Is-salvatur ta' Malta li gie jitnejjek minn kulhadd – u issa ahna nigu nitnejku minnu ukoll

Published: September 17, 2010 at 6:56pm
A fitting monument to Dom Mintoff, the man who f**ked the country - and it's a solution that will please his stingy little soul because there's no need to spend money on a new one.

A fitting monument to Dom Mintoff, the man who f**ked the country - and it's a solution that will please his stingy little soul because there's no need to spend money on a new one.

I apologise for the bad language: it’s Dom Mintoff’s, not mine.

This is a verbatim quote from an extensive feature article published in Malta Today some years ago. The speaker is Mintoff, at a meeting with some of Malta’s leading businessmen in his office at the Auberge de Castille, in 1973.

To get the full effect, you have to scream it out violently, rise from your seat and bang your fists repeatedly on your desk while throwing papers around and pulling telephone wires out of walls.


He said it in Maltese, of course, but I want my non-Maltese-speaking readers to understand it.

This was the prime minister.

Can you imagine Eddie Fenech Adami behaving like that? Or Lawrence Gonzi? That’s right, you can’t.

But there are people of questionable judgement who admire Mintoff precisely because he behaved that way.

204 Comments Comment

  1. Herbie says:

    What a braeth of fresh air exposing the bastard for what he is. Reading comments on made me sick – like the one by Reno Calleja, yes, the same man who had likened Mintoff to the sun, bragging about his mother lighting candles in front of a picture of the Virgin Mary and in front of Mintoff’s framed photograph.

    I feel like throwing up, something which I would gladly do over his grave.

    • Fred says:

      Don’t waste effort going to his grave, though I too almost threw up when I read certain comments on, such as those who declared that they have not been to church or prayed for a long time but will be doing so for the “salvatur”.

      I nearly said it out loud: Salvatur ta’ s**mi.

    • Pepe` says:

      And Reno’s mum was so faithful to the leader that she had a street named after her in Zurrieq: Triq Gizwalda Calleja.

      Unbelievable, but true.

    • Minx says:

      It’s not only Reno Calleja’s mother who lights candles in front of Mintoff’s photograph. I still recall my utter disbelief one evening while visiting families in Zejtun, doing voluntary work as a 6th former.

      In many garages of the houses we visited (because people seemed to let their visitors in through the garage) were large framed photographs of Mintoff, Karmenu and/or Holy Mary next to each other with a candle in front of them.

      This was in the 90s.

    • gawdenz says:


    • gawdenz says:

      nithassrek, kemm int miskin.

  2. Maria Casha says:

    I’m sure the Joseph Muscat et al will turn Mintoff’s state funeral into a demonstration of “imhabba”.

    However, this time round The Times will not be burnt down, people will be free to enter Valletta, shops will remain open to their customers, Nerik Mizzi’s monument will not be vandalised… etc… etc…

  3. J Spiteri says:

    I admire your writing because you call a spade a spade with no beating about the bush. People of our generation and older passed through very difficult times under his dictatorship.

    We had to make up for lost studies at the university when we were in our thirties or now in our forties. Our children are given all the opportunities they can take by the PN governments, as it should be. So much for Labour social justice!

    • H. Cutajar says:

      ‘Our children are given all the opportunities they can take by the PN governments, as it should be.’

      Are you joking? Have you seen all those medical students who have been studying so hard and they all got rejected for no reason? While our gov is pleading for doctors and nurses cause there aren’t enough? It’s ridiculous!

      Besides, why beat a man when he’s already down? Everyone knows that any type of illness is a misfortune on ANYONE, but by what i just read i doubt any of you have souls or even know what RESPECT means.

      • Alex says:

        What medical students have been refused? I am a medical student myself and I can assure you that no student has been refused.

        Requirements are tough, but I bet you wouldn’t like being operated on by a doctor who is not able to get high grades in his A-Levels. I suggest you get your facts straight and notice that there are reasons behind certain things.

      • Chris II says:

        Oh come on – pull the other one!

        120-140 medical students per year and around 160 Nursing students per year – these are the real numbers. Unfortunately there is no way to increase these numbers without losing on quality – to train medical and nursing students well you need patients and these do not grow on trees.

    • M. Carter says:

      I totally Agree with with Ms.H. Cutajar.

      Dear J. Spiteri, have you seen the billboards requesting nurses?

      Do you know how many students entered the Faculty of medicine this year at the University of Malta? and the other Faculties?

      I’m sure that if you knew how many of our children where accepted at the University, you would have thought twice before leaving your meaningless comment.

      • A Borg says:

        @H Cutajar

        Unless you’re a member of the medical profession, don’t comment. The reason why doctors leave the country is NOT because they’ve been rejected by the government but because they’ve been itching to leave the country asap!

        Work conditions, research prospects and prospects for career progression are poor in Malta. So highly skilled and intellectual people leave – they don’t want to sit around waiting for a blessed promotion for 20 years.

        This present government has actually set up training programmes in most specialities in a bid to stem the brain drain.

        And as always it’s sad to hear of people who don’t manage to get good grades to get into medicine in spite of studying hard. But if one doesn’t make the grade, tough luck. This competitive process happens the world over.

        [Daphne – Mhux fier li xi nies ghandhom il-brains u xi nies m’ghandhomx. God has to be more socialist.]

      • R. Camilleri says:

        Medicine is hard to get into because you need an A or B in Chemistry and Biology at A Level and any other A or B in the Intermediates, i.e. you need to be brainy as well as hard working to get in.

        Would you like someone who got straight Cs in his A levels to be opening up your heart?

        Other faculties should follow their example and not let every dimwit in.

      • Chris II says:

        I can tell you that this year there shall be around 120 medical students and around 160 student nurses – 2000 students in all will enter the university – very nearly 40% of the corresponding age group. Another large number will enter MCAST, and then there are those who are using funds, grants and scholarships to go to universities outside Malta.

        So taking that around 6000 were born in 1992, we shall be nearing the 65% entry to tertiary education – a far cry from the 800 out of around 11000 (7%) of 1980.

        Not to mention the hundreds of scholarships offered to postgraduate studies and the opportunity of Maltese and EU funds that are available for research.

        Just an example, in the past two years the university has used over 60 million Euros from European Structural Funds to restructure major labs and the library and build new buildings (e.g. ICT faculty, IT services and Junior College.

  4. Paul Bonnici says:

    I don’t agree with you on many issues Daphne but I definitely agree with your stance on this one.

    A nasty man is always a nasty man, alive, seriously ill or dead. I will never forget what Mintoff did in the 70s and 80s. He should be in prison not hospital.

    • David Bugeja says:

      In prison for what? for given you the pesions, the children allowance and for building up a nation from nothing in the early seventies? What a respect!!!.Shame on you!!! Let’s say that from those days till he reigned as Prime Minister we didn’t saw beggers at City Gate, but we are seeing them again now. All I can say is that hee was a respectul person in his political like and it stay like that his whole life.People should respect him for what he is. Never judge a person before you judge yourself and Daphne should do the same.What you have today you owe it to this great man. Ad moltos annos Perit

      • MikeC says:

        He should be in prison for fostering an environment of corruption, violence, mediocrity and abuse of human rights. He should be in prison for trying to build a North Korea in the Mediterranean.

      • jason bartolo says:

        Well said,Mintoff will always be remembered as Malta’s greatest politician ever.What he achieved for this country has never and will never be surpassed. Not by Eddie and surely not by a petty prime minister like Dr.Gonzi. Now what little known people like Daphne and co,have to say,does’nt matter or bother anybody much does’nt it?

    • Raymond says:


  5. jenny says:

    Mintoff huwa l-akbar hamallu, and I will never ever vote Labour because of him.

