unwise. So if currently the EU ship is heading to a Federal Destination. We ought to be informed!
its the perfect metaphor! the EU is in the middle of the sea its still developing and forming. And we are in a position to choose its DESTINATION. We cannot tell people to get of it, because at this point not only it would be undemocratic, but it would be unwise. So if currently the EU ship is heading to a Federal Destination. We ought to be informed!
And with regards to the advert… You missed the Plot :) How can one campaign to leave the ship if its in the middle of the ocean? thats the message! So the Best way to make sure our citizens are safeguarded is to be critical of the laws. And fight for our rights!!!! meta hemm Bzonn nighdu LE!!!!!!!!!!! Do you truly love your country? are you a self centred I’m always right person?… Know thyself!
[Daphne – I stand to be corrected, but I imagine the main reason most of us voted Yes was so that we WOULDN’T be left stranded on a sinking ship in the middle of the Mediterranean. You should choose your metaphors more carefully.]
And with regards to the advert… You missed the Plot :) How can one campaign to leave the ship if its in the middle of the ocean? thats the message! So the Best way to make sure our citizens are safeguarded is to be critical of the laws. And fight for our rights!!!! meta hemm Bzonn nighdu LE!!!!!!!!!!! Do you truly love your country? are you a self centred I’m always right person?… Know thyself! I pity the ones that see the world from one eye… They miss the beauty of 3D Vision. When are you going to open the other eye to see more clearly, dear Daphne?
[Daphne – Here’s another one, pitying me and calling me dear. It’s precisely because I see very clearly that I don’t support the Labour Party, and when I voted Yes in the referendum I followed it up with a vote for the pro-EU party, not for the anti-EU party. I think it’s called sanity.]
What’s the fuss all about? Is it wrong to be EU-critical? Where is the choice if there is no opposition? Seriously do we need Yes-men to defend our interests? If both parties are pro-Europe then what we really are voting on is the colour. By choosing Sharon, Labour has shown it is determined to respect the voice of pluralism. A slogan to ponder on: PLuralism starts with PL.]
Sharon, eh? What exactly does she do all day?
Searching for bargain basement designer rip-offs.
Maybe she spends her day reading Norman Lowell’s books, like Credo or Imperium Europa, a Book that Changed the World, and then comes here and quotes from it.
Hot Mama, do you mean shopping for fake Burberries?
M’ghandux x’jaqsam ma’ dan l-artiklu, imma ghal darba tal-maltastar ikkwotawk mhux biex jghidu xi haga kontrik: dwar il-famuz Boiler Nr 7, the ‘Boiler with a personality’ –
[Daphne – Ah, but they don’t know they’re quoting me. They think they’re quoting Facebook.]
:-) Very interesting!
Jahasra kif qbiztu fuqu lil Adrian P. Miskin Adrian x’ghamlulek? Halluh miskin. Tinkwetax, Adrian P. Zomm sod, bhal Toni. Intom irgiel fuq l-irgiel, ftakar.
sibu hoby pls xidwejaq ghandkom hahahahahaha
HobBy, hobBy …
DOUBLE “B” if in English
I instead of “y” if in Maltese
U l-hobby tieghek x’inhu? Mid-dehra il-qari mhuhiex zgur.
Adrian, qed tqassam il-foxes b’xejn. Erfali wiehed.
Daphne ghandha mohh hazin? Mela Consuelo x’hini ja qatta giddibin.
Frans Sammut on timesofmalta.com’s comments-board, praising Joseph Muscat and his Chinese visit:
Frans Sammut
We tend to forget that Chairman Mao had always wished to open relations with the West. Only the West was reluctant to play ball, until Dom Mintoff paved the way for Sino-West co-operation. Shortly after Mintoff, US President Nixon reciprocated China’s apertura to the Western world. This visit is another feather in Joseph Muscat’s cap. The man is showing he has what it takes to re-establish the independence of the Maltese Republic. One trusts other manifestations of leadership abilities will be exhibited in the coming years.
Well done, Sir, and keep it up!
