Nice work, Joseph Muscat
Joseph Muscat rouses the rabble, incites them to hatred and anger, and then distances himself from the inevitable consequences.
I wasn’t surprised when some of those whose passions he had stirred over – of all things – a power station contract thought a good way to do something about it would be to desecrate the prime minister’s mother’s grave on Mothers’ Day.
It’s exactly the kind of thing they would do. Anyone who has taken note of the calumnies perpetrated on my family over the last few weeks isn’t going to be taken aback.
Those who think nothing of lying in that way about the living are not going to shy away from violating the memory of the dead.
We’re talking about twisted people here: primitive people even if they have ‘degrees’, people with a medieval mindset that comes from being raised amid generations of backwardness.
Muscat can’t distance himself from what happened. It is not enough to ring the prime minister and show concern. He also has to recognise that he has to show greater responsibility in the way he speaks and behaves. All political leaders do, but he more than others, because his core voter base – whether he wishes to acknowledge this or not – includes people who are violent, irrational, ignorant and inclined to behave like a mob.
Dom Mintoff did not tell his supporters to go out and burn down The Times, sack and burn PN clubs and the rest. They just went out and did it. That was only 30 years ago. Under Karmenu Mifsud Bonnic, five years later, they were still sacking and destroying, attacking and breaking. We’re talking about a single generation here: they are the people Muscat is still addressing today. Most of them are still around and have raised another generation in their own image.
Muscat is a total idiot if he doesn’t understand what he is dealing with here. A total idiot. And the more he incites his people to anger, the more he feeds their frustrated belief that the government ‘belongs’ to them, the worse it will get. They will start by doing the sort of things they believe they can get away with – desecrating graves at night, spreading calumny anonymously on the internet – and as their tension and frustration increases, they will take it several steps further.
It’s not as though we haven’t been there before. But it’s not what Joseph Muscat’s nanna told him, as she dragged him to Mintoff’s rabble-rousing mass meetings. The early lessons are those we learn most strongly. And Muscat was raised on a political diet of Dom Mintoff.
Shame he doesn’t have the intelligence to make the link between Mintoff’s way of communicating with stupid, ignorant people, and the violence that followed.
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These people and thei party look like IBM; every new generation is backward compatible. Joseph Muscat is one of them obvioulsy, and that’s why I’m not surprised when I remember that IBM could actually mean ‘Idiots Built Me’.
James: The analogy with IBM is very, very ill-advised! IBM consistently shot itself in the foot with decisions which rendered its PC business backwards incompatible. The various examples include the move to the PS/2 range, the PC Jnr experiment, the infamous MCA (micro-channel architecture) up to the disastrous move to shift manufacturing to a Chinese OEM which ended up becoming Lenovo essentially killing IBM off the PC market once and for all.
I still chuckle at the fact that as from the early 1980s, people in IT used to grumble that the most IBM PC incompatible machines were from IBM… The irony here is a killer!
Interestingly, the most well known (whether you like it or not) software company out there uses a backward-compatible policy.
Yes, I’m speaking about Microsoft. You can’t deny their success.
I can’t understand with what kind of idiocy you try to compare a political party with a hardware company. Consider (for a fact) that no one aiming at modding would ever buy an Apple product, since it is non-backward compatible (and neither forward compatible for the matter), I might go as far as to say that Apple products are fuds – stuck in time.
But who cares, consumerists don’t think, they buy – and there’s plenty of them out there.
And when Mintoff voted against his party they desacrated Moira Mintoff’s grave.
This is a shame and a portent.
An even bigger shame goes to TVM for relegating this item to the fourth item after three foreign items. This was done all day except in the 20:00 news. And even there it was botched: second headline but it came out after the politicals which had no news value.
The best comment I heard was “this was the work of agents provocateurs!” My heart nearly stopped.
Truly people get the leadership they deserve. If we condone this behaviour then we should accept that we are no better than who went and did this act.
Yeah, my dad told me this. He replied that it’s probably the same people who desecrated Moira Mintoff’s grave.