  6. effie says:

    mur hudu foxx kemm andek hajjin u mejtin jenny

    • Fred says:


      Qed turi kemm inti veru prodott u xempju haj tas-salvatur ta’ s****

      • Raymond says:

        Int xi wiehed min dawk li kont bil guh fiz zmien GBO u gabrek Mintoff mil hmieg ta ommok u miesierek

    • Fred says:

      Dear Effie

      Do you know why you are offended by Jenny’s comments? Because – like is-Salvatur ta’ s**mi – you cannot handle the truth.

    • TROY says:

      effie, int vera hamallu Laburist. Ma tafux tirrispondu lura bi ftit sens. Mhux tort tieghek ta, ghaliex din hija il-mentalita li ghallimkhom Dom. Kliem hazin u hamallizmu.

      • You Should be Ashamed says:

        naqra u nicassa qieghed u nara fejn huma vera hamalli u NJORANTI ta Malta :) … Site hamalla ,mand nazzjonalista hammalla u bla manjiri u bla ruh fgisima ghax biex tghid dawn laffarijiet hekk trid tkun bla ruh

    • jenny says:

      Is this what the Labour Party consists of? From bad to worse. The frustration of being so long in opposition must be going to your head.

  7. effie says:

    Your comment is awaiting moderation……………..u mur hudu foxx kemm andek int ukoll moderator

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Dear Effie, thank you for giving us that impression of Mintoff in his better days. Were you also wearing a belt with a mega-buckle when you wrote that?

      • M. says:

        Yes, and at that same meeting he unzipped his fly and told those same businessmen “u issa ha’ mmur inbul”.

      • David Bugeja says:

        Yes maybe our grandfathers were wearing that buckle,but at that time you were taking thee children allowance maybe!!

    • Rover says:

      This country is infested with little Mintoffs like our dear effie. He is a sad product of the Mintoff era, a remnant from the age when Labour MPs used to cross the parliamentary floor to punch the daylights out of the opposition. It might be another generation before we lose this filth.

      • David Bugeja says:

        Faddlilkhom aktar min generazzjoni wahda siehbi biex min ghalikhom se tnaddfu. Nahseb li ahna ma tantx fadlilna ghax ftit anqas min 3 snin ohra inkunu fil gvern

    • M. says:

      Effie, can you not express yourself in a civil manner?

      • Find This Man a Girlfriend Because He Needs to Get Laid Fast says:

        People like Effie can’t even spell the only language they can – sort of – speak. In a sense I pity them because they are completely isolated from reali life outside Malta. Hajja go gagga, msieken.

      • TROY says:

        It’s like asking a baby not to cry M.

  8. kev says:

    “Can you imagine Eddie Fenech Adami behaving like that? Or Lawrence Gonzi? That’s right, you can’t.”

    That’s right, we can’t. And? So…? This only makes sense if seen through your skewed version of history. Otherwise, they are just the words of a no-nonsense prime minister who, in the given circumstances, was speaking in the same terms as the workers he led. He often did this. Those words never became law. He was a character, indeed – plenty of warts too, but your perception of what really happened is way too fictionalised.

    [Daphne – Oh, get a grip, Kevin ta’ Sharon. A prime minister who declares that he doesn’t believe in the rule of law? That makes him ‘a character’? I despair of you.]

    • Yet another example. Would you trust anyone whose impression of Mintoff is that “he was a character” with deciding the future of your country? Your life?

      Winston Churchill said that a five minute conversation with the typical voter is the best argument against democracy.

      Fredu ta’ Lahlah was a character. Mintoff was a menace.

    • Pepe` says:

      Mintoff suspended the constitutional court when he saw fit, so effectively his words had become law Kev.

    • M. says:

      Kevin ta’ Sharon? I take it that you mean THIS Sharon, the one looking so lovingly at Mintoff from 0.27′ onwards –

    • Find This Man a Girlfriend Because He Needs to Get Laid Fast says:

      Jaqaw dan ir-ragel ta’ Sharon Ellul Bonici? Mhux ta’ b’xejn, mela. Ma kenitx fil- Front Konta L-Ewropa ma’ Mintoff?

      Good taste ghanda l-mara tieghek, Kevin.

      • kev says:

        We WILL find you a girlfriend, don’t worry, you don’t have to shout it out in a nick. As to getting laid, you’ll be on your own, hope you won’t blow it.

    • Gahan says:

      No-nonsense PM (person) indeed he was. Just ask Sharon what he told her near il-Monument tal-Helsien.

      Just in case she forgot: “Ahna dakinhar HLIFNA li niggieldu sa l-ahhar kontra l-barrani (EU)”. U l-EU MLP candidate Sharon titbissem minhabba l-kameras.

      Kevin, I supported him once, but became fed up with his I-must-win-at-all-costs methods.

      • kev says:

        Gahan, your fly in the sky must have disinformed you. That day Mintoff encouraged her to keep on fighting, but had no faith in Labour to fight EU governance. And of course he was absolutely right.

  9. “Mintoff huwa l-akbar hamallu, and I will never ever vote Labour because of him”

    A while back you took me to task for a disdainful remark I made about partisan politics. You misinterpreted my disgust as superciliousness. You said I was the typical AD voter (which I’m not.)

    The statement I quoted – irrespective of the person writing/saying it is typical of the voting populace. (It’s something my mother would say, for example). Can you take such reasoning seriously? Can you credit the frame of mind that issues such a sentiment with the ability to rationally discern what is good for our country?

    [Daphne – I can see what you mean, but I can also identify with the person who made that comment. It is an observation on the fact that Labour is so corrupted, so disintegrated and so polluted by those years that it is now beyond rescue. You cannot seriously choose it because it is still so much the same party with the same way of thinking, riven by lanzit.

    Look at the way they react to me, for instance. I’m the flashpoint that brings out the true nature of the Labour Party, the one that Joseph Muscat is trying so hard to hide beneath his mattress. So on the one hand we’re being told that the Labour Party is liberal, progressive and new, and on the other hand, the Labour Party makes it very plain that it would like to have my guts for garters. And all this because I write things which point out what mess they are. What liberal and progressive party would do that?]

    I have lived through the Mintoff years. Calling them horrific is an understatement. But I still can’t bring myself to agree with such an attitude, let alone partake of it.

    Mintoff was “the right person at the right time” The economical and social circumstances prevalent at the time were THE reason why he rose to power. If you think about it, it boiled down, even then, to an emotional choice rather than a rational one.

    Now tell me. Why should I think highly – if at all – of politics? It’s a numbers game the determining factors of which are spread out in a Gaussian distribution. Plug the data into appropriate software and hey presto! you can correctly predict election results every time. Wouldn’t say much about a typical voter’s rational abilities, would it?

  10. It is an observation on the fact that Labour is so corrupted

    No. It’s an observation about Mintoff which I’m nearly sure is based on hearsay. You wouldn’t get a list of 5 reasons why these people hold Mintoff in such contempt.

    [Daphne – You’d get more than five reasons, Reuben. I could give you a few hundred, but I’m going out now.]

    • NGT says:

      Hmmm let’s see,,,, the first 5 reasons that come to mind.

      1. Knowing people who lost their livelihood because they were denied import licenses of goods so that canvassers of MLP ministers could become become sole importers of those goods themselves.

      2. Getting beaten up by government-sanctioned thugs because students in their teens held peaceful protests while the police looked on. Actually I should have included the bit about the same students in their teens getting beaten up by police too. And I’ll include the tear gas and rubber bullets that were fired indiscriminately at PN supporters by police. Of course the police and thugs were provoked so an apology was never expected.

      3. Being refused a telephone line for seven years because we were known Nationalist supporters, and getting transferred five times in two (academic) years for the same reason.

      4. Having to endure film clips of crowds chanting ‘ma taghmlu xejn mal-pertit Mintoff’ and hearing ‘run rabbit run’ as fillers on national TV on election day.

      5. Knowing people who couldn’t live with the knowledge that they lost their entire life savings because the bank they trusted was suddenly ‘nationalised’. And in Reason No 5, I should also include the people who worked hard and invested their every penny they earned in property which was requisitioned for the good of the ‘lesser-off’.

