A new Facebook group has been set up (what a surprise). It’s called WE DISGUST GONZI AND PN. I rather suspect that’s true, though the prime minister is far too civil to say so.
On reading the group description, though, I realised that what they really mean is WE ARE DISGUSTED BY GONZI AND PN. If ever there was a clarion call to the Department of Education, to introduce an EFL – English as a foreign language – option in the primary and secondary school syllabus, this is it.
I tried to work out how they got to WE DISGUST GONZI AND PN. Usually, I crack the mystery in no time at all by translating literally into Maltese. This time, it didn’t work: Niddisgustaw il-Gonzi u l-PN means the same thing.
Then somebody pointed out that I should start with the Maltese for what they meant to say: Niddisgustaw RUHNA b’Gonzi u l-PN. Bingo. Yes, they translated ‘Niddisgustaw ruhna’ as ‘we disgust’.
You have to love it.
What’s the alternative – crying and banging your head against the wall at the realisation that people like this have a vote and get to decide who runs your life every five years? That’s democracy for you; the alternative is worse.
WE DISGUST GONZI AND PN has been set up by one Raphael Borg, whose own Facebook profile says that he likes Farmville (obviously), Farmville Cows, God, Barack Obama (ghax Laburist), YoVille, Amy Winehouse, Ira Losco, Maria Lewis, Doctor Pepper, Joe Brown, the television shows L-Evangelisti, L-Istrina and Kalamita, and the Facebook Group Jista l-Monument ta’ Hal Luqa Igib Iktar Fans Minn Barney.
The description of the group WE DISGUST GONZI AND PN is given as:
That’s right – it ends with a comma.
I suppose they think running the country is like playing Farmville: raise the money, buy a cow, feed your chickens and persuade your friends to help you build a barn (barn – il-post ta’ Barney).
So far, the group has two members: Raphael Borg himself and a woman who is probably one of the sort who will do anything for a quiet life and a pizza on a Saturday night – ghax kif qalilna l-leader, il-Maltin ma jaffordjawx steak meta johorgu jieklu.
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Just reading the title made my day!
Who has done this group is a clever person.
Daphne, the best thing is to completely ignore these people (if you can call them so) as they are a bunch of idiots who are so frustrated being in opposition for so long..and still a looong time for them to be in power.
I wonder if they saw Bondi + this week. I think Gonzi answered all Muscat’s allegations in an honest and intelligent way.
I thought once the Labour party got rid of Alfred Sant they would progress, but unfortunately they seem to be their own worst enemies because they keep choosing such incompetent leaders – Muscat is even worse than Sant – didn’t think that was possible.
I am proud to have Gonzi as my Prime Minister and I am sure he will be around for another 5 years.
Well, you can’t expect hard core Labour supporters to see the best in Gonzi. And you certainly can’t expect them to admit Gonzi is doing something good. That would go against their religion: the religion of Mintoff and his disciples.
Sa kemm johrog bil pensjoni, trid tghid.
I hope he’ll be around for longer than 5 years. after all he is relatively young,
And all you can do is *sigh*
Raphael Borg must be training to work for maltastar. He probably thinks ‘disgust’ is used like ‘despise’ or ‘hate’.
What I find intriguing is that the description of the group is in (bad) Maltese but the title has to be in English.
Incidentally the only other member of the group is an Italian woman living in Italy which makes her membership very strange.
You’re probably right. MsWord gives ‘disgust’ as one of the synonyms of ‘hate’. He might have been afraid of being investigated by the police if he used the word ‘hate’, so simply replaced it with ‘disgust’. The problem lies with the fact that all the suggested synonyms are for ‘hate’ when used as a noun when he really had the verb in mind.
There’s always going to be a (large) number of people for whom politics is a matter of blind faith. Sant says the EU is bad for us, so then it must be true. Eddie says it’s good, then it must also be true. What is the word for them at the moment? Mittilkless? I prefer the good old fashioned tigieg.
I cannot understand why people think that it is a matter of tradition and faith to decide who to put at the helm of a country, rather than a simple rational choice of who seems to make the better management team. When nothing at all can change a person’s opinion, it is faith and not an informed opinion. Then again, rationality is certainly our forte.
