Letty Baldacchino's mad boyfriend is on Bondi Plus – don't miss it

Published: May 3, 2010 at 8:56pm
Norman Lowell, Letty Baldacchino and one of their little friends from Imperium Europa

Norman Lowell, Letty Baldacchino and one of their little friends from Imperium Europa

While Letty Baldacchino discusses shagging (yes, literally) handbags in her new role as shopping editor on Mona Farrugia’s ‘bum as much as you can’ website, her weird boyfriend is performing right now on television.

He might be a racist, but one of his worst crimes is laughing at his own jokes.

‘What’s your position on women?’

‘My position is to be on top.’ HAHAHAHAHAHA

If I were Letty, I’d slip him a handbag. Not that he’d notice the difference.

84 Comments Comment

  1. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    This man is PURE SPECTACLE! I couldn’t stop crying with laughter!

  2. kev says:

    Was Lou Bondi’s flippant attitude aimed at rendering Lowell to the status of Spiru Sant?

    Good show, Lou. Hawwadni ha nhawwad. But it’s fun to chase fire with kerosene. Hux kemm dhaqna!

    • ciccio2010 says:

      To be honest, I was confused. I wondered whether to question Norman’s sanity or Lou’s for having him on the programme.

      • kev says:

        Bondi was responsible to conduct the interview. In such cases you pick a topic, say, the effectiveness of Frontex on immigration, and you delve deep, exploring the subject from the interviewee’s political viewpoint. Instead, today’s Bondiplus was an orchestrated exercise in sensationalism.

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Kev, agreed. But can a programme with Norman not be sensational?
        Ronald Reagan must have turned in his grave at the idea that Norman has found a peaceful use for the Star Wars Project.

      • john says:

        Surely, kev, you mean irresponsible. What’s responsible about conducting an interview that propagates, amongst other obscenities, denial of the holocaust?

  3. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    Norman Lowell is merely regurgitating Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Perhaps, following the criminalization of the incitement to racial hatred, our laws should now be amended to criminalize neo-Nazi organizations and public harangues such as this one.

    Imperium Europa is just a photocopy of Mein Kampf. The arguments Lowell presented on the elimination of the handicapped are lifted almost verbatim from Adolf Hitler. At that moment, the show stopped being hilarious, and became dark. We were looking in the Heart of Darkness.

    • Leonard says:

      Please don’t insult Conrad. Lowell murmuring “The horror. The horror:” as he’s dying? Nah.

      • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

        Since when is a literary citation an insult to the author?

    • Snoopy says:

      Unfortunately that is exactly what is already happening in most of the western world. Tests are performed at around the 3rd month of pregnancy to check for genetic and congenital problems and the mother is offered the possibility of termination of pregnancy – in my mind this is not very different from what Norman Lowell said yesterday.

  4. Giovanni says:

    My son decided to have a good laugh this evening with his lap top by his side and a good buzz with his friends on Facebook – and he never usually bothers to watch Maltese TV.

  5. Grezz says:

    I really don’t think that this man should be given any air-time.

    He may be seen as entertaining by some, but he is a danger to the rest of us because of fools who may be convinced by his arguments.

  6. Isard du Pont says:

    A Europid ID, without which you will be left to starve to death…..

    And did I hear him say earlier that he uses perfume bottles in foreplay? For Letty’s sake, I hope it’s not Thierry Mugler’s Angel.


    • ciccio2010 says:

      Well, no less a man than Gordon Brown (who supposedly comes from the left) is adopting something along the Europid ID in his policy on immigration for Britain. He is suggesting ID cards for foreign nationals. Here is his speech from Sep 2007, but he mentioned this subject again during this election campaign.

      I am not saying I agree with Gordon Brown. And that is not because he is Brown.

      [Daphne – Norman Lowell suggests something quite different. And we in Malta have ID cards for foreigners already: they’re marked A for Alien.]

      • Gahan says:

        A is for Alien what does L stand for?

      • Neil Dent says:

        To clear up the widespread ‘Alien’ myth Daphne – I was given the true meaning of the ID lettering when I actually became Maltese in 2003, and had my ID card changed from an ‘A’ to an ‘L’.

        Simple – the word MALTA was applied back when ID cards were first introduced. Starting with the first letter, all Maltese (not Gozitan) ID cards ended in M. Any foreigners being issued an ID card in Malta would take the second letter ‘A’, and so on.