      • David Bugeja says:

        Adding to point 4: Those who sang Run Rabbit run those years are under PN’s shelter today my friend

      • NGT says:

        Too true – as are (were?) some of the SMU officers.

      • Chris II says:

        6. being shot at whilst walking peacefully in Main Street, Rabat
        7. having to beg and bribe to buy a colour TV
        8. having to humiliate oneself by going up to Catania to purchase everyday goods such as toothpaste
        9. living for years under an imposed wage-freeze
        10. carrying water in jerry-cans on a daily basis, as water cuts were a daily routine

    • I didn’t have you in mind, obviously. But you and a few others like you won’t swing a vote the other way.

      I’ve been reading some of the comments why Mintoff was a “bad thing” : bad chocolate, transfers, perceived political vendettas, water and power cuts … I mean, really.

      These are the people who have lived these terrible years. They don’t even know WHY they’ve had it bad. How can they be sure they’ve even had it bad at all?

      The Readers’ Digest edition of August 1984, I think, featured an article called “Mintoff rocks the boat in Malta” that really put things into perspective. That was good.

      It doesn’t matter any more – to a point.

      We are now part of the EU and nothing like Mintoff – or Hitler, for that matter – is expected to happen to us again. But what worries me is that these same people who can only say that Mintoff was a bad thing because of rationed corned beef can still vote today.

      I count myself with this sorry lot.

      When I see this level of “analysis” I realise that there is nothing anybody can do. It takes a truly honest politician – or would that be statesman? – to popularise his/her ideals without giving in to the temptation of leading us like the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

      And another thing. I still can’t make the link between Mintoff was bad in the 70s so the Labour Party is a bad thing today. It can be shown “empirically”, but it doesn’t follow logically, does it?

      [Daphne – If you want some good reasons, read a paper I wrote for a book published in tribute to Giovanni Bonello when he turned 70. Rampant abuse of human rights and trampling of democracy and free speech: that is the alpha and the omega of why life under Labour was terrible.]

    • jenny says:

      It is not based on hearsay. It is a fact. I lived and suffered during Mintoff’s “reign of terror” and my comments are made through experience.

      I still see many familiar old faces hanging around with Joseph Muscat, so what is new about PL? I repeat I will never vote Labour because of Mintoff.

      If this bothers anyone they should take a flying leap.

  11. anthony says:

    Kevin, I do not know about Daphne’s perception of what happened.

    Mine is not fictionalised, it is factual. It was dreadful. I suffered tremendously and so did several of my dear ones I cannot go into detail here. It is too heartrending and, quite frankly, very personal.

    A character indeed: a despicable one.

    Never again.

    May The Almighty have mercy on him.

    • kev says:

      I am well aware of the warts, Anthony, of which there were many. I am not a Mintoff apologist. Not even a fan. On the two occasions I spoke to him at some length – once officially in the early 80s and the second time politically in 2002 – I wasn’t quite impressed with his mannerisms and attitude.

      This notwithstanding, given the time period we’re talking about and the political circumstances at the time, there is a wider, other side to the Mintoff story which you fail to understand or even consider. The views above are so skewed there’s no room for further discussion.

      Eddie and all the rest are political pygmies compared to Mintoff. Do I want another Mintoff to appear? No! Times have changed – partially thanks to his unorthodox methods last century. You people should try moving on. The future is so bewilderingly unknown to you mainstreaming ‘intelligentsia’ that you prefer reminiscing the past (as it appeared from your tiny cubicle).

  12. Wayne says:

    imma kemm ma tisthux min Alla

    • Find This Man a Girlfriend Because He Needs to Get Laid Fast says:

      Nisthu minn Alla ghaliex qedin nghidu kontra Mintoff? Mela kemm ghad irid jisthi quddiem Alla hu – daqs kemm ghamel hsara lin-nies u lill-pajjiz. Zibel bhalu m’hawnx.

    • Dem-ON says:

      Mhux Mintoff ghallimna ma nisthux min Alla? Qed naghmlu dak li ghallimna hu.

      Jew forsi qed tghid li Mintoff hu Alla?

      • Wayne says:

        Alla wiehed hemm fis semma. U hu biss jista jigudikana. U adt irrid jigudika nies li jafu min qattel u ha jehoda fil qabar mieghu . U nirringrazzja l’Alla li batilna bniedem bhal Perit li bis sahha tieghu ana pajjiz . Get well soon Perit .

  13. K Farrugia says:

    No one referred to the comments posted on maltastar underneath Mintoff’s story. There is a record of 53 comments, maltastar hardly gets more than 5 comments per story. Included in these 53 comments are some dogmatic statements such as “Mintoff = Malta forever”, or that infamous myth that Mintoff eradicated poverty and ignorance.


    Alex Saliba and other members of the Labour Youth Forum are posting tributes to Mintoff on an hourly basis on their FFacebook page. They were all born after 1987, for God’s sake, and grew up with all the benefits of a Nationalist government

  15. Spiru says:

    Of course Reno Calleja refers to him as the sun. Remember he’s chairman of the Malta-China Friendship Association. fProbably knows Chairman Mao’s red book by heart.

  16. Riya says:

    Min jaf kemm baght nies il-qabar? Mintoff hallina 70 sena lura u kisser Malta – mela salvatur.

    • A.A,Caruana says:

      Nies il-qabar battu inthom , jew ahjar nies fil mizbla, ja purcinelli..ghax min kien MLP hemm kontu titfnuh !!!
      Min kien MLP ma jitqarbinx,
      min kien MLP ma jbirkulux dar,

      Il-hdura li uriet il-knisja Nazzjonalista hija enormi.

      Hu sahtek lura Salvatur, u attenti nies ghax min jixtieq deni lil garu jigi f daru.

  17. Herman says:

    I together with a friend of mine (a cousin of Aidan Z. L.) got beaten up by Labour thugs after a PN mass meeting at Birkirkara (10/08/1982). I was 21 then. My friend was 18 or 19. However, the way I see it is that hatred is not a response to hatred, even if you don’t forgive them.
    Fanatics on both sides are to be condemned.

    • Rover says:

      Herman, this is not a case of hatred.

      The man was a tin-pot dictator and rode rough-shod over everyone who stood in his way. There are many people who still believe he was a mini god and there are many more who believe he was a schoolyard bully with personal issues and huge chips on his shoulders.

      It is up to us to expose him for what he really was.

      • red nose says:

        How right you are! Do you remember how he ousted Dr. Boffa (a gentleman) from the Labour Party leadership?

  18. TROY says:

    From now on I will think of Dom every time I pass by this monument.

    • A.A,Caruana says:


      Taf meta niftakar fin jien dal monument ? meta nircievi kont tad dawl li qed jibat sihbek Gonzi.

      Pero taf li inti u monument ghandkhom xi haga in common…..

      • Dem-ON says:

        AA, illum l-ahdar moda. Tal-ambjent. Infatti, tista’ taghmel anke int xi haga ghall-ambjent, u ssir iktar “green.” Ibda ahli inqas dawl, jew aqleb ghas-solar, u mbaghad tibda tircievi kontijiet baxxi.

      • TROY says:

        A.A,Caruana, izjed ma tahli dawl izjed ikun haqqek min dawn il-munumenti!

  19. red nose says:

    A list of five – very modest indeed – if one would like to start a “list” i am sure it would run into thousands!

  20. Paul Bonnici says:

    What about putting Mintoff’s name forward to the Vatican for beatification?

  21. Mintoff is and will remain one of the most if not the most prominent Maltese of the 20th century. He rescued Malta’s poor from the clutches of the dishonestly wealthy who used and abused them … and they never forgave Mintoff for this. He also put that little weasle Michael Gonzi back into his palace. Mintoff will long be remembered after the lot of you are gone, forgotten by history. Mintoff may have used colourful language but that was the only language Malta’s privileged understood. Malta needs another Mintoff to put some of you back where you belong. You seem to forget the way the PN screwed the country before Mintoff.

