Badass Soldier – One To Watch

Published: June 14, 2010 at 9:14pm

62 Comments Comment

  1. Robert Caruana says:

    Is this another Byon Jo ( the Super One) Production?

    • A says:

      Did you guys know that Byon Jo – the ‘vertically challenged’ Super One cameraman – used to be a singer? He had a CD once that a friend had bought… classic.

      “hellow it is me….. Moscawwwww”

      I wish I could find it again… guess it sold out.

      • Anna Grima says:

        What’s wrong with being vertically challenged?

        I am!

        It’s not the vertically challenged who are a problem, but the mentally challenged.

      • claire belli says:

        Oh yes, I do remember Byon Jo as a singer. Actually I remember the name. He was still a boy when he used to appear on TV.

  2. ccam says:

    Kill me now.

  3. ConsTipAzzjoni says:

    I do not know whether to laugh or cry . . .

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    An antidote, quick! Inject 300 mg of this:

  5. Scerri S says:

    Speechless. I wouldn’t know where to begin, and in this case I’d rather say nothing than just pass for a total B, so I’ll just dummy up!

  6. Is he actually implying that he is the “strong, dark and handsome” “badass soldier”?

    Raising appetite? Honestly? He is doing something to mine which definitely isn’t raising it.

    He spends every minute pumping up – doesn’t show, does it?

    Just a little snippet into what is wrong with mainstream Maltese youth. God I’m glad I’m considered weird by their standards.

    • Mini-Tiananmen square says:

      No, he just wants to send the message that he likes “strong, dark and handsome badASS soldier” men. Nothing wrong with that.

      I think he has a good voice but a dude dancing like Christina Aguilera could seem freakish for most. I suggest he teams up with a good song writer. I am sure we will see something good there.

  7. Charlie Bates says:

    I have to ask you these questions about this clip.
    Why did you show this clip on your blog?

    [Daphne – It’s amusing.]

    Being past my prime, what does Badass Soldier mean?

    Daphne –

    And this is where he got the expression ‘badass soldier’- from a Britney Spears lyric:

    Who is the singer Clifton Paul?

    [Daphne -No idea.]

    Who are the chavs appearing on this clip?

    [Daphne – It’s a low-budget video.They took their camera to a KLAPP and just filmed the EKXIN. that’s why the girls are really plain and nerdy and one of them is even wearing a blue-and-white striped beach T-shirt.]

    Is this clip being shown on Super One TV station?

    [Daphne – No, it’s on YouTube. You’ll find other Clinton Paul videos there.]

    I have to admit, this clip was well filmed and edited (a la MTV).

  8. Ivanf says:

    You always manage to send me to work smiling. I like the whoa whoa whoa, apparently they ran out of words there.

  9. Pat says:

    You’ve made my day. Clinton Paul for president!

  10. Mario Borg says:

    I just wasted 4 minutes 13 seconds of my life.

  11. Tony says:

    lol dan irkotta jghid.

  12. Hot Mama says:

    For a minute I thought his TShirt said ‘Moon it’. Ma tantx ghandu biex

  13. freefalling says:

    Bad ASS Clinton Paul – his name says it all, the music says it all – all deja vu way back in the ’80s but slipshod.

    Let me now continue watching Fleetwood Mac to get over the embarrasement – have a great day.

  14. Macduff says:

    Look at what kind of imbeciles are taking over the country, while the talented ones are leaving in their droves. Lie down and weep.

  15. Sufless says:!/photo.php?pid=30998992&id=1520502479

    Another one of those who think Facebook is private. Or maybe he likes parading his “assets” in public.

    • Drew says:

      Looks like the guy’s a stripper, dancer, and model, not aiming to be a politician or a magistrate. I don’t think he gives a shit if photos of his half-naked body are available for all to see.

    • Grezz says:

      With a profile photo like that one, this guy definitely knows that Facebook is NOT private. I’d say he’s in desperate need of attention, or ready to get anything he can. A bit like middle-aged women “parading” their boob jobs and botox on the net and elsewhere.

  16. C.Cassar says:

    I’m not sure what the worst bit is. His terrible pronunciation? The fact that he believes he’s good? The production of the song? The amateurish video?

    What the hell is it with Maltese films, videos dramas and productions that makes all so terrible? Please don’t give me that age-old argument about low budgets.

    I regularly see better and more imaginative videos made on YouTube by people who own little more than a handheld camera and a computer.

    • Macduff says:

      The fact that he believes he’s good. And I’m sure he won’t take any kind of criticism, either.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Q: What the hell is it with Maltese films, videos dramas and productions that makes all so terrible?

      A: The ugliness of the average Maltese

      • WhoamI? says:

        Say what?

        Since when is beauty no longer in the eye of the beholder? Since Baxxter is around perhaps?

        Boooo Baxxter!

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Here’s a little comparison to illustrate my point. This one also talks of the, er, badass soldier:

      • Anthony Farrugia says:

        Sometimes Hallmark Channel transmits short clips 3/4 minutes long as a filler between programmes; they use unknown actors, minimal dialogue but they always have a good story line which keeps you watching till the end. The actors sometimes double up as producer, director, editor etc. So it is not the minimal budget which is the problem but the dearth of original ideas and the Maltese mantra that it’s ok everything goes.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        If beauty were in the eye of the beholder, you’d think Baxxter would have scored, no?

