Jaqaw din xi wahda brillanti ta' Inspector Gadget?

Published: June 2, 2010 at 11:49pm
I've found the missing document! You can stay the hanging.

I've found the missing document! You can stay the hanging.

Taken from the Labour Party’s 15-point proposal against corruption:

12. Permanent Secretaries and chairpersons of government entities will be held personally responsible in cases of missing files or documentation.

Joseph Muscat must be joking – if he plans to push this through when he is prime minister (bil-frivowt?), then permanent secretaries and chairmen will have no choice but to place those files under armed guard at their own expense, or keep every bit of paper in their office and lock it.

And wouldn’t that be just the perfect way to get some poor sitting-duck into deep trouble if you’ve got a grudge against him? And I don’t mean underlings whipping away a key piece of documentation, either.

A nice piece of Chinese-style framing should do it.

21 Comments Comment

  1. Those who are found to have the audacity of misplacing a single document will be subject to lynching. Nothing wrong there.

    • Pat says:

      I think it’s more important finding the perpetrator than having a scapegoat.

      • In the end what is most important is to stop being children and enforcing such immature and borderline ludicrous rules. Papers get misplaced, but I’d rather misplace a paper and know what I was saying than have all my paperwork in order and not having the slightest what I should be saying or rather, relying on others to tell me what to say.

      • Pat says:

        Lost you there, sorry.

      • I implied, albeit humorously, that the people found responsible for misplacing the papers are to be lynched, yes? In reply to your reply I simply said it would be even more important to actually enforce things which matter rather than this waste of time. Also, I took the liberty of a little jibe at Muscat who tends to have others prepare things for him rather than actually knowing what he’s saying. Jokes work a lot better when I don’t have to explain them, you know. I kid, all clear?

  2. Antoine Vella says:

    Does Joseph Muscat know how many hundreds of thousands of files exist in each government department?

    Permanent secretaries might have half a dozen or more departments under them. Same goes for public entities: Mepa, for example, must have received close to a hundred thousand applications since it was set up in 1993.

    How is the Chairman expected to keep tabs on all of them, together with innumerable reports, minutes, letters, architects’ plans, etc ? There must be millions of documents, each of which liable to be mislaid.

    • zebbugi says:

      ghall-informazzjoni tieghek file qatt ma jista jigi innocentement mislaid. Ghal kull file ikun hemm record tal-movimenti kollha tieghu. Issa jekk il-messaggier waqatlu karta minn file u kienx jaf fejn hu postha, mhux min hu nkarigat (u jithallas bl-ghaxriet ta’ l-eluf) li hu responsabbli?

      • Joseph A Borg says:

        kif tiddistingwi bejn żball ġenwin u xi ħadd li ’tilef’ file b’malizja?

  3. Leonard says:

    Aren’t we supposed to be heading towards paperless offices? (I first heard this some 20 years ago). Then if someone misplaces the fajl you go for the bekup.

  4. Matthew II says:

    ghal-gol hajt.com

  5. John Schembri says:

    This proposal is going to be implemented in Anglu’s People’s Courts, when he becomes chief executioner in three years’ time.

    As far as I know we are moving to paperless systems and computerisation, though probably at the glass house everything is on a hard copy.

  6. red nose says:

    Excuses will be found for Labour-leaning permanent secretaries; the rest – well we know – we’ve been there before.

  7. Anthony says:

    How frivolous.

  8. R. Camilleri says:

    I don’t think that the idea is complete rubbish.

    First of all IT systems nowadays render the whole idea of “losing” a file ridiculous. Scan it and keep it on a central server and audit all access to it.

    Secondly: senior people are not expected to know where all documents are, but they are expected to delegate work to people who can be trusted and who are smart. These people are in turn expected to put in place processes to make sure that things do not get “lost” and they are also responsible to know what their subordinates are doing. Hence if a clerk is fu**ing around, his manager is just as responsible. And if it turns out that the processes in place make it so easy to fu** around, then someone senior is responsible as well.

    This is how private large companies work. When an employee messes around or makes a mistake, his superior gets the blame as well. The worse the mistake is, the higher the blame goes.

  9. Joseph A Borg says:

    This smacks of paranoid leadership. God forbid we end up with our mini Stalin, whose strong and sophisticated leadership amounted to eliminating the best generals, technocrats, designers, technicians, scientists etc… with the result that he destroyed the country.

    If Mr Joe Muscat wants to improve accountability, he’s better off speeding the digitalization of office processes and institute proper archiving procedures. That’s what bit Cheney in his shiny butt.

    I believe PN under Austin has been investing a lot in this… though not enough. Why doesn’t he talk about how to improve these systems instead?

  10. minn_mars says:

    @ Antoine Vella

    So simple my friend. Sack all the staff, a la Labour Party.

  11. Riya says:

    U dawn biex jimpressjonaw. Anglu Farrigia ghax ma’ marx jorganizza id-dipartiment tal-Lands fiz-zmien Lorry Sant? Dan issa qed jitkellem fuq l-‘accountability’? Kemm hu bravu Alla jbierek!

    • TROY says:

      Anglu issa johrog xi gadget gdida ghax dan dejjem jivvinta.
      L-ahhar gadget, kien strument biex jimmarka kemm inxtraw voti, izda ma hadimlux.

  12. jomar says:

    Someone must have brought Joseph up to speed explaining to him how they did it in the 70s and 80s when files and evidence disappeared with great regularity and covered it up by framing innocent individuals!

    Anglu Farrugia knows.

  13. Riya says:

    Anglu Farrigia min fejb gab l-eperjenza kif jittmexxew il-kumpanniji? Mill-korp tal-Pulizija? Jew issa sar jifhem f’kollox ghax erba’ ‘useful idiots’ ghamluh deputy leader.

  14. ciccio2010 says:

    Will the Prime Minister be held responsible for anything in Joseph Muscat’s 15-point proposal against corruption?

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