    • Rover says:

      Mintoff was the worst thing that could have happened to Malta at that particular time, that is, 1971.

      Because of his penchant for brinkmanship and the way he treated business people, we lost a huge opportunity to attract enough foreign investment to make a substantial difference. Foreign investors know where to put their money and they were not prepared to risk it unnecessarily.

      Take for example another island which gained independence at approximately the same time that we did: Singapore. It will be years before we can match up their progress and in fact we never will. Thankfully for them they had no Mintoff to deal with.

    • red nose says:

      You are right! I am sure we will get much more of the same if the electorate votes Labour into government. The hatred accumulated during these long agonizing years will have no limits to explode.

    • A.A,Caruana says:

      Proset you said it all.

    • Rene Debono says:

      Didn’t Monsignor Gonzi become Mintoff’s pet after the Integration failed? He went to protest in London in Mintoff’s name.

    • maryanne says:

      Are you one of the progressives/moderates of Joesph Muscat/s PL?

    • Ray says:

      Hitler will also be remembered after the lot of us are gone. Does that make him better than any of us?

    • red nose says:

      Even Labour kicked him out.

    • jenny says:

      Is he no longer the traitor?
      “Malta needs another Mintoff to put some of you back where you belong”
      That will send us back to the dark ages.

  22. chavsRus says:

    I see the bile is still flowing thick and fast. I cannot imagine what it is like spending you life continually scratching.


  23. H. Cutajar says:

    @ A.Borg.

    Just to refresh your memory, read my comment again. I wasn’t speaking about doctors. I was actually talking about students who are studying and doing their best to get in and have a chance to be doctors. Just like me. So learn how to read before you comment.

  24. cakkar says:

    min jajd kontra mintoff u kontra il labour kolla demmel

  25. David Bugeja says:

    Ad moltos annos Perit

  26. Joseph Borg says:

    I am sure that those mentioning beggars, barefoot persons are over 100 years old so they are having reminiscences of their childhood. I am over 60 and I do remember one or two beggars from my village but I also remember that when they passed away they had left about eleven houses to their heirs to fight out the inheritance.

  27. Jo says:

    Waqt li il-Prim Ministru Gonzi, fi krizi kbira li kellna irnexxielu jsalva eluf ta’ postijiet tax- xoghol u holoq opportunitajiet kbar ghal dawk kollh li kapaci johduhom, il-kbir Mintoff, fi krizi li holoq hu stess qalilna biex nissikkaw ic-cinturini u mmexmxu l-ghadam.

    Naqqas il-vaganzi, holoq il-korpi tax-xoghol b’paga minima u fuq regoli ta’ armata. Ffriza l-pagi, waqqaf kull promozzjoni fid-dipartimenti tal-gvern biex jiffranka l-flus. Bil-flus li ffranka ma hadna xejn.

    Eh bilhaqq, meta biddel il-ligi dwar il-pensjoni – u hadd ma seta’ jkollu aktar minn 2/3 tal-paga, ghadda ligi fil-parlament biex membri parlamentari li jkunu servew 10 snin ikunu jistghu ikollhom pensjoni ohra ta’ dan.

    Pero lill-Maltin li kienu mas-serviz Ingliz u kellhom pensjoni tas-serviz imhallsa mill-poplu Ingliz, ma setghux jiehdu iz-zewg pensjonijiet.

    • panzavecchia says:

      When in Malta there was a wage freeze there was also a freeze in the cost of living.

      I left Malta 10 years ago and I don’t remember so much increaments in the wages (75c, weekly or somemore peanuts maybe) but the cost of living of was always going sky high.

    • anthony says:

      mela insejthom il-festi li jigu is-sibt u il-hadd li hadlek gonzipn u il-jobs? mur fittex u kif is-sib jidulek part time jew bil kuntratt

    • claire abela triganza says:

      Il-ligi tal-pensjonjiet ghall-membri parlamentari hija l-uniku ligi fejn qatt qablu bejniethom iz-zewg partiti.

      Il-kaz tal-pensjonijiet tas-servizzi Inglizi huwa xi haga tal-misthija. Ara x’ha Mintoff u l-pajjiz b’din id-decizjoni. Xejn!
      Anzi l-pajjiz tilef, daqs dawn nies ex-service, iktar x’jonfqu kien ikollhom.

      Il-ligi tat-2/3 tal-paga inbiddlet jew ghada kif kienet kif ghamilha Mintoff?

  28. Antoine Vella says:

    Malta would not have been the same without Mintoff. It would have been much better.

  29. Briffa says:

    God kemm hawn nies injoranti hawn Malta.

  30. kev (mhux ta sharon) says:

    Nispera li is Sinjura Daphne thallini nghaddi dan il komment bil Malti ax zgur li dawn id dojjoq kollha jifmux zgur.

    Jien bi sforz ha nikteb hekk ax nammetti li mhux sew tiggudika in-nies pero intkom kollha li qed tiktbu kontra Mintoff f’ dan il-mument li sahhtu mhix tajba, zgur li mejtin bil guh!

    Qiskom jahasra fidili ta Alla u wara li tmorru il quddies ta kull nhar ta Hadd kollkom qdusija biex tidhru sbieh, imbad ibdew tkellm bil mibeghda li ghandkom.
    Ma xbiza ta nies!

    • Valerie says:

      Hope my comment is published. Irrispective of one’s political beliefs, we all have to admit that Mintoff was the only Maltese politician who is known World wide. No other Maltese politician from either of the political parties is so much known politically everywhere you go around the globe. When one day he will have to leave this world, not only Malta will be in mourning but the whole World. If you call that a person uncapable, then I cannot imagine what you will call his succesors (from both sides of course!)

      • red nose says:

        Even Jack the Ripper was known world-wide, and Hitler certainly is.

      • liberal says:

        There is a difference between being famous and infamous.

      • ruth calleja says:

        ‘the only Maltese politician who is known world wide’

        That’s beside the point. What ridiculous reasoning – allow me to apply your argument.

        SADDAM HUSSEIN was known world-wide, but does the world mourn him?

        Now by no means am I comparing Dom Mintoff to Saddam but Valerie, the point is that renown doesn’t necessarily make you worthwhile.

  31. Malti says:

    Kem tiflah tkun injoranta
    Ha tiranga ruhek int la nitilaw ahna

  32. ron says:

    I graduated with Lorry Sant’s thugs waiting behind our backs ready to strike. Then I was suspended for seven weeks just because I refused to sign a piece of paper obliging me to refuse to obey my legitimate union’s orders.

    We managed to hold on because the MUT was a serious and strong union then, not like today, signing two agreements in a row where the government won hands down.

    What consoles me is the fact that we do not have to spend money in order to erect a monument in Mintoff’s name. We can save money on that.

    All we have to do is to put a placard underneath the one standing at Luqa roundabout.

  33. *1981* says:

    You who are threatening Daphne really make us believe the violence is over.




    • Rover says:

      Min hu serju jaf minn x’hiex ghadda l-poplu Malti taht il-hakma ta’ Mintoff.

      • michael scicluna says:

        int l ewwel wiehed ghadek tgawdi mill beneficcji kollha li ntroduca mintoff imexxi il labour! dak hu mintoff!!

      • Andre' Camenzuli says:

        iva kull min hu serju jaf min x’hiex ghadda l-poplu malti taht Mintoff. Ghadda mit-tgawdija tal-beneficcji socjali kollha possibli, beneficcji li kull min dahal imaqdar lil Mintoff kollha ghadhom igawdu minnhom.

    • TROY says:

      Mhux talli min hu Nazzjonalist serju jammirha lill Daphne imma anke min hu Laburist serju.

  35. *1981* says:

    Actually, it makes me stronger in my choice next election.