Joseph is the Queen of Malta. The drama queen that is, first he stirs up shit and then when the shit hits the fan he denies it’s his fault.
There’s little one can do about it. The more you try to discourage these people and control them, the more they rebel. Most of them feel that they are being cheated or that Malta is not democratic just because PN have been in government for so long.
Obviously, the truth is, PN have been in government for so long because the people wanted them to be there. It’s because of democracy that they are.
The thing with these irrational, emotionally unstable people (excuse my generalising) is that they just want more then they have, and have been indoctrinated in a way to believe that “their” political party is their “family”, just like everything else in Malta (football teams, religion, etc.) and situations tend to become quite “mafia-ish” when people “mess” with their “famiglia” and when they are riled up enough.
I agree with Daphne here. Mr. Muscat should just look at the history books and realise what kind of people he is representing and what they are capable of. I’m sure a case has been opened to find the ones responsible for this sick and twisted crime. However, there is nothing anyone can do about it now. Except, of course, Mr. Muscat, who should take this is a lesson learned too late and be conscious of what his speeches, words and actions may lead to.
Your best comment here is that they are primitive people even if they have degrees. This has always perplexed me. I have noticed this fact in my every day work – persons who have an A-Z behind their names and are very good at what they do but yet are ‘uneducated’ in the sense that they bear grudges and show hatred in a mindless way without analysing the facts and deciding for themselves.
This usually happens in three scenarios: band clubs, football and politics. It’s as if they shelve all their learning and let somebody else take over their mind. I suppose it all points to the shallowness of our education system where students are taught to learn instead of think.
They did this vile act on a grave. Imagine what they would do to the living.
Don’t we know that already?
Yesterday at 8am I visited my mother’s grave. She passed away two years ago. On occasions like Mother’s Day we feel her loss even more. Imagine finding your mum’s grave vandalized in the manner that the PM’s mum’s grave was found!
Yet I get the feeling that some people are shocked because what happened actually happened on Mother’s Day, The truth is that who ever even thinks of vandalizing someone’s grave to put pressure or in some twisted way get back to their children, then that someone is very seriously sick in the head and heart and is in my opinion a serious threat to our society.
I feel that the real reason why these people are still around and still persist in their criminal acts motivated by pure hatred towards their fellow Maltese whom they consider having a different DNA (u jghidu li Lowell biss razzist) is because Eddie’s reconciliation worked just one way!
I would certainly feel annoyed at the expense involved rather than the disrespect towards my mother. My mother’s bones maybe, but she’s not in there is she? Once dead, we’re not what the living think we are. Nobody can disrespect the memory of the dead, because that, in my view, is entrenched in our minds and not at the grave site.
All roads lead to Rome, someone once said, and so does my moral conviction lead me to think that the perpetrators are probably Labour voters. This does not however mean that they are blessed by the top brass at the Pyrex House. I firmly believe that Joe Muscat bit his lip in remorse, in some distant corner of his inner self, for indirectly being a possible instigator of such callous behaviour through the actions that erupted like a volcano last week in parliament.
Joe Muscat must surely know that a good part of his electorate do not distinguish between a misunderstanding leading to a walk-out from parliament to a declaration of war – and they think that in war anything goes.
People of sound judgement are cautious about walking out of parliament for a silly and unwarranted reason, and about the way they speak and behave. Walking out, screaming, shouting, using foul language and insults, then having the leader of the opposition speak to camera with tears in his eyes and a voice breaking with emotion, opens the door to retaliation from the more uneducated.
So although I am more than sure that Labour’s condemnation of this act was sincere, I am sure they also understand that they do have an indirect finger in this mess and let it be a lesson to the inexperienced politician, that in future, more serious reactions could occur.
It is bad taking your wrath out at the cemetery, but it is certainly more serious should any living person become a victim to violence due to the Labour leader’s infantile reactions.
L-ewwel sahhhan il-marmalja Laburista u imbaghad cempel lil prim ministru biex jghidlu kemm iddispjacieh ta’ li gara; hallina ja faccol.