        At the turn of the century, as your ID number is basically your birth certificate number, and to avoid any possibility of duplicate numbers (a new born in 2001 being given the same number as a hundred year old chap born in 1901 as a simple example), the third letter ‘L’ was applied.

        Hence ‘A’ was never for Alien (I’m happy to say!) and any Maltese born/registered in the current 21st century will be allocated ‘L’. What I don’t know (haven’t bothered to check) is what non-Maltese residents now have on their ID cards. The above suggests a ‘T’ unless we’re all just being given an ‘L’ now like one big happy non-alien family.

        Gozitans just make their own rules as usual ;)

        [Daphne – That’s not true at all. People born on the main island were marked M; people born in Gozo were marked G; and people with a Maltese ID card but not Maltese citizenship were marked A for Alien (the US system). They are still marked A for Alien.]

      • Neil Dent says:

        Heq! Well that’s what they told me down at the ID office and I’m sticking to it! Being either an Alien or an ‘L’ is a good result in my books ;)

      • Grezz says:

        It is a fact that at least all children from 2000 onwards are allocated the letter ‘L’ at the end of their ID number. (Other people may be allocated the letter, as was Neil Dent.) It is probably just a coincidence that two of the previous “ID letters” were ‘M’ and ‘A’.

        It is also true that the letter “A” was allocated to foreigners (“aliens”) living in Malta, at least till the 1980s/1990s. And yes, people born in Gozo were allocated the letter ‘G’ at the end of their ID number, at least before the year 2000.

        So yes, Mr. Dent, until officially becoming Maltese, your ID number would have labelled you as an alien.

  7. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    This man must have some sort of personality disorder. It became glaringly obvious when, at the end of the show, he apologized to the televiewers for getting excited.

  8. pip says:

    I think I’d better start packing then.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Pip, do you have a low IQ? By Norman Lowell’s standards, all those in the Labour Party, Super One, Maltastar, and TYOM, will be asked to board the first boat of illegal immigrants going from Europe to Africa.

      • Isard du Pont says:

        Pip probably adopted a child from Africa – I think the remark refers to the post.

  9. worried says:

    Please stop laughing at him. He’s not funny. He’s dangerous. Of course he’s loony, but that doesn’t discount the fact that he’s got a following. He’s inciting genocide. Overestimated Shakey is right about the heart of darkness (nice Conrad ref btw).

    • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      Thanks. I am very worried by Norman Lowell, because as you rightly point out, he has a following.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Hux following. Kemm gab voti? Hames mija max? Il-loonies jezistu f’kull pajjiz. Mhemmx ghalfejn wiehed jallarma ruhu. Nothing to worry about.

      • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

        The road to Nazi dictatorship was paved with indifference. – Sasha Baron Cohen’s History Professor.

    • red nose says:

      Hitler was loony too and we still remember how dangerous for the world he was

  10. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    See what I mean, when I say he culled his madness from Hitler himself:

    “Historical experience offers countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.
    The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the following:
    Lowering of the level of the higher race;

    Physical and intellectual regression and hence the beginning of a slowly but surely progressing sickness.
    To bring about such a development is, then, nothing else but to sin against the will of the eternal creator.
    And as a sin this act is rewarded.”

    – from Mein Kampf, Pimlico, 2009 edition, p. 260.


  11. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    Unfortunately, I cannot find the excerpt from Mein Kampf which speaks about handicapped people. But, believe me, Lowell was using the same words Hitler used.

    That book Lou Bondi was quoting from is Mein Kampf in disguise. This should be told to all – so as to avoid, as Grezz said above, having some dimwit believe that it’s the way forward.

    Lowell’s ideas, plagiarized from Hitler himself, are the apogee of Evil. They should be banned.

    [Daphne – Banning ideas is a dangerous concept. Banning threats to others is not. So that’s where the line should be drawn.]

    • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      I would agree only partially with this remark. In Germany and Austria, for instance, it is banned to say that the Holocaust never took place.

      Lowell almost said it when he said Spindler lied when he invented Schindler.

      Do you think Germany and Austria are wrong in banning the idea that the Holocaust never took place?

      [Daphne – They are overzealous because they were responsible.]

      • ciccio2010 says:

        Spindler – you probably meant Lowell was spinning.
        Norman referred to Steven Spielberg who directed Schindler’s List.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        “Do you think Germany and Austria are wrong in banning the idea that the Holocaust never took place?”

