Discovery Channel
May 3, 2010 at 9:44pm
Norman Lowell on Bondiplus: “Anyone who adopts a child from Africa will be forced to go back there with it and enjoy it in its natural habitat – you know, like on the Discovery Channel.”

Three people who really belong on the Discovery Channel: Letty Baldacchino, Norman Lowell and Emy Bezzina
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Lou Bondi deserves a medal for managing to keep a straight face throughout the programme.
He was dying to have a good laugh. I personally had a laugh, but I also feel sad when I hear Norman Lowell speak and even sadder because I know for certain that there are quite a few people out there who really admire him.
The things he said about Hitler and Churchill were really amazing. I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Lowell really has his priorities mixed up.
Yes Jenny I had the same exact reaction. I was laughing, at the same time I was furious.
I have deep respect for Lou Bondi because my plug would have sparked and I would have started arguing with him. Kudos to him being so professional!
U hallina! I pity more Lou Bondi than I would Lowell. The latter is just a psycho who would be cornered even by a secondary school kid. Lowell is our local version of Screaming Lord Sutch (RIP) of the Monster Raving Loony Party. Who would ever have thought of challenging Screaming Lord Sutch in a debate? Thus I think that the real loser is Lou Bondi …..
This is what prime time television in Malta offers – it makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time.
I thought the best part was the one where the White Race shoots embryos into Space. Rachel deserves a medal for not even letting a giggle slip by.
Yes, where’s Paul Vincenti when you need him? Din wahda ghal Gift of Life.
Cry, actually – there are so many causes that need to be focussed on – as a nation – on OUR national TV – such as poverty, stories of success, parenthood, domestic violence, NGOs doing sterling work and desperately in need of PR.
Why do we have to be presented with controversial issues all the time? We live in a society that breeds on For and Against. Lou please note – we are not amused.
“poverty, stories of success, parenthood, domestic violence, NGOs doing sterling work”
All crap. We need interesting info and EXPERT ANALYSIS of everything that’s going on beyond the shores of this minuscule island.
At the end of last week’s programme (which was a heated debate about the power station contract) Lou announced he would have a “programm …daqsxejn iktar rilassat” this week.
I cannot see how a show with Norman Lowell can be described that way.
Sorry but tonight it was Bondiminus –
Troy, you are right. Lou’s sense of humour went astray tonight (as it did many years back when he quoted the ein volk, ein reich, ein fuehrer theme).
For those smart alecs at TYOM, Lowell is a case of narcissistic disorder.
So if Letty and Emmy mate, we’ll have a super humanoid?
The truth hurts Daphne ehh too bad only a nigger would shag you.
[Daphne – Ah, well, and Arlette Baldacchino gets Norman’s perfume bottle.]
I missed the programme. Is there a repeat?
[Daphne – You can watch it via]
Here’s my tuppenny bit about the programme. I do not personally think it is interesting or indeed amusing to watch an obviously very sick man making a spectacle of himself uttering idiotic but at the same time dangerously provocative statements. All for what presumably is meant to be good television.
I’m sorry, but certain individuals need to be certified, NOT taken to court, certainly not convicted, and definitely not interviewed on the media.
Would Lou be so insensitive as to attempt to take his cameras into Mount Carmel and interview the patients?
It would set back Norman Lowell less than 20 paintings of the same calibre as his pièce de résistance entitled ‘Eruption’ (€12,000,000) to nullify Malta’s Deficit once and for all.
Figures from-
Can somebody tell me if Letty Baldachino is the daughter of Alfred Baldachino, the one who was Nationalist and then crossed the floor to Labour?
[Daphne – Yes, she is.]
I believe she was “married” to a Pakistani.
Le, ta, hi – Ghandek zball. Kienet mizzewga jew tghix ma wiehed li jismu Albert V. Sa fejn naf jiena, ghandhom tifel flimkien, pero’ jista jkun li qieghed nizballja.