  36. godwin aguis says:


  37. tony10 says:

    aw hadra haxix dak missek dahhaltu go sormok int trid titkellem kontra mintoff meta missierek sar nies bis sahha ta mintoff u int trid titkellem ghax ma tarax it travu li hemm go sormok kabura imnitna.

    [Daphne – Missieri sar nies bis-sahha ta’ Mintoff – nice one.]

  38. pippo says:

    h cutajar

    Almenu il-medical students dahlu l-universita u lahhqu ghax fi zmien dak il-mahmug l-anqas kont tidhol l-universita. Mhux ahjar taghlaq halqek ghax taghmel gid.

    Nisperaw li jekk inti kbir fl-eta ma kontx xi wiehed mill-bulijiet li kellna.

    • H.Cutajar says:

      Why? you think that we’re better off like this? Many of my friends have doubts whether to stay in Malta just because of all this crap this gov is pulling.

      [Daphne – Funny that. The only reason they CAN leave is because of the crap that this government pulled. Or had you forgotten?]

      And.. to all those who commented about having someone of a Grade C opening up your heart, yeah course you would want the best, but by the way this gov is acting soon enough all would have to settle for Grade C because he’s driving all the good doctors out.

      [Daphne – Governments are not he. Something else – don’t bother changing your name unless you’re also going to change your IP number by using a computer at a different address. You’re the same person posting as A. A. Caruana.]

      • Chris II says:

        Most of the medics who graduated in the past two years have stayed in Malta as they can now continue their specialisation here.

        This is another propaganda balloon that is slowly being deflated.

      • H.Cutajar says:

        Check my email idiot, a friend is posting comments from this computer as well. So get the facts straight before you jump to conclusions.

        [Daphne – There is nothing to stop you faking your email, just as there is nothing to stop you faking your name. Faking your IP is a little more difficult. You can’t be an idiot and do it. So you and your friend share a computer, do you? Times must really be hard, then.]

      • H.Cutajar says:

        I stand by what i said you can email me if you want and email the other person as well it would be fun to see fall flat on your ass yet again.

        Oh, and Daphne.. if i were you i’d kinda get a life and stop bashing others for their opinion. Yeah thats what all these comments are called, OPINIONS. You can’t make up someones mind as a ”MATURE” woman you should be able to shut up and let people comment what they want and express their opinion the way they want and not bash them if their opinion happens to not be the same as yours.

  39. pippo says:

    david bugeja –

    Taf x`qallu Alfred Sant lilu “TRADITUR” u f`daqqa wahda spicca min salvatur.

    Iva veru haddt ic-children`s allowance imma kemm hadli ma tafx. Jien naf bizzejjed insemmi li hadli il-liberta.

    Iva veru ad multos annos perit, ghax trid tiehu iktar terturi f`hajtek qabel ma tmur tinharak fl-infern

  40. pippo says:

    Tajjeb, effie – tfakkarni fl era Mintoffjana tas-70 b`dak il-kliem.

  41. pippo says:

    david bugeja –

    Tantx taghgel, ghax b`din l-imgieba li qed taghmlu inti u dak il-mahmug l-iehor effie nahseb iktar taghmlu hsara milli gid u tkunu qed issammru iktar imsiemer fuq it-tebut taghkhom.

    Tibzawx, jekk tridu toffenduni go ahead, ghax jien nistmghakom fuq in-nahha ta’ wara tieghi.

  42. joseph gatt says:

    just shut up and go read a bit of political history of malta. mintoff was a man of honor at that time when malta was poor. he just fed the poor country and left millions of maltese liri. he also started almost everything here; freeport, air malta (ghasafar ta’ c-comb!!!), sea malta, silos, free hospital and medicine, children’s allowance, he gave women the right to vote, worker’s right….etc, almost everything.

    take a look around you now. where’s the worker’s right? the millions of euros in profit? yeah it’s damn right…we got everything nowadays, but we also got an economy crisis, not like the old days when mintoff led. just take a look at the worker for instance. eddie fenech adami gave the worker the fucking bank loans in order to be committed and loose the right to talk due to the loans. we’re just like puppets.

    please show some respect for christ sake. are we true christians?

    • Stefan Vella says:

      You are conveniently forgetting that your salvatur (lol) condoned, encouraged even, the use of violence against his political adversaries. That fact alone is enough to condemn him to the trashcan of Maltese history.

      Like many others, I experienced Mintoff’s henchmen’s “love” in the 80s. Daphne’s ordeals are far from unique – at least we survived. A few unlucky ones died in the name of your idol’s honour.

    • jason bartolo says:

      Welldone Joseph,that is exactly what this poor nation got from consecutive nationalist governments,CREDITS if you need anything in life,unlike the great Mintoff days when we got our houses without breaking our back working to pay the bank loans,the way our young couples do nowadays,thanks to the great eddie way ‘id-dejn ihallsuh ulied uliedna’ what a genius! And then comes a,with the name of Daphne,and tries to guide us with her expert opinion. As far as I’m concerned I don’t give a shit,what the witch from Bidnija thinks.And I also don’t give a shit what some PN voters write about the Mintoff era.These angels from heaven should talk about Karen Grech,zeppi l-hafi,and the many other black spots of their reign.As for Daphne,she can continue her hate mission against anything that is red and not blue.My advice to her is that we labourites still see her as a red,because she reminds a lot of women from ‘THE RED LIGHT DISTRICT!!!!!!’

  43. pippo says:

    david bugeja –

    Nahseb jekk tigdem ilsienek taghmel il-gid. Dak li kien halla dik id-diska fuq ix-xandir mhux maghna illum ghax miet b`cancer, miskin.

  44. claire abela triganza says:

    Mintoff was quite open minded but being a dictator himself would act and behave as a dictator and do things the way suited him first.

    Way back in the 50s and 60s once a woman got married she would be discharged automatically from the place of work, whether she agreed or not.

    As a matter of fact my mum who got married in 1963 and worked for a famous company which is still successful was discharged. On the certificate of service it is clearly written that the reason of the job termination is getting married.

    My mum tried to convince the head of personnel that she wanted to keep her job, but to no avail.

    At least one positive thing I find in Mintoff’s politics is that he encouraged women to integrate themselves in the labour market.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Claire, that system continued under Labour, at least as far as public employment was concerned. My wife was forced to resign from her government job when we got married in 1985.

  45. John says:

    xejn sew tal labour

  46. Godwin Gatt says:

    Dear Daphne,

    I really wonder why an evidently intelligent person like you isn’t able to keep some sort of balance where the Labour Party is concerned. Ok, you may have suffered the consequences of its misguided and undemocratic governments back in the 70’s & 80’s (who didn’t?), but to label anything that was or is somehow remotely connected with the party as Stupid, Silly, Hamallu, Bad and Evil is not very smart of you in my opinion.

    In your assessment of things, the MLP (or today’s PL), is coloured a very Solid Black without the slightest shade of grey visible, which of course is not what reality is all about. Perhaps Dom Mintoff wasn’t the Salvatur Ta’ Malta that his many admirers used to call him (I agree with you that Eddie Fenech Adami was) but he wasn’t Saddam Hussein either! And even if he was, it isn’t very nice to talk like that about a 94 year old person who had just suffered a stroke and is in hospital. Love him or hate him, he is a former Prime Minister who something right in his life he surely must have done.

    What made your hero Eddie Fenech Adami (and not much to your likening, Guido De Marco) such great Statesmen is the fact that when Malta was literally on the edge, they managed and strived to seek compromise with a stubborn government to avoid the bloodshed that would surely have occurred if they used words of hatred like you use over here. Not even Mintoff himself has ever shown such hatred towards his opponents and I honestly wonder why you do it over here. (The paper articles are milder!)