Inkredibbli l-mod kif tahsbu! Il-poplu ghandu dritt ikun jaf x’inhu jigri, il-poplu ghandu dritt jipprotesta, u l-opposizzjoni tkun biss qed taghmel xoghlha meta tissalvagwardja d-drittijiet tal-maltin. Kieku ma jkunx hemm opposizzjoni l-gvern jaghmel aktar li jrid u ma jkunx jista jinzamm accountable lejn il-poplu. Ma tista bl-ebda mod tara dan bhala istigazzjoni biex issir xi haga kundannabli bhal din! Ahna rridu d-demokrazija jew le?? Issa li jkun hawn certu nies li jaghmlu haga kundannabli bhal din, dan ifisser biss li ghad ghandna nies immaturi u kull agir bhal dan huwa hazin u kundannabli pero bl-ebda mod ma tista’ tatribwixxi l-fatt mal-mod kif qed jagixxu l-MP tan-naha tal-opposizzjoni.
My God, the PL trio are wearing identical shirts again!
Hope it isn’t the work of the driver of the ministerial car. You know, the one who damaged it and then wrote anti PN slogans on it so that the usual rabble would be blamed.
No, they are probably the same thugs who vandalized Moira Mintoff’s grave after Dumink voted against his own party (no mistake here) and brought Sant’s government down.
The scary Mintoff/KMB stories I used to hear in my childhood are becoming real. Then the Labour party gets offended if we say “allahares jergaw jitilghu huma!”
Politicians who get a lot (too much?) exposure, and whose every word is weighed, interpreted and developed according to whoever is quoting them, should be very careful when rabble-rousing their listeners.
As the saying goes “Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind”. There are many weird men out there who, given the right prompting, even unwitting prompting, do not think twice before performing such despicable acts.
We all remember The Times building arson. The recent incident wherein Berlusconi got seriously injured by a loony bystander has been linked to the persistent hatred campaign from his political opponents during the previous months. Moderation is always preferable to confrontation.
“There are many weird men out there…”
I would add ‘and women’, just to be factual.
I prophesy that we’ll see acts of greater and greater violence, because Muscat cannot control his mob. In its typically short-sighted fashion, the PL will not realise that these episodes will bring back our nightmarish memories (who could listen to their baying in parliament without a shiver?) and the few floating voters who might have been tempted to vote them into power will scurry back to the PN fold.
Alfred Sant tried to and succeeded in cleaning the party of its filthy scum. When Muscat came on the scene, he opened the gates to that scum, trying to build up the lost votes. Carry on, Joseph, you are sliding the party back to the filthy 1980s.
Coming so soon after Thursday/Friday’s fracas in Parliament, the desecration of the Prime Minister’s mother’s grave could only be as a consequence of that sitting. Indeed it’s back to the future!
If it’s good for the PL to cause all that humbug in parliament, then it’s good for the rabble to do the same on the outside. That’s their way of logic.
I can’t imagine this sort of thing (desecrating a grave probably for political reasons) happening in a socially developed country. Sadly, it reflects badly on all of us in Malta.
And I can’t stand that they don’t wear neck ties when appearing in public!
Because of a dysfunctional opposition party, the frustrations of the PL and its supporters seem more likely to be expressed in anti-social and violent behaviors; the attitudes of their leaders contribute to the problem.
But as long as the PL remains in denial, and displaces its misdirected frustrations at government and its institutions (inclusive of its other desecrations: parliament, trees, birds, and now graves), instead of embracing national interests by party reform and real leadership (when it chooses not to define any real policy alternatives and prefers to create narrative fictions to support its partisan interests, which feeds the fuzzy and non-rational frenzy of its supporters), this only makes for future trouble for the country–hopefully not a descent into the evils of the past, ready to break again upon the present.
When disorder is unleashed [usually from extremists of the right or left: and the PL are Malta’s conservative right-wing, not left-wing communists], it is not always easy to put the genie back in the bottle [as in racism and other unacceptable elements in a modern liberal society]. The PL needs a rational politic–unfortunately for all of us, not what it currently provides.