Eventwalment ma’ baqawx flimkien u ghamlet xi zmien ma wiehed Pakistani hawn, u li issa huwa avukat. Ma nahsibx li kient mizzewga mieghu.
…and Mgarr is a cancerous growth according to him
Of coarse Norman Lowell is an admirer of Richard Wagner. Wagner, a German opera composer, was one of the founding fathers of Nazi thought. He was an anti-Semitic racist and HItler was one of his huge fans. Norman Lowell is also a huge fan. Do the maths.
Why did Lou Bondi invite Lowell on the show again? It’s not like that idiot had anything new to say. He’s been repeating the same old shit for years. If Bondi couldn’t get anyone else on the show he would have been better off canceling it.
I so don’t agree with you, Marku. It was by far one of the most entertaining programmes of the season.
Let’s not forget that this man is not just a joke but a sad reality who gets almost 4000 votes. People like Lowell are more dangerous if they are not given the space to make a fool of themselves and their absurd ideas.
Well done, Lou.
I watched part of yesterday’s programme with interest. The man definitely needs help. Anyone who portrays Hitler as his hero, describes Christianity as poison and fosters the idea that skin colour determines intelligence, does need help.
Whilst there is some logic in some of his arguments, he is definitely a swagger, an extremist and a misanthrope. Some of the actions that Mr. Lowell portrays as being natural are natural for creatures on lower rungs of the evolutionary scale. They are definitely not worthy of citizens who describe themselves as being civilised.
The greatest concern stems from the fact that he has managed to garner circa 1,000 votes. Whilst I have no doubt that he will not be successful in local politics, somebody within his following potentially might be.
Like his hero Herr Hitler, he has many contradictions in his arguments. He indicates he loves his country yet showers his countrymen with all kinds of insults. He states that Malta is a sacred island but then portrays it as a dump yard. He preaches that he promotes intellectual selection yet denigrates intellectual Jews and black people. He states that he has nothing against other races yet actively promotes racial segregation.
Yesterday he reached a low point when suggesting to deport a coloured adopted girl and her adoptive parents to the girl’s native country. This was despicable and unacceptable behaviour from somebody who projects himself as a future European Leader in 2010. For this obscene, uncivilised and inhumane act alone, I will never vote for Mr. Lowell.
Mr. Bondi, I trust you had a whale of a time taking the Mickey out of him.
No words can describe the disgust I felt when Lowell said what he did about people who adopt a child from Africa. What can one say about such stupidity and hurtfulness? This is insanity at its worst.
This person is not insane; on the contrary he is clever. Don’t forget that he defrauded the bank and got away with it.
Well, not exactly. He got off free because of a banal technicality.
Just home from hospital after a very delicate operation (bless all the staff there for their dedication). I switched on the computer to your website (missed it while I was in hospital) and your wit brought a smile.
Later I watched Bondi +, but oh my dear God, is that all our national TV can offer? That man Norman Lowell is a danger to mankind. Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind – he sows hatred, he has all his arguments upside down. If this self-appointed saviour of the white race be let loose, he and his admirers will in future create big problems.
His place is either locked up in a rubber-room at the mental hospital or else sent off to a distant island with his followers where he can do as he pleases to his heart’s content. But let us not be deceived by his knowledge of mankind. Others tried it before and got what they deserved. God bless our lovely island Malta and Gozo.
[Daphne – Norman Lowell is on a distant island with his followers already. Trouble is, we’re with him.]
We may be living on a distant island but we are definitely not his followers!
Just as Lowell had practically disappeared from the political radar, we hook up a TV programme and give him new oxygen to breath….and please anyone try to convince me there is no hidden agenda in this.
What I don’t understand is why Lou Bondi chooses to feature this person and give him air time.
Bondi featured this person to further line his pocket. Bugger the propaganda he gave to Lowell and his scum supporters. The only time Bondi appeared to get upset, offended, was when Lowell acted flippant about some black musician, who, according to Bondi, “changed the course of the history of music”. An insight into Lou’s priorities, I thought.