    Which is a pity really, because I really like your thought process and, most of the times, I tend to agree with you, EXCEPT where the Labour Party is concerned! Then you seem to stop using your grey matter and the heavily biased and heavily tainted opinions take over. To the point where even the tie that Joseph Muscat wears seem to have some effect on the way he is leading the party! Some of your comments are naturally justified, like those on how Ms. Michelle Muscat seem to have become the third Deputy Leader, but they’ll loose effect coming from a person who writes all the other trivialities. To the point where people like me, who used to enjoy your writing, will start getting annoyed and will not frequent your site anymore. I’m not talking about the die hard Labour supporters here but people like me who have never voted for Labour in their lives!

    Mind you, it would have been nicer that if instead of having half of Malta despise you, you had the respect of both sides of the political divide, but I sometimes think that your behavior isn’t much different to that of the person you hate so much. In your own words, he didn’t care much about the feelings of others and I’m afraid that you fall in the same category. I’ll agree that sometimes you’re provoked to write such things but, let’s face it, your words are not always covered with honey either!

    One law of physics states that ‘For Every Action There’s an Equal And Opposite Reaction’, a law that only very few great people like the ones already mentioned above, manage to break.

  47. 2010 says:

    Mintoff huwa multi millionaire, tistghu tghiduli kif ghamilhom dawn il-flus kollha? Viva Gaddafi! Li kieku ssir miljunarju minn bicca perit kieku kullhadd jistudja biex isir perit.

    Fadlilkom fl-oppozizzjoni hbieb ghax leaders wiehed ahjar minn iehor issibu.

    • Chris Saliba says:

      Veru kien multi millionaire imma taf min kien habib tieghu u gejjin sejrin ghand Gaddafi? Demarco, Alla jtih il-glorja tal-genna. Nahseb li anke Demarco kien multi millionaire, habib.

  48. *1981* says:

    Why do you have to resort to swearing and threatening? Is intimidation your only tool?

    You are all waiting ‘to be in government’ after the next election to inflict revenge. I’m sure your Salvatur would be proud.

    The seed of hate he planted is still wild and fertile, and that is why many like me will never vote Labour, no matter what – because of people like you guys, who think they can scare people.

    Freedom of speech, anyone?

    This is what it is and if I’m certain about something, it’s the fact that Daphne will not be intimidated by you thugs. Makes your blood boil eh, you macho Labourites?

    You say that Mintoff gave women rights, and here you go! It’s Sunday, so just sod off to the nearest kazin to complain about the cost of bread and toast to Mintoff and all your ‘saints’.

  49. jason bartolo says:

    Daphne nawguralek min qiegh qalbi li tmut bl-aktar mewta krudili li tezisti.kieku jigrilek hekk,inkun l-ewwel wiehed li nigi narak l-isptar fl-ahhar mumenti ta hajtek,u tghidx kemm niccelebra kif tasal fl-ahhar nifs.Infern ghalik jitfak lilek,mal-qziqez u demel bhalek,ghax ghal man-nies mintix tajba,u bilhaqq it-tebut tieghek ikollu parti mil-wicc ippuntata l’fuq biex ikun jista joqod IMNIHREK ghax inkella ma jkunx jista jinghalaq ja SAHHARA TAL-BIDNIJA. Nerga nghidlek li nitlob ghalik kuljum li taqwbdek marda kiefra u ddum tkaxkar biha imqar 10 snin. hekk tkun mugghua u fl-istess hin tkun marida ghal-mewt u taht gvern laburista.
    PS; Taf taqra bil-malti biex filkaz naqlibilek ghal-ingliz PINOCCHIO!

  50. keith lanzon says:

    Daphne caruana adt tasal tijak – jek nsibuk nhassruk u malajr nnehuwlek n nejk l andek – ez tya mara li tbati b sahha mentali u low self esteem u t tfal tijak tasal tahom ukoll!!

    [Daphne – Keith Lanzon is 20 years old. What a waste of a life. One generation of violent and stupid Mintoffjani raising another – and the Nationalists think they have changed Maltese society for good by giving young people a world of opportunities and education. They overlooked the fact that the primary influence in children’s lives comes from their parents. He’s on Facebook, by the way – the internet age coupled with 1970s hdura, so ironic – where he gives his religion as ‘christian chatolic’.]

    • gilinnu says:

      dear Daphne Christian-Catholic is exactly,like you and all the PN supporters who are spitting the most vile venom you have in your stomach against Mintoff and every Labourite in this forum.

      by the way is PN and the Great (sic) GonziPN Catholic by sending the water and electricity bills that no one can pay?

  51. Nixtieq inkun naf jekk tmorrux il-knisja nhar ta’ Hadd thabbtu idejkom fuq sidirkom.

    Qatt ma kkummentajt jew qrajt l-imbarazz li tikteb int Daphne, imma llum qrajt fuq gazzetta fuq il blog u ridt niktiblek li vera nithassrek bil-frustrazzjoni li ghandek u l-mibgheda li tghix hajtek bija, u ridt insaqsik fuq il-mizbla, forsi dik li inholqot fi zmienkom meta kontu tidfnu n-nies fiha. Turi x’int meta l-anqas bniedem marid ma thalli fi kwietu, u anke ridt insaqsik kif qatt ma tikteb fuq hmieg jew mizbla (forsi tifhem ahjar) li sar u qed isir f’dawn l-ahhar 20 sena, forsi drajt , forsi min jaf, komda hafna tidher fil mizbla!! ifhimini hmieg ma hmieg.

    Ma niehux gost nidhol fil-blog tieghek, ghax fil hajja dejjem tipprova titghallem u miz-zibel ma titghallem xejn!!!

    Nispera li tfittex l-ghajnuna, ghax ifhimni meta tiftah halqek hlif
    mibgheda ma tohrog, u zgur li m’intx mara kuntenta.

  52. Joe Pisani says:

    Hi Daphne… dak il-monument taf tistrieh naqa bih….jew tahseb li ghandek bzonnu ikbar?hasra li mniehrek ma jlahhaqx…..ja liba

  53. red nose says:

    The sooner we stop speaking about Mintoff the better.

  54. Joe says:

    hi daphne lewwel darba li skoprew il L!!! kien fid data ta twelid tijak bil hdura li andek go listonku tijak, nsomma jekk andek stonku ja munument ta hal luqa. Ma tisthix tikteb ekk ja njoranta u int qed tajar il mintof ahdar ? hares naqa lejk

  55. Dane Cauchi says:

    Reading through the posts on this blog one understands better the hypocrisy of most Maltese people.

    This blog is a forum for hatred and it is a shame that it is inciting hatred towards a person who is hospitalized and was in danger of losing his life.

    Irony of all is that most of those persons consider themselves as “Good Christians.” Someone mentioned Hell, if Hell would be divided in divisions: one of them would be for those false Philistines.

    On my part I say a very Get Well Soon to the Great Man.

  56. JULIAN says:


    • TROY says:

      JULIAN, if you are a Nationalist then I’m the King of Spain.

      • JULIAN says:


  57. C Busuttil says:

    Dun Gorg Preca kien qal fuq Mintoff, “Shabu ghad iduru kontrih!” U hekk gara.

  58. George says:

    Fox il–muqrana ommok ja mara immankata min ox ommok sal qabar. int assenza tal-liba tal annimali. int mara li qas alla ma jahmlek int marida u jalla narak fqabar kollu nies ibulu fuqek ja pufta, ja qahba ja kurnuta. fox ommok

  59. paul borg says:

    il Perit kien l aqwa Prim Ministru li qatt kelha malta u daphinie is sahara tal bidnija nghidila saqsi lill lord carington negozjatur kien il Perit Daphinie taf dan kollu il perit mahbub minn kulhadd u mandux bzonn imhabba ta dawk il cocrocc nazzjonalisti ad multos annos salvatur li tmajd lilna u cocrocc maghana


  60. Antoine Vella says:

    2010, Mintoff started making a fortune just after the war when a lot of rebuilding was going on especially around the Grand Harbour.

    Besides being an architect he was also Minister of Public Works and Reconstruction so he had a finger (if not a whole hand) in the pie. People who remember him in the 1950s also mention him in connection with some controversial land speculation that was going on.