I think you’re sniffing up the wrong one Daphne. The vandals who desecrated the prime minister’s mother’s grave are more likely to be found among those who go about sawing off hundreds of trees and saplings, and vandalise heritage sites because they cannot have it their way.
[Daphne – Hardly. Would they also be the ones who desecrated Moira Mintoff’s grave when her husband voted against his party and brought down Sant’s government?]
Come on Daphne, you can’t compare this to Mintoff bringing down the Labour government. Parliament isn’t even debating whether Delimara should be desecrated or not; that’s already been done. If the fat contract doesn’t go to company A, it will go to company B, but I just don’t see how this particular debate could stir up the sort of vindictiveness that will drive people to go and desecrate the grave of someone’s mother. I’d say this thing was planned before last week’s parliamentary sittings and they’ve turned out to be a red herring.
[Daphne – That’s because you don’t live in Malta, Leonard, and are watching from a distance. You can’t pick up the feeling via the internet. There’s a lot of incitement and a lot of stirred-up hatred. It’s the reason I’ve suddenly become a target again, too, when I haven’t been for years.]
Inez Gonzi has now posthumously joined the list, inscribed in gold, of all those valiant Maltese men and women who fell victim to the forces of darkness in this country. They and their loved ones’ only fault was that they believed in, and fought for, the ideals that characterise a Christian, civilized democracy that is Malta.
Your first paragraph is spot on! It sums up Dr. Muscat’s style of leadership in a few words.
Although without doubt it is a something horrible, which must be condemned it is very imprudent, in fact rude, to associate this primitive and evil act with a political party in opposition whose duty is to inform the people of serious corrupt allegations which I am sure they are true, being immersed in the field of law and having read the BWSC contract (i mean, the parts that our democratic government has had the decency to publish).
And how many 160 million euro contracts have you written? And what parts of the BWSC contract you deem to be corrupt?
Is it possible that things so clear to you, were so obscure to the Auditor General?
a 1 euro contract and 160 million euro contract have basic things in common my friend. Even more so, in a 160 million euro contract things should be seen to be done much more correctly. Firstly, it is obvious that things have been done in this way because there are people who are getting huge sums of money. If one tries to read the contract one would immediately agree that things haven’t been done rightly so and thus there are only 2 options: either who done the contract is incompetent and shouldn’t be in government, or who done the contract is corrupt. I leave it up to you to decide, but in my opinion it is pretty clear. The Auditor General has acted like that investigating company who knows that there has been fraud committed but can’t catch who done it because it has been covered so well.
M Borg: you might be immersed in law but you need:
1. to go back to school and learn English
2. to substantiate your arguments.
If you are so good in English I’d like you to correct me so that I will learn. Normally to substantiate an argument such as this you would need much more than that paragraph and i’m not willing to waste my time explaining when things are this obvious.
Daphne, I cannot agree with you on this one. It could be anybody.
Do you recall the desecration of graves in Hal- Safi and Hal-Kikop in Christmas time? Everyone blamed the ‘klandestini’ later we knew that the culprits were some teenagers from Qrendi.
While it could be some hard-line PL supporter acting on his own, it could also be some disillusioned hunter!
[Daphne – No. There’s the world of difference between bored teenagers hopping over the cemetery fence in their village and desecrating a few random graves for kicks, and somebody getting into the Addolorata Cemetery at night, after first having located the Gonzi family grave in daylight, and going only for that.]
It is significant that the perpetrator(s) knew that it was Inez Gonzi’s grave even though the tombstone read “Famiglia Galea”.
It can be anybody, Lou.
And thanks for yesterday’s informative Bondi Plus.
I agree with all you wrote above. Joseph Muscat must feel quite a responsibility for this villian attack on the grave of Mrs Gonzi. I expect that the Commissioner of Police has already issued instructions to find the culprit in not more than 2 weeks time, if not, what is he doing there?
