Comment of the Day

Published: May 7, 2010 at 10:33pm
I don't know about you, but I think there's corruption in the power station contract

I don't know about you, but I think there's corruption in the power station contract

Bdabat progressivi u moderati issibhom l-Ghammieri. Fil-Parlament Malti l-bdabat ghadhom fil-medjuevu.

16 Comments Comment

  1. carmel says:

    Jidher li Anthony ghadu zghir biex qieghed jiccassa b’dak li jigri fil-Parlament. Tahseb li qatt ma kienu bdabat il-membri parlamentari Nazzjonalisti? Jew qieghed tghix fil-qamar.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Carmel, whatever you may wish to believe, it is historically proven that the caprine character of Labout MPs by far surpasses that of PN ones.

    • TROY says:

      carmel, jekk Anthony ghadu zghir u forsi ma jiftakarx x’ghaddew minnu id deputati Nazzonalisti fiz-zmien il gvern Laburista, hawn jien li sejjer infakkar lilek habib.

      Kien zmien ta’ terrur, ta’ tenzjoni, ta’ kurruzjoni instituzjonali, ta’ swat u qtil fid-depot tal-pulizija, ta’ tiksir ta’ kazini Nazzjonalisti u djar tan-nies, ta’ hruq tat-Times, swat fuq studenti, u hafna u hafna hnizrijiet ohra.

      U meta id-deputati Nazzjonalisti kienu jsemmu dan kollu fil-parlament kienu jigu msawta w majra mil-marmalja Laburista, l-istess marmalja bhal dik ta’ deputati Laburisti li hemm illum.

      Kif ma tisthix tiprova tiggastifikhom lil-dawn l-imtaten.

  2. PhiliP says:

    U dawn fl-oppozizzjoni, ahseb u ara kieku jkunu fil-gvern!

  3. TROY says:

    Joe Debono Grech quddiem net bil-qampiena ma’ ghonqu.

  4. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    Daphne, had anybody else attributed the same comments to Africans you’d have labelled them racists.

    [Daphne – Yes, and…..? Labour politicians are not a ‘race’, so I don’t see how your argument follows.]

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Adrian, I did not quite get the comparison to Alfred Sant. Why do you say so?

      To be fair to Alfred Sant – who has many defects and did many terrible things in politics, and who I have criticised on this blog – he was very democratic when he called an election because his government could not stand, and he resigned immediately when he lost the election. I have to credit him with that one.

      Today, The Sun, which on Saturday sent its own ‘removals van’ to assist Mr Brown in clearing out of No 10, was afraid that his clinging to No 10 would give rise to a ‘Brown Monday’ in the markets. Thanks to some determination shown by the European governments, this has not happened.

  5. Dem-ON says:

    Now we understand why James Tyrrell is a Labourite.

  6. Banni Bannozzu says:

    You mention Inspector Gadget often.

    You have mentioned:

    1. kettles with boiling water in interrogations rooms
    2. being left in pitch-dark in a cell with shit-smeared walls
    3. and other sorts of intimidation.

    I ask you:

    1. where these methods of “interrogation” directed at you?
    2. was it Inspector Gadget who used these methods?
    3. did you report him? If yes, what happened?
    4. did Inspector Gadget really take court action against in a criminal case of libel? What happened with that case?

    These are obviously very important questions. We have to understand the psyche of this man who, as you said, is Number 2 in the Labour Party and could become Number 2 in Malta.


    [Daphne – 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. To whom? It was 1984. But I described it all in court when I was prosecuted (and freed) a few weeks later. 4. Yes. I repeated in court the events as they happened. My mother testified and said that she recognises him as the one who called at our home looking for me, and that she would never forget his face. Edgar Gatt testified and said that Anglu Farrugia had done the same thing to his son, aged just 16, for sticking – imagine that – a BOYCOTT sticker to a Sliema shop window and that he had to call Maggie Moran – who he knew through work at Farsons – to ask her to use her good offices to have the boy released. And the case is still on-going. It was being heard by Magistrate Michael Mallia, but when he became a judge his caseload was transferred to other magistrates. I have said the same things about Anglu Farrugia on several occasions, but he only sued me that time: because he wanted to make a ‘kjass’ given that it was slap bang in the middle of the Labour Party leadership elections. Indeed, it became clear during his testimony that he had confused damage done to him as a result of the truth being spoken in that article – according to him at least, this damaged his electoral chances – with libel.]]

    • Charlie Bates says:

      How I wish to speak about my experiences during the Labour regimes, but I have to admit that I am a chicken and cannot pass another period being harassed by fascist labour thugs. They are still around.

  7. TROY says:

    Banni Bannozz,

    Inspector Gadget is a bully only when when he’s got other bullies with him. The man is a coward and an opportunist. He crawled under Guido’s cape in 1987 when the Nationalists were elected and became a Nationalist.

    When he saw that he wasn’t trusted he went back to the MLP, so you see this is the kind of deputy leader the PL has.

  8. red nose says:

    When is Malta going to be rid of such scum?

  9. david g says:

    Banni Bannozzu fejn kont 1981 sa 1987,u kemm kellek eta..Jekk trid ghanda stejjer ghar min dawk biex nirrankutawlek.

  10. Riya says:

    Jiena habib tieghi kien qalli li meta resqu lill-Pietru Pawl Busuttil kien hemm spettur iehor ezatt wara dak l-ispettur li kien qed jaqra l-akkuzi kontra Pietru Pawl Busuttil fuq il-pedana, u dan l-ispettur beda jinkorragixxieh biex jaqra sewwa l-akkuza kontra Pietru u ma’ jibzax jaqra dak li kien hemm miktub fuq l-akkuza. Tista’ tkun onest Dr. Farrugia u tghidilna min kien dan l-ispettur?

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