The progressive party's official news website sticks up for Adrian Vassallo

Published: June 10, 2010 at 1:10pm
Inspector Gadget's first recruits to Labour's Porn Police

Inspector Gadget's first recruits to Labour's Porn Police

Leader, Maltastar, today

Clean government, clean air, clean porn?

Funny how the Times of Roamer and more,would seek to give such publicity to a Labour MP who made such emotional remarks against the ability to freely access porn.

Many parents are very worried about their children’s access to pornography. Most don’t want children to access pornography whether they are at home or in a hotel.

So while we distance ourselves from a view about preferring less freedom and having more respect of religion, anyone sane, anyone who isn’t hell bent on twisting things politically has a different point of view to The Times.

The Labour Party is focussing on clean government. Somebody has to do it. The Times appears to be more focussed on trying to distract people from this.

We all though have a huge responsibility to ensure our government is clean and our air even cleaner. Debates about porn, used in such a way are just one cosy distraction, no doubt about it.

If Tonio Fenech can get away with not reporting an allegation of corruption immediately to the Police,(as Gonzi said all should do) and not get attacked fully frontally on The Times, why should we be surprised The Times picked on this today?

That’s justification, eh? Children might check in to hotels to watch porn.

If parents don’t want their children to come across porn at home, then they shouldn’t keep any at home. And they should use net-nannies to block porn sites on the internet. That might pose some problems for the adults who want to access porn after the children have gone to bed, but tough titties.

There’s a brilliant Southpark episode about this.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Which Southpark episode is it? Studying physics dulls the mind too much at times.

    [Daphne – The one in which the United States suffers a disruption in internet connectivity and chaos ensues, then the Kenny brigade sets out to find The Modem and restores order by the simple expedient of switching it off and on again.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “but if we don’t give it the resPECT!…that it deserves…”

    • Tediber says:

      The episode is called ‘over logging’. Season 6, episode 12.

    • il-Ginger says:

      Makes me wonder if one of the Labour MPs would end up in position where they would use the ectoplasm defence.

    • derry says:

      The episode is called ‘overlogging’ Season 13 I think. Watch out for the hilarious Stan Marsh and his googling ‘Asian girls exchanging body fluids’ and the result after he watches a hand drawn version of this sort of porn.

      You can watch it online for free on but you need a US IP to be allowed in. Nothing to do with censorhip but something about TV networks and copyright laws.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        You don’t need a US IP.

      • derry says:

        I can’t seem to be able to log in to the official South Park site when in Malta or Germany. Using a proxy server with a USA IP address (which is a pain) lets me in, though. Otherwise I am redirected. Where are you viewing the site from, Baxxter?

      • derry says:

        Now it seems to be working for me using a connection in Europe. Have you tried watching episodes 200 and 201? They are great but they are not available on the official site In episode 200 they make fun of a whole bunch of real people and they even have a jab at Mohammed – which I think is a first. This is why I like this series as it pokes fun at so many sacred cows. Perhaps it is the shock value that I find attractive :-) same as what many people find attractive in this blog.

        I think that in 200 episodes they have only been sued once – by the Church of Scientolgy – which they exposed for the money making crackpot scam that it is. And then again at the end of that episode Stan Marsh shouts “Sue me!”… lovely :-)

  2. C.Cassar says:

    I still cannot understand how this issue came up, and why now? Has this man been living under a rock for the last thirty years? If we were still living under Mintoff, then I would understand. I’m sure we would be under a dictatorship where banning products, services, literature, art and information is the order of the day. (ever noticed how Mintoff was friendliest with the shadiest of governments; Libya, North Korea, China, etc?) but now?

    Long after the Labour government has repeatedly been rejected, after we became part of the free market, after we invested millions in telephony, internet and other means of communication and after we joined the EU where products and services have to flow freely, Adrian Vassallo wakes up from his deep slumber and realises that people have access to porn! He also makes some weird connection between porn and single mothers. How come he never heard of single mothers thirty years ago? Did he also still think that Santa Claus exists?

    Either everything in Malta is so great that there is simply nothing left for our MPs to tackle or they’re just blind clowns who have long lost contact with the real world. I would laugh if it were not for the fact that taxpayers’ money is being wasted to discuss and investigate this rubbish AND millions are being spent on a new parliament to boost our MPs’ ego.

    Although I stand to be corrected, isn’t owning porn for personal use perfectly legal in Malta? And if it’s not, what is the next step, banning all TV stations showing adult content? Restricting internet connections a la China? Making sure that every package which arrives from amazon, play or hmv is not an adult film?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      re. single mothers, Adrian Vassallo seems to be of the “If I can’t see it then it doesn’t exist” type. Single mothers, or almost-single-mothers-if-they-hadn’t-married-before-giving-birth have been around for bloody yoicks. As have pornography, prostitution, rape, sodomy, paedophilia, you name it.

      The thing that irks me is this “We’re the exception and proud of it” attitude. Us, alone. The last bastion of whatnot. I didn’t join the EU to be the odd one out, the prudish nerd that no one wants to get off with.

  3. ciccio2010 says:

    So then, what Adrian Vassallo meant to say was surely that the Minister should put a ban on children checking into hotels. Especially if they are carrying Dad’s credit card.

    Reminds me of “Home Alone” – hotel episode.

  4. Matt says:

    “The Labour Party is focussing on clean government.”

    Poor English aside, I think this has to be the LOL moment of Labour’s ‘leader’ (since when have such pieces stopped being called ‘editorials’?) today.

  5. Riya says:

    It seems that Dr. Vassallo is the most progresive rapresentative within the Labour Party. How come he brought up this subject in 2010? To my knowledge he is very quiet during parliament discussions.

    Is this a vote-catching issue, Dr. Vassallo? Did you obtain permission from the wannabe prime minister and your fellowMPs before announcing this issue? Why did you not report this to the police?

  6. Pat Zahra says:

    ‘and not get attacked fully frontally on The Times’
    Execrable English aside – is this a Freudian slip I see before me, the handle towards my hand? Come let me clutch thee…

    If your children are old enough to check into a hotel on their own, it’s none of your frigging business what they watch.

    Does Adrian Vassallo have children of his own? And if so, how is he tackling the birds and the bees question? Cabbage patches? Bottom drawers? Storks?

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