  61. ray meilak says:

    Effie and M. Scicluna, Godwin Agius – they should join the Labour Party as people like them are what Joseph Muscat wants, the more vulgar the better. A party that has always been run by thugs, al a Benito Mussolini.

  62. Il Profeta Ġeremija says:

    Daph, persuni bhalek jipperswadhuni aktar minn qatt qabel biex il partit PN ma jerga jiehdu qatt il vot tieghi !!! qed nisthajlek Lorry Sant, fula maqsuma. Gurnalizmu tal habba gozz.

  63. tony10 says:

    The time will soon tell and you are full off hatred towards a person that only made good for his country where are those free lands and houses to the poor where are all those good paying jobs where is the social gustice where is the money left after Labours goverment they are all gone and know we have young people with loans until the age of 65 proposing retierment age of 70 jobs with the minimume wage and sky high bills of the Gonzi era pluse the deal Gonzi done with major companies that the minimume wage remains the same and my fellow maltese people the only way farward is Joseph Muscat as he only do not tollerate these welling and dealings like gonzi had done baby daphe go and fuck yourself maybe you will rest for a few minutes..all you people who are talikg ill of mintoff you are all sick bastards and please fuck off.

    • ciccio2010 says:

      Tony, there should be a “full stop” – somewhere there on your computer. Next to it, there should be a comma.
      Now if you have returned from the dead, there is still hope for Mintoff.

  64. paul borg says:

    Mintoff kien jaf minn qabel dwar l abuzi seswali li kien hemm fil kleru u tfal li gew abbuzati kollox kien jaf ara tahsbu li mintoff jobod lill xa hadd refa il fqir kemm kien hawn faqar fi zmien borg olivier guh kbir dak iz zmien daphnie ma kinex qejda twadab il plati miskina kieku qejda taht mintoff caruana tidnizel ish il perit idejqu nake u nghidila write in maltese because we are maltese and you are still the wich of bahrija

    • claire abela triganza says:

      Gieli tkellem dwar dawn l-abbuzi sesswali jew injorhom? Jiena qatt ma smajt li Mintoff iggieled il-pedofelija fi hdan il-membri tal-kleru.

  65. Valerie says:

    I think this monument fits well the last 25 years of government. Infact it was commissioned by the government in 2006 to commemorate the 20 years that fucked this country forever. Mintoff does not need any monument although I am sure he will get the best one one day; for he is already a famous political figure WORLDWIDE!

  66. ganna says:

    anthony, you said “insejtu il festi li jigu is-sibt u il-hadd Gonzi hadomlok”. Your memory is very short. When Mintoff was prime minister, he removed five public holidays, one off them L-Imnarja and another St Joseph the Worker.

    The incoming Nationalist government restored those public holidays. So before you write, please find the facts.

    • A.Attard says:

      He did not remove workers’ day on 1st May but St. Joseph the Worker on 19th March. He also removed 8th December, 6th January, 21st September, Lapsi and Corpus (movable feasts).

  67. carmen says:

    daphne int torqod bil lejn ja mara hazina .pastaza u tistax taqa aktar baxxa milli int.isthi minnek inifsek.u ftakar il bambin fis sema.kiku jien minnek nisthi najt li jien omm.jekk qeda tasal biex tiprovoka in nies irnexxilek ja mara hazina..qeda turi stampa cara ta kif tamlu tal p.n.wicc tal hniena u qalb ta hdura .ahjar toqodu tahsbu kif ha inhalsu il kontijiet u nitolbu al dawk kolla li andom il mard.u int daphne oqod ahseb kif ha tmur tqer..and remember what goes around comes around…

  68. claire abela triganza says:

    dom mintoff = childrens’ allowance

    I was only a child when mintoff was in power. “childrens’ allowance tilghin u nezlin”. I remember everybody speaking about this benefit. “Qisha l-manna niezla mis-sema”.

    But what would certain people do if they were not given the allowances? Kill their children or starve them?

    Nies jistennew ic-childrens’ allowance bhal ruh tal-purgatorju halli jkunu jistghu ihallsu l-private schools. It’s a kind of mentality, whether we can afford it or not our children should frequent a private school.

    Other parents took advantage of the situation and would spend the allowances for their own leisure, because they were not in need of this benefit.

    Another defect I notice in Mintoff is that he had no sense of equity. This reflected on the way the lands were distributed. Min l-anqas ghandu fejn joqghod u min bena dar daqsiex fuq art tal-gvern u meta l-owner jidirlu jbiegh id-dar LM100,000 u iktar.

  69. joe cassar says:

    jiena nazzjonalist u kburi…. u ma niddejjaq xejn nghid li qed nitqalla’ naqra certi kummenti…. Jiena taht Mintoff batejt ukoll, imma ma nasalx biex nghid kliem dispregjattiv fuqu meta llum hareg mill-politika, ghandu l-eta’ li ghandu, u llum qieghed rikoverat l-isptar, forsi fl-ahhar jiem ta’ hajtu.

    Fuq kollox Mintoff huwa MALTI bhali, u bniedem li, bit-tajjeb u l-hazin li kellu, hadem ghal pajjizu. Fuq dak li ghamel jew m’ghamilx tiggudikah l-istorja…

    Halluh fil-kwiet. Jiena minn qalbi nixtieqlu fejqan.

    • gilinnu says:

      if all PN supporters where like you,and not like DCG & friends this country can be the best in the world my friend

  70. red nose says:

    Has Alfred Sant visited Dom Mintoff?

  71. diana says:

    nirra min qed jiehu gost bdawn laffarijiet jigi fuqu jew fuq familtu…. xnies dawn alla jbierek iriduwa tal-puliti u mawnx minu zibel daqshom

    [Daphne – Int mhux diga gejt hawnhekk bhala Wayne? Issa ghamilt sex change u sirt Diana?]

    • Rover says:

      Wayne and Diana, the latest transvestite act to hit the local scene.

      • Wayne says:

        dik al informazzjoni takom Diana ohti u hija wahda mil hafna li tqazet tara hnizrijiet miktuba fuq bniedem MARID . U jekk andkom xi dubju jekk iniex trasvestit , tigi naqa daphne u nurija bil qalb kollha .. le le jaaaq , ja SAHHARA !

      • Antionette says:

        I’m Wayne and Diana’s mother , and I’m sending through my son’s email so you don’t think he’s had a sex change or he’s transvestite . You should be ashamed of yourself . You call yourself a journalist or a mother ? Thank god my son can speak more then 3 words in English . “fuck off dude , fuck off dude..” in front of the whole nation , wanna be American . He is more educated then that , you don’t have to go to university to learn manners , you learn them at home . BDW , that monument isn’t big enough for you .

        [Daphne – Does the Labour Party really have this many retards among its core vote?]

      • Antionette says:

        that’s the only answer ? What a journalist you are . This should have been about Mintoff , and you made it into a Jerry Springer Show .

      • Shirley says:

        mohha biex tajjar lil haddihor retard dijn linjoranta u ma tindunax kemm qed taqa an nejk u ar redikolu hi !! xD ..jek il labour jimxi bir retards tal inqas ma jifmux mil ewwel imma xi darba jifmu zgur ta.. tal pn kollox ehe u iva u kolla injoranti u jaqaw an nejkk :D (Y) b hekk trijd timxi malta ..

        [Daphne -Hi, Shirley, who are you? Wayne and Diane’s father this time? Listen, I know you have to be damned dumb to vote Labour, but please don’t keep proving it to me. YOUR IP NUMBER DOESN’T CHANGE JUST BECAUSE YOU FAKE A NEW NAME.]

      • Shirley says:

        hahahahah ahjar nidhaq lol.. al informazzjoni tijak ta hij :) i didnt use a fake name jew laqas taf tuza il pc :P imbasta nuzaw it teknologija moderna.. imsomma biex nuzawa irrijdu nkunu nafu kif :P il labour bin nies intelligenti jimxi hij u li huma kapaci u le for info miniex wayne and diana’s father :)) ..