What happened in court yesterday, Daphne?
[Daphne – Nothing. The presiding magistrate’s mother has died and the sitting has been adjourned to 24 May.]
Bondi puts Norman on to boost his flagging ratings. Love him or hate him everyone tunes in when he is on.
Easy – he needs to increase his ratings, and Lowell is an instant guarantee of success. Furthermore, it also comes as no surprise why Daphne chose to promote this particular episode more than any other.
Yesterday she told us – “Watch Lowell tonight”. We all do. But indirectly, she’s also telling us “Watch Bondi Plus” – A pseudo analytical programme which tries to go into depth analysing a topic, but in reality, just a jaded, tired, programme, on PBS prime time, hijacked by Where’s Everybody.
Remember how Lou Bondi came to her defence a couple of weeks ago? A case of you scratch my back and you scratch mine? Increasing the amount of coverage to a jaded Bondi Plus? I’m sure that when it comes to being analytical and probing about a subject, Dissett beats Bondi hands down.
[Daphne – Madonna, how tiresome people can be. So when I told you all to switch to Super One because Pippi LongStocking was hosting TX, does that mean I scratched Jason Micallef’s back – or Mirian Dalli’s? And when I say how much I enjoy Dissett from time to time, does that mean I owe Reno Bugeja a favour? Give it a rest.
I happen to think that exposing people of that sort to public scrutiny serves a valuable democratic purpose – it raises awareness of their existence and opens them to challenge. Otherwise, their ideas continue to spread unchallenged via the underground network. You may not know this, but there was an identical controversy in England last October when Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, was given exposure on the BBC’s Question Time.,news-comment,news-politics,bnp-leader-nick-griffin-on-question-time
I happen to think that Bondi was right to expose Norman Lowell for what he is, and to focus on aspects of ridicule and madness rather than evil. Evil is glamorous and attractive. By consistently painting Lowell as evil, rather than as the sort of person who used to be seen on roundabouts in Rome trying to direct traffic while dressed as Caesar or Bonaparte after the asylums suffered budget cuts, people only make him seem more magnetic to lost young men and the occasionally bent woman. ]
…which makes Bondi a man with a noble cause. Prosit Lou. So altruistic of you.
There is a big difference between the BNP and Lowell.
The BNP, odious as they are, earned enough votes to justify being given airtime. They have elected representatives serving on local councils.
Lowell is a one-man show who never won more than a fraction of a percentage point at the polls. So why was he given airtime on a taxpayer-funded station?
He wants airtime, he pays for it. The views of the BNP, odious as they are, are the epitome of moderation compared to Lowell, who mixes psychobabble with overt racism.
From what I have seen and heard, Lowell broke the law yesterday with his views and he broke the law with the claims he makes in his book, such as the play on words with ‘final solution’.
A democracy does not need giving this man free airtime repeatedly over the years for us to know the folly of his views. They are so extreme, rest assured any underground network will still be disseminating them even when ridiculed in the open – Lowell gained and lost no support as a result of his show.
What society adopts such a man as a favourite lovable eccentric, whose partner and comrade-in-arms a leading Nationalist party member has no problem corresponding with on his FB pages without the slightest fear of political damage?
Only one, apparently, where racism is so widespread and ingrained that anyone who expresses extreme versions of what we half believe to be just a mite true can find acceptance of sorts in normal society, even if we accept him as ‘entertainment’.
Norman Lowell is a bit more than that. He fulfills our idea of an apparently needed break from the power station debate. Read into that. Wow. I’ll stick to South Park.
Inthom ghandkhom il-wicc tghajru lill Norman mignun ghax qal li l-Bojod ghandhom IQ gholja aktar minn tas-suwed, meta Defsa taghkhom ftit ilu harget tiftahar bl-IQ gholja tagha u tghajjar sezzjoni tal-poplu Malti b’IQ baxxa??!! Qatta konfuzi l-inthom!!!!