The Sammuts are known to support repressive regimes. One of his sons roots for North Korea.
aw qazzistna ta dephne hallijom in nies bil kwit at taqla daqqa tajba min and xi hadd int ahjar terfa salibek kulhadd jejd bik xarukaza qazzist lil kulhadd
Iwa, jekk joghgobkom. IKTBU SEW!
Anki “lino”: erfaGHli.
U int, Matthew, mur studja l-Malti.
Your blog has been turned into THE REPEATER CLASS.
Matthew, kellek bzonn titghallem li ahjar ma titkellimx meta ma tkunx taf x’qieghed tghid.
Anyone able to translate what this ‘superior’ being is trying to say? Hardly a word spelled correctly, except for his name.
Tghid dan xi iehor minn dawk tal-Ferrari?
hallijom in nies mur hudu fox il mejtin tijak
Keith Darmanin’s friends are not doing him any favours by posting insulting, semi-literate comments.
Mela Gonzi kien miet?
u hallina dephne xiz zop erhilom xamel hazin dan ghax libes fil peagint mela int ma temminx hallijom in nies bi kwitom min tahseb li int ahjar tara tijek andek qrun lanqas tithol min bieb il belt
Jaqaw xi dilettant ta’ tasteyourownmedicine u wiehed minn dawk li temmen kull ma jghidulek? Daphne ghanda l-qrun u post Malta barra mil-Ewropa. U partnership rebah ir-referendum.
Qabda kretini.
Zubrun, mela ma smajtx illi bieb il-belt se jnehhuh? Peress illi illum kulhadd bil-qrun, anke l-Periti u Magistrati, Renzo Piano issuggerixxa illi mhux biss jitnehha il-bieb tal-belt, imma anke it-tejatru jkun bla saqaf.
Kellek bzonn tahdem daqs keith darmanin int ja haga kerha….xi trid taqbad man nies…tghid mhux qed jarawk sabiha… il-hajja privata tan nies ma ghandu x jaqsam xejn u jien nista nahlef li keith u bniedem tal affari tieghu u jaghmel minn kollox biex jghin lil kulhadd u mhux zibel bhalek
Kuragg Keith thallix lil daz zibel jipprova ihammgek. HAL TARXIEN KOLLU WARAJK
[Daphne – Our Rodney listed his email address as foxxkemmghandek@hotmail.com]
Il-hajja privata tan-nies – jekk huma mhallsin minn but il-poplu, bhalma huwa l-kunsillier Keith – huwa dehen li jsir maghruf jekk dan jimpingi fuq il-kariga tieghu bhala ufficjal pubbliku.
Imma, kif jidher mir-ritratti ghax forsi jhobb jippoppa il-warrani
Bir-ragun taqbez ghal Keith daqs kemm kontu close Ghawdex, mela tahseb li hadd ma jaf?
mela hxielek lil ommok dan la qed taqla il qlajjiet fuqu ahjar tara tighek ghandek qrun ma titholx min bieb il belt
[Daphne – Ho hum. Nice fans, this Keith has. And in case you’re wondering, dear readers, ‘zubagg’, ‘iz zubrun’, ‘sifer’ and ‘matthew’ are all the same person, but being the sort of person they are (sub-literate fans of Keith Darmanin, etc) they don’t know what an IP number is. You don’t need the IP number anyway, you can tell by the spAlinK.]
One may easily deduce that they are one and the same person. I wouldn’t be surprised if “their” real name was Keith.
Kemm hu zbukkat iz zubagg. Jien min hu jew hi ma jinteresanix, pero tinduna li Labour mill hamallizmu ta’ kliemu. Some things never change.
Le hi, dak artifixjal inseminejxin qed jaghmel.
L-aqwa li mhux bil-liba ta’ xi giddy. Skuzawni, imma l-livell tad-diskors tal-hbieb ta’ Keet huwa catching.
While I have to say that I find your blog really interesting, I feel I really cannot not say anything. Unfortunately, most commentators above provided their commentary without backing up their facts. A certain Fiorellino Giramondo (I doubt anyone can really have such a horrible name) is a case in point- THE HORROR THE HORROR of small minds!