      • WhoamI? says:

        Boooo again Baxxter.

        I have working relationships with a huge number of foreigners who visit Malta frequently – and I always hear the same thing – that Maltese people have nice features. And the one that hit home really hard was from an Irish person who certainly had the looks.

        here’s one for you.

        [Daphne – Maltese people have larger-than-average eyes. That’s what does it. Large eyes are attractive at a primeval level. You will rarely find a Maltese person with small eyes, but in northern Europe and Italy, they’re everywhere. One of the reasons that Maltese women come across as more attractive than Maltese men is that the size of their eyes is even further enhanced by heavy make-up.]

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Be that as it may. They also have large noses, which more than ruins the aesthetic appeal of large eyes. Then they are short, and prone to excess weight.

        But tish tish. Give me forty grand and carte blanche and I’ll GUARANTEE a Eurovision victory.

        Now for the translation of that refrain from NikitA. Sheer poetry:

        You are my soldier in the wild battles,
        You are my frigate on the lake of love,
        You are my pilot on the highway of the night,
        You take all the medals, all the awards are yours.

        U mela badass sowlger.

        [P.S. Tajba t-translation Kev?]

      • drew says:

        Baxxter, those women in that video you posted look like tramps. You have terrible taste in women, but that’s to be expected from a fan of Scooter.

      • drew says:

        Daphne I actually meant “traps” not “tramps” hehe. It’s a slang term for transsexual. But yes, they do indeed also look like tramps.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        And what, pray tell, would a “fine taste” in women look like? Celine Dion? Mary Spiteri? Monserrat Caballe?

        At least I got you to watch the video. I need to build up a support base for Ukrainian girlbands if I ever want to become “tad-Djevoccki Promowxins”.

        Have an earful of this:

        Kickass tune, although Kožená’s age is beginning to show.

      • kev says:

        Translation denja, Baxxter.

        Concerning “the ugliness of the average Maltese” I think you’re very wrong and it speaks volumes of your perception of your own people. But to be fair – and it’s a big but – I did once come across a Maltese ‘race’ hitherto unknown to me. This was in 1993 when quite incidentally I was at Buskett during Imnarja and we strolled down ‘to have a look’. The scene was truly surreal. I had never come across such types. Never imagined they existed even. Not the village type, either. It was as if they had crawled out of some hidden underworld.

        The ‘pojim’ I posted some days ago was very much influenced by that experience. Some day I will revisit Imnarja night and explore further, particularly the dialect. You can come as my assistant.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        In the spirit of “know thy enemy”, I would be more than happy to come along.

  17. red nose says:

    Not too much of a comment — Tal Biki!!

  18. derry says:

    Daphne, I don’t think you understand that he actually means to be camp in the video and song. Look at the images he has on his web page. I think he is into some subculture of the gay scene.

    [Daphne – Did I say anything about him being camp? I didn’t. And if he’s trying to be camp, he fails even there.]

    He somehow reminds of Pete Burns of Dead or Alive, Marc Almond of Soft Cell and Boy George of Culture Club. None of those singers have a particularly good voice but they played on the camp/androgynous image.

    To me it is clear that he is singing about his attraction to a particular sort of male – and the camp/kitsch image is intentional.

    The production value of the video is of course zilch… but what can one do with the budget that he probably has. Then again I have seen young people producing music videos with a 10 euro webcam which are truly innovative.

    • NGT says:

      He fails to be camp? He’s a bloody row of tents for chrissakes!

    • WhoamI? says:

      You’re inaccurate here daphne – in my opinion.

      The movements, looks and website of this guy all point owards him being gay. all well and good.

      By definition (and don’t look this up in urban dictionary because it’s inaccurate), he’s camp. mil malti nghidu “dak ikkampjat”, u gravi ukoll. he’s theatrical, just like Elton John and Platinette… oh oh and Madonna, Cher, Lady Gaga and Shakira.

      Camp is not necessarily gay, and the other way round. take George Michael (gay but not camp), and take Raffaella Carra (straight but camp).

      [Daphne – I know exactly what camp means, and that’s why I said that his attempt at being camp is totally unsuccessful. He just doesn’t bring it off. You have in fact explained just how he doesn’t bring it off by mentioning people who do. He’s like somebody mimicking camp, and the result is a prat.]

  19. Reborn says:

    Bless him! He really believes he looks good! Dak in-nuccali eh ala Kanye West. U dik il-faxxa sewda ma siequ x’nghidu? Forsi jahseb li ha jibda xi trend?

  20. SDS says:

    lol are they for real? what I found surprising is the sponsers.

  21. Grezz says:

    Drat! I’ve been offline for a couple of days, clicked on the video to watch it just now … and found out that it has since been removed.

  22. Monkey says:

    Can’t you all see that the video is meant to be satirical?

    Why do the Maltese take everything at face value?

  23. the fag hag est arrivee! says:

    I love the homosexual overtones…

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