        I’ll answer that one. Yes they are. It’s about as good as banning the idea that the earth is flat, that man never landed on the moon, that Leonardo da Vinci was a templar, or that the pyramids were built by aliens. If an idea is total bollocks, it will self destruct. The purpose of the law is not to write the history books. That is a job for historians.

      • Andrea says:

        Baxxter, it’s not only about banning ideas, it’s about the victims and the survivors’ dignity. And it’s about admonition and remembrance.

        German criminal code:

        § 189 Disparagement of the Memory of Deceased Persons (1985, amendments of 1992)
        Whoever disparages the memory of a deceased person shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than two years or a fine.[24]

        § 130 Public Incitement (1985, Revised 1992, 2002, 2005)
        (1) Whoever, in a manner that is capable of disturbing the public peace:
        1. incites hatred against segments of the population or calls for violent or arbitrary measures against them; or
        2. assaults the human dignity of others by insulting, maliciously maligning, or defaming segments of the population, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to five years.
        (3) Whoever publicly or in a meeting approves of, denies or belittles an act committed under the rule of National Socialism of the type indicated in Section 6 subsection (1) of the Code of Crimes against International Law, in a manner capable of disturbing the public peace shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine.
        (4) Whoever publicly or in a meeting disturbs the public peace in a manner that assaults the human dignity of the victims by approving of, denying or rendering harmless the violent and arbitrary National Socialist rule shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. (…)[22]


      • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

        Yes, Spielberg. Obviously enough!

        So if Bondiplus had been broadcast in Germany, Lowell would have been charged with breaching article 130 (3) and Lou Bondi and his beautiful blonde assistant with being principals as well as accessories before the fact, to use English legal terms.

  12. kev says:

    This was a classic hit piece. Seeking sensation, Bondi directed Lowell towards the juicier fringes of his beliefs, attacking him with puerile arguments, like Bob Dylan’s and Jimi Hendrix’s races.

    Lowell’s Imperium Europa sends shivers down my spine – as he well knows, for we discussed politics on several occasions, but all arguments deserve a serious approach, even if they come from the fringe.

    Otherwise, why did Bondi give Lowell space? There’s wasn’t much of either interview or discussion, was there?

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Kev, I know I may give rise to the Third World War with this comment.

      I saw Norman resort to some conspiracy theories in his interview with Lou, for instance, when he spoke about Barack Obama and who put him in office. He also spoke about “6 million ghosts.”

      Do you see how dangerous conspiracy theories can be?

      • kev says:

        That’s right, ciccio2010, ban all theories which imply that a conspiracy was behind an act of state or government.

      • Antoine Vella says:

        Kev, the really scary conspiracy (not a theory this time but a real one) was that described by Xarabank last week. Your uniformed friends plotted to frame an innocent man for murder and possibly also tried to kill him. Makes you wonder who could have been behind the political murders.

      • kev says:

        What are you on about, Antoine? Gej bil-‘my uniformed friends’!

        And by the way, most “conspiracy theories” are backed by an abundance of evidence. Moreover, police brutality and frame-ups – the order of the day in the US – are not generally referred to as ‘conspiracy theories’. You got your genre wrong – which is not at all surprising, given the cramped box you inhabit.

    • Macduff says:

      Exactly. Lou Bondi simply skipped from one subject to another, hoping that Lowell would come up with one of the many inane/ridiculous/hilarious/scary statements of his.

  13. TROY says:

    I just read a new book called how to defraud a bank and get away with it.

  14. Cannot Resist Anymore! says:

    So sad!

    Some of Norman Lowell’s idiosyncratic mannerisms and confused articulation may as be funny as hell, but hearing him regurgitate demonic ideas is nothing short of hellish.

    So illogical, so inconsistent, so confused – he indeed is a pathetic figure.

    In one sentence he calls Winston Churchill a drunken old fool and in the next he boasts of his hangovers and inebriated so-called Apollonarian useless art.

    It seems to me the man is chronically narcissistic, in love with himself and his borrowed disreputable ideas and a hater of all the human race. There must definitely be a syndrome listed somewhere in the DSM-IV which describes this man’s condition.

    As for his embryonic capsules to be rocketed into outer space – I think even a Useful Idiot can do better.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      He gives me the impression he was born to a rich, aristocratic family. Is that the case?
      Anyone can tell the brand of that perfume bottle adorning one of his paintings? I’d love to buy one of them for the purpose he suggested.