[Daphne – You cannot be serious. How can the culprit be identified, let alone prosecuted, unless he hands himself in and confesses?]
Daphne, I hope that you’ll find no difficulty to allow this comment.
Anybody believing that all the Maltese thugs and psychopaths are supporters of the Labour Party would be in need of some expensive psycho analysis. I pray that the Klu Klux Klan operatives are caught ASAP, and locked up for the rest of their lives.
The desecration of Mrs Gonzi’s place of rest was committed by some psychopath who votes Labour, or a disgruntled Nationalist,or one of the Foresta 2000 arsonists, or an apolitical psycho or whoever. One can speculate and accuse anybody either to look smart or to satisfy their agenda. None of the stuff is worth the paper it’s written on, speculation is dirt cheap.
Daphne, what is official is the fact that the human remains of one of our patriots-the late Guze Ellul Mercer and other Labour supporters, received the late Mrs. Gonzi’s remains same ill treatment by none other than the Maltese Catholic Church not by psychopaths or political thugs.
I’m stating this in full awareness that your usual suspects would construe it as if I am finding some justification for the dastardly act. Cwiec u clielaq u ta min jithassarhom.
F’idejk Daphne.
[Daphne – Who, in your view, desecrated Moira Mintoff’s grave after her husband voted against Sant’s government? Hunters? Nationalist Party akkaniti? Come on. And what are the odds that the hunters you describe as violent vote Labour too? Unfortunately you’re going to have to face the fact, however hard it might be for you, that Labour remains the natural home of the ignorant and the violent.]
“what is official is the fact that the human remains of one of our patriots-the late Guze Ellul Mercer and other Labour supporters, received the late Mrs. Gonzi’s remains same ill treatment by none other than the Maltese Catholic Church not by psychopaths or political thugs.”
1. My goodness, this is utterly ridiculous. How can burying somebody in unconsecrated ground because they obviously do not give two hoots about being “a Catholic” be compared to the desecration of a woman’s grave to get at her son the prime minister? Nothing wrong with their choice, of course, in not wishing to be Catholics – good luck to them – but then they cannot very well expect to have their cake and eat it too.
Kind of like vilifying the Pope and still getting married by Catholic rite!
2. As you said it was the Catholic Church and not the Nationalists who did that, so take up that argument with the church!
David: Do you honestly know what led to the Catholic Church’s crusade against the MLP in 1961? There was little religious about it.
David, you don’t need me to tell you that the Catholic Church/Labour battle of the 1960s was perpetrated by a Church/PN coalition, do you?
As to which is the worst crime between burying the human remains in the ‘mizbla’ and desecrating a tomb I cannot say. My point is that behind the act of defilement of tombs there are always unknown psychopaths or criminals while the ‘mizbla’ burials were a meditated act committed by the Holy Church of Malta.
If you strongly believe that all the Maltese thugs and psychopaths belong to the Labour Party then I won’t blame you for assuming that the late Mrs. Gonzi’s grave and that of the late Moira Mintoff, were executed by Labour supporters with a political motive. Now then, can you blame me for concluding that people with such like radical opinions need some professional radical therapy?
@ Whoa, there!
In essence, Sir Michael Gonzi was against Integration, against Independence, against Mintoff and wanted the PN in power preferably led by Herbert Ganado as good old Borg Olivier was too much of a gentleman to struggle with bad old Dom and his fellow Socialists.
Borg Olivier was a kind gentleman but he was in politics and naturally wholeheartedly supported the church due to political opportunism.
I don’t know who dunnit Daphne and I don’t speculate. You don’t know who either but you do speculate.
[Daphne – Charles, at least I speculate about real issues based on hard evidence, and not about whether people are gay or straight, whether the fathers of people I don’t like have second families in Sicily, and whether their husbands are having affairs, variously, with men and women, as your friends in politics do.]
Daphne, I choose my friends and political, religious and other beliefs are not in the criteria. Probably I have more friends who vote PN than I have Labourites; truth is I don’t give it much thought. Loving one lot and hating all the others is not just radical it’s sadly pathetic. And I’m sure you share these values.
