At least he lays off the Rhohypnol
When we were in our teens, our mothers and grandmothers used to warn us about strange men who might put stuff in our drinks and we used to laugh in their faces.
What stuff? Those older people knew nothing.
And then somebody went and invented Rhohypnol, and putting stuff in drinks in bars to knock people out became reality.
But that’s not what we’re talking about here. No. What we’re talking about here is the old-fashioned way: plying a girl with more drinks than she can handle in the vain hope that you might get laid.
Only we’re not talking about a girl and we’re not talking about getting laid. But the strange thing is that I know of a similar story involving Joseph Muscat, too much whisky and another government MP, at a party thrown by a magistrate and her lover, and yet another parliamentary vote gone wrong.
I hope for his sake that this wasn’t the only way that Muscat could get laid back in his pre-Michelle days. And I hope for the Labour Party’s sake (and ours) that this wasn’t the way he wound Alfred Sant round his little finger. — 12 May 2010 — 16:10CEST
Labour whip Joe Mizzi’s claim that the Nationalist party “should not have allowed Mario Galea to drink whisky” before last Thursday’s debate on the Labour motion about the Delimara power station extension has backfired on the Opposition.
It was revealed to that the Parliamentary Secretary was drinking with the Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat and One News journalists at the parliament’s bar – and that Dr Muscat was allegedly aware of Mr Galea’s health condition.
In a newspaper interview on Wednesday, Mr Galea reiterated that he was fit for political office and that he had recovered from a recent bout of depression.
Mr Mizzi made the claim during TVM’s breakfast show Bongu on Monday but it seems that Dr Muscat was not happy with his outburst, sources said.
It was reported that he was seen having an intense head-to-head conversation with the Labour whip during the funeral of firework victim John Abela in Zejtun. And then, perhaps as a sign of support, Dr Muscat sat next to Nationalist MP Mario Galea on the front row in the church.
Speculation on Mr Galea’s health was rife after the Parliamentary Secretary mistakenly voted with the Labour Opposition on the motion against the controversial contract for the Delimara power station extension.
On Wednesday, Mr Galea raised eyebrows again when he cancelled a scheduled press coverage just an hour it was due to take place.
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Perhaps Joe Mizzi will propose the introduction of breathalyzer testing for our MPs before they open their mouth to speak. I’d second that.
Are the Nationalist MPs so naive to go drinking with the slimy Muscat?
He is constantly looking for the weakest link within the PN, and one by one they all fall for him. I can’t stand this kid, but do these MPs find him so charming?
We will be observing how the PL will be treating Mario Galea. Offering drinks to someone suffering from depression is not commendable. Mario needs support and encouragement. Drinks won’t help.
What is a ‘head-to-head’ conversation and how do you cancel a press ‘coverage’?
Who writes this rubbish?
Head-to-head is how goats and rams settle their differences so it’s perfectly in character for Labour to speak of such “conversations”.
Maybe there is another reason why Joseph Muscat sat near Mario Galea; as usual JM arrived very late for this function and the only available seat at the front was near Mario.
In my humble opinion, Mario Galea should resign. Please Mr Prime Minister, let it be.
Is nothing sacred anymore?
If you like that then try this also unless jokes about gays offend you
The difference between men and boys:
As far as it is known only three parliamentary votes went wrong. Can you pls tell your readers which one are you referring?
Jiddispjacini hafna ghall-Onor.Mario Galea, nawguralu fejqan ta’ malajr.
Minn naha l-ohra ma nistax nifhem kif il-prim ministru jhalli deputat immexxi segretarjat parlamentari jekk ikun marid, li tali marda ma thallihiex jaqdi l-funzjonijet tieghu sewwa.
L-anqas haqq l-inkwiet, l-imbarazzament u li nipprovaw niggustifikaw xi hazin li seta’ sar. Nahseb li hemm back benchers kapaci jaghmlu dak ix-xoghol. Mhux ta’ b’xejn joqomsu l-back benchers mela, bl-ghazliet li hemm fil-kabinett u s-segretarji parlamentari.
Niftakru li kwazi diga wasalna f’nofs legislatura. Inqumu ftitt, u ma nghatuhomx il-gvern b’xi walk over.
Doctor Gonzi must had accepted Mario Galea’s resignation. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you’re depressed you need rest, fullstop.
“If you’re depressed you need rest, fullstop.”
Bollocks. You need one of two things, preferably both: get laid, and a wage raise.
Plying with alcohol a political opponent feeling under the weather, and who could possibly be taking medication, prior to casting a vote in parliament is surely beyond the pale. Is nothing sacred any more?
Mr. Mizzi should never have spoken that way.
Definitely, Joe Mizzi was completely out of line and should have been censured for his comment. But I have to admit that I am positively flabbergasted with the PL public apology as reported in today’s newspaper. Say what you like but that is the gentlemanly thing to do. Better had the apology not been required but the damage limitation has been every effective and to the point.
Daphne its spelt Rohypnol not Rhohypnol