Whodunnit? Tonio Borg frames Justyne Caruana
Madonna, how ridiculous. Justyne Caruana, who last made the headlines with her demand for restraining orders to stop pregnant women leaving the country in case they have a abortion, is now claiming that Tonio Borg framed her.
That’s right. He framed her.
Or more specifically: ghamel frame-up fuqha.
Joseph Muscat has addressed the press with the inevitably and hackneyed EU and Malta flags behind him (because storming out of parliament and talking to Super One with tears in your eyes because you didn’t get what you want is so statesmanlike). He claims that he won last night’s vote, and there Justyne was right at his side, trotting out Labour’s favourite expression ‘attakk fahxi’. Learn another one, why don’t you.
What, so Joseph Muscat now has the power to read minds, does he? Even if Mario Galea really meant Yes and Justyne Caruana was framed by Tonio Borg, when the Speaker stopped the voting (poor Michael Frendo, what a baptism of fire) they were far from done yet.
So by no stretch of his impoverished imagination can Muscat claim to have won the vote, because people hadn’t finished voting and he cannot be so absurd as to claim victory on the basis of how he assumes those who didn’t vote would have voted.
He criticised the government for being undemocratic. In my view, an undemocratic person is one who thinks voting is unnecessary to claim victory (or admit defeat) because -hey ho, we all know how they’re going to vote anyway, so why bother?
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It strikes me as being a bit odd that Joseph Muscat, being so convinced that Mario Galea wanted to vote against the government, did not bother to see if any other Nationalist MPs would similarly vote with the Opposition.
My guess is that Muscat was convinced that this mistake by Galea was going to be the closest point he would ever be able to claim victory in that vote.
I wanted to comment also on the attitude of Evarist Bartolo. Apparently he has been researching and ‘studying the BWSC case’ for the last eleven months and his behaviour yesterday is just like that of a student who has faled his exams. He is making it look like it is some sort of mission he has embarked on and will not hear reason until he gets his way.
[Daphne – Frigging lazy bastard. I can just imagine him sitting around ‘studying’ documents for 11 months. Right up his street. The slow-moving layabout from hell.]
Is-Sur Bartlu l-akbar brimba li hemm fil-Labour. Jinseg l-ghanqbuta u jaqbad lic-cwiec.
Irrifletta fit-tellieqa ghal Leader.
While in Greece they are experiencing a tangible ‘Greek Tragedy’, in Malta we are watching the typical pantomine, created by a bunch of morons to justify their existence, who are uselessly trying to replicate the political atmosphere of the 80s.
Sewwa jghidu li il passat hu l mera tal-futur. L-ewwel kellna lil Alfred Sant jghid li rebah ir-referendum ghall-EU u hareg lin-nies jiccelebraw fit-toroq. U issa ghandna lil Joseph jghid li rebah il mozzjoni tal-power station.
Meta ha jimmaturaw politikalment dawn in-nies?
Evarist Bartolo never added up to anything. He comes from a Nationalist family and he’s their black sheep who turned Communist and later Labour because he never had any principles in life just like he never had any friends.
Evarist Bartolo, the wolf in sheep’s clothing! Don’t ever trust him.
Now, he may not look like it but he is one of the several “hodor” tal-partit. They have too many of them with Joseph now leading the pack.
Our Varist started out as a Kuminist, imbibed the venom of class hatred from a young age and it still runs in his veins today.
Why is it always he who calls out Corruption and starts cutting off people’s heads before anything can be proved?
Good thing you mentioned that Evarist “started out as” a Communist. I tell you this: Once a Communist, always a Communist.
Moreover, Evarist is another one of the Super One journalists. Like Joseph Muscat.
OMG Joey was actually tearful….for God’s sake. All that’s missing is a video of him stamping his feet.
Dak lijder gbin.
Evarist Bartolo has been intrigued and fascinated by the BWSC / power station extention saga for quite a long time. I dare say there’s much more to it than meets the eye.
His attitude during a recent edition of BondiPlus, in a debate with Minister Tonio Fenech, was very unusual: I had never seen him argue so vehemently.
Why is he into this so much, almost personally?
Did the Auditor General speak to Mr. Bartolo to check what he knows and then investigate the details?
Did Mr. Bartolo speak to the Commissioner of Police, like Alfred Sant did (in front of many TV cameras) when he claimed corruption before the last general elections?
Forsi ghandu xi habib li kien imdahhal ma’ Bateman u baqa f’wiccu?
Tassew mara hazina din Justyne Caruana, hux? Twaqqaf lin- nisa tqal milli jsiefru ghad-detox? Tsk Tsk.
Komdu taghlaq ghajnejk meta jaqbillek.
Similar to when Alfred Sant declared he won the EU referendum .. these guys will never change.
ikun tajjeb li kieku naraw x’nizzlet l-isrivana tal kamra waqt il votazzjoni jew forsri dawn sparixxew ghalekk mhux jissemew.
‘viva terrinu’
nizzlet li l-ghawdxija vvutat le
mela fil qamar int?