    • Charlie Bates says:

      Lowell is a very suitable case for treatment as we used to say when we were young on meeting such people.

  15. Harry Purdie says:

    This guy is a poor man’s version (very poor) of Joerg Haider, the Austrian far, far right ‘politician’, born of Nazi parents, who scared the shit out of the Austrian voters with his rants. Died a couple of years ago in a car crash, drunk, after leaving a gay bar. No problem with gay bars – however, he presented himself as a very straight Aryan. Is Norman gay too? Shall we ask Letty?

    [Daphne – Yes, that’s right. Turned out Haider had a long-standing male lover. So much for the homophobic rants.]

  16. Brian says:

    Norman Lowell should read the book ‘Malignant Self Love’ by Sam Vaknin.

  17. Anthony says:

    I do not think it is fair to parade a very obviously sick man on air across the nation. I consider this tantamount to the Victorian circuses that collected achondroplastic dwarfs of all shapes and sizes from all over the world and turned them into money making spectacles.

  18. Paul says:

    Int ghandek il-wicc tghid lill Norman razzist meta int,Daphne tibzoq mibgheda razzista kontra kategorija tal-poplu Malti suppost ta l-istess demm tighek!!
    Li huwa car Norman ihobb lill pajjizu int thobb biss butek ja serp.

    • Riya says:

      Daphne tobzoq il-mibgheda? Mela tal-Maltastar x’jaghmlu habib? Imhallsin apposta biex jaghmlu l-hsara lil min ma’ jaqbilx maghhom. Anke mal-familja ta’ Daphne qabdu, u affarijiet personali tafx.

      Daphne thobb butha? Mela Daphne imhallsa minn xi partit bhal ma huma imhallsin apposta tal-Maltastar biex ikissru lin-nies li ma jaqblux maghhom?

      Daphne la qatt kienet xejn fil-Partit Nazzjonalista u aktar u aktar fil-gvern Nazzjonalista. U dan kullhadd jafu. Jekk mhux hekk merini habib. Daphne b’dan il-blog qed taghmel hafna xoghol li anqas hadd ma’ hu kapaci jaghmlu u ghandna ghalfejn nirringrazzjawha.

    • TROY says:

      U is-serp gidem lil Paul u kullhadd inkluz Publius (Leader) stenna lil Paul jaqa ma l-art mejjet. Dak Pawlu ma gralu xejn, izda int Paul waqajt ghaz-zufjet. Int trid tqabbel lil Norman il-heister ma’ Daphne, int mignun x’int.

  19. freefalling says:

    I started watching Norman Lowell but felt sick and had to switch channels – the man needs to be locked up and the keys thrown away.

    Shame on Xandir Malta and Lou Bondi for having aired such trash.

  20. Charles J Buttigieg says:

    I’ve known Norman for many years, he’s highly intelligent, cultured and a great showman and he can’t possibly mean what he says, I think he is secretly having a good laugh and lauding himself for his ability to attract such a huge media audience. Good old Norman, best joker since Dave Allan.

    Or perhaps he has gone completely bonkers.

  21. MarioP says:

    That’s one man I’d be happy to see roasting next to his mentor in hell.

  22. Stephen Forster says:

    I could not believe that somebody so obviously mentally “challenged” could be allowed prime time space on the box? (and I chose my words carefully)

  23. Rita Camilleri says:

    I saw just a bit of the programme, and this man scares me, and I mean really scares me – he is evil.

  24. H.P. Baxxter says:

    We’re getting carried away. Is a man with evil thoughts ‘evil’?

    I have often fantasized about being Gordon Gekko. Does that make me a Wall Street fraudster?

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      If he’s not evil, he is totally gaga – but to me he is evil and with a capital E.

    • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      Hitler was a man with evil thoughts. So were his SS, Gestapo, SA (till he wiped them out) and all the other members of his Party.

      Was Hitler not an evil man?!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Eh. Ma fhimt XEJN. Minhiex se nispjegalek ghax ghalxejn.

        OK ha nispjega. Hitler kellu l-poter politiku u ezekuttiv. Ma kienx biss awtur/kummentatur/kandidat ghal diversi elezzjonijiet etc etc. Dik id-differenza bejn Hitler u Lowell.