        [Daphne – ]

      • Shirley says:

        nahseb ahjar tarah inti dak il film jixraqlek hafna u vera toqodlok il parti principali al mental institution sabiha :)

  72. TROY says:

    tony10, kliem hazin u hamallizmu il-vera Laburist.

  73. red nose says:

    Another consideration after reading the attitude of some of these people towards Daphne. Alfred Sant started to clean up the Labour Party of a lot of undesirable vulgar and violent elements; at least that was one good thing he did.

    Joseph Muscat has opened the door to the return of these negative elements, judging by the threats I have read on this blog.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Red nose, I believe Daphne was already receiving threats before Joseph Muscat became PL leader because, in reality, Alfred Sant did not clean up the party but simply pushed away some of the more notorious and visible thugs.

      The operation was simply a PR one: he rightly thought they were an electoral liability.

      The violent streak which Mintoff introduced in the Labour Party has, however, always remained and no amount of buzz-words and logo-changing will erase it.

      Joseph Muscat is much less careful. He probably thinks that enough time has passed and people have forgotten the traditional Labour thuggery, so there is no need to keep the hooligans out of sight.

      He is even trying to appeal to Far Right elements by his attitude towards immigrants. I’m guessing that if Norman Lowell moderated his words, even slightly, he would be a welcome addition to Joseph’s moderate and progressive party.

  74. paul borg says:

    Porosit Joe Cassar veru ragel ihaluh il Perit u ma jarmux hdura kontrih qalulu li hu sinjur jekk hu sinjur sinjali kien kapaci u kulhadd gawda fi zmienu u jien insaqsi lil ta gonzi ghamiltu beneficu fi zminkom kemm ilkom fil poter jew hlief taxxi ma ghamiltux mella Dalli xinhu jekk mintoff sinjur habib la nitilaw ahna iridu namlu kontijiet ta kemm haqartu il haddiem u korruzjoni kbira fil kunsili dan trid tikteb is sahhara tal bidnija mela twadab il plati u tara xi gvern korott ghana

  75. daniel says:

    DAPHNE.. U r to politics what lady gaga is to music.. PARASITE

  76. Chris Saliba says:

    Imissek tishti daphne bil-hdura li ghandek. Tista tkun xi tkun laburist jew nazzjonalist imma fuq in-nies ma ghandikx titkellem hekk fuq l-ebda bniedem uman. Lanqas fuq annimal ma titkellem hekk ahseb u ara fuq bniedem. Mintoff bhal kull bniedem iehor kellu tajjeb u kellu l-hazin tieghu. Fl-opinjoni tieghi mintoff ghamel hafna gid lil pajjizna u kien hu li introduca hafna affarijiet essenzjali bhas-sigurta socjali u kien hu li cuc bhalek tak il-vot. Tinsa qatt li min jixtieq id-deni lil garu jigi f’daru jew inkella ghax forsi ma tifimnix sew bil-malti, what goes around comes around. F’din id-dinja tamel li trid imma xhin tmur quddiem il-Mulej daphne tithallas modiehor ta. Il-Bambin izomm idu fuqek forsi jaqlalek il-grazzja li trazzan ftit ilsienek ghax qazzist lil kullhadd bil-hdura li ghandek.

  77. Matthew says:

    I feel sorry for most of the people that commented here. You’re all a bunch of ticks that suck on the life that is the media. You judge another human being when all you do, Daphne, is pass your hopeless opinion without ever seeing the full picture.

    Regardless of how his legislature ended, Dom Mintoff did great service to his country. He built up modern politics in this country and paved the way for the current jokers in politics.

    I sincerely hope that you get f*cked to death by the very fitting monument you posted above, because you’ll never be anything more than scum for showing such disrespect to a dying man.

  78. *1981* says:

    I can’t help feeling very uneasy when reading the comments lashing out at Daphne. Labour vs Nationalists is still very alive and I dread to think what will happen when Labour wins and these same people are in positions of power and able to make their horrid dreams come true – revenge.

    Now I can understand why so many people emigrated and so many will never, ever vote for Labour. These people will never change. Violence is in their blood. God help us.

    • viva malta :) says:

      reading some comments here directed to the blogger herself are a shame but other comments about the ‘perit’ are similar and expel the same venom….. isn’t lashing out a dying man violence in itself???

      comments are really a same kind – different shape idea

  79. Andre' Camenzuli says:

    Mintoff ragel bil-bajd. Missek tisthi titkellem hekk ja Sahhara tal-Bidnija x’inti kerha ummi ma!!!

  80. chris says:

    Mela min qed joffendi u jitkellem hazin huwa HAMALLU u min jixtieq id-deni lill-ghajru m`huwiex!! Minflok nitolbu ghal bniedem ta` 94 sena li seta` kien missierna u nannuna, nixtiqulu d-deni u l-hsara!!! mela jmisshom ghamlu hekk il-Laburisti meta miet Guido Demarco, missier il-PM Gonzi jew missier il-President tar-Repubblika!!! Flok nitolbu ghalih u nixtiqulu fejqan ta` malajr, nghidu affarijeit li ghax nghiduhom bl-Ingliz, irriduha tal-edukati. Joe Cassar PROSIT tal-kitba MATURA tieghek!! Kull politiku li kellna Malta ghamel it-tajjeb u l-hazin!!!Allura kollha servew lill-Malta mill-ahjar li setghu!! Nistghu noqoghdu nifirhu meta jmut jew jimrad politiku minn ta` xi partit!!! Meta se nikbru?? Meta se nimmaturaw??Thallux lil min ikompli jaghmikom bil-hdura li jizra` fl-artikli tieghu!!!

  81. chris says:

    Mela jekk ahna Maltin maturi u ma rridux dil-marda kronika ta` mibeghda politika tifridna minn xulxin, nixtiequ fejqan ta` malajr lill-perit Mintoff u lil kull politiku li hu jew se jkun marid. U lil min halla din id-dinja, nitolbu ghalih biex jistrieh fis-sliem!! Hawn nahseb Lowell ghandu ragun biex ibigh meta jqis lill-Malti bhala Gahan!! Gahan kull min jitghajjar, joffendi, jixtieq il-hsara lill-ghajru imbagahd jilaghbha tal-edukat!!!

  82. Andre' Camenzuli says:

    Hawn xi gharef jghidli ghala l-vjolenza waqfet hesrem f’Mejju tal-1987? Tghid ghax il-PN ma kienx jaqbillu jaghmel iktar bombi mal-kazini biex jigbed is-simpatija tal-votant?

    [Daphne – The reason is obvious: the perpetrators were no longer protected and no longer felt protected.]

  83. Maurinho says:

    MIsshom jarrestawk u jsawtuk daphne kemm int mara kiesha !!! Ma tisthix.

    Jew f dal pajjiz taghmel li trid ghax andek s sahha !!!


  84. 2010 says:

    Daphne, you are very brave, smart and intelligent woman.
    Keep it up!!


  85. keith lanzon says:

    Tajba daphneeeeeeeeeee – website tal-pn u l-maggoranza tal-cooments f’dan l-artiklu huma laburisti – ahh kem ahna kbar!!!!!!!

  86. Niki says:

    Daphne, irrespective of what this man has and hasnt done, it is cruelty to openly mock him and insult him. imagine being on your death bed and hearing all these extremely harsh comments. everyone is entitled to their opinion, fair enough.. but the fact that people are totally insensitive to the fact that the person they are referring to is so ill stuns me. i urge you to please keep your opinion to yourself in times like these.

    [Daphne – You know, Niki (or perhaps you don’t, because you sound young), tens of thousands of people would gladly have told Mintoff their opinion of him when he was prime minister, but the consequences for the few who did were beyond terrible, so the rest shut up. Instead of pitying him, you should ask yourself why he is despised.]

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