I heard similar chronicle examples before- during the period of the successive power cuts. The targets then were the floor workers indirectly accused of sabotage. Then it transpired that the perpetrator was Mr. Boiler Number-Seven.
I read somewhere that when a case in court is based on circumstantial evidence the whole case goes to the dogs if only one piece of that evidence is proved to be flawed.
How come you know for sure from which side this obcsene act came from???? if you live over here and like me talk and discuss politics with an open view one will soon come to the conclusion that both labour and nationalists supporters are voicing strong opinions against the goverment and one wont know who is out there that got kicked in the butt by this goverment so in my honest opinion its not right to ASSUME from whom this barbaric act was done. Assumptions is for fools.Hope you print this.
[Daphne – That’s right, sugar. Assumptions are for fools. The rest of us make educated guesses based on intelligence and common sense.]
guesses guesses guesses. before pointing fingers we need proof!!
How can one instigate that Muscat or Labour had anything to do with this? Mela ok jekk jinqatel xi hadd quddiem il bieb tieghek u ftit qabel kellek argument mieghu nghid li int qtiltu allura?
proof, proof, proof! imagine our courts start making educated guesses! I prefer a criminal not caught than an innocent person in jail.
This act could have been one of hatred, it could have been a random vandalism (untargeted) and also could have been a way of making the “enemy” in a bad light….
I’m sorry but it seams your “intelligent” guess is just the same as a narrow minded guess. please use a wide-angle lens when no proof is available.
thanks queeny for trying to point this out
Old Labour still lurks in the dim and dismal Labour clubs around the island. It has taken Joseph a few short months to revive the hatred by his ill-thought and irresponsible actions.
I am very saddened when these things are done. I was sad when Mrs Mintoff’s grave was desecrated (one can nearly be sure that it was done by Labour supporters angry at how her husband voted against his party). I was sad also when trees were hacked down….this is the work of ignoramuses and it is sadder to think there are so many in Malta.
We have to be careful as the hunting lobby has a LOT of ignoramuses also as we all know…it could have been done by any ‘Tuba’ and Neanderthal (though when one sees the temples, Hypogeum etc.I am sure that the intelligence of our ancestors were much higher then these savages amongst us.
Daphne my sympathy with you and your family if you are getting their end of the stick too.
When I heard the news I assumed it was a hunter/poacher/whatever act. Their usual vandalism taken to the nth degree.
What makes you think this is partisan politics at its basest?
[Daphne – Because of the political context: the fury in parliament. And because the same thing was done to Moire Mintoff’s grave when Dom Mintoff voted against his party and brought down the government. And because the most obvious explanation is almost invariably the true one.]
Daphne, you have already explained (at least three times) why Labour thugs are the chief suspects, but the usual LP supporters continue to ask.
The Labour Party is the natural haven for people like that.
“The Labour Party is the natural haven for people like that.” Most Nationalists believe this to be gospel truth. However a Machiavellian PN supporter may have done this dastardly deed exactly for that reason. To push more blame onto the obvious suspects – every heard of someone being framed – this could very well be the case and I therefore offer it up only as a possibility – I have no facts – is all just supposition. Because the most obvious explanation is almost invariably the true one and I laid stress on the word could. Nobody knows and that’s that.
It-Torca, il-gazzetta indipendenti tal-GWU, il-bierah fuq l-ewwel faccata qalet li MALTA SE TGHATI LIL GRECJA 27 MILJUN. Forsi l-editur ghandu bzonn jiehu ftit privat tal-Malti u jitghallem id-differenza bejn tghati u tislef.
Ma hemmx bzonn nghid il-kummenti tac-cwiec li emmnu dak li qraw sforz l injoranza.
Illum il-gazzetta l-ohra indipendenti L-Orizzont l-anqas kelma wahda fuq l-attakk li sar fuq il-qabar ta’ omm il-prim ministru. Sthaw issemmuha.
Another comment – DAPHNE, this latest edition of FLAIR is so beautiful and interesting. Well done.