Issa tidku b’Norman sa 20 sen’ ohra la Malta tigi bhaz-Zimbabwe w l-ingliterra, umbghad nghamlu vara ta Daphne u nqabbdu 4 suwed johorguha purcissjoni ha nwaddbula 4 platti ha naraw kemm l-idola taghkhom kella ragun!! ghalissa Idku, idku w komplu idku………
Taf xi trid inti Dafs………tuzzana suwed ibulu w jahraw ma bieb darek umbghad aqta kemm titqazzez bid-Desigual, ghal issa kompli ddiehak b’Norman………………..
Igifieri int qed tahseb li Norman Lowell qed jghid affarijiet li jaghmlu sens? Jien xi kultant nahseb qed jidhaqq bina l-Maltin! Kemm nixtieq nara nies jigu sparati fl-ispazzju. U ejja mela dawk affarijiet li tghidhom, habib!
Does Norman Lowell have kids of his own? Has he played his part in furthering the ‘superior’ race?
One is more than enough.
Minn dik l-“arti” ta’ Lowell li rajna il-bierah fuq Bondi+ ma tantx jidher li ghandhu fejn jitkaza bl-IQ ta’ haddiehor.
I have seen all sorts of people relieving themselves on doorsteps. I hadn’t noticed it was a habit particular to any skin colour or nationality.
But then my IQ may not be up to scratch so perhaps I should be deported.
Norman has said many good thing which many prefer not to mention. Example why no action has been taken against our European MPs who have brought the election financial law. Why legal action was taken against him while others such as KMB is allowed to say what he like on Smash. Norman may be bombast but there is a lot of wisdom in what he says.
From my calculation the majority of the Maltese especially those in the south of the island who have to bear the brunt of these clandestine people agree with Norman. Making fun of him will not solve the problem which is becoming greater everyday.
Il-hars fil-genb u lejn l-art ta’ Lowell hu ta’ wiehed li m’hux kapaci jikkontrolla lilu nnifsu, Jidher li jara n-nies dubbien. L-innuendoes sesswali lejn Rachel Attard u waqt l-intervista qazzuni.
Ir-ragel mimli bih innifsu, intelligenti,u narah perikoluz. Jidher li jhobb jisker minn kliemu. Li kien ghalija kont nirrakkomanda li Bondi`+ tarah udjenza matura.
Ma’ ninsewx li da gabar elf vot u ghandu hafna nies li jiehdu bis-serjeta dak li jghid. Lou ghamillu ftit pubblicita ghal-ktieb li kiteb.Ma’ setax jghamillu inqas.
Kbir Norman!! Jekk tridu maqdru r-razzismu tieghu, izda HADD ma jista jmeri l- opinjonijiet li jhaddan fuq il- Malti meskin u imbruljun:
“Il- Malti religjuz mhux spiritwali. Tih vara u kuntent.”
Imbaghad Lou Bondi johrog b’rivelazzjoni kataklizmika li ‘Norman huwa multifaceted’. Trid tkun Malti biex tiskanta li bniedem huwa multifaceted!
Orrajt, forsi hu kemmxejn kitsch, partikolarment meta jgibuh jisma l- Gottademarung, izda ahjar kitsch milli skantat Malti injurant jikkustinja fuq l-Inter jew il- Manchester United.
U dak l-arlogg fuq il-komma decizzjoni sartorjali sfortunata…imma ejja, 5 close-ups tal- arlogg??
Norman KBIR!
Nahseb li ma tafx x’jigifieri “kitsch” ghax ghal hafna nies li tkellimt maghhom l-ghada tal-programm l-aggettiv li joqghod lil Norman Lowell hu “ahdar” – fil-veru sens tal-kelma.
Ma nafx ghaliex, Where’s Everybody taghmel dawn il programmi. Dan l-istess bhal Xarabank – gabu il-kaz ta’ Pietru Pawl Busuttil. Dan mhux kullhadd jafu il-kaz? Taf xi missu qal Peppi – jekk kienx wehel u serva is-sentenza dak l-ispettur li qal li ma kienx hemm u fill-fatt kien qieghed hemm.