        U jekk ma tisghux tarawha mela veru pajjiz tal-istorm in a teacup.

        Jekk tafu tifformulaw argument, ghamlu appuntament ma’ Lowell u zarmawlu l-ideologija tieghu bicca bicca. Jien ghamiltha. Sakem gie dak id-defsa Toni Abela, no doubt innocentament informat minn Lowell li “xi zaghzagh ghamlu appuntament mieghi” u ma halla lil hadd jitkellem.

        Dan kien lura fit-2004, by the way, meta Lowell kien inqas eccentriku milli sar wara t-tribulazzjonijiet tal-ahhar seba’ snin.

        Lowell jilqa’ kull talba ghal appuntament jekk l-approach ikun kordjali u serju. U ghallinqas jisma’ dak li ghandek tghid. Mhux, nerga’ nzid, bhal Toni Abela.

      • Aristocrat says:

        Jigifieri int Baxxtar mort ghand Lowell tipprova tiddiswadih mill-ideat tieghu? Possibbli?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Mhux nipprova niddiswadih, ghax naf li prattikament impossibbli. Imma ridt nara x’inhu dal-hype kollu. Ridt nara Lowell kif jirreagixxi meta jkun cross-examined (ghax s’issa gie biss irridikolat u labelled, li mhijhiex l-istess haga). Allura jien u ftit nies ohra konna ikkuntattjajnieh ghal laqgha informali. Iddiskutejna l-ktieb tieghu u staqsejnieh fuq l-istrategija generali ghall-Anno Zero etc etc. We were raising objections all the way, not least upon the practical points (35-mile wide minefields along the banks of the Zambezi river, ezempju).

        L-idea centrali ta’ Lowell mhix ir-razzizmu jew id-difiza tar-razza, imma d-difiza tac-Civiltà. Li fiha nnifisha mhijihiex taboo. Imma hu jaghmel il-link “culture is determined by genetics” minn hemm isegwi kollox.

        Halliena bil-kliem: “One day you will see the light.”

        Dak kollox. I don’t think I’ve seen the light yet.

        Issa fuq evil u mhux evil. Kuljum kont nara l-boss tieghi, li qatt m’ghamel xejn biex itejjeb il-kundizzjonijiet tax-xoghol taghna, li kienu l-kawza tad-downfall tieghi. Dak evil? Min hu evil finalment? Wiehed jaghmel diskors fuq genocidju, li qatt ma jsehh, u l-iehor jirrovina l-karrieri u jikkawza the odd suicide. Kif se tiddeciedi min hu evil?

  25. Ian Chetcuti says:

    He described one of his paintings as ” A raging bull sodomising a cloistered nun.” This man has severe mental problems. Lock him up and throw away the key

    • No, Ian. I know Norman Lowell personally. He is entertaining, intelligent and a great company. He is the opposite of evil, he does not mean what he says. I admire his guts because he believes in what he says even though whatever he utters is controversial and eccentric.

      Describing his painting as Raging Bull Sodomising a Cloistered Nun is gross – sense of humour anyone?

  26. Albert Farrugia says:

    @Antoine Vella
    Regarding your comments about cops trying to kill people. That allegation has been made several times by a person who has been: Minister of the Interior, Minister of Justice, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister and President of Malta. Yet did he investigate it?

    The police force we have today is the VERY SAME police force of 1986. An allegation is being made, yet WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE INVESTIGATED? Unless it orders an investigation to clear the name of the Maltese Police Force, it is THIS PRESENT GOVERNMENT which is keeping us Maltese citizens in the dark.

    • Brian says:

      Dear Daphne,

      Some time back I had commented that the two major parties can’t be trusted.

      Politics is truly dirty and full of deceit. We, the lesser mortals, are at the mercy of these pompous and arrogant twats, playing around with our lives and shifting all the onus to the man in the street, whose main objective is not power, but the well being of his loved ones.

      What has been said in this blog can only mean one thing. We are used as fodder and when there is a screw-up (mildly put), by any governing party, we have to bear the brunt of it.

      Just take a look at the situation in Greece at the moment. Who has to contend with the f**k ups of their present and past ruling parties?

      [Daphne – Ah, but who votes them into power?]

      Only the extremists benefit from this chaos. We saw this today, when three human beings (one with child), employees might I add, were either suffocated or burned alive in a bank. Extremists like Lowell, are given an ‘excuse’ to rebel against capitalism and it’s devilry.

