Min jaf kemm ghajjat "f'gh*xx dak u l-iehor" il-futur ministru tal-gustizzja Jose Herrera
May 7, 2010 at 4:59pm
Dr Gonzi said that Mr Galea had put down his mistake to tiredness and insisted this was a genuine mistake. He stood up in the house immediately he made his mistake, but he was drowned out by the shouting, insults and vulgar language by members of the opposition, Dr Gonzi said.
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Xi hlew, Joseph izomm lill Joe – mela ma tafx kemm qal F’gh*xx kemm ghandek Joseph meta lhaqt Leader, kemm hu falz dan Debono Grech.
No surprises here. They just seem unable to get to grips with the reality that will of the majority voted them into Opposition yet again. Somehow they still cannot accept this and are acting childishly.
It would have been wiser had Joseph Muscat acknowledged that this was a mistake on Mr. Galea’s part and used this episode as ammo for his election campaign. Such is the respect he needs to win from – how many was it, 5000?
Nice leadership skills Joseph …..not.
Rising on a point of order, Hon. Galea started addressing Mr Speaker, whereupon the Honourable Members across the floor proceeded to offend Mr Galea’s mother on a wholesale basis, as well as the mothers of all Hon. Members on government side…
Please, please. It’s mother’s day this weekend. A bit of respect.
What is “F’GH*XX OMMOK”?
Or did u mean “F*XX OMMOK”
Your articles show you were as tired as Hon Galea was!
Unfortunately last nights sitting was a disgrace to BOTH sides. ISTHU JEKK TAFU KIF!
[Daphne – It has an ghajn.]
HAHAHAHA – check the kalepin, I actually do not think it has an gh – not that I’m an expert, mind you!
[Daphne – It does. ]
Mela qatt ma rajt x’gara fil-parlament ta l-Ukranja u x’jigri ta’ spiss f’parlamenti Asjatici?
@Mr. J.Galea
Hellloooo there! Ermmm…would a detailed pic help you out to get Daphne’s message? Maybe you can try to look it up on Kalepin…#
Bla sugu ta’ xejn Sur Galea..
ghoxx n.m.s, pl.ghexux (nice new name for the party you support), bejta ta xi tajr/annimalli zghar; ukoll gabra bajd ghal taht qroqqa; vlg:vulva; l-organu genitali tal mara
ghoxx n. ghadab; ghajt; hdura; mibeghda; korla; odju; rabjal xewqa ta’ deni.
I knew Serracino-Inglott’s dictionary would come in handy one day.
Any of you guys watched the first 30 minutes of Xarabank?
You know the part where a couple of old people started bitching about a non-issue.
UUUUUUU x’hamallagni! Ghajn ‘l hawn u l-ohra ‘l hemm!
One’s bound to agree with Mrs Caruana Galizia. Last time I checked there (and mind you, that wasn’t ages ago) there was an eye as in ghajn, and it started out smiling and ended weeping!
I hope it was not winking ;)
Thanks for making me weep (with laughter).
I think that there is no ghajn as a fact the proper word is oss from osswarju. In the old days italian was more used and the sound used nowadays comes from osc in italian.
Toni Abela might wish to clarify.
I am extremely worried at Hon Mario Galea’s lapsus. Was it merely tiredness, or something else more sinister? What are we not being told?
[Daphne – How do you mean, sinister?]
Whiskey I suppose.
Was that what caused this behaviour? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRr9lVQ54hM
Grezz, that’s the effect of either Lachryma Vitis or vodka.
Joe Mizzi confirmed what I suspected about Mario Galea and told us also that Justyne is ‘in dolce attesa’ …. How sweet!
The Labour MPs are a disgrace to the Maltese Parliament and should resign.
See http://www.freewebs.com/mintoffjani
Thanks for the link, J.P. Zammit. The site features a list of six Maltese revolutionaries who have joined forces in their mission to save Malta from itself. And I quote:
Dr. Emmy Bezzina. Fr. Mark Montebello, Dr. John Zammit, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Fr. Colin Apap, Norman Lowell and few others!!!! They are changing Malta from the age of the Inquisition to a modern Malta. The Maltese should listen to them and follow them.”
Two DoKtoRz, two FaDeRz and two ReneGejdz. Six revolutionaries, one mission. The stuff of legend!
j.p. zammit, allura qieghed nifhemm sew? Dan John Zammit wiehed min dawk li jissawtu?
Gahan said it: whiskey