Joseph 'Clint' Muscat 'walks the talk' – according to Maltastar
May 5, 2010 at 5:46pm

I hear there's a man in Malta who's walking the talk.
Maltastar tells us today that Joseph Muscat has challenged government MPs to “walk the talk and act in the people’s interest”.
If Joseph Muscat and Maltastar are to begin using Clint Eastwood’s gunslinger expressions, they had better get them right.
Read my lips, Kurt Farrugia: it’s ‘walk the walk and talk the talk’.
If Joseph Muscat has discovered some superhuman way of overcoming biological reality by walking the talk (and what – talking the walk?), please let me know. I’ve yet to see a politician talking with his feet or using his jaw, however ample it might be, to propel himself about town.
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However, Daphne, I have seen many Labour politicians attempt to talk with one foot in their mouth. Our little gnome is a perfect example.
Actually “Walk the Talk” is the name of a book by John Gaskin which shows any filmmaker, or any novice film producer, how to “Direct the Money” during a film production.
I see that expression used quite often. Seems to be an accepted contraction of the original expression.
Of course ‘acceptance’ could just be a matter of there being enough people making that mistake.
It does sound weird anyway no matter how often I see it.
“You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk”. “Walk the talk” is a shortened version of the original phrase that has become popular in modern talking as well as with the management consultants.
It’s meaningless and can be popular only with those who are careless in the way they express themselves, which doesn’t say much for management consultants if they like the expression.
“Mad dogs and Englishmen……”, “Only Fools and Horses….” …………. etc.
Meaningless and can be popular only with those who are careless in the way they express themselves?
[Daphne – The two you quote make sense.]
I thought it was the other way around: talk the talk and walk the walk as some people can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.:-)
Don’t you feel that sometimes this blog is a bit like preaching to the converted?
[Daphne – No.]
not only converted…but a bunch of sophisticated sheeplike minded idiots!
[Daphne – We’re lucky we have people like you, then.]
Maybe that is why James Tyrrell pops by occasionally?
vonmises don’t be so hard on yourself.
No Reuben, I am yet to be converted.
But you still pop in for kicks, Mr. Sharon Ellul Bonici.
Ramble on.
Ohh god…..
Alfred Sant jnr.
You can certainly walk the talk if you toke up before you do. Then everything seems possible.
Oh look, the walls are melting.
I’ve seen politicians who talk through their arse. This might be Kurrrt’s new function at the glass house, where he is rapidly becoming a serious liability.
Will they ever learn to get it right?
and: “Dr Abela suffered a hairline fracture in one of the bones in his spine at the start of an official to China last Friday.” – mlatasatr (
Ah, so that is how it happened!
Love the “bones in his spine” bit!
and: “Gonzi is full agreement that such companies should be blacklisted ”
ah… I didn’t know that Gonzi is full agreement. I thought he was something else. Good to know.
They would have been better off using some of Marisa Micallef’s salary to employ a good subeditor.
It’s interesting too that except for “Why I agree with Lawrence Gonzi” the current 10 most read stories on Maltastar have nothing to do with the Labour Party. It seems that many who access Maltastar have more interest in Gzira gangs, Sandra Bullock and Ribery’s prostitute than in Joseph Muscat.
reading this has made my day… hilarious to say the least
keep it up girl
Let us give Joseph Muscat the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he has a dog called “Talk”?
Walk the talk? Forsi jimxi fuq il-warrani waqt li jitkellem minn sormu.
Walk the walk? Talk the talk?
I think Joseph should ‘take a walk’.
He,he,he,good one even though Joseph does that every morning. He’s a keep fit freak. Now you’ll come back telling us that he’s just a freak.
[Daphne – Freaks are people who are abnormal. The trouble with men like Joseph Muscat is that they are common in Malta, so lots of people don’t see just how absurd he is.]
I’ve never heard “walk the talk” before, but according to some sources, it is accepted- – regardless, it still sounds strange.
As the old saying goes, if your nose runs and your feet smell, you’re built upside down.