Well, I think it’s a phenomenon that’s quite widespread throughout the world, to varying degrees. Here’s a cute joke I remember:
Two American men are discussing politics. One of them says “My father was a Democrat, and my grandfather was a Democrat too, so I will always be a Democrat”
The other guy reacts with indignation and says “What sort of logic is that? So if your father had been a horse thief and your grandfather had been a horse thief too, what would that make you?”
“Oh, well .. that would make me a Republican!”
“I cannot understand why…” — It’s the same with religious matters, isn’t it? Blind faith is the order of the day (I don’t know about you but in our primary school “religion” (sic!) lessons we were basically made to learn by rote… as far as I can tell that attitude is widespread throughout all strata of Maltese society.)
The follow up Facebook group they’ll set up will be ‘LISTEN US GONZI – WE ARE REVOLTING’.
So their English illiteracy and perceived low class makes them automatically wrong? What is so different between this Raphael guy and your good self after all? Both of you blindly attack a political party with preconceived bias. One spouts hate against GonziPN in Pidgin English over a couple of pastizzi and a bela te whilst the other one constantly attacks anything that has to do with Labour in flawless English over a platter of sushi and glass of Chianti. But the essence is the same.
[Daphne – Yes, well, one has brains and a fairly good education and the other doesn’t. Hence, I am more inclined to trust the judgment of the former.]
Sushi and chianti? (I’m tempted to put half a dozen question and exclamation marks)
You can have ten phds, be more well mannered than the queen of England and write in Shakespearean English but, ultimately, you will only be remembered for what you do, and not how you do it or what you have. And if you ask me, you would do more good if your articles were more objective and reflective of the whole Maltese political spectrum. If your articles were the only source of information about Malta to foreigners, they would get the impression that our government is as clean as a whistle and the opposition leader is the the antichrist. Until you change this attitude, your articles will still be, in essence, no different than these cheap facebook blogs if you ask me.
[Daphne – Lucky for foreigners they have maltastar then. Out of sheer curiosity: why would anyone’s driving ambition be ‘to be remembered’? Yes, I agree that you are remembered for what you do – look at Mintoff. But also for what you don’t do – ditto.]
I think my (nick)name is confusing you. I am not a fierce Labour supporter. I honestly do not give a bleep about Maltastar and the Labour media. Like all party media, it is biased by definition. And like everything biased it is untrue and non-interesting. So don’t play the Maltastar card with me.
And in answering your question regarding being remembered, wouldn’t you, especially as a journalist, like a little bit of recognition in your work? If not, why do you write in the media at all?
[Daphne – A little bit of recognition? I’ve been a household name since I was 25. What I’d like now is the opposite: NO recognition. Oh, the bliss of walking down a street in some foreign city without being recognised. Why do I write in the media? It’s my job. It’s how I earn my living.]
Sushi and sake, better I think.
And what’s with these totally unfunny photo-montage posters?
No fun anymore now. They changed their name to “We are fed up with Gonzi and PN”
It has also dawned on them to change their logo from a PN emblem, to a LP one.
Funny though, how their first “War Cry” on their wall is :
” Bidu Gdid – Ivvota Labour ——-> INZABBAB xD”
hmmm ….. they changed their minds again. It’s back to a PN emblem.
I think the administrator suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder.
His Maltese has so many faults…. obviously a person who’s got nothing to do in his life.
We disgust- yes we know.
I think one of the main problems of the current administration is that they’re doing a lot of good work but they’re not managing to market it properly.
The country is pretty stable but people are not happy. Malta is slowly moving further from socialism and closer to capitalism and this is making a lot of people who prefer the handouts of a socialist state rather unhappy.
In a capitalist society you are far more responsible for your situation in life, and the government’s role is not to give hand outs but to make sure the economy continues to grow and opportunities are available for those enterprising enough to chase after them.
That is the direction we elected our government to take us in, but I don’t think enough people understand that.
Thanks to this blog, elve Raphael has learnt a new word: the name of his group has been changed to “We are fed up with Gonzi.”
The strange thing is that he gives a link to another group for illiterati called “Bidu Gdid – Ivvota Labour . . inzabbab” of which Raphael himself is a member, together with several other self-declared Labourites.
I can’t find the group on Facebook. Do you mind posting a link please?
[Daphne – It’s now called WE ARE FED UP OF GONZI AND PN.]
you ruined it all, Daphne. They just changed the name.
Daphne gives free advice to her arch enemy. The best advice she gave the MLP was the comment about the poster with all that red in it during the 1998 elections.
can you please check out this group?
