How did I miss this?
I suppose I just glanced at the heading, yawned (singers and their costumes…), moved on, and so paid the price by missing the gem about the seagull costume. I’ll bet Christian Peregin laughed wildly inside as he wrote this (“a sneak preview of the back part of the dress…”….”Mr Sciberras, who will be wearing a seagull costume….”)., last Monday
Thea tight lipped about her dress
Christian Peregin
Thea Garrett and her tailor are keeping tight-lipped about the dress that they crafted together for her Eurovision performance. got a sneak preview of the back part of the dress. It has pale blue, grey and white tones as well as some silver diamond-like lace at the top. The dress also has a light and flowing feel, to maximise comfort and add to the dreamlike effect of the song. (…..)
Today a team of make-up artists, including a nail technician, will prepare Thea, her three backing vocalists and dancer Jes Sciberras for the rehearsals.
Mr Sciberras, who will be wearing a seagull costume will also be given a prosthetic beak and elaborate make-up, somewhat different to what he had on the Maltese stage.
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‘coming from behind’ ukoll dan LOL
Watch those knees; it does look like someone is coming from behind.
Leonard, is that a suggestion that there was someone else behind those feathers?
Maybe a Maltese hunter…
@ Dem-OM – but LGBT not FKNK.
While on the subject of clothing. It seems that despite the presence of obviously fake Burberry products circulating in the EU, Burberry has had a good financial year.
And their share price jumped 8% in London today:
Mela veru qatt ma’ajna xejn!
I sent the following comment to but it didn’t make the cut.
There must be a lot of hidden talent among the immigrants who arrived here illegally and are now part of the Maltese community. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone from Eritrea or Somalia represent Malta at next year’s Eurovision Song Contest? It would make these unfortunate people feel more integrated within our society and highlight the generosity of the Maltese. Who knows, we might even win the contest.
Leonard, maybe Norman Lowell was called in as the online moderator?
Know the rules first. Only those who possess a Maltese passport can take part in the Malta Song for Europe. My wife will have the full citizenship in 5 years’ time – until then she can only take part as a backing vocalist.
Is your wife Ukrainian/Belarusian/Russian/Estonian/etc etc/Czech/Hungarian etc etc?
We might be in with a chance in 2015.
Yes dear baxxter, one of those you mentioned. Some time ago Mike Spiteri mentioned that in future this particular rule might be modified.
BREAKING NEWS: There’s no requirement for the singer to be a citizen of the country they’re representing.
Tell your wife to clear her diary for 2011, Muscat. I’ll get my producer’s hat on.
Eurovision here we come!
Leonard,you might be joking, but in actual fact their were at least two illegal immigrants who had a great voice and they took part in VOICES.
I’m not. There could be a Billie Holiday or an Aretha Franklin in one of those centres or thereabouts. It would irk a few people but it’s really a win-win situation.
Dear Thea Garrett
I think you are a young singer with a great voice,I will also think that capacity is more worthy than money or publicity, so believe in yourself that is most important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you
Melita xxxxxxxxxxx
Dear Melita,
cut the crap!
I laboured under the impression that this page was an exclamation mark-free zone.
Oops , , , can I use the word labour, or is that passe’?
It’s that mafia of gay men/dancers/designers/make-up artists/nail technicians. It’s like a small-town version of Zoolander. They live in their own vapid universe.
Can you believe they actually sent a “nail technician”? It actually says so in one the articles, I can’t remember which.
The only people who are attracted to this kind of performance are very camp men, just like the ones who designed it, which is why it ends up looking like a cross between a Disney film and Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
Most of the voters are Domino pizza-eating beer drinkers who poke fun at this stuff.
The “beak” is incongruous because it is too small so that the dancer looks like Pinocchio cavorting with an extra-wide boa. To be in proportion the beak should have been some 30-35 cm long.
Bla ma noqoghdu nitfghu t-tort fuq Thea nghaddu ghall-verita`. Kemma ahna l-boghod mill-medjokrita` ahna l-Maltin? Fil-blog tal-irkotta ma nafx kemm qrajna tezijiet bazwija ta’ hafna li minghalihom jafu l-gheruq tal-Malti u ndahlu biex iharbxu xi haga u ma kitbux hlief hmerijiet!