Biex forsi infakkru lil Peppi, dan l-ispettur kien joqghod Hal Ghaxaq u imbaghad biex jahrab mix-xena mar stahba Ghawdex.
Dan irridu inkunu nafu ahna.
Jista xi hadd jghid jekk marx il habs ghax f’hin minnhom bdiet issir referenza ghalieh indiretta izda Peppi ma kompliex is-suggett
ghidilna x`sar minnu u jekk marx il-habs?
Le Pippo, qatt ma mar il-habs, u bhalu kien hemm ohrajn, bhal Noel Schembri, David Stubbings. Carmelo Bonello, u ohrajn li inghataw il-mahfra presidenzjali wara d-delitt ta’ Nardu Debono.
Dak huwa l-ex spettur Joseph Pico, u vera kien mar ghawdex sewwa qed tghid.
Pero’ dan huwa tort tal-Qorti u mhux tal-gvern. Issa din il-persuna ghandha l-kariga ta’ segretarju tal-PL gewwa Hal-Ghaxaq.
Nahseb Il-Kummissarju prezenti jista’ jghid hafna affarijiet dwar dawn in-nies ghax dak iz-zmien kien id-Depot ukoll. Pero’, kullhadd ghazel li joqghod kwiet ghax hekk jaqbel.
Nghidlek wahda habib ghax Alla helisna minn hafna nkwiet kbir f’ dan il-pajjiz u nirrangrazzjaw lil Alla li sibna bniedem bhal Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami.
Taf x’naf inghid li hadd ma’ sawwat nies jew investiga biex jinqabdu dawk in-nies li harqu it-Times jew li kissru u sawtu l-familja ta’ Dr. Fenech Adami jew li kissru l-Kurja, jew li qattlu lil Lino Cauchi. Meat sabu il-bicciet ta’ Lino Cauchi niftakar il-Gvern Laburista kien gab espert minn barra biex jezamina il-fdalijiet li nstabu.
Skond il-Gvern Laburista ta’ dak iz-zmien dan l-espert kien qal li dawk il-bicciet kienu ta’ mara u li kienet tpejjep, u Lino Cauchi la kien mara u anqas kien ipejjep. Dak ghidlu lil Dr. Moran fuq Xarabank. Dak kien zmien ta’ biza kbir u lill-PL il-poplu ma’ jahfirlu qatt. Darba iltqajt ma’ Laburist u qalli fil-pajjiz ma’ nbidel xejn! Ghara kif jahseb mohhom dawn in-nies. Alla jilliberana mill-Labour.
Ezatt. U x’sar mill-kumplament, ukoll.
I think it was Lord Melbourne who described Lord Byron as ‘mad, bad and dangerous to know.’
I have a similar opinion of Mr Lowell whose rantings and ravings last night were of the most stomach-churning variety.
I did not enjoy the programme one little bit but as if mesmerised by a cobra dripping venom I kept watching to see what new enormity he’d come up with.
I was rewarded in the end by the flying frozen embryos in outer space. That was worth waiting for and certainly negated any niggling iota of credibility that he may have come up with before.
Now then, tell me, had Mr Lowell broken the law last night by inciting racial hatred, who would be responsible? Where’s Everybody? Lou Bondi? ………….or Norman Lowell?
Well as mad as Norman may be his artwork is outstanding, I only wish I could afford it.
Bondi is a self obsessed prat!
I felt sorry for Norman Lowell, (no need to say why) but at the same time angry for our national TV to present us with such a programme.
Go for quality…%29
@ c frendo
Sorry for Norman Lowell? Why pray?
@ KVztabona . KMb is having a field day on Smash TV and nobody has accused him of racial incitement. But of course this is an ex Labour PM not the helpless Norman.
Just came across this on youtube and could not believe my ears.. a chanting troop of mindless baboons.
[Daphne – Thank you, Hannah. I’ll upload it.]