Great, now I'm a fucken sick bustard
September 21, 2010 at 12:20am
Here’s the latest one:
Intom il veru hodor man baby daphe you fucken sick bustard ja ghatta liba mintoff huwa leggenda tal gid tridu u ma tridux ja ghatta liba
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Jekk m’iniex nizbalja – leggenda hija xi haga ivvintata, bhal Robin Hood u King Arthur.
This Tony seems to have some kind of addiction to you, baby daphe.
Heard at Mizieb today:
‘Dik xi z..b hi?’
‘Dik fucken sick bustard. Spara!’
Heard at Mizieb later…
“Issa li qbadtha x’se naghmel biha, din il-fucken sick bustard? Ma rridx li jarawni biha f’idejja dawk tal-Berdlajf.”
“Ghattiha, ghattiha. Itfaghla zewg gebliet fuqha u ghattiha.”
“Imbaghad jekk jigu u jsibuha?”
“Imbaghad jghidu li ahna “ghatta liba””
Hi Daphne,
I think that writing pegorative things about Mintoff, particularly at this time, only means descending to the same level as the filthy comments being posted here by some of his admirers. The fact is that whichever way you look at it Mintoff’s career meant good news and bad news for the country. Mintoff is far too recent and controversial, and the mentality of most Maltese too narrow, to allow an unbiased assesment of the man. Indeed, perhaps it will be years before the value or otherwise of his contribution to Malta can be assessed objectively. History will be his judge. Its fascinating how Borg Olivier, who was so vilified when he was still around only attracts praise these days from most people including staunch labour party supposters. “Kemm kien ragel, il- vera gentleman was how an entrenched labour party supporter decribed him to me only recently. De mortuis nil nisi bonum i suppose, but the fact remains that the passage of time relaxes prejudice and fascilitates fairer judgement. But to go back to mintoff, one last point: whichever way any PN supporter might look at it, the fact remains that if Mintoff hadn’t brought the Sant Government down, we would probably still be out of the EU and where would that have left Malta? I for one, inspite of not being too keen on Mintoff, am grateful at least for that.
Kemm huma nies baxxi dawn in-nies li jitkellmu dasqhekk hazin, vera nies hammalli. Mela jekk ma taqbilx ma’ dak li jghid xi hadd ghandek tikteb hekk? j
Jekk ma joghbokx dan li qieghed jinkiteb fuq Mintoff mur aqra il-Maltastar. Il-verita twegga, habib. Min gie imwegga mil-administrazjoni ta’ Mintoff mhux ha fahhru.
“the fact remains that if Mintoff hadn’t brought the Sant Government down, we would probably still be out of the EU and where would that have left Malta? I for one, inspite of not being too keen on Mintoff, am grateful at least for that.”
Ma ghandekx ghalfejn tkun grat, Jeff.
Mintoff ma ghamilx hekk biex Malta tidhol fil-UE, imma agixxa hekk kagun ta’ kemm dejjem kien bniedem koccut u biex juri kemm kien ghad ghandu poter gewwa l-partit, minkejja li Sant kien qaflu barra minn dar il-hamra.
Malta saret parti mill-UE b’rizultat biss tal-isforzi tal-gvern ta’ Fenech Adami u l-kredibilita u rispett li Fenech Adami stess kien igawdi fost il-gvernijiet fl-Ewropa.
Wiehed qatt ma jrid jinsa il-herba li l-MLP kien halla fil-pajjiz u l-ostakoli kollha li kellhom jigu meghluba biex l-applikazzjoni ta’ Malta ghal-shubiha fl-UE terga tigi attivata.
Dak kollu li ghamel Mintoff qad ma kien ghal Malta imma biss biex ipaxxi l-ideologia mmankata li kienet u baqghat tiddominah f’kull ma kien jahseb u jaghmel.