[Daphne – The winning slogan of 2008; it appears to have worked wonders with the youth vote. What we would have given for that slogan in 1987.]
Please advice whether you want to join the Facebook group. If you do not, you will loose out on all the personnel comments about our disgusting PM. For having’s sake please join!
they changed name now …
wow 3 members!
The Labour Party is progressive, moderate and above all inclusive.
Yes, it always included all the low life, the uneducated, the ill-informed, the idle and the ones whose motto is ‘entitlement’.
The odd time some intellectual manages to penetrate the filter but soon discovers that he/she is smothered by the sewage which engulfs him/her.
Well I’m disgusted by their appalling Maltese spelling!
Partly why I have Facebook is to discover gems such as this one. Another one which I found today is a group called “Being pure til marriage!”. It is a comedy enthusiast’s dream.
To them, ”we disgust Gonzi and PN” and ”we are disgusted by Gonzi and PN”, is the same as saying Pepsi Cola = Coca Cola. ”Mhux xorta, l-aqwa li Ftehmna”.
fanta = sunkist = mirinda = schweppes
Gharfu li huma cwiec u biddlu l-isem tal-grupp. U minn zewg membri saru tlieta.
All new record.. 2 more members in a few hours. Must have been after he changed the title to WE ARE FED UP WITH GONZI AND PN
Second *sigh* of the day.
Steady on! Since this post they have managed to double their membership……..to FOUR!
(right click, delete…..)
And what about the Facebook group: ‘GONZI DAHAQ BIK!!! KIKU MINNI MA TOQODX ALIJA U IGGOINJA!
I think they just spelled “discuss” wrong.
Dan it-tifel jew ragel x’inhu, problema kbira ghandhu tafux? Ghax jikteb haga meta jrid jfisser xi haga kompletament l-oppost. U forsi ahna il-Maltin, b`xi mod jew iehor, u bi tbatijja kbira, nifmuh, imma xi nghidu ghal min ma jafx bil-Malti?
Anki ghal Maltin li ma jafux bil-Malti ta, qed nalludi. I disgust Facebook – imma jekk jkun hemm dan it-tip ta kitba ha nibda immur ta, nghaddi siegha zmien. Jekk xejn, inhaddem rasi just to ward off Alzheimer`s.
Dik mhux problema. Dak don al laburisti.
The group seems to have been deleted.
Oh, another member \o/
A good one as usual, Daphne. Prosit kemm dahhaqtni. Dawn dejjem b’xi buzullotta.
Laqatni wkoll il-kliem tal-poster. ‘Is-sur charge jixxukkjalek butek’
Mela il-‘one man one job’ u l-‘wage freeze’ x’jaghmlulek?
Dawn minghalihom ha ninsew min xiex ghaddejna fil-gvernijiet tal-Labour?
U issa qed jghidu bis-‘sur charge’. Il-kontijiet gholew fiz-zmien Alfred Sant u l-PN rega’ rahhasshom biex ikunu ragjonevoli u l-poplu ma’ jhallasx zejjed bil-mod kif hadmuhom huma.
Dawn jahsbu li tmexxi l-gvern qisek qed tmexxi l-Maltastar.com? Il-Labour spicca bla kliem. Hlief ‘sur charge’ u korruzzjoni ma’ jsemmux. U bil-paroli kollu ma’ jippruvaw xejn. Avolja ghandhom lill-Ispettore Gadget. Il-wannabe leader. Ghax dal hekk kull fejn ikun.
They have changed IT AGAIN!
I find that a lot of PL supporters or blind followers do not want Joseph in as much as they want Gonzi out.
@ Riya
The pic you mention was borrowed from maltafly.com. I am assuming that maltafly.com has nothing to do with this sorry excuse of a human being.
On another note, I think that pic has a certain humour within itself. One has to admit that it is original and humorous. I personally love maltafly.com AND onlyinmalta.com.
And now it is called: “HAWN BZONN L-BIDLA F MALTA”
This Raphael Borg must be a really confused person or maybe he is still drunk after Inter won the champions league.
Hehe I might have cracked this one. We disgust gonzi – ahna nitqazzu lill gonzi.
Applause to moi
Jekk l-Ingliz taghhom huwa tal-biki,il-Malti huwa tal-genn. Anqas tifel tal-primarja ma jaghmel dawk l-izbalji.