Getting anything done in this country is like trudging through mud

Sharon Ellul Bonici, Andy Pandy and...oh my god, is that Michelle?
Joseph Muscat and a couple of heister MPs on the government benches need reminding that people elect governments to legislate, not to faff around using their parliamentary vote to express their feelings. If they’re so frigging sensitive, they should join the Birkenstocks-and-brown-rice brigade and head off for the nearest development project equipped with a hair-shirt and some chains. Is it going to be like this for the next three long years, with Joseph Muscat urging government MPs to vote with the Opposition on every major bill that comes before the House, because he thinks that some heister or other might be persuaded to throw another hissy fit in a one-seat majority situation?
Strangely enough, Muscat’s respect for the free vote never seems to extend to urging his Opposition MPs to vote with the government on any issue.
Ma tarax.
With Mister Mummy-Raised-Me-To-Believe-The-Sun-Shines-Out-Of-My-Arse-And-The-World-Revolves-Around-Me, it’s all one-way traffic up his street.
Earlier this evening, Muscat renewed his appeal to government MPs to vote with the Opposition on the power station matter. It’s OK, he reassured them. This is not a money bill and losing the vote won’t bring the government down. Nobody told him to f**k off, because they’re not going to take lessons in parliamentary procedure from somebody who only got his seat by putting pressure on a Useful Idiot.
No, it won’t bring down the government. But it will do Joseph Muscat and the Labour Party rather more favours than the jerks deserve, and worse still, it will send the country back to square one on the matter of upgrading the power supply.
As if we need that sort of hassle. For better or worse, the contract is done and dusted now, so we might as well get on with it. Enough of this constant bickering and whining about everything – it’s sickening. Getting anything done in this country is like trudging through mud.
And as for Joseph Muscat, he’s a fine one to bang on about ‘walking the talk’. This is the man who doesn’t even have the balls to put divorce legislation in his electoral programme for 2013, and who promises a private member’s bill with a free vote instead.
What bollocks. He doesn’t need to wait until he’s prime minister to bring a private member’s bill before the house. Any member can do it. That’s why it’s called a private member’s bill.
And then he has the gall to speak about guts in voting. Guts? It will be a grand day when he demonstrates some himself.
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Am I missing something here? Muscat, Inspector Gadget and the rest are all dolled up in smart sjuts. But Michelle looks like an ageing groupie chasing after them in jeans and a baggy shirt. Why does her husband always look as though he’s oblivious to her presence or indifferent to her, in all but those very stage-managed situations on actual stages?
Bhal Gonzi sar dan jehoda kulliemkien mieghu! This is the latest comment from the Labour supporters, they feel humiliated that Labour is copying the PN.
[Daphne – Well, they’re not used to the idea of a Leader’s Wife, are they. They’ve never had one.]
I personally think it’s ridiculous that both Gonzi and Muscat seem unable to get out of the house without their wives. Don’t these wives have anything better to do than follow their husbands around? Or is it perhaps that the dear hubbies have no ideas to sell so they need to sell their “happily married” image. Please, wives, GET A LIFE!
Not only they did not have one but they also used to pass comments and jokes about Mary Fenech Adami. After the last election, they changed their ways – a family man, wife by his side etc.
Mrs. Fenech Adami rarely appeared by her husband’s side and if she was there, she always hovered in the background, and did her best to avoid photographers.
If ‘walking the talk’ means leading by example, we would be in a mess indeed by now with Muscat’s track record of misjudging major decisions like EU membership.
At this point, I am starting to suspect that Joseph Muscat’s 2013 manifesto is going to include a full list of promises and on each, he is going to promise a free vote.
Il-partit tal-frivoli.
Ara qeghdin kif Alla jriedna, ta. Mur giebna inkunu tahtu dan, imbaghad irridu naraw liema alla jkun irriedna inkunu, insomma hawwadni ha nifhem.
Why are they reporting this now? It’s been happening since 1987.