You really hit the nail on the head, Daphne!
My immediate reaction on reading the news on The Times’ online portal was that it could only be the result of “old Labour” hatred instilled in the younger generation by those who should know better. I posted a comment to this effect on The Times immediately, but – as could be expected – it did not see the light of day.
Neither did mine!
Inhossni xbajt f’dan il-pajjiz. Ikollna nammettu li hawn it-tahwid ghaddej f’Malta taht dan il-gvern fil-waqt li l-Labour Party (including the wives of the MPs) ghandhom ghatx kbir ghall-poter. Inhossni tlift kull tama
Dawk li ma jaghmlux zbalji huma dawk li qatt ma jaghmlu xejn.
Dawk li qatt ma jaghmlu xejn huma dawk li jaghmlu bsaten fir-roti.
Dawk li jaghmlu bsaten fir-roti huma dejjem telliefa (losers).
Bidu Gdid?,
Imbidlu? he, hekk qalu……
Mela ma tafux li “L-hanzir taqtaghlu dembu hanzir jibqa”?
So it’s a simple amplification process, and bingo!, you’ll have the ‘truth’ sifted from amidst all the noise and banging present. Read my lips Mr. Hansford and team: formants, phonemes,monophtongs, diphtongs, aspirates, fricatives, high Q filters, sonorants, plosives, Fourier synthesis and analysis.
Speech analysis and recognition take more than a simple amplification process and even much more than a presumptuous journalist can unequivocally ascertain. Indeed it is a subject for a PhD on its own merits. So long for your ‘elementary Dr, Watson’ solution, and in the future do not indulge in matters in which you are completely ignorant.
As far as we know Adolf Hitler never actually shot or poisoned anybody with gas but as we also know he has always been held responsible. All one has to do, when leading a country, is to create a political climate in which violent behaviour and other atrocities can and will happen.
Am I mistaken in my memory that Moira Mintoff’s grave was desecrated twice?
‘Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest’ Henry II 30th November 1170. Thomas Beckett murdered 29th December 1170.
Meditate gente meditate.
Qed nimmedita.
U bl-ebda mod ma nara lil Joseph Muscat jilbes hairshirt u jiflagella lilu nnifsu wara li jirbah l-elezzjoni tat-2013.
Basta ghandu Brassil lajfstajl. Il-caudillo ta’ Malta. Jaqq.
Daniel Vasellas’s (CEO of Novartis) mother’s grave was also desecrated here in ‘peaceful’ Switzerland.
Once again Labour has shown its true colours: thriving on violence.
Ghax Mario Galea ha zball hasbu li hadu l-gvern. Dawn x’ politikanti huma? U l-vavu qabad jibki ghax min ghalih ghamel rebha kbira. Imsieken is-supporters taghhom li jemnuhom.
I follow this blog regularly and although I think that it is biased,sometimes it is interesting to follow.
I don’t agree with the majority here giving the fault to joseph. Anyone could have done this atrocity. It could be a pn diehard hunter feeling betrayed by dr gonzi or a drydocks worker that was promised security just before election and is now dealing with poverty. We cannot say whose fault it is as it could be anyone but let’s not put all the blame on an opposition leader that is doing his job by putting pressure on the government on an number of issues.
I don’t know Daphne. Laying this at Joseph Muscat’s feet is a bit far fetched. Joseph Muscat may be a bombastic, incompetent prick, but he never once alluded to violence — or if he had, I didn’t catch it. It’s not like he’s painting his opponent, American Republican style, as a low-life Marxist out to rob the rich to build his internment camps — Now that’s rousing your base to violence.
I saw someone here comparing Joseph to Hitler, I call Godwin’s law, and hyperbole! Hitler engineered an infrastructure to kill millions of people; he built a war machine and ran it through a caste of barbarous, ill-educated, psychopaths; he built a propaganda machine with the sole purpose of dehumanizing his enemies as vermin which he explicitly marked for death.
Call me crazy but I don’t think there’s a comparison here.