Bl-istess mentalita`, ghall-Eurovision ghandna nies li jintghazlu mhux ghax huma esperti fil-muzika imma ghax huma tal-Partit u ghax jigu minn dak u minn dan. U allura kif jista’ jkollna rizultati tajbin meta qeghdin nibaghtu diski ta’ 20, 30 sena ilu; inlibbsu lil kantanta zghazugha libsa li l-istil taghha kien moda fuq iz-zghazagh xi 30 sena ilu u niktbulha l-muzika (il-lirika forsi qajla jimporta) ta’ 30 sena ilu, il-mossi ta’ jdejha drammatici u fl-ahhar tal-kanzunetta noti gholjin! Dan kollu ta’ xi 2-3 ghaxriet ta’ snin ilu!
Ghandna bzonn insibu lil xi hadd kapaci tassew, norbtuh b’kuntratt iebes, nibaghtuh jistudja t-trends muzikali f’pajjizi differenti tal-Ewropa u wara 6-8 xhur jigi Malta jikkomponi l-muzika ghal-lirika li ma jimportax li tinghazel b’konkors.
Imbaghad insibu l-kantant/a addattat/a ghal dik il-kanzunetta partikolari; forsi hekk nibdew inkunu ftit serji!
U l-kredenzjali tan-nies li jintghazlu m’ghandhomx ikunu l-fehma politika taghhom u kemm huma qrib xi partit/ministru, imma kemm tassew ghandhom hila fil-qasam u kemm jippromettu biex mhux biss nidhlu ghall-finali imma wkoll nigu minn tal-ewwel. Bl-Ingliz ghandna l-kelma prefabbricated!
Importanti jkun il-fatt li kulhadd ikun marbut b/penali…. U mhux noqoghdu nonfqu mill-kaxxa fqira ta’ Malta u mit-taxxi tal-haddiem biex sena wara sena jitilghu f’xi pajjiz igawdu l-istess nies! U ma noqoghdux noholmu u nghixu fl-illuzjonijiet!
Ghax anki dil-bicca ta’ kuntratt hawn u kuntratt hemm, fejn kien in-Nutar tal-PBS? Niehdu kollox for granted? Fejn qieghda s-serjeta`?
Niftakru zminijiet ahjar meta Malta u l-Maltin kellna hafna prestigju u ma konniex naghmlu nofs il-fares ta’ daz-zmien ghax konna ddixxiplinati!
In my humble opinion these comments are highly intelligent and valid. They are to be considered.
Thea: ‘I did my best’
‘Our consciences are clear because we did everything we could’ : Delegation head
Two quotes from interviews given after the results were announced, one from the singer and the other from the head of delegation.
And to the last question ‘What are your plans for tonight and the rest of your stay?’ The answer was…
‘We’ll party all night long on the house…erm sorry on the taxpayers…and we’ll do our best and everything we can to enjoy the party!’
Is the delegation staying in Oslo till after the final on Saturday?
Why did Chiara represent Iceland?
I thought Kerry Katona the Queen of Chavdom did :)
…and Julie of ‘Julie and Ludwig’ representing Denmark…
So much ado about nothing. by the way, why do we have to impress with a stupid seagull? Thea is just 18, I guess she would have figured slightly better had she been……..simply herself.
[Daphne – I’m guessing it’s because the stage queens who organise these things can’t understand the universal attraction of a pretty 18-year-old girl and must add to the mix a male dancer in a Gay Pride Parade costume to make the set-up attractive as they know it.]
Having a good song does help too. Otherwise, they might consider going for German Schlager, like the Dutch did, and hope for Europe to understand.
The sad thing is that in 12 months time exactly the same road will be chosen with the same inevitable result.
It would make sense to invest time and money in improving the local contest as a spectacle to be attended and send the winner to participate in the semifinal without all the useless and expensive baggage
It won’t happen as there are too many vested interests