      The bottom line is, who is getting the biscuit at the end of the day, for all the f**k ups created by our politicians?

  27. Riya says:

    During his time Guido de Marco also failed to investigate who was responsible for the frame-up of Pietru Pawl Busuttil, and I was given to understand by the same Pietru Pawl on Xarabank last Friday that one particular police officer who Pietru himself suspects had his 10 fingers involved in this frame-up was eventually promoted during de Marco’s time when we all knew that this particular officer was renowned for framing people especially in ‘crimes’ connected with politics.

    • TROY says:

      Riya, Miss Pepsi u is-Salvatur ta’ Malta (issa traditur) pezza wahda. Dawn it-tnejn pappewa tajjeb u dejjem qasmu kollox anke kellhom l-istess gharusa (tal-Mosta).

    • TROY says:

      I wonder what the connection is between Guido and all the officers involved in the frame-up of Pietru pawl Busuttil. Most of them were promoted to the highest ranks by the same Guido who called them “viljakki”, “korrotti” u “tradituri tal-gurament li hadu” in the days when PN was in opposition.

      So Guido please enlighten us to what changed your attitude towards these low-lives, when you became minister responsible for the police force. Why weren’t these gestapo not taken to court?

      If the courts decided that Busuttil was framed, where then, did the police get the weapon?

      A man was murdered and you wept over his dead body, and this is how you dealt with the corrupt officers who did their utmost to protect the murderers.

      I have just read Eddie’s book “INSERVI” and I felt proud to be Maltese and a Nationalist. I tried reading your biography but I could not stomach the lies and deceptions.

  28. MGalea-Pace says:

    Just as the BNP have grown in Britain so will Norman and his cronies. The man isn’t evil at all – his mind is gone!

    • Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

      A personality disorder not an mental illness. Let us be careful.

      The mentally ill end up in hospital. The others, being borderline cases, usually end up causing a lot of trouble.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      How exactly has the BNP grown? You guys are like “The Nazis are under the bed”.

  29. pippo says:

    riya, naqbel mija fil-mija mieghek.

    Dan imissu intqal fil-programm Xarabank, jekk dak l-ispettur li kien involut, minn Hal Ghaxaq, li kien mar stahba Ghawdex, jekk serviex is sentenza ta’ habs jew le u jekk le ghaliex?

    Ghaliex Peppi meta sema lil Pietru Pawl jirreferi ghalieh dak l-ispettur ma gabx is-suggett u tkellem dwaru?

    Ghaliex de Marco, qabel ma Moran beda jitkellem, qabez ghalieh, u qal li Moran zgur ma kellux x`jaqsam, mhux ministru kien fil-gvern allura kien involut daqs l-ohrajn?

    Jew jigi Moran jghid li min spara fuq il-kazin tal-Gudja ma sparax biex joqtol lin-nies, mela dan il gustuz ta c**** li spara u fhajja t`alla ma ghadux maghna spara il-helu, pastizzi jew il fjuri, flok bullits?

    • TROY says:

      Pippo, nahseb li dak li m’ghadux maghna kien se jikxef lil min gibed il-grillu, ix-xufier (but one day we’ll get to the BOTTOM of this).
      Qied tistageb li Guido qabez ghal Moran? Mela ma tafx li prova jghatti xturu.

  30. Overestimated Shakespeare aka Nostradamus formerly Avatar says:

    The Lowell world?


    (I hope nobody says I’m insulting Roger Waters…)

  31. Tal-Muzew says:

    Mela s-Sur Lowell jixtieq li f’Malta ma jkunx hawn suwed.

    Nahseb li bhali tghallem l-istorja ta’ Malta dan is-sinjur, u bhali jaf li l-Gharab kienu jahkmu lil Malta. Tghid ma kienx hemm minnhom li zzewgu nisa Maltin?

    Mela fuq dan l-argument s-sur Lowell ukoll ghandu demm go fih li jista’ jkun Gharbi.

    X’se jaghmel issa jekk ifittex fl-arblu tar-razza u jsib lil xi hadd iswed?

  32. Brian says:

    Letty Baldacchino lived with a lawyer called Shazoo or something like that. He isn’t Norman Lowell’s favourite colour.

    [Daphne – Norman Lowell isn’t Norman Lowell’s favourite colour, either, but he’s so delusional he thinks he’s a Swede.]

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