There are much more people within the PL (and elsewhere) who fit the necessary criteria to be made fun of and I’m sure you know this well enough already; Keith Darmanin does not- While I cannot and will not interfere in what you deem fit to be published on your blog, I genuinely do not think he deserves this.
You’re missing the essential point – he published those photos himself.
Dear mp, Keith Darmanin is a public official and as a councillor he is representing the people of Tarxien. I bet you next time round he’ll be much more careful what he publishes on Facebook, which goes to show that what he published in the first instance made him look like a pr*ck.
He isn’t. They’re still all there.
If you ‘cannot not say anything’, why did you say something? Jeez. Oh, I see, two negatives make a positive.
dawn donnhom taTYOM, kollha imdejqin
Jew kollha jisimhom Keith Darmanin.
“Konna ahjar meta konna aghar.” Frazi sabiha fil-pathos taghha. U kwazi kwazi naqbel. Morru lura ghat-2003. Kollox kien clear-cut. YES vs NO. Ewropa or bust. Kien hemm certu nobiltà fl-isforz politiku. Everyone’s colours were nailed to everyone’s mast.
Illum ma tafx min hu ma’ min u min jemmen fhiex. U la taf min hu pro-EU u lanqas taf x’policies hemm. U Facebook kien ghadu biss some new-fangled technology li juzawha biss l-ubernerds.
Ma nafx. Qed nixjieh u qed nimmisja l-passat. Ejja lura, Alfred Sant. Dal-pajjiz ghandu bzonnok. Gib lura l-politika tal-assolut. Maybe the other side will once again rise to the occasion.
Ghax qishom qed jisthu jirbhu kontra schoolboy bhal Joseph Muscat.
Dik l-analizi tieghi.
Ghandek biex tiftahar Keith bil-canvasers li ghandek. Jidher fic-car li l-PL ghadu kif kien qabel. Jigifieri xi 30 sena ilu. Ghax shabek kollha jghidu kemm taqdihom.
Dan iffakarni fi kliem il-Joe Debono Grech li ppretenda li jmur fl-EU, li kien qal ‘Il-Bieb tieghi miftuh ghall-Laburisti biss’.
Odju biss kontra Daphne. Ghalek biss kapaci mohh Laburist. Imma l-maggoranza fil-pajjiz hija PN ghax huma demokratici u bravi. L-intellgenza ma’ tintrebahx bil-kliem hazin. Dan il-kliem tmorru titghalmu fid-dar tal hgieg? U sugu politiku u komportazzjoni man-nies xejn?
Allura dan tahseb li ma waqax ghan-nejk bizzejjed – issa irrid min ghalieh jidefendi lilu innifsu b`isem iehor?
Dawn in-nies ghandu jkun lanqas jafu kemm huma redikoli. Dan kollu sforz id-dwejjaq li ghandhom.
Come back Alfred Sant…all is forgotten…You managed to rid the MLP of the violent factions within it now it sorely needs to be rid of the semi-literate hoi polloi who do not even have the intelligence to put together a coherent insult
@HotMama. Don’t you think Dr. Sant does not cringe that the vast majority of those he led would never ever read what he wrote? You bet he does and that is why the party replaced him with Muscat. At least no Labour supporter would have to buy a book to use it as a decoration in some wall unit in some living-room
nahseb ahjar taraw il gid li ghamel keith fir rahal tarxiniz u kemm il persuna henn.
u dafny il politica ija fuq it tajjeb u il hazin li jghamlu in nies fil pozizjoni taghom mux il hajja personali tal persuna al dak hemm il qorti
[Daphne – Is there a single Keith Darmanin supporter out there who can write and spell?]
jien ghalija hadd ma jaf jikteb bil malti sew. toqghodu taqbdu man-nies misskom tisthu. mhux kulhadd jikteb kif jaf hu? u imbilli hawn xi nies li qieghdin jippruvaw jaqbzu ghal Keith halluhom u tindahlux fej ma jesakomx
@Daph If they knew how to read and write they